List of Jupiter Djinn
This is a list of all Djinn in the Golden Sun series aligned with Jupiter, the element of Wind. Their statistic boosts, individual effects, and locations are provided. For summon sequences, see Summon.
There are a total of 28 Jupiter Djinn so far. The original Golden Sun had only seven Jupiter Djinn, while Golden Sun: The Lost Age introduced eleven more, for a total of 18. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn also features 18 Jupiter Djinn to collect, although eight of these Djinn are returning from past games, so only 10 new Jupiter Djinn are introduced.
The following lists are divided between the eighteen Jupiter Djinn found between Golden Sun and The Lost Age and the separate collection of eighteen found in Dark Dawn.
GBA Jupiter Djinn
Jupiter Djinn in Golden Sun
Name | Statistics change when set | Action when used in battle | Location |
Gust![]() |
HP +9 Attack +2 Agility +2 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 10 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the resultant damage dealt will be doubled. | Acquired in Bilibin, in the secret underground warehouse. It is properly reached by walking clockwise on the town's perimeter, entering a cave entrance, and casting Move on a statue against the wall to move it downward so you can hop behind it to Gust. |
Breeze![]() |
HP +12 PP +5 Defense +2 Luck +1 |
Increases all currently active party members' Resistance ratings by 40 each. | Fought and earned in the Tret Tree "dungeon", in the upper right edge of the large, exterior "branch maze" screen. |
Zephyr![]() |
HP +11 PP +3 Agility +2 Luck +1 |
Increases all currently active party members' Agility ratings up to 100%, the maximum possible modifier value Agility can be raised up to. | Fought and earned in Fuchin Falls Cave, at the bottom of a vertical hallway with water and rolling logs. |
Smog![]() |
HP +9 Attack +3 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 60 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Delusion status condition. | Acquired in the second, large screen of Lamakan Desert, hidden in the left of two conjoined circles of stones shortly north and west of where you enter the screen from. It is invisible and unobtainable unless the Reveal Psynergy is used. |
Kite![]() |
HP +8 PP +4 Agility +3 |
Causes the targeted Adept to take two actions next turn instead of one. | Acquired in the optional dungeon Vale Cave. After acquiring the Halt Psynergy right before Kite, chase it down to a series of stones where it will avoid you by moving opposite your position at all times. Cast Halt when you are parallel to it to make it immobile. |
Squall![]() |
HP +10 Attack +5 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack 140% of the power of the user's normal physical attack, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Stun status condition. | Fought and earned in Altmiller Cave, in a room that is properly lit up and has a rolling stone pillar puzzle placed to block your way to the Djinni. The solution involves making use of the lone puddle and the Frost Psynergy. |
Luff![]() |
HP +13 PP +5 Defense +2 Luck +1 |
Seals the target's Psynergy with full accuracy. | Fought and earned in Babi Lighthouse. The isolated platform it resides on must be jumped down onto from the room above using the slide only accessible from the second, "hidden" entrance into the main structure. |
Jupiter Djinn in The Lost Age
Name | Statistics change when set | Action when used in battle | Location |
Breath![]() |
HP +9 Defense +3 Agility +4 |
Restores a targeted party member's HP meter by 40% of their maximum HP meter. Acts with increased priority. | Fought and earned in the earlier, easier portion of the Shrine of the Sea God. You chase it through the caves up to an area with a movable torch; move the torch into the empty space up against the wall, then chase and trap Breath to reach it. |
Blitz![]() |
HP +10 PP +4 Attack +3 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 30 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Stun status condition. | Fought and earned in Yampi Desert, in a screen with large, elevated portions and Pound-able pillars separating these. Pound the left pillar visible from the left entrance, pound the rightmost pillar in the area beyond that, and pound the right pillar against the wall so that the Djinni can be accessed by hopping across the un-Pounded pillars. |
Ether![]() |
HP +8 PP +4 Agility +3 Luck +2 |
Restores a targeted party member's PP meter by 30% of their maximum PP meter. | Acquired in a cutscene in Garoh that transpires with Maha after using the Reveal Psynergy acquired from Air's Rock to reach his place on two subsequent occasions. |
Waft![]() |
