Game Ticket

From Golden Sun Universe
Game Ticket.gif Game Ticket
In-Game Description
"A special ticket from Tolbi" (GS)
"Ticket for use in special game" (TLA)
Trade Info
Item class Consumable
Buy value 50
Sell value 37
Artifact? Yes
Equip/Use Effect
Use Effect Used to play Lucky Wheels
When Usable Field
• Regularly issued by vendors as you spend coins at their shops

A Game Ticket (ゲームチケット, Gēmu chiketto?, lit. Game Ticket) is an amassable item that is collected and redeemable in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is similar to a Lucky Medal in that it can be collected in large quantities and then redeemed all at once at a certain location.

Game Tickets are offered to players for free by any vendor upon purchasing an item whenever the total number of coins spent across all vendors over the course of the game has reached certain thresholds. As more Game Tickets are earned throughout the game, the spending requirements to receive additional tickets increases. Only one Game Ticket is offered per purchase, even if the player has surpassed multiple coin milestones; in the event that a player has spent so much that they have passed multiple milestones, e.g. by purchasing very expensive artifacts, they will receive a Game Ticket with every purchase they make until they have received a ticket for each milestone they've reached.

The following table lists the spending requirements to earn Game Tickets:

Game Tickets earned so far Coins needed to earn next Game Ticket
0-4 300
5-9 500
10-14 1000
15-19 2000
20-24 4000
25+ 8000

Game Tickets can be used in the Lucky Wheels minigame located in Tolbi in Golden Sun and in Contigo in Golden Sun: The Lost Age, and the prizes include the main shirts, boots, and rings that can be found in either game. They can be refused when offered by the vendor, sold for 37 coins, and bought back as an Artifact for 50 coins.

Lucky Wheel prizes
Hearts NutVialPotion
Stars ElixirPsy CrystalWater of Life
Boots Fur BootsHyper BootsQuick Boots
Shirts Mythril ShirtRunning ShirtSilk Shirt
Rings Adept RingSleep RingWar Ring
See also Game TicketsTolbiContigo
Consumable Items
HP-restoring HerbRice RationCornKaocho DumplingPlump DumplingNutVialPotionMist Potion
PP-restoring Khiren WaterGinsengPsy Crystal
Status-restoring AntidoteDried LizardElixirWater of Life
Offensive Bramble SeedCrystal PowderGunpowder BombIllusion PerfumeOil DropPsy GrenadeSleep BombSmoke BombSpark ShurikenWeasel's Claw
Stat-boosting AppleCookieHard NutLucky PepperMintPower Bread
Forgeable Dark MatterDragon SkinGolem CoreMythril SilverOrihalconQuality ZolSalamander TailStar DustSylph FeatherTear Stone
Misc. Dream LeafGame TicketLucky MedalSacred Feather