Wild Wolf enemy line

From Golden Sun Universe
(Redirected from White Wolf)

The Wild Wolf, Dire Wolf, and White Wolf are enemies that are randomly battled in Golden Sun: The Lost Age and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. These monsters, resembling wolves, are palette swaps of each other that have differing levels of power and defense and are fought in different locations in the games.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Wild Wolf

For the Wild Wolf Psynergy, see Wild Wolf Psynergy set.
Wild Wolf.png

A Wild Wolf (ワイルドウルフ) is a level 5 variant with brown fur. In The Lost Age, the Wild Wolf is fought throughout the northern half of the continent of Indra in the overworld, as well as in Kandorean Temple and the Shrine of the Sea God.

Of the extremely basic enemies fought in the early portion of the overworld explored in The Lost Age, the Wild Wolf has easily the highest durability and offense, but with low agility that guarantees that your starting level 5 party of Felix, Jenna, and Sheba will all outspeed it in a given turn. It should be no problem to deal with, even though it is more damaging than the other monsters, and quickly becomes a "kindergarten" enemy.

A Wild Wolf is especially likely to be affected by Stun-inducing effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Wild Wolf 45 0 34 8 13 4
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star jupiter.gif 72 (Lv 0)   Star venus.gif 48 (lv 1)   Star mercury.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star mars.gif 25 (Lv 0) 7 7 Herb.gif Herb 1/16

A Wild Wolf uses the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Fatal Fang 2/8
-- Enemy ability where the user leaps forward, charges energy, and lets loose a glowing white image of a pair of jaws chomping down once on a targeted Adept. Deals a standard physical attack with 11 damage points added to the result.

Dire Wolf

Dire Wolf.png

A Dire Wolf (ダイアーウルフ) is a level 22 variant with blue fur. The Dire Wolf is one of the commonly fought monsters throughout the land-based overworld areas accessible from the Great Eastern Sea, and can be fought in Taopo Swamp.

The Dire Wolf has the highest Agility rating of the monsters it is fought alongside in the overworld, and with comparatively solid statistics everywhere else it is one of the "main" monsters to consider while engaging in random battles on the land.

A Dire Wolf is especially likely to be affected by Stun-inducing effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Dire Wolf 155 0 186 44 101 6
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star jupiter.gif 72 (Lv 0)   Star venus.gif 48 (lv 1)   Star mercury.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star mars.gif 25 (Lv 0) 118 114 Weasels Claw.gif Weasel's Claw 1/32

A Dire Wolf uses the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Fatal Fang 1/8
-- Enemy ability where the user leaps forward, charges energy, and lets loose a glowing white image of a pair of jaws chomping down once on a targeted Adept. Deals a standard physical attack with 11 damage added to the end result.
Ice Breath 1/8
Star mercury.gif 80 Power Enemy ability where the user generates a mass of air filled with pieces of ice at the party of Adepts. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 50 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with low damage distribution.

White Wolf

White Wolf.png

The White Wolf (ワイズウルフ Wise Wolf) exists as a named but unused variant in the code in The Lost Age, where none of its statistics and abilities are coded beyond weak placeholder abilities. Had it been used, it would have appeared as a violet-furred variant (despite its name). The White Wolf made its first official debut in Dark Dawn.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Wild Wolf


A Wild Wolf (ワイルドウルフ) is a level 3 variant with brown fur. They are first fought in the Tanglewood and subsequently in the Abandoned Mine as "tutorial enemies".

A Wild Wolf is especially likely to be affected by Stun-inducing effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Wild Wolf 29 0 30 6 11 4
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star jupiter.gif 72 (Lv 0)   Star venus.gif 48 (lv 1)   Star mercury.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star mars.gif 25 (Lv 0) 7 4 Herb DD.png Herb 1/8

A Wild Wolf uses the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 7/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Fatal Fang 1/8
-- Enemy ability where the user deals a standard physical attack with 10 damage added to the end result.

Dire Wolf


A Dire Wolf (ダイアーウルフ) is a level 21 variant with purple fur. They are fought in the Morgal region in between Belinsk and Border Town.

A Dire Wolf is especially likely to be affected by Stun-inducing effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Dire Wolf 147 0 195 40 96 6
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star jupiter.gif 72 (Lv 0)   Star venus.gif 48 (lv 1)   Star mercury.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star mars.gif 25 (Lv 0) 194 86 Weasels Claw DD.png Weasel's Claw 1/32

A Dire Wolf uses the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Fatal Fang 1/8
-- Enemy ability where the user deals a standard physical attack with 10 damage added to the end result.
Ice Breath 1/8
Star mercury.gif 80 Power Enemy ability where the user generates a blast of cold air at the party of Adepts. Deals a Mercury-aligned attack with 50 base damage that is spread out across 3 enemies with low damage distribution.

White Wolf


A White Wolf (ワイズウルフ Wise Wolf) is a level 38 variant with yellow fur. They are fought in Snowdrift Shrine, as well as the overworld areas surrounding Snowdrift Shrine, Gaia Falls Islet, and Burning Island Cave.

A White Wolf is especially likely to be affected by Stun-inducing effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
White Wolf 270 10 356 111 190 7
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star jupiter.gif 72 (Lv 0)   Star venus.gif 48 (lv 1)   Star mercury.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star mars.gif 25 (Lv 0) 1188 117 Herb DD.png Herb 1/16

A White Wolf uses the following battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Fatal Fang 1/8
-- Enemy ability where the user deals a standard physical attack with 10 damage points added to the end result.
Bind 1/8
Star jupiter.gif Level 0 Psynergy costing 4 PP that displays a glowing symbol onto a targeted Adept, attempting to temporarily Seal that Adept's Psynergy capabilities.