HP +11 Attack +4 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 40 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Sleep status condition. | Fought and earned in Kibombo Mountains, in a location near the location's end accessible only with the Frost Psynergy only possible on Piers when he joins your party after completing the Gabomba Statue dungeon. Growth is required too. |
Haze![]() |
HP +10 Defense +2 Agility +3 Luck +2 |
Renders the targeted Adept completely invulnerable to any negative battle effect for that turn. Acts with increased priority. | Acquired in Apojii Islands, in the right screen at a ledge hanging over the end of the world. Accessible only by using on the left screen's beach to cross under the rocks to the right the Sand Psynergy earned by completing Gaia Rock, then jumping off the bottom edge of a waterfall and entering a cave. Whirlwind is required also. |
Wheeze![]() |
HP +9 PP +3 Attack +5 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 50 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Deadly Poison status condition. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter in Tundaria, at the vaguely enclosed area to the southwest of Tundaria Tower. |
Aroma![]() |
HP +11 Defense +2 Agility +3 |
Restores all currently active party members' PP meters by 10% of their respective maximum PP meters. | Acquired in Shaman Village, obtainable only after Trial Road is cleared; go through the blocky building to the lower right of the town area to get to where you can Move an earth pillar right to make a gap passable, then go through Moapa's house, use Lash on the rope, and let the resulting path lead you to Aroma. |
Whorl![]() |
HP +9 Attack +4 Defense +2 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 40 damage points added to the result, unless its chance to instantly down the target triggers. | Fought and earned in Jupiter Lighthouse, in one floor of the right tower. A puzzle involving moving sections of floor into holes in the ground to connect conduits for energizing Hover tiles to make use of for floating over to Whorl's position must be solved. |
Gasp![]() |
HP +12 PP +5 |
All enemies have a chance to each be inflicted with a 7-turn Countdown status condition. | Fought and earned in the deeper, hidden area in Trial Road that is accessible only by using the Hover Psynergy on the hover tile to float over to a cave entrance to the left at the mountain peak screen, then using the Lift Psynergy on the boulder that immediately blocks your way. |
Lull![]() |
HP +11 PP +6 |
Ends the turn, preventing any action that would have otherwise taken place afterward while not affecting any of the actions that may have taken place before Lull's usage. | Acquired in Loho, on a rooftop accessible only after using the Magma Ball from Magma Rock on the cannon in the center of town to remove an obstructing wall. |
Gale![]() |
HP +10 Agility +5 Luck +3 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 60 damage points added to the result; if the target is not defeated by this attack, there is a chance it will be removed from battle as though it used Flee. | Fought and earned in the deeper, later portion of the optional Treasure Isle, in a room with several elevated portions and several Liftable boulders between each portion. Several configurations of which boulders are Lifted and which are not are viable solutions for acquiring Gale. |

In addition, one Jupiter Djinni can be found in an extra location in The Lost Age depending on whether you're not in possession of one or more of the original Golden Sun's Jupiter Djinn. If Isaac's party joins Felix's party after the Reunion not carrying all seven of the first game's Jupiter Djinn, then one of the missing Jupiter Djinn will be available to collect in the pictured area in SW Atteka Islet behind a boulder that must be removed with the Lift Psynergy. This can essentially be viewed as a "last chance" or "make-up" Jupiter Djinni for if you're playing The Lost Age without cross-game data transfer or with data-transfer from a completed Golden Sun game file in which the party did not collect all seven of the original Jupiter Djinn.
GBA Jupiter Djinn of note
- Gust is the one offensive Djinni that has a chance to double its resultant damage - and since the attack being used as the base for the damage doubling is a sightly enhanced form of a normal physical attack to begin with, on good days Gust may be the most damaging of all Djinn. Obviously this cannot be relied on to trigger every time, though.
- Squall is the only offensive Jupiter Djinni with an inherent damage multiplier, and its secondary effect - the chance to apply the Stun status condition - is very good as well. These can be said to make Squall the attacking Jupiter Djinni of choice from an endgame perspective, provided the Adept using it has a high Attack rating.
