Dark Devourer enemy line

From Golden Sun Universe
(Redirected from Bone Gnawer)
Official artwork

The Dark Devourer, Bone Gnawer, and Foul Glutton are enemies battled in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. These monsters, resembling hunchbacked goblins, are palette swaps of each other that have differing levels of power and defense and are fought in different locations in the game. This is a thematic successor to the Ghoul enemy line.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Dark Devourer


The Dark Devourer (ダークイーター Dark Eater) is a green level 29 variant. Only one Dark Devourer is fought in the game where it, along with two Dark Scuttlers, serve as a miniboss in the Belinsk Opera House. The player may miss it while going through Belinsk at the start of the Grave Eclipse because the game guides you towards the docks at the northeastern area of town, and you would have to go out of your way into the northwestern area where the opera house is at first. Defeating it rewards players with the Crystallux summon.

The Dark Devourer has story relevance in the optional event at the opera house: When the Grave Eclipse begins and spawns shadowy enemies all throughout Belinsk that injure and kill people everywhere, the Dark Devourer takes over the Opera House's stage. The dragon spirit inhabiting the house chandelier, Crystallux, then drops down to antagonize it, but a young woman in red steps in between the two to try to tell the monster not to hurt Crystallux. The Dark Devourer mortally wounds her with a swipe, and Matthew's group steps in to dispatch the beast. The woman admits she always knew the dragon was real before dying, and Crystallux voluntarily adds itself to Matthew's summon collection. After Matthew's group buries her, he proceeds on his own flight from Belinsk.

The Dark Devourer is especially likely to be affected by Delusion-inflicting effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Dark Devourer 1474 0 362 102 70 30
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star jupiter.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star venus.gif 25 (Lv 2)   Star mars.gif 7 (Lv 0) 3483 588 Vial DD.png Vial 1/16

The Dark Devourer uses these battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 121/256
-- Standard physical attack.
Cannibal Fang 100/256
Star venus.gif 100 Power
Star venus.gif Level 2
Enemy ability where the monster chomps down on a targeted Adept while energy is siphoned into the monster. It may miss, but if it connects, it deals a Venus-aligned attack with 24 base damage, and the user's HP is restored by an amount equal to the amount of damage done.
Festering Rake 35/256
Star venus.gif 100 Power
Star venus.gif Level 2
Enemy ability where the monster chomps down on a targeted Adept. Deals a Venus-aligned standard physical attack with 14 damage points added to the end result, and has a chance to inflict Poison.

Bone Gnawer


A Bone Gnawer (イビルバイター Evil Biter) is a blue level 35 variant. It is randomly fought in the exterior of Ayuthay after the Grave Eclipse occurs. It is also possible to encounter Bone Gnawers in Port Rago, but only via hacking or the Endless Wall glitch.

A Bone Gnawer is especially likely to be affected by Delusion-inflicting effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Bone Gnawer 458 0 409 138 86 2
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star jupiter.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star venus.gif 25 (Lv 2)   Star mars.gif 7 (Lv 0) 1985 179 Weasels Claw DD.png Weasel's Claw 1/16

A Bone Gnawer uses these battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 6/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Cannibal Fang 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power
Star venus.gif Level 2
Enemy ability where the monster chomps down on a targeted Adept while energy is siphoned into the monster. It may miss, but if it connects, it deals a Venus-aligned attack with 24 base damage, and the user's HP is restored by an amount equal to the amount of damage done.
Festering Rake 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power
Star venus.gif Level 2
Enemy ability where the monster chomps down on a targeted Adept. Deals a Venus-aligned standard physical attack with 14 damage points added to the end result, and has a chance to inflict Poison.

Foul Glutton


A Foul Glutton (ダークサッカー Dark Sucker) is a black level 36 variant. It is randomly fought in Kaocho after the Grave Eclipse occurs.

A Foul Glutton is especially likely to be affected by Delusion-inflicting effects. Its statistics are as follows:

Name HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck
Foul Glutton 472 0 426 144 89 2
Elemental Resistances and Levels Exp Coins Item Dropped Drop Rate
Star mercury.gif 72 (Lv 1)   Star jupiter.gif 48 (Lv 0)   Star venus.gif 25 (Lv 2)   Star mars.gif 7 (Lv 0) 2153 148 Kaocho Dumpling DD.png Kaocho Dumpling 1/8

A Foul Glutton uses these battle commands with low intelligence:

Command Chance
to use
Elem. Stats
used with *
Attack 5/8
-- Standard physical attack.
Cannibal Fang 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power
Star venus.gif Level 2
Enemy ability where the monster chomps down on a targeted Adept while energy is siphoned into the monster. It may miss, but if it connects, it deals a Venus-aligned attack with 24 base damage, and the user's HP is restored by an amount equal to the amount of damage done.
Festering Rake 1/8
Star venus.gif 100 Power
Star venus.gif Level 2
Enemy ability where the monster chomps down on a targeted Adept. Deals a Venus-aligned standard physical attack with 14 damage points added to the end result, and has a chance to inflict Poison.
Decompose 1/8
Star venus.gif Level 2 Enemy ability where the battle text reads "Foul Glutton exudes the smell of decay!" as the monster spews yellow gas at up to 3 Adepts. Each affected Adept may have their Attack rating temporarily lowered by 12.5%. Reported as the "smell of decay."


  • A model for a light-blue variant exists in the game files for Dark Dawn and is meant to be a redesign of the Ghoul enemy line from the Game Boy Advance games. The three Dark Devourer variants in the final game technically exist as the "Grave Eclipse set" of what would have been a standard Ghoul without the accompanying dark visual effects.