
From Golden Sun Universe

This page lists and describes every music track in all games in the Golden Sun series. All three games released thus far credit Motoi Sakuraba as the sole composer.

The Nintendo Music app is a streaming service for Android and iOS that compiles soundtracks from various Nintendo franchises and is available to users subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online. On February 11, 2025, the full soundtrack of the original Golden Sun was uploaded.

Hidden music player in Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Various video games allow the player to listen to their soundtracks, whether as official "music player" functions or as hidden "sound test" menus that can be accessed with codes. While no such feature exists for the original Golden Sun or for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, a hidden music player function exists in the Battle Mode lobby of Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Since every piece of music in both of the two GBA games is present in this menu in the second game, this page lists and describes every music track in the GBA duology using the indexing order of the TLA music player.

To access this easter egg, use a save file to enter the Battle Mode lobby, then go to the woman at the southwest corner of the area who normally says the following: "I like my men macho. You...don't work out much, do you?" If you talk to her while holding either the L or R shoulder buttons, she will instead say, "You have a song request?", and a tiny menu consisting of a single number will appear. You can scroll left and right to pass over the numbers 0 to 96, which represents the game's internal music index, and pressing A while settled on a given number will play the track assigned to that number.

The completion rate of your save file affects which tracks are available in this function; only tracks that have played at least once in your playtime thus far will be unlocked. Furthermore, the second game's list of music includes a large number of tracks retained from the first Golden Sun that never play whatsoever, so the list will seem incomplete by the time a save file right before the final boss is created. However, when a Completed Data File is saved and used to enter the Battle Mode, all 97 tracks will be unlocked regardless.

List of music in Golden Sun and The Lost Age

Spoiler warning: The following section(s) contain plot details that some people may not wish to learn before reaching this point in the game on their own.

The following list is ordered to match the internal list of music accessible from the hidden music player in the Battle Mode of Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It marks tracks introduced in Golden Sun with (GS), and tracks later introduced in The Lost Age are marked with (TLA). All listed titles are provided by the Nintendo Music app.

List of music in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

The internal music list of Dark Dawn contains 85 tracks, but unlike with previous games, these include the short "incidental" pieces that play when recurrent events like opening a chest and staying at an Inn take place. Therefore, the following list only covers the tracks that are recognized as appropriately lengthy music pieces.

External links

Gameplay elements and mechanics
Collectables: ArtifactsBroken EquipmentClass ItemsCoinsConsumable ItemsCursed EquipmentEquipmentForgeable ItemsPsynergy ItemsQuest ItemsRusty WeaponsStat Items
Travel: BlacksmithsBoat (TLA)Boat (DD)Fortune TellersInnsItem ShopsPsynergy StonesSanctumsSummon TabletsTreasure ChestsUmbra GearWings of Anemos
Combat: AdeptsAttackBeastformBossesClassesDefendDjinn (Master List) • ElementsEnemy Abilities (GS, TLA)Enemy Abilities (DD)LevelMad PlantsMimicsMonstersPsynergyStatus ConditionsStatsSummonsUnleashes (List)
Information: AtlasDjinn GuideEncyclopediaSun SagaTravel LogUmbra MapWorld Map (GS, TLA)World Map (DD)
Minigames: ColossoLucky DiceLucky Medal FountainsLucky WheelsPsynergy Training GroundsSuper Lucky DiceTrial Road
Modes: Battle ModeEasy ModeHard ModeDebug Mode
Features: Data TransferSound TestThe Reunion
Other: Debug RoomsGlitches (GS)Glitches (TLA)Glitches (DD)Optional DungeonsRandom Number GeneratorTroubleshooting (GS, TLA) Troubleshooting (DD)Unacquirable ItemsUnacquirable PsynergyWalkthrough (GS)Walkthrough (TLA)Walkthrough (DD)