- Waft, Wheeze, and Whorl are all Jupiter Djinn that add bonus damage points, however, which can be useful on Adepts that have low attack ratings - and each of them has a very useful status condition that may be applied, which are Sleep, Deadly Poison, and instant death, respectively. Note that Whorl has a technically superior counterpart in the Mercury Djinni Serac, though, which adds higher bonus damage.
- Breeze and its identical counterpart the Mercury Djinni Steam share the only effect the party has that is equivalent to two stacked-up uses of the Resist Psynergy at once.
- Zephyr and its identical counterpart the Mars Djinni Coal share the only effect the party has to increase their Agility ratings by +100%, counting as doubling their Agility in most cases.
- Kite has the unique effect of granting a targeted Adept two actions next turn, which has a wide variety of possible, creative applications and uses - such as Unleashing a set Djinni and then using a stronger summon immediately, or allowing a Sol Blade-wielding Adept to attack twice in a row with the extremely powerful Megiddo unleash.
- Luff and its identical counterpart the Mercury Djinni Rime share the only effect the party has that is the Bind Psynergy but fully accurate. Granted, perhaps the only case where this can be truly useful is for Luff to be used against Deadbeard, but if there is any other situation where preventing a target from using its Psynergy options is helpful, Luff and Rime instantly and completely obsolete Bind.
- Haze is like a single-target version of the Mars Djinni Flash, but makes the target even more invulnerable for that turn than what Flash achieves. Like Flash, this effect can be relied on to work as the first action in a given battle.
- Ether is the only effect the party can produce on its own that is a renewable, powerful, PP-replenishing resource, as opposed to the more powerful but rare and hard-to-find consumable Psy Crystals that can be found throughout each game. Though only usable in battle, Ether can be vital for when there are no Psynergy Stones on the field in sight in a dungeon.
- Aroma is like an all-targeting version of Ether that replenishes the PP of all currently battling Adepts for lower amounts. Though Aroma's figures are small, it is still superior over the similar effect of the Mars Djinni Ember.
- Lull has the unique turn-ending effect that can only be taken advantage of with very specific party setup and execution, but the possibilities can be very interesting. Case in point: It can allow you to destroy Dullahan with summons without Dullahan being able to use a single battle command.
Jupiter Djinn in Dark Dawn
The following are all the Jupiter Djinn the player can collect in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Eight of these Djinn (Gust, Ether, Breath, Waft, Breeze, Haze, Kite, and Lull) are returning from past Golden Sun games. The remaining 10 are first introduced in this game.
Name | Statistics change when set | Action when used in battle | Location |
Gust![]() |
HP +9 Attack +2 Agility +2 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned normal physical attack with a damage modifier of +10; randomly deals double damage. | Found in Goma Highlands Road, in an elevated part of a screen that can only be accessed by entering it from Carver's Camp. |
Jolt![]() |
HP +9 PP +5 Luck +2 |
Targeted downed ally has a 50% chance to be revived and their HP restored to 50% of their maximum HP meter. | Found at the roof of Konpa Ruins, where Grip is necessary to get to it. |
Ether![]() |
HP +8 PP +4 Luck +2 |
Restores a targeted party member's PP meter by 30% of their maximum PP meter. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter within the forest immediately west from Kaocho. |
Breath![]() |
HP +9 Agility +3 Luck +4 |
Restores a targeted party member's HP meter by 40% of their maximum HP meter. Acts with increased priority. | Found in the exterior area of Ayuthay, reached only by rafting to it from the lower right corner of the area while the water level is lowered. |
Vortex![]() |
HP +10 Attack +3 Luck +2 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack 150% of the power of the user's normal physical attack, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the delude status condition. | Found in the Ouroboros. |
Doldrum![]() |
HP +10 PP +3 Defense +3 |
Prevents the target from performing one of its actions this turn. Acts with increased priority. | Found in the Craggy Peak. |
Sirocco![]() |
HP +11 Attack +4 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 60 damage points added to the result. Then, each enemy (not just the target affected by the attack) has a chance of being afflicted with the Delusion status condition. | Found in the small wooden building in the center of Border Town, reached by using Grip from the large stone gate left of it. |
Wisp![]() |
