Ball enemy line

From Golden Sun Universe

The Anger Ball, Guardian Ball, Refresh Ball, Thunder Ball, Ghoul Ball, and Death Ball are enemies that can be fought in Golden Sun: The Lost Age and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. This series of palette-swapped enemies resembling orbs surrounded by criss-crossing rings is unique because they only ever appear in one specific, scripted boss battle in each of the aforementioned games, where they are the personal summonable minions of the optional late-game boss Star Magician. Every ball has different abilities and a different set of resistances.

When the Star Magician is fought at the end of Treasure Isle in The Lost Age, the battle begins with him accompanied by one each of the four available ball varieties in this game — the Anger, Guardian, Thunder, and Refresh Balls. Whenever he is surrounded by less than four ball minions, either of his two moves for the turn may be the Enemy Ability Mystic Call, which adds a new Ball minion of any of the four varieties. When the Star Magician is fought at the end of the Lost Ship in Dark Dawn, the battle begins with him accompanied by four balls like before, including the two all-new varieties: the Ghoul and Death Balls, alongside Refresh and Guardian Balls. Like in the previous game, whenever he is surrounded by less than four ball minions, either of his two moves for the turn may be to use Mystic Call to add a new Ball minion of any of the six varieties available in this game.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Anger Ball

Anger Ball.png

An Anger Ball (アングリーボール Angry Ball) is a red level 46 variant. It is capable of a powerful kamikaze attack that can deal enormous damage to the party, and it will not provide its EXP and coin rewards if not destroyed traditionally before using that move.

An Anger Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Anger Ball 460 43 357 125 173 27
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mars.gif 175 (Lv 4)   Star venus.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 25 (Lv 0) 387 30 None N/A

An Anger Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 5/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Angry Mine 3/8
Star venus.gif 95 Power Enemy ability where the user leaps forward into the party and disappears in a massive explosion. Deals a Venus-aligned attack with 300 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.

Guardian Ball

Guardian Ball.png

A Guardian Ball (ガーディアンボール) is a light green level 46 variant. It is prone to using a priority shielding move on the Star Magician itself called Guard Aura, which cuts all damage dealt to the Star Magician for the turn down to 10%, rendering it nearly invincible for the turn. The only way you can reliably damage the Star Magician while a Guardian Ball is out is to have a party member with an Agility rating even more enormous than the Guardian Ball to unleash either Ground or Petra — priority move-negating Djinn — on it, preventing it from using its move for the turn. Any Guardian Ball present needs to be destroyed before a concerted effort on the Star Magician itself can be made.

A Guardian Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Guardian Ball 520 43 317 127 292 33
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star venus.gif 152 (Lv 4)   Star mars.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 48 (Lv 0) 439 289 None N/A

A Guardian Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Guard Aura 5/8
-- Enemy ability that covers the Star Magician in a protective aura that lowers all damage done to it to practically nothing for that turn (10% of what it would be otherwise), and it is dealt at increased priority — it will always move before any other action that carries out in the turn, except for other priority moves used by other combatants with an even higher agility rating.
Defend 3/8
-- Standard Defend command which halves all damage the user takes during this turn.

Refresh Ball

Refresh Ball.png

A Refresh Ball (リフレッシュボール) is a blue level 46 variant. It uses a copy of the Pure Ply Psynergy to restore 1000 HP to a damaged ally, so this should also be cleared away from the Star Magician's side of the field before the party's damage focuses on the boss itself.

A Refresh Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Refresh Ball 360 43 317 124 136 36
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 175 (Lv 4)   Star venus.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mars.gif 25 (Lv 0) 448 278 None N/A

The Refresh Ball automatically regenerates 10 PP per turn.

A Refresh Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Earnest Ply 5/8
Star mercury.gif 115 Power Psynergy costing 12 PP that restores around 1000 HP — effectively 1150 because of the Refresh Ball's Mercury elemental power rating — to the Star Magician. Identical to the Pure Ply Psynergy.
Cure Poison 1/8
-- Psynergy costing 2 PP that removes the Poison and Venom status conditions from an ally.
Restore 1/8
-- Psynergy costing 3 PP that removes the Sleep, Stun, Delusion, Psynergy Seal, and Death Curse status conditions from an ally.
Attack 1/8
-- Standard physical attack.

Thunder Ball

Thunder Ball.png

A Thunder Ball (サンダーボール) is a purple level 46 variant. It contributes several medium-powered Jupiter Psynergy attacks to the battle, but as it is not capable of anything more than that, and is the least durable ball as well, it is the most manageable ball to let remain on the Star Magician's side of the field.

A Thunder Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Thunder Ball 280 43 329 125 219 30
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star jupiter.gif 152 (Lv 4)   Star mars.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0) 296 243 None N/A

The Thunder Ball automatically regenerates 10 PP per turn.

A Thunder Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 2/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Flash Bolt 2/8
Star jupiter.gif 110 Power Psynergy costing 7 PP where two purple lightning bolts strike the party. Deals a Jupiter-aligned attack with 40 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.
Storm Ray 2/8
Star jupiter.gif 110 Power Psynergy costing 10 PP where the party is struck with purple lightning. Dealing a Jupiter-aligned attack with 65 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.
Shine Plasma 2/8
Star jupiter.gif 110 Power Psynergy costing 18 PP where the party is struck with three purplish-white lightning bolts. Dealing a Jupiter-aligned attack with 100 base damage that is spread out across 5 enemies with high damage distribution.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Anger Ball


An Anger Ball (アングリーボール Angry Ball) is a red level 46 variant. It is capable of a powerful kamikaze attack that can deal enormous damage to the party, and it will not provide its EXP and coin rewards if not destroyed traditionally before using that move.

