Pilgrim (Mercury) class series

From Golden Sun Universe

The Pilgrim (Mercury) class series is a dual-elemental class series available to the Mercury Adepts, and to a lesser extent, the Mars Adepts. The Mercury Adepts become this class series if they have Mars Djinn set to them, and the Mars Adepts become this class series when they have a certain number of Mercury Djinn set to them.

This class series can be easily confused with the Pilgrim (Jupiter) class series, as the Pilgrim, Wanderer, and Ascetic classes appear in both series, and the statistical influence is the same between the classes.

The class series, when at its highest stage of Guru and compared to the other series at their highest respective stages, has very good Agility, stronger Defense, good PP, and average HP and Attack - the Guru of the Pilgrim (Jupiter) class series is the same in all of these areas. Both series' luck ratings are high. Noteworthy Psynergy from an endgame perspective includes Pure Wish, Cure Poison, and Break (contrast with the Jupiter variation's Ward/Resist), and the heaviest area-of-effect Psynergy it has is Freeze Prism (contrast with the Jupiter variation's Spark Plasma) and Pyroclasm. Average stats from an endgame perspective are 153% (160% if you don't factor in Luck).

In all games, an Adept in this class series is especially likely to be affected by Delusion-inflicting effects.

Statistical Influence

Pilgrim (Mercury) class series
Class Name Djinn HP PP ATK DEF AGI LCK
Mercury Adepts Mars Adepts
Pilgrim 1 Star mars.gif unavailable 90% 120% 90% 100% 120% 120%
Wanderer 2-3 Star mars.gif unavailable 110% 130% 100% 110% 130% 120%
Ascetic 4-5 Star mars.gif 6 Star mercury.gif 120% 140% 110% 120% 140% 120%
Water Monk 6 Star mars.gif, 1 Star mercury.gif 7 Star mercury.gif, 1 Star mars.gif 150% 160% 130% 140% 160% 120%
Guru 7 Star mars.gif, 2 Star mercury.gif unavailable 170% 170% 140% 150% 170% 120%

Notes on Class Names

  • Hover your cursor over class names for alt-text of series' Japanese names.
  • A shugenja is a follower of Shugendo, a mountain ascetic sect incorporating concepts from Shintoism and Buddhism.
  • A houshi (as in the (Water) Dragon Priest classes, equivalent to the Ascetic and Water Monk classes) is a type of Buddhist Priest that is a teacher of dharma. The meaning is one who is an exemplar of the ideal.

Psynergy Setup

Lvl Psynergy PP Range Power
1 Star mercury.gif Douse 5 Range 3.gif 25
5 Star mercury.gif Cure Poison 2 Range 1.gif
6 Star mercury.gif Prism 7 Range 3.gif 40
8 Star mars.gif Volcano 6 Range 1.gif 45
Class must be Ascetic or higher.
9 Star mercury.gif Wish 9 Range all.gif
Class must be Ascetic or higher.
12 Star mercury.gif Drench 10 Range 3.gif 60
13 Star mercury.gif Restore 3 Range 1.gif
20 Star mercury.gif Hail Prism 16 Range 5.gif 90
22 Star mars.gif Eruption 14 Range 3.gif 90
Class must be Ascetic or higher.
24 Star mercury.gif Wish Well 13 Range all.gif
Class must be Ascetic or higher.
30 Star mercury.gif Deluge 20 Range 5.gif 120
34 Star mercury.gif Break 5 Range all.gif
46 Star mercury.gif Pure Wish 20 Range all.gif
Class must be Ascetic or higher.
48 Star mars.gif Pyroclasm 29 Range 5.gif 180
Class must be Ascetic or higher.
52 Star mercury.gif Freeze Prism 32 Range 5.gif 190


Both versions of the Pilgrim class are one of the more solid Dual-Elemental classes available. The Mercury version is especially effective, as it possesses the potent Prism and Volcano families for offense, along with the Wish series for mass healing. The Douse series offers a good intermediate series while waiting for more potent versions of Volcano and Prism to come along, while the Hermit must endure long breaks of new Psynergy.

Statistically, the class is very sound, possessing good HP and Defense, along with good agility, HP, and PP. The Guru class is an excellent choice for Amiti, should the player have him wield the Sagittarius Bow. The Mars-increasing nature of the class allows him to take better advantage of the Bow's secondary unleashes, while increasing his natural agility, defense, and PP. The attack stat remains the same, however, Amiti's HP drops slightly from his base class.

Pilgrim lacks early game as most of its Psynergy only becomes usable at Ascetic. Prior to Ascetic the class only has Mercury offensive Psynergy and status recovery and is quite mediocre.

One not so obvious drawback is that you'll be trading water djinn to Jenna, Garet, Eoleo, or Tyrell to put Piers, Mia, Rief, or Amiti into this class, which will put your Mars adepts in the Swordsman class, one of the weaker dual-elemental classes, if you don't trade their new Mercury Djinn to someone else. This is alleviated in Dark Dawn after Himi joins you, as she can make excellent use of the Mercury Djinn as a healer.

Should you enjoy the Pilgrim classes, consider the ranger class. Although it lacks the powerful Plasma and Prism families, it is the only tri-elemental caster series with three offensive Psynergy abilities in three different elements. The ranger's primary drawback is its lack of Wish, making it less useful than a Mercury Pilgrim towards the endgame.

Class series in the Golden Sun series
Mono-Elemental (GS/TLA): Flame UserGuardMarinerSquireWater SeerWind Seer
Mono-Elemental (DD): Aqua SquireBeastlingGuardMikoPirateSquireWater SeerWind Seer
Dual-Elemental: ApprenticeBruteCurse MageHermitPagePilgrim (Jupiter)Pilgrim (Mercury)ScrapperSeer (Jupiter)Seer (Mercury)Swordsman (Mars)Swordsman (Venus)/Crusader
Tri-Elemental: DragoonMediumNinjaRangerSamuraiWhite Mage
Item-Dependent: Dark MagePierrotTamer
Psynergy-Dependent: Wild Animal