HP +11 PP +5 |
Restores all currently active party members' PP meters by 10% of their respective maximum PP meters. | After defeating Sludge, go into the cistern between Saha and Kolima Village and use Move and Crush to get to this Djinni. |
Puff![]() |
HP +11 Attack +4 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned attack equal to the user's normal physical attack with 30 additional damage if the instant kill effect of this Djinni doesn't kick in. | Found at Talon Peak after the battle with the Mountain Roc. From there, cast Crush at the lower right part of the screen so you can drop down to where Puff is. |
Fleet![]() |
HP +8 PP +4 Agility +3 |
Increases all currently active party members' Agility ratings up to 100%, the maximum possible modifier value Agility can be raised up to. | Already in Sveta's possession when she permanently joins your party in Belinsk Ruins. |
Waft![]() |
HP +11 Attack +4 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 40 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Sleep status condition. | Already in Sveta's possession when she permanently joins your party in Belinsk Ruins. |
Bolt![]() |
HP +10 Attack +5 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned attack with a damage modifier of x1.4, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Stun condition. | Already in Sveta's possession when she permanently joins your party in Belinsk Ruins. |
Breeze![]() |
HP +12 PP +5 Defense +2 Luck +1 |
Increases all currently active party members' Resistance ratings by 40 each. | Already in Sveta's possession when she permanently joins your party in Belinsk Ruins. |
Haze![]() |
HP +10 Defense +2 Agility +3 Luck +2 |
Renders the targeted Adept completely invulnerable to any negative battle effect for that turn. Acts with increased priority. | Already in Sveta's possession when she permanently joins your party in Belinsk Ruins. |
Kite![]() |
HP +8 PP +4 Agility +3 |
Causes the targeted Adept to take two actions next turn instead of one. | Found in Yamata by moving the earth pillar at the northwest part of the town right and casting Crush on the cracked spot left behind. |
Lull![]() |
HP +11 PP +6 |
Ends the turn, preventing any action that would have otherwise taken place afterward while not affecting any of the actions that may have taken place before Lull's usage. | Found in the first screen of Otka Island. |
Swift![]() |
HP +10 Attack +3 Defense +3 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 50 damage points added to the result. Acts with increased priority. | Already in Himi's possession when she permanently joins your party in Yamata. |
Simoom![]() |
HP +12 Attack +2 |
Deals a Jupiter-aligned attack equal to the user's normal physical attack with additional 70 damage and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Deadly Poison condition. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter within the largest of the group of sandy islands southeast of the main continent. |
Dark Dawn Jupiter Djinn of note
- Simoom is generally the ideal attacking Jupiter Djinni because it has both a powerful set damage bonus and a chance to inflict the powerful Deadly Poison status condition.
- Gust is the one offensive Djinni that has a chance to double its resultant damage - and since the attack being used as the base for the damage doubling is a sightly enhanced form of a normal physical attack to begin with, on good days Gust may be the most damaging of all Djinn. Obviously this cannot be relied on to trigger every time, though.
- Vortex and Bolt have modest damage multipliers that can come into play when unleashed by Adepts with high attack power. While Vortex has a slightly higher damage multiplier, Bolt has a more relevant side effect in potentially inflicting Stun.
- Puff, though not featuring a high damage bonus among attacking Djinn, has the chance to instantly fell the target.
- Breeze and its identical counterpart the Mercury Djinni Mellow share the only effect the party has that is equivalent to two stacked-up uses of the Resist Psynergy at once.
- Doldrum and its identical counterpart the Venus Djinni Ivy share the unique and useful effect of preventing the enemy from using its one action this turn (or otherwise, one of its actions this turn if it is a boss that performs multiple actions each turn).
- Fleet and its identical counterpart the Mercury Djinni Torrent share the only effect the party has to increase their Agility ratings by +100%, counting as doubling their Agility in most cases.
- Kite has the unique effect of granting a targeted Adept two actions next turn, which has a wide variety of possible, creative applications and uses - such as Unleashing a set Djinni and then using a stronger summon immediately, or allowing a Sol Blade-wielding Adept to attack twice in a row in hopes of unleashing the extremely powerful Megiddo both times.
