Stealth Armor

From Golden Sun Universe
Stealth Armor.gif Stealth Armor Curse.gif
In-Game Description
"Cursed Armor: Weak against Earth" (TLA)
Trade Info
Item class Armor
Buy value 14000
Sell value 10500
Artifact? Yes
Equip/Use Effect
Defense Boost 48
Resistance Boosts Star venus.gif -10
Forged from Dark Matter (TLA)

A Stealth Armor (ステルスアーマー, Stealth Armor?) is an Armor-class piece of armor found in Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age

The Stealth Armor is an item both under the influence of an equipment curse and saddled with a 10-point reduction in Venus resistance. It is similar to the Demon Mail in both of these regards, but is different in that the Demon Mail lowers Jupiter resistance by 10.

Stealth Armor is obtained by bringing a Dark Matter forgeable item to Sunshine the blacksmith in Yallam, where he will randomly forge it into that or several other items, and then buying it from him. As an Armor-class item, it is equippable by the warrior-style Adepts Felix, Piers, Isaac, and Garet.

The Stealth Armor should be considered substandard among endgame equipment because the appeal of most other endgame gear is in the additional bonuses they provide, which is something this piece does the exact opposite of. Any chest-armor for warrior-style Adepts that has a Defense rating close to this should be worn instead of this, and of course, there are various pieces that offer higher defense in addition to bonuses.

Dark Matter equipment
The Lost Age DarkswordDemon CircletFear HelmStealth ArmorTerra Shield
Dark Dawn DarkswordDemon CircletTerra Shield