An Anger Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Anger Ball 590 22 375 169 228 28
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mars.gif 175 (Lv 4)   Star venus.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 25 (Lv 0) 3633 22 None N/A

An Anger Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 5/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Angry Mine 3/8
Star venus.gif 95 Power Enemy ability where the user leaps forward into the party and disappears in a massive explosion. Deals a Venus-aligned attack with 300 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.

Death Ball


A Death Ball (デスボール) is a black level 46 variant. It uses the Condemn Psynergy to attempt to instantly fell party members.

A Death Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Death Ball 412 56 340 160 155 37
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star venus.gif 152 (Lv 4)   Star mars.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 48 (Lv 0) 4120 202 None N/A

A Death Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Condemn 2/8
Star venus.gif Level 4 Psynergy costing 8 PP which attempts to instantly down a party member.
Haunt 2/8
Star venus.gif Level 4 Psynergy costing 5 PP which attempts to afflict up to 3 party members with the Haunt status condition.
Curse 2/8
Star venus.gif Level 4 Psynergy costing 6 PP that may afflict the target with a 7-turn Death Curse status ailment.
Attack 2/8
-- Standard physical attack.

Ghoul Ball


A Ghoul Ball (グールボール) is a yellow level 46 variant. It can "consume" single Djinni off party members, putting them in a Recovery state that will not heal itself until the specific Ghoul Ball is felled.

A Ghoul Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Ghoul Ball 850 24 337 167 264 37
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star venus.gif 152 (Lv 4)   Star mars.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 48 (Lv 0) 12646 202 None N/A

A Ghoul Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 4/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Consume Djinn 4/8
-- Enemy ability where a Djinni is taken off a target in the form of its animated 2D icon, and the icon disappears into the user with munching sounds. That Djinni is put into a permanent Recovery mode, and the user can use Consume Djinn to affect any number of a party's Djinn if the user is allowed to. All consumed Djinn are allowed to complete their recovery time as normal once the user is felled.

Guardian Ball


A Guardian Ball (ガーディアンボール) is a green level 46 variant. It is prone to using a priority shielding move on the Star Magician itself called Guard Aura, which cuts all damage dealt to the Star Magician for the turn down to 5%, rendering it nearly invincible for the turn. The only way you can reliably damage the Star Magician while a Guardian Ball is out is to have a party member with an Agility rating even more enormous than the Guardian Ball to unleash either Doldrum or Ivy — priority move-negating Djinn — on it, preventing it from using its move for the turn. Any Guardian Ball present needs to be destroyed before a concerted effort on the Star Magician itself can be made.

A Guardian Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Guardian Ball 664 37 344 172 354 34
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star venus.gif 152 (Lv 4)   Star mars.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 48 (Lv 0) 5887 210 None N/A

A Guardian Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Guard Aura 5/8
-- Enemy ability that covers the Star Magician in a protective aura that lowers all damage done to it to practically nothing for that turn (5% of what it would be otherwise), and it is dealt at increased priority — it will always move before any other action that carries out in the turn, except for other priority moves used by other combatants with an even higher agility rating.
Defend 3/8
-- Standard Defend command which halves all damage the user takes during this turn.

Refresh Ball


A Refresh Ball (リフレッシュボール) is a blue level 46 variant. It uses the Pure Ply Psynergy to restore 1000 HP to a damaged ally, so this should also be cleared away from the Star Magician's side of the field before the party's damage focuses on the boss itself.

A Refresh Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Refresh Ball 462 61 332 162 179 37
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 175 (Lv 4)   Star venus.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mars.gif 25 (Lv 0) 5744 202 None N/A

A Refresh Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Pure Ply 5/8
Star mercury.gif 115 Power Psynergy costing 12 PP that restores around 1000 HP — effectively 1150 because of the Refresh Ball's Mercury elemental power rating — to an ally.
Cure Poison 1/8
-- Psynergy costing 2 PP that removes the Poison and Venom status conditions from an ally.
Restore 1/8
-- Psynergy costing 3 PP that removes the Sleep, Stun, Delusion, Psynergy Seal, and Death Curse status conditions from an ally.
Attack 1/8
-- Standard physical attack.

Thunder Ball


A Thunder Ball (サンダーボール) is a purple level 46 variant. It contributes a couple of medium-powered Jupiter Psynergy attacks to the battle, but as it is not capable of anything more than that, and is the least durable ball as well, it is the most manageable ball to let remain on the Star Magician's side of the field.

A Thunder Ball has no particular susceptibilities to secondary effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Thunder Ball 360 58 342 157 290 31
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star jupiter.gif 152 (Lv 4)   Star mars.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0) 5237 177 None N/A

A Thunder Ball uses these battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 2/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Flash Bolt 2/8
Star jupiter.gif 110 Power Psynergy costing 7 PP where two purple lightning bolts strike the party. Deals a Jupiter-aligned attack with 40 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.
Storm Ray 2/8
Star jupiter.gif 110 Power Psynergy costing 10 PP where the party is struck with purple lightning. Dealing a Jupiter-aligned attack with 65 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.
Shine Plasma 2/8
Star jupiter.gif 110 Power Psynergy costing 18 PP where the party is struck with three purplish-white lightning bolts. Dealing a Jupiter-aligned attack with 100 base damage that is spread out across 5 enemies with high damage distribution.