
From Golden Sun Universe

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News Archive

  • 11/24/2018: Datamining for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate confirms a total of eight Golden Sun-related Spirits, an Isaac-themed costume for the Mii Swordfighter, and both music tracks returning from previous Smash games.
  • 11/3/2018: Felix is confirmed to be a Spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at Nintendo Live 2018.
  • 11/1/2018: Isaac is confirmed to return in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as an Assist Trophy. Golden Sun is featured in certain other contexts, such as Matthew being involved as a Spirit in Spirits Mode.
  • 9/13/2018: Nintendo is granted a Japanese trademark for Golden Sun (In English) after applying for one on 8/24/2018.
  • 2/26/2017: Golden Sun Universe is moving to a new server on March 5th and interruptions in usage may occur.
  • 8/6/2015: Golden Sun: The Lost Age is released on the Wii U Virtual Console for western audiences.
  • 7/12/2015: Nintendo president and CEO Satoru Iwata passes away.
  • 4/20/2015: A complete scanslation of the unofficial 4-Koma Gag Battle comedy volume is posted on Tumblr.
  • 11/21/2014: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is released in North America, containing the overworld theme of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn as an unlockable music track.
  • 11/7/2014: A GameXplain video shows that the Golden Sun battle remix from Super Smash Bros. Brawl will return in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U as part of its starting song selection.
  • 7/19/2014: Golden Sun: The Lost Age is set to be released on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console on July 23, 2014.
  • 3/26/2014: Nintendo announces that Golden Sun will be available on Wii U Virtual Console on April 17th, 2014, in Europe and North America.[1][2]
  • 2/13/2014: The Japanese version of the February Nintendo Direct announces that Golden Sun is to be released on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console on April 3, 2014 - one of the first thirteen Game Boy Advance games to do so.
  • 8/15/2013: Golden Sun Universe has been upgraded to MediaWiki 1.21. Please report any problems to dkpat.
  • 4/14/2013: The 10-year anniversary of the North American release of Golden Sun: The Lost Age is observed.
  • 11/8/2012: A petition for a 4th Golden Sun Game is in the making, and has considerable signatures. Golden Sun Universe encourages visitors to sign this petition.
  • 6/24/2012: The real-world Lonesome George dies.
  • 6/13/2012: Camelot Software Planning indicates that Golden Sun 4 may be considered if enough players ask for it.
  • 3/23/2012: Golden Sun Universe has been upgraded to MediaWiki 1.18 and has a new skin. Please report any problems to dkpat.
  • 11/2/2011: Golden Sun Universe celebrates its 5 year anniversary. Congratulations for making it this far to everyone.
  • 8/1/2011: The ten-year anniversary of the original Japanese release of the first Golden Sun title is observed.
  • 7/16/2011: Golden Sun Universe has now been upgraded to MediaWiki 1.17. If you find any errors, please notify an administrator as soon as possible.
  • 6/17/2011: Golden Sun Universe has affiliated with Adept's Refuge, a fansite packed with game info, and The Lost Waters community forums.
  • 3/18/2011: Axiomist, NIWA co-founder and original proposer of Golden Sun Universe's affiliation with NIWA, passes away.
  • 12/21/2010: Japanese-language magazine Nintendo Dream is claimed to report that the next Golden Sun is in development for Nintendo 3DS.
  • 12/10/2010: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is released in Europe.
  • 12/2/2010: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is released in Australia.
  • 11/29/2010: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is released in North America.
  • 11/25/2010: Golden Sun Universe has left Wikia to become independent, and is now affiliated with the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance.
  • 11/24/2010: A new djinn trailer is released from Nintendo of America.[3]
  • 11/19/2010: The official English-language Dark Dawn site updates again with a preliminary atlas of the game's main continent, Angara, introducing various nations and new areas.
  • 11/16/2010: The official English-language Dark Dawn site updates with character biographies, revealing the English names of the main cast: Stella is now Sveta, Harumani is now Amiti, Spade is now Blados, Heart is now Chalis, and Ace is now Arcanus.
  • 10/28/2010: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is released in Japan. In accordance with this, the official site updates with the introduction of Ace, a counterpart to Spade and Heart.
  • 10/21/2010: The next update to the official Japanese website introduces the final two characters of the playable Dark Dawn party, Mercury Adept Harumani and Venus Adept Himi.
  • 10/19/2010: A Japanese Amazon.com product page (translation here) confirms that accompanying the Japanese Release of Dark Dawn will be a "magazine book" package titled the Adept's Navigation Guide, which includes guides, walkthroughs, story explanations, an Official Soundtrack CD of Dark Dawn music, and a manga appearing in V-Jump December 2010.
  • 10/14/2010: The official Japanese website updates with three new character reveals: Isaac as an adult, Kraden returning even older than before, and new character Stella.
  • 10/10/2010: Amazon.com's Golden Sun: Dark Dawn product page posts a trailer of the North American version of Dark Dawn, which reveals that Crown has received the name Rief.
  • 9/30/2010: A new scan from Jump Magazine confirms an adult Eoleo as a playable Mars Adept of Dark Dawn, as well as antagonists Spade and Heart as commanding warriors from the military nation Tsaparang. Translations and summary can be found here.
  • 9/15/2010: 1:44 of a new Japanese video that demonstrates various Psynergy spells (translation here) showcases an all-new playable character whose name, though only seen in Japanese kana, may be romanized as "Halmarny". Furthermore, the Dark Dawn website on Nintendo.co.jp is updated and restructured - site translation here.
  • 9/4/2010: A 4-chan image provides an official introduction to Crown, a Mercury Adept, and includes official promotional artwork.
  • 9/3/2010: An in-game screenshot posted on the Japanese version of Amazon.com reveals Crown's in-game facial portrait, and also gives a strong indication that there will be more than four main playable characters in Dark Dawn in total.
  • 8/30/2010: A press release at Nintendo of America's Media Site confirms the North American release date of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn to be November 29, 2010.
  • 8/18/2010: A new teaser video surfaces, showing and confirming a new character named Crown as part of the playable party. Other confirmed details include random encounters and emotion bubbles.
  • 8/5/2010: Scans of another Dark Dawn article in Shonen Jump magazine show, among other information translated here, an illustrated map of the Angara/Gondowan region of the new version of Weyard.
  • 7/21/2010: Translation of two scans of a Japanese-language Famitsu article on Dark Dawn, as well as a 1up developer interview with the Takahashi brothers, reveals more new information, the most important of which is that Dark Dawn will be a single title rather than two parts like the Game Boy Advance games, but that there are plans for fans to be allowed "to imagine what the world will be like after it's over."