Ghost enemy line

From Golden Sun Universe
(Redirected from Ghost)
Artwork from Dark Dawn

The Ghost, Ghost Mage, Lich, Horned Ghost, Shadow Curse, and Dark Ghost are enemies that are randomly battled throughout each game in the Golden Sun series. These monsters, resembling seemingly corporeal humanlike entities in hoods, are palette swaps of each other that have differing levels of power and defense and are fought in different locations in the games. In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, there is another enemy named "Lich"; See Doomsayer enemy line for full details.

In Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age



A Ghost (ゴースト) is an orange-eyed variant in a vaguely purplish hood with a red underside, and having a somewhat turquoise chestpiece as well. It is level 5 in Golden Sun and level 7 in The Lost Age. In Golden Sun, the Ghost is first battled throughout Goma Cave early on in the game, and subsequently throughout the overworld region of Angara encompassing Bilibin and Kolima. In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, it is first battled in the earlier part of Shrine of the Sea God, and then throughout Dehkan Plateau.

The Ghost, when fought in Goma Cave, is about as strong as the Will Head and a little less strong as the Skeleton, but its limited healing ability is notable whenever it happens. It quickly becomes a "kindergarten" enemy when fought in subsequent areas. In the second game, it is the most sturdy monster in Shrine of the Sea God, but the slowest, and is likely the least threatening enemy in Dehkan Plateau.

A Ghost is especially likely to be affected by Psynergy Seal. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Ghost 56 6 38 12 12 2
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 9 9 Oil Drop.gif Oil Drop 1/16

A Ghost uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 4/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Rumble 2/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Enemy ability where the monster summons a small wave of orange undulating skull-faced energy that hits into a targeted Adept. Deals a Venus-aligned attack with 9 base damage.
Impair 2/8
Star mars.gif Level 1 Psynergy costing 4 PP that attempts to lower a targeted Adept's current Defense rating by 25%.

As a not-unintelligent enemy that carries stocked items, one of the 12.5% "ability slots" composing the Ghost's 50% chance to perform an Attack with a given action will instead cause the Ghost to use one of its stocked items if it has any items remaining in stock and is able to use them applicably; if either it no longer has items in stock or the battlefield conditions do not allow its currently "individually available" item type to be used to a difference-making effect, it will use the called ability as normal. Its full inventory of items is as follows:

Herb.gif 1 Herb: Used only while a combatant on the user's side is not at maximum HP. An item that restores roughly 50 HP to either the user or its ally.

Ghost Mage

Ghost Mage.png

A Ghost Mage (マギゴースト Magi Ghost) is a light-blue-eyed variant in a vaguely purplish hood with a dark purplish-blue underside, and having a somewhat greenish chestpiece as well. It is level 15 in Golden Sun and level 22 in The Lost Age. In Golden Sun, the Ghost Mage is battled throughout Vale Cave and Vault Cave. In The Lost Age, it is one of the "stock" monsters fought throughout the land-based overworld areas accessible from the Great Eastern Sea, as well as within Taopo Swamp.

The Ghost Mage's forms of offense are generally not quite as damaging as the Ravagers in the cave locations in the first game it is fought throughout. However, in both cave locations it has almost as much agility as the Death Cap. In the second game, it is entirely outperformed by enemies such as the Dire Wolf.

A Ghost Mage is especially likely to be affected by Psynergy Seal. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Ghost Mage 161 19 168 43 86 9
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 80 110 Bramble Seed.gif Bramble Seed 1/16

A Ghost Mage uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 2/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Haunting 2/8
Star venus.gif Level 0 Enemy ability that summons an array of glowing blue wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept. The struck Adept has a chance to be afflicted with Haunt.
Spire 2/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that causes a large stalactite to fall down from above onto a targeted Adept and shatter. Deals a Venus-aligned attack with 40 base damage.
Whirlwind 2/8
Star jupiter.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that causes a single, tall, electricity-laden tornado to whirl through the party of Adepts. Deals a Jupiter-aligned attack with 20 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.


Lich Ghost.png

The Lich (リッチーゴースト Lichy Ghost) is a violet-eyed level 23 variant in a hazel-colored hood with a dark orange-ish underside, and having a somewhat light-blue chestpiece as well. In Golden Sun, only one is fought throughout the entire game, together with two Fiendish Ghouls as one scripted boss encounter that occurs on the third "dungeon floor" of the optional Crossbone Isle as soon as you try to enter the door to that floor's puzzle room. Therefore, the minimum rewards of the battle are 437 EXP, 1418 Coins, and a single guaranteed Psy Crystal.

As part of a team of three monsters that is one special encounter, the Lich is the more "special" of the monsters, with more HP and more supportive abilities, while the Fiendish Ghouls are rather less durable monsters that serve more as the muscle. Most would not find this battle to be overly difficult, however, even if Crossbone Isle is visited and this battle is fought earlier in the game through the hidden method at Tolbi-bound Ship. This is definitely a battle that can be won in one turn by having everyone use full-powered summons at the start.

