Amaze enemy line

From Golden Sun Universe
(Redirected from Creeper)
Amaze as they appear in Dark Dawn.

The Amaze, Creeper, Spirit, Shadow Spirit, and Dark Spirit are enemies that are randomly battled in each game in the Golden Sun series. These monsters, resembling wispy sheet-ghost-like entities with disembodied hands, are palette swaps of each other that have differing levels of power and defense and are fought in different locations in the games.

In Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Amaze (Sol Sanctum)


This early version of the Amaze (アメイズ) is a level 2 variant with violet undertones. It appears in the deeper areas of Sol Sanctum in Golden Sun.

The enemies fought throughout Sol Sanctum are generally very easy and low-powered, though technically the Amaze is the strongest and most durable.

This first version of the Amaze is especially likely to be affected by Resistance-lowering effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Amaze 28 0 25 8 12 2
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 3 3 Oil Drop.gif Oil Drop 1/16

This first version of the Amaze uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 7/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Rumble 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Enemy ability where the user generates an undulating group of orange spirit energy skulls that strikes into the targeted Adept, dealing a Venus-aligned attack with 9 base damage.

Amaze (Overworld)


This "main version" of the Amaze (アメイズ) is a variant that is level 3 in Golden Sun and level 6 in Golden Sun: The Lost Age, also with with violet undertones. In Golden Sun, it is randomly encountered in the region of the overworld map in Angara encompassing Vale, Vault, Lunpa, and the entrance to Goma Cave. In The Lost Age, it can appear inside the Kandorean Temple.

In its appearances in both games, it is a "stock" monster that is not any better than other monsters and is quite quickly outclassed by monsters coming up.

This version of the Amaze is especially likely to be affected by Resistance-lowering effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Amaze 39 0 36 10 18 2
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 5 6 Oil Drop.gif Oil Drop 1/16

This version of the Amaze uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Rumble 2/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Enemy ability where the user generates an undulating group of orange spirit energy skulls that strikes into the targeted Adept, dealing a Venus-aligned attack with 9 base damage.



A Creeper (クリーパー) is a variant that is level 8 in Golden Sun and level 12 in Golden Sun: The Lost Age, and it has light blue undertones. In Golden Sun it is randomly battled in the interior portions of Tret Tree. In The Lost Age it is battled in the interior portion of Air's Rock.

In its appearance in the first game, it is generally the best balanced and relatively high in stats among the monsters in Tret Tree, with the highest Attack stat and good HP and Agility stats. In The Lost Age, however, it is the weakest and easiest of the monsters that are battled all throughout the interior portion of Air's Rock. When battling Creepers, the only thing really needed to remember is that they might do a single Psynergy spell attack if not dispatched in the first turn of battle.

A Creeper is especially likely to be affected by Resistance-lowering effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Creeper 89 6 79 19 29 2
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 32 38 Weasels Claw.gif Weasel's Claw 1/32

A Creeper uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Frost 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that drops shards of ice onto the party. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 20 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.
Douse 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that drops spheres of water onto the party. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 25 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.



A Spirit (スピリット) is a variant that is level 11 in Golden Sun and level 18 in Golden Sun: The Lost Age, and it has bright violet-red undertones. In Golden Sun it is first battled in Fuchin Falls Cave, and it subsequently appears in Mogall Forest and the overworld region of southeastern Angara that encompasses the exit to Mogall Forest, the entrance to Lamakan Desert, and all the land in between. In The Lost Age it is first battled in Kibombo Mountains and later in the Gabomba Statue and the Gabomba Catacombs.

For when it first appears in Golden Sun, it is pretty solidly balanced among the monsters in Fuchin Falls Cave, but not quite as strong as the Bone Fighter and not as fast and hard-hitting as the Dirge, and it becomes quite weaker among the other monsters in later areas. In The Lost Age, however, it is the weakest and easiest of the monsters that are battled throughout Gabomba Statue and Gabomba Catacombs. Even if Spirits are able to cast their Psynergies, they should not be all that damaging.

A Spirit is especially likely to be affected by Resistance-lowering effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Spirit 116 11 114 30 48 6
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 49 67 Crystal Powder.gif Crystal Powder 1/32

A Spirit uses the following battle commands with moderate intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 4/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Ice 2/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that shoots a mass of ice spikes down onto a target party member, dealing a Mercury-aligned attack with 35 base damage.
Douse 2/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that drops spheres of water onto the party. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 25 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn



An Amaze (アメイズ) is a level 10 variant with a dark purplish body and bluish hands. It is randomly fought in Konpa Cave.

An Amaze is especially likely to be affected by Resistance-lowering effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Amaze 108 10 86 27 43 6
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 68 56 Weasels Claw DD.png Weasel's Claw 1/16

An Amaze can use the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Rumble 2/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Enemy ability where the user summons an array of wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept, dealing a Venus-aligned attack with 20 base damage.



A Creeper (クリーパー) is a level 24 variant with a green body and yellowish arms. It is randomly fought in Phantasmal Bog.

A Creeper is especially likely to be affected by Resistance-lowering effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Creeper 251 27 234 85 124 7
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 324 144 Crystal Powder DD.png Crystal Powder 1/16

A Creeper can use the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Rumble 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Enemy ability where the user summons an array of wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept, dealing a Venus-aligned attack with 20 base damage.
Douse 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that drops spheres of water onto the party. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 25 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.

Shadow Spirit


A Shadow Spirit (シャドースピリット) is a level 36 variant with a dark blue body and red markings. It is randomly fought in the Ei-Jei region between Harapa and Passaj while they are affected by the Grave Eclipse.

A Shadow Spirit is especially likely to be affected by Resistance-lowering effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Shadow Spirit 380 38 365 167 198 8
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 1,140 181 Sleep Bomb DD.png Sleep Bomb 1/8

A Shadow Spirit can use the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Rumble 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Enemy ability where the user summons an array of wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept, dealing a Venus-aligned attack with 20 base damage.
Cold Snap 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that forms a small chunk of ice under the party and has it burst. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 25 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.

Dark Spirit


A Dark Spirit (ダークスピリット) is a level 37 variant with a black body and red markings. It is randomly fought near Iceberg Outpost in the Great Eastern Sea while it is affected by the Grave Eclipse.

A Dark Spirit is especially likely to be affected by Resistance-lowering effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Dark Spirit 391 39 374 173 204 8
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 100 (Lv 1)   Star mars.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star venus.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star jupiter.gif 7 (Lv 2) 1,236 183 Sleep Bomb DD.png Sleep Bomb 1/16

A Dark Spirit can use the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Rumble 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power Enemy ability where the user summons an array of wispy skull-faced spirit energy that hits into a targeted Adept, dealing a Venus-aligned attack with 20 base damage.
Cold Snap 1/8
Star mercury.gif 95 Power Psynergy costing 5 PP that forms a small chunk of ice under the party and has it burst. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 25 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with high damage distribution.