User:Eternal Engine
From Golden Sun Universe
Yo. I made this account so I could fix errors I find while using the wiki.
To Do:
- JP names for DD quest items
- Mysterious Card capitalization & general wording (see Tomegathericon, Trainer's Whip)
- Apollo's Axe, Stellar Axe, Silver Greave pages
- Dullahan/Sentinel pronoun consistency
- Tuaparang notes
- Dark Matter locations (see Orihalcon, Mythril Silver)
- Khiren Water locations
- Rice Ration/Dumplings locations
- Many standalone enemies/bosses are missing their level
- Dino, Kobold, Gnome regions
- Cutting/Plume Edge animation descriptions for DD?
- Serac animation description for DD
- Name origins: Glare, Wrath, Glow, Stoke, Chili, Pepper, Sizzle, Flare, Aurora, Squall, Luff, Breath, Ether, Haze, Wheeze, Lull, (Gale, Gust,) Jolt, Vortex, Doldrum, Sirocco, Wisp, Puff, Fleet, Bolt, Swift, Sour, Spring, Steam, Eddy, Balm, Mellow, Claw, Dewdrop, Torrent, Coral, Spout, Teardrop, Pincer, Foam, Geyser
- Hypnos origin
- Psy Drain icon is different in TLA (EP > PP)
- Zagan DD icon
- Add Pewter dialogue icon?
- Doom Dragon move chances?
- Check Psynergy pages to make basic descriptions' ranges consistently words and not numbers
- Mind Read page is missing PP cost
Despite having added a number of JP name translations, I do not actually speak or read Japanese. I've been using translators and dictionaries to get them.
Primary Sources:
Secondary Sources:
Translations to Double-Check:
- Masamune
- Laminar flow / blue dragon / azure dragon
- Remaining/left-over/excess, beheading/decapitation, remnants, figure
- Dried Lizard
- Sun Saga
- Anchor Charm
- Black Orb
- Demon Mace
- Kikuichimonji
- Mythril Claw
- Umbra Knuckles
- Bloody Claw
- Zephyr's Bow
- Dragon Bow
- Themis' Axe
- Skorpna enemy line
- Psynergy Slam
- Gale Psynergy series
- Fire Bomb Psynergy series
- Bramble Seed
- Casual Shirt
- Floating Hat