The Lich is especially likely to be affected by Psynergy Seal. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Lich 900 52 192 48 106 15
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 152 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 72 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 25 (Lv 2) 263 1200 Psy Crystal.gif Psy Crystal 1/1

The Lich uses the following battle commands with high intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Glacier 53/256
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 15 PP that drops a mass of ice shards into the opposition. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 100 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.
Revive 47/256
-- Psynergy costing 15 PP that the Lich would hypothetically be able to perform when at least one of the Fiendish Ghouls fighting alongside it have been felled, completely reviving it to full health. Because of a programming oversight, however, this command will never be called because the Revive Psynergy does not target entities that visually disintegrate when defeated.
Curse 41/256
Star venus.gif Level 0 Psynergy costing 6 PP that briefly generates a candle icon at the target Adept's position, and the target has a chance to get inflicted with a 7-turn Death Curse status ailment.
Attack 35/256
-- Standard physical attack.
Enfeeble 29/256
Star jupiter.gif Level 2 Psynergy costing 6 PP that attempts to temporarily lower the resistances of up to 3 Adepts by 20.
Haunt 23/256
Star venus.gif Level 0 Psynergy costing 5 PP that causes a mass of purple skull symbols to swirl into up to 3 party members, and each affected party member has a chance to get inflicted with the Haunt status ailment.
Debilitate 17/256
Star mars.gif Level 1 Psynergy costing 6 PP that attempts to temporarily lower the Defense statistics of up to 3 Adepts by 12.5%.
Bind 11/256
Star jupiter.gif Level 2 Psynergy costing 4 PP that displays a glowing symbol on a targeted Adept, attempting to temporarily Seal that Adept's Psynergy capabilities.

Horned Ghost

Horned Ghost.png

A Horned Ghost (ホーンドゴースト) is a purple-eyed variant in a a somewhat turquoise hood with a blue underside, and having a somewhat yellowish chestpiece as well. It is level 23 in Golden Sun and level 31 in The Lost Age. In Golden Sun, it is first fought in Suhalla Gate, and subsequently in the frontal "exit" portion of Venus Lighthouse. In The Lost Age, it is battled only throughout the earlier, easier portion of the optional Treasure Isle.

Horned Ghosts are moderately damaging among the monsters it is battled alongside, essentially being as magic-oriented as the Gnome Wizard, but not as statistically high as the Earth Golem.

A Horned Ghost is especially likely to be affected by Psynergy Seal. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Horned Ghost 236 32 268 78 116 5
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 199 166 Elixir.gif Elixir 1/32

A Horned Ghost uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 4/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Haunting 2/8
Star venus.gif Level 0 Enemy ability that summons an array of glowing blue wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept. The struck Adept has a chance to be afflicted with Haunt.
Ice Horn 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 11 PP that shoots a mass of ice spikes down onto multiple Adepts. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 70 base damage that is spread out across 3 targets with high damage distribution.
Hail Prism 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 16 PP causes four large ice spheres to slam into the party of Adepts and shatter in quick succession. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 90 base damage that is spread out across 5 targets with high damage distribution.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn



A Ghost (ゴースト) is a level 10 variant with a purple cloak. They are fought in Passaj Mountain Climb and the overworld region near Kaocho.

A Ghost is especially likely to be affected by Psynergy Seal. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Ghost 108 12 97 27 52 9
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 83 56 Crystal Powder DD.png Crystal Powder 1/16

A Ghost uses the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Rumble 2/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Enemy ability that summons an array of wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept. Deals a Venus-aligned attack with 20 base damage.

Ghost Mage


A Ghost Mage (マギゴースト Magi Ghost) is a level 28 variant with a violet cloak. They are fought in Belinsk Ruins.

A Ghost Mage is especially likely to be affected by Psynergy Seal. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Ghost Mage 294 35 287 115 180 10
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 628 158 Crystal Powder DD.png Crystal Powder 1/16

A Ghost Mage uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 5/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Haunting 1/8
Star venus.gif Level 0 Enemy ability that summons an array of glowing blue wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept. The struck Adept has a chance to be afflicted with Haunt.
Spire 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that causes a large stalactite to fall down from above onto a targeted Adept and shatter. Deals a Venus-aligned attack with 40 base damage.
Whirlwind 1/8
Star jupiter.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP causes a single, tall, electricity-laden tornado to whirl through the party of Adepts. Deals a Jupiter-aligned attack with 20 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.

Shadow Curse


A Shadow Curse (シャドーゴースト Shadow Ghost) is a dark blue level 35 variant. They are fought in the overworld regions affected by the Grave Eclipse.

A Shadow Curse is especially likely to be affected by Psynergy Seal. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Shadow Curse 369 42 364 164 223 10
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 1284 179 Crystal Powder DD.png Crystal Powder 1/8

A Shadow Curse uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 4/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Haunting 2/8
Star venus.gif Level 0 Enemy ability that summons an array of glowing blue wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept. The struck Adept has a chance to be afflicted with Haunt.
Ice Horn 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 11 PP that shoots a mass of ice spikes down onto multiple Adepts. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 70 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.
Hail Prism 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 16 PP causes four large ice spheres to slam into the party of Adepts and shatter in quick succession. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 90 base damage that is spread out across 5 enemies with high damage distribution.

Dark Ghost


A Dark Ghost (ダークゴースト) is a black level 42 variant. They are fought in the overworld region west of Tonfon, as well as the Endless Wall and the Lost Ship.

A Dark Ghost is especially likely to be affected by Psynergy Seal. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Dark Ghost 444 49 428 209 287 11
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 2079 196 Crystal Powder DD.png Crystal Powder 1/16

A Dark Ghost uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 4/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Haunting 2/8
Star venus.gif Level 0 Enemy ability that summons an array of glowing blue wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept. The struck Adept has a chance to be afflicted with Haunt.
Ice Horn 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 11 PP that shoots a mass of ice spikes down onto multiple Adepts. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 70 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.
Hail Prism 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 16 PP causes four large ice spheres to slam into the party of Adepts and shatter in quick succession. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 90 base damage that is spread out across 5 enemies with high damage distribution.

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