Avimander enemy line

From Golden Sun Universe
(Redirected from Macetail)

The Avimander, Macetail, and Bombander are enemies that are battled in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. These monsters, resembling large, bulky mace-tailed lizards, are palette swaps of each other that have differing levels of power and defense and are fought in different locations in the games. This enemy line includes one boss, the Avimander.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age



The Avimander (アビスサラマンダー Abyss Salamander) is a giant-sized level 35 variant with red scales, a green crest, and a light green mace-tail, and is a boss in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, it is a mandatory battle that takes place in Champa at the circular forge in the mountain; this monster starts out small, kept within the robes of Champa's matriarch Obaba. After Briggs escapes from Alhafra and returns to Champa, when you arrive at the forge area, a cutscene occurs where you are given a Yes/No choice, and selecting No will prompt Obaba to take the small Avimander out, toss it into the forge, and the Avimander is bolstered and super-sized by the forge's energies to become a monster that attacks and attempts to wipe your party out. (Because the thing necessary to cause Briggs to flee from Alhafra is the Burst Psynergy at the end of Tundaria Tower, which can be completed relatively early compared to other dungeons in the Great Eastern Sea, this boss battle can be waged either much earlier in your exploration of the Great Eastern Sea or much later on.)

Because this boss can be fought much earlier or much later, it can be quite difficult or comparatively easy depending on how the player chooses to progress through the Great Eastern Sea segment of The Lost Age. Of course, this means that if you challenge this boss but find it too hard, you can come back later after having completed other dungeons and upgraded your equipment and statistics. Whichever way you go about it, a powerful offensive measure would be to have Piers summon Boreas.

The Avimander is especially likely to be affected by Defense-lowering and Sleep-inducing effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Avimander 3792 87 281 89 94 41
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mars.gif 127 (Lv 4)   Star venus.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 25 (Lv 0) 2176 1330 Potion.gif Potion 1/1

The Avimander acts twice per turn and uses these battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Fire Breath 53/256
Star mars.gif 115 Power Enemy ability where the user generates a mass of fire at the party, dealing a Mars-aligned attack with 130 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with low damage distribution.
Attack 52/256
-- Standard physical attack.
Star Mine 47/256
Star mars.gif 115 Power Enemy ability where the user produces four glowing circular objects that slowly collide into the party of Adepts, briefly but powerfully exploding with each contact. This ability works on the mechanics of a summon sequence, in which it is a Mars-aligned attack that hits the whole party with medium damage distribution exclusive to summons. Its damage is equal to 35 base damage plus an amount equal to 30% of the target's total health, meaning this ability gets stronger on a higher-leveled party.
Heat Stun 35/256
Star mars.gif 115 Power
Star mars.gif Level 4
Enemy ability where the user shoots a glowing red energy projectile at a targeted party member that briefly explodes and leaves red electricity crackling at the target's position. Deals a Mars-aligned standard physical attack with the end result multiplied by 1.3, and has a chance to inflict Stun on the target.
Fiery Blast 29/256
Star mars.gif 115 Power Psynergy costing 19 PP which generates a fiery, almost lava-like explosion at the position of the party of Adepts. Deals a Mars-aligned attack with 130 base damage that is spread out across 5 enemies with high damage distribution.
Guard 23/256
-- Psynergy costing 3 PP which temporarily increases the user's current Defense statistic by 25%.
Impair 17/256
Star mars.gif Level 4 Psynergy costing 4 PP which temporarily decreases the target's current Attack statistic by 25%.


For the Macetail Psynergy, see Salamander Psynergy set.

A Macetail (ハンマーリザード Hammer Lizard) is a normal-sized level 32 variant with light green scales, a purple crest, and a peach-colored mace-tail. In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, it is fought throughout Jupiter Lighthouse.

Macetails are generally not the most capable of the monsters fought throughout Jupiter Lighthouse.

A Macetail is especially likely to be affected by Defense-lowering and Sleep-inducing effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Macetail 284 28 327 89 110 9
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mars.gif 127 (Lv 4)   Star venus.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 25 (Lv 0) 426 248 Vial.gif Vial 1/64

A Macetail uses these battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 4/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Heat Stun 2/8
Star mars.gif 115 Power
Star mars.gif Level 4
Enemy ability where the user shoots a glowing red energy projectile at a targeted party member that briefly explodes and leaves red electricity crackling at the target's position. Deals a Mars-aligned standard physical attack with the end result multiplied by 1.3, and has a chance to inflict Stun on the target.
Guard 2/8
-- Psynergy costing 3 PP which temporarily increases the user's current Defense statistic by 25%.



A Bombander (ボムサラマンダー Bomb Salamander) is a normal-sized level 40 variant with dark blue scales, a brown crest, and a violet mace-tail. In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, it is fought throughout the optional Anemos Inner Sanctum.

Being one of the random monsters in the hardest optional dungeon, the Bombander is one of the toughest randomly-encountered monsters in the game, and can pile on rather large amounts of damage with its Psynergy attacks. Of course, it is not quite as fearsome as the Mad Demon. Also, being the only repeatedly occurring source of the Golem Core material item, this monster is farmed often.

A Bombander is especially likely to be affected by Defense-lowering and Sleep-inducing effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Bombander 548 110 541 224 141 10
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mars.gif 127 (Lv 4)   Star venus.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star jupiter.gif 100 (Lv 2)   Star mercury.gif 25 (Lv 0) 624 325 Golem Core.gif Golem Core 1/64

A Bombander uses these battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 3/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Heat Stun 2/8
Star mars.gif 115 Power
Star mars.gif Level 4
Enemy ability where the user shoots a glowing red energy projectile at a targeted party member that briefly explodes and leaves red electricity crackling at the target's position. Deals a Mars-aligned standard physical attack with the end result multiplied by 1.3, and has a chance to inflict Stun on the target.
Fiery Blast 1/8
Star mars.gif 115 Power Psynergy costing 19 PP which generates a fiery, almost lava-like explosion at the position of the party of Adepts. Deals a Mars-aligned attack with 130 base damage that is spread out across 5 enemies with high damage distribution.
Dragon Fume 1/8
Star mars.gif 115 Power Psynergy costing 35 PP which shoots out a huge serpentine entity of flame that arcs over and crashes into the targeted Adept. Deals a Mars-aligned attack with 230 base damage.
Supernova 1/8
Star mars.gif 115 Power Psynergy costing 31 PP which generates a huge, extended explosion of fiery energy at the entire party. Deals a Mars-aligned attack with 150 base damage that is spread out across 7 enemies with high damage distribution.