Leda's Bracelet (The Lost Age)

From Golden Sun Universe
(Redirected from Leda's Bracelet)
Ledas Bracelet.gif Leda's Bracelet
In-Game Description
"Bracelet: Raises Wind Power" (TLA)
Trade Info
Item class Bracelet
Buy value 5800
Sell value 4350
Artifact? Yes
Equip/Use Effect
Defense Boost 38
Elemental Power Boosts Star jupiter.gif 30
• Random Lucky Medal prize at Lemuria (TLA)
Leda's Bracelet redirects here. For the item renamed "Leda's Bracelet" in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, see Armlet.

A Leda's Bracelet (レダアームレット, Leda Armlet?) is a Bracelet-class piece of armor found in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Visually, Leda's Bracelet resembles a gold armlet with a ruby and emerald set into it.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Leda's Bracelets are found randomly as prizes from Lemuria's Lucky Medal Fountain, and can be equipped by Jenna and Sheba. Later on, Mia and Ivan can equip the Leda's Bracelet, after they join the party.

When it can first be acquired, Leda's Bracelet is very useful on Sheba, bolstering her Jupiter abilities while providing good defense. It may be argued that this is actually the best Bracelet-class armor, because the Jester's Armlet's effects of 39 defense and adding 30 to PP are not considered all that major, and the Mythril Armlet, which has 46 defense and increases Critical Hit and Unleash rate by 10%, is outperformed by the supremely useful Riot Gloves, which has 45 defense and increases Critical Hit and Unleash rate by 20%. On an Adept that focuses on casting Jupiter Psynergy instead of attacking, this might actually be useful in top-level play, much like how the Big Bang Gloves are useful on an Adept that focuses on casting Mars Psynergy.

Cultural references

In Greek mythology, Leda was one of a very large number women who caught the fancy of Zeus. In order to elude Hera's jealous eye, Zeus approached and seduced Leda in the form of a swan. Although one imagines that Zeus would have had to take human form to consummate the union, Leda "gave birth" to two eggs, each of which hatched out into two children. Usually, one of the eggs bore children of mortal blood and the other were born with divine, immortal blood in their veins. Though accounts vary as to which child came came from which egg, the four siblings: Castor, Pollux, Helen (of Trojan War fame), and Clytemnestra are all given at times as children from this union.

It is possible, although by no means certain, that the Bracelet's Jupiter boost is directly related to the legend, since Jupiter was the Roman god conflated with Zeus.

Lucky Medal Fountain prizes
Tolbi (Golden Sun) Lemuria (The Lost Age)
Weapons Assassin BladeBurning AxeGrievous Mace Fireman's PoleHestia BladeMighty Axe
Body Armor Cocktail DressKimonoSpirit Armor Erebus ArmorFloral DressWild Coat
Hand Armor Battle GlovesEarth ShieldGuardian Armlet Aegis ShieldCrafted GlovesLeda's Bracelet
Head Armor Adept's HelmGlittering TiaraNinja Hood Brilliant CircletCrown of GloryMinerva Helm
Consumable Items PotionPsy CrystalWater of Life PotionPsy CrystalWater of Life
Miscellaneous N/A Eclipse (summon)
See also Lucky MedalsCoins