- Haze is like a single-target version of the Venus Djinni Chasm, but makes the target even more invulnerable for that turn than what Chasm achieves. Like Chasm, this effect can be relied on to work as the first action in a given battle.
- Ether is the only effect the party can produce on its own that is a renewable, powerful, PP-replenishing resource, as opposed to the more powerful but rare and hard-to-find consumable Psy Crystals that can be found throughout each game. Though only usable in battle, Ether can be useful for when there are no Psynergy Stones on the field in sight in a dungeon.
- Wisp, the Dark Dawn counterpart to Aroma, is like an all-targeting version of Ether that replenishes the PP of all currently battling Adepts for lower amounts. Though Wisp's figures are small, it is still superior over the similar effect of the Mars Djinni Flare.
- Lull has the unique turn-ending effect that can only be taken advantage of with very specific party setup and execution, but the possibilities can be very interesting. Case in point: It can allow you to destroy Dullahan with summons without Dullahan being able to use a single battle command.
See Also
- Jupiter Djinni enemy line (GBA): A list of all Jupiter Djinn in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age that must be battled before they join, along with their statistics and available commands.
- Jupiter Djinni enemy line (Dark Dawn): A list of all Jupiter Djinn in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn that must be battled before they join, along with their statistics and available commands.
Djinn in Golden Sun and The Lost Age (Master List) | ||||
Venus | Mercury | Mars | Jupiter | |
Golden Sun | Flint • Granite • Quartz • Vine • Sap • Ground • Bane | Fizz • Sleet • Mist • Spritz • Hail • Tonic • Dew | Forge • Fever • Corona • Scorch • Ember • Flash • Torch | Gust • Breeze • Zephyr • Smog • Kite • Squall • Luff |
The Lost Age * | Echo • Iron • Steel • Mud • Flower • Meld • Petra • Salt • Geode • Mold • Crystal | Fog • Sour • Spring • Shade • Chill • Steam • Rime • Gel • Eddy • Balm • Serac | Cannon • Spark • Kindle • Char • Coal • Reflux • Core • Tinder • Shine • Fury • Fugue | Breath • Blitz • Ether • Waft • Haze • Wheeze • Aroma • Whorl • Gasp • Lull • Gale |
Djinn in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (Master List) | ||||
Venus | Mercury | Mars | Jupiter | |
Dark Dawn | Flint • Flower • Bark • Steel • Brick • Vine • Gears • Furrow • Garland • Pewter • Chasm • Chain • Buckle • Clover • Magnet • Geode • Ivy • Hemlock | Chill • Sleet • Surge • Mist • Mellow • Claw • Serac • Dewdrop • Torrent • Coral • Spout • Teardrop • Pincer • Spring • Foam • Rime • Geyser • Shell | Forge • Fever • Cinder • Lava • Brand • Fury • Glare • Reflux • Wrath • Chili • Glow • Stoke • Pepper • Tinder • Fugue • Sizzle • Flare • Aurora | Gust • Jolt • Ether • Breath • Vortex • Doldrum • Sirocco • Wisp • Puff • Fleet • Waft • Bolt • Breeze • Haze • Kite • Lull • Swift • Simoom |
Prologue * | Sap • Ground • Granite • Quartz • Salt | Torch • Shine • Flash • Spark • Corona • Kindle |
Enemy Lines in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn |
Amaze • Ape • Ball • Bat • Bugman • Chimera • Curse Demon • Cuttle • Dark Devourer • Dirge • Dread Hound • Drone Bee • Flutter Seed • Ghost • Gobling • Great Dragon • Gryphon • Harpy • Hobble • Hydra • Kobold • Lizard Brute • Lizard Man • Mad Plant • Mauler • Merman • Minotaurus • Mole • Momonga • Pixie • Rat • Rat Soldier • Salamander • Scuttler • Siren • Skeleton • Skorpna • Skull • Sky Dragon • Slime • Spider • Stealthy Scout • Troll • Wild Wolf • Willowisp • Wolfkin • Wyvern • Zombie |
Recurring single enemies |
Jupiter Djinni • Mars Djinni • Mercury Djinni • Mimic • Venus Djinni |