Port Rago Docks

Port Rago Docks is a location featured in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, located in the town of Port Rago in the country of Morgal. The building is locked off by the time the party needs to visit it, so the party must use Port Rago Canal to enter it and depart it from the inside.
When the party first steps into the Morgal region, if they visit Port Rago immediately, the NPC standing in front of the building housing the docks will allow you to pass, whereas another NPC will block the entrance to Port Rago Canal. None of the crates that the player can currently interact with will contain anything. Once the party has met pirates over at Border Town, however, the Docks will become locked off, and entering and playing through Port Rago Canal becomes the only method of entering the shipyard on the other side.
When the player climbs up the final ladder in the Canal and heads south through the doorway, Matthew will push a tall box out of the way automatically and emerge in the Docks' northwest corner. The lone barrel to your right contains 24 Coins. Climb up the purple chain to the left, then navigate east through the crates and barrels as far as you can until you are standing on a pile of wooden boxes right underneath a trip of barrels. Cast Grip to bring over a rolling set of stairs to the left, then hop on it; you can immediately go down the stairs to your right to reach the purple chain at the northeast corner, which will let you open a chest left of it for the unique Planet Armor.
From the lower level at the base of the moving stairs, you can also walk to the northwest corner of the area, cross the metallic plank down the water to the southwest mass of crates, and examine the single crate that sticks out at the lower-right corner for a Water of Life while taking a Kaocho Dumpling from the upper-left crate. Then, go east along the edge of the water to the crates, get an Oil Drop from the lone jar, and cast Arid Heat on the bowl of water to lower the shipyard's water level. This lets you climb down the ladder just above you and enter the now-dry doorway next to it, letting you fight and earn the Mercury Djinni Coral. There is also a hidden doorway south of this that is visually indicated with green on the area map, which lets you get to a chest with Quality Zol.
Regardless, head down the narrow wooden bridge over the ship, go down its bottom stairs, and go west to initiate a mandatory cutscene that will result in you having added the Hermes' Water to your inventory. (There is no need to raise the water level back up for the cutscene to take place.) The only way to leave the Docks is back through the Canal, so go back onto the moving stairs, hop back onto the crates, and climb back down the northwest purple chain.
After having completed Talon Peak, it is possible but not mandatory to revisit Port Rago Docks for an optional cutscene inside the sailing ship itself, where treasures like the Zodiac Wand and a Power Bread can be collected. This will require further backtracks through Port Rago Canal in both directions.
Additionally, the Mercury Djinn Coral and a Quality Zol are technically found in Port Rago Canal, but the entrances to these areas can only be accessed from the Docks. While the sailing ship is accessible late in the party's time in the Morgal region, the Zodiac Wand, a Power Bread, a Nut, and 345 Coins can be collected from its insides as well.
After talking with members of Briggs's crew in Border Town, Matthew's party of Adepts travel to Port Rago to meet with Briggs himself. According to the crewmembers, Briggs would certainly wish to make use of Port Rago's docks, which housed master shipbuilders who would repair the ship after a disastrous attack on Belinsk. When the Adepts arrive at Port Rago, they find that the Docks are closed off for unknown reasons. However, the group is able to use their Psynergy to traverse the city's canals and sneak in the back way. At the docks, Briggs speaks with the Adepts about his son's capture by Belinsk forces. He requests that the Adepts speak with Tret to see if there are any secret entrances in Belinsk's fortress, as the fortress was otherwise impregnable, so that a rescue could be attempted. The Adepts are hesitant to accept, but decide to speak with Tret anyway. In return, Briggs promises to use his sailing ship to assist in the rescue once repairs are completed.
When Matthew's party returns to the docks, they sneak in again, and hold a second meeting with Briggs. After learning that Briggs's ship is not yet repaired, the Adepts are forced to go on ahead to rescue Eoleo.
Minor Locations |
Minor Locations in Golden Sun |
Alpine Crossing • Bilibin Barricade • Gondowan Passage • Fuchin Temple • Kalay Docks • Kalay Tunnel • Kolima Bridge • Kolima Tunnel • Lama Temple • Tolbi Docks • Tolbi-bound Ship |
Minor Locations in Golden Sun: The Lost Age |
Alhafran Cave • Ancient Lemuria • Atteka Inlet • E Tundaria Islet • East Indra Shore • Gondowan Settlement • Hesperia Settlement • Idejima • Kalt Island • N Osenia Islet • Osenia Cliffs • SE Angara Islet • Sea of Time Islet • SW Atteka Islet • West Indra Islet Summon Caverns: Angara Cavern • Atteka Cavern • Indra Cavern • Osenia Cavern |
Minor Locations in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn |
Konpa Gate • Clouds of Passaj • Saha Cistern • Kolima Junction • Iceberg Outpost Summon Caverns: Carver's Lumberyard • Konpa Shrine • North Wall Shrine • Border Town Mine |