Golden Sun/Side Scripts/Lalivero

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Vale) | (Vault) | (Bilibin) | (Imil) | (Kolima) | (Xian) | (Altin)
(Kalay) | (Karagol Sea) | (Tolbi) | (Lunpa) | (Suhalla) | (Lalivero)
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Lalivero (pre-Venus Lighthouse)

Left wounded soldier at entrance
Uhhnn... We were taken by surprise...
But why... Sheba...
  If only they didn't have Sheba...
  But even without her as a hostage, we couldn't have beaten them.
Right wounded soldier at entrance
They were terrible! We were no match... They're horrible!
  They used fire on us! That's just not right!
Woman near southwest residence
Faran followed Sheba. I'm sure he'll rescue her.
  Faran still does not return... What could be happening?
Girl walking near monument
I bet Sheba can use her powers to escape them.
  They all have a lesson coming to them.
  They'll learn why Sheba is called the holy child of Lalivero!
Blonde lady walking near monument
Sheba is our only hope. If something happens to her, Lalivero is finished.
  What do they plan to do with Sheba in the ruins...
  No... I must not think such horrible things...
White-garbed man near monument
This all happened because Tolbi took Sheba away from us...
  We never should have let Tolbi take Sheba away from us.
Boy walking near monument
If I were bigger, I would have saved Sheba myself!
  I tried to step in front of them to save her...
  But my heart was trembling... I couldn't stop them...
Old woman near sanctum
There was an earthquake at the ruins before this happened.
I wonder if Sheba and the others are okay...
  The stones we stacked for the lighthouse won't fall, will they?
Solder guarding northwest building
Babi's most precious belonging is kept here.
No one may enter!
  I wonder what Babi's most precious belonging is...
  If I don't even know, how can I be interested in guarding it?
Young man at north end
Ohh... They took Sheba and headed for the ruins.
  Curses! We couldn't stop Sheba and the others...
Woman in southwest residence
We received Sheba from the sky and raised her lovingly...
I know Faran will rescue that child.
  It's so painful to even think of anything bad happening to Sheba.
  I would take her place if I could.
Red-haired lady in southwest residence
His wife seems very calm, considering.
Deep down, she must be worried about Sheba.
  That couple raised Sheba as though she were their own child.
  When someone like Sheba is kidnapped, it worries us all!
Boy in southwest residence
I just know that Father will save my elder sister, Sheba.
  I just wish someone would please rescue my sister, Sheba.
Inspect oven in southwest residence
Isaac looked in the oven...
She's frying freshwater fish from the river.
The fish is fried crispy. You could even eat the bones!
White-garbed man in southeast residence
Could Faran have tricked us all?
If Sheba does have mystic powers, she couldn't have been taken hostage.
  A legendary savior will appear in the sky...
  I was a fool for believing that savior was Sheba.
Woman in southeast residence
If Sheba can't use her powers in a time like this, they're useless!
  I'd like to believe in Sheba...
  Please, Sheba, use your power to escape from them!
Inspect oven in southeast residence
Isaac looked in the oven...
It's a Lalivero Salad with potato and cactus.
It looks good, but a little spiky... Mmmm...spiky.
Weapon shopkeeper
Sheba was taken hostage, and Faran went after them?
  [Yes] Oh my! What's everyone else in Lalivero doing?
  If I didn't have to watch my shop, I'd go rescue Sheba myself!
  [No] What are you, a shut-in? That's all anyone has been talking about!
    The Laliverans are a timid people, so you can't count on them here.
Armor shopkeeper
You're a warrior, right? Please rescue Sheba!
I'll give you a discount on my goods if you rescue her.
  I can't rescue Sheba! If I only had courage... Maybe then...
Old man on roof of armory
The rumbling at the ruins must have been a warning...
  We have seen many omens of bad things to come.
  We saw one when Sheba was taken from Lalivero, too...
Healer in sanctum
Babi isn't building a lighthouse—it's a tower...
Maybe he is trying to elevate himself to the level of the gods.
  I bet Babi's tower will be struck down!
  After all, "pride goeth before a fall!"
Item shopkeeper
I guess it was people from Angara who took Sheba hostage.
Everyone knows that continent is full of thugs and barbarians.
  If anything happens to Sheba...
  I'll never do business with anyone from Angara again!
Old man in second floor of item shop
Sheba came flying to the ruins like a shooting star.
She created a massive depression in the center of the ruins.
  Even though she fell out of the sky, she wasn't even bruised!
  They can't hurt Sheba!
Old woman in second floor of item shop
Even Sheba couldn't have escaped six of them...
  If something happens to Sheba, what will become of Lalivero?
Bald man in tall residence neighboring the item shop
They say a man named Iodem is coming from Tolbi.
I guess he plans to make us do even more work!
  When Iodem gets here, he's going to have some explaining to do.
  I wonder if I should flee Lalivero...
Muscle-man in tall residence neighboring the item shop
Sheba said the cave at the ruins leads to the southeast.
But it couldn't possibly lead all the way to Venus Lighthouse...
  I wonder how Sheba knew about the caves at the ruins?
  Her visions... they can't be true.
Inspect oven in tall residence neighboring the item shop
Isaac looked in the oven...
The pot is full of a stew made with many ingredients.
It looks like it will bring strength.
Bald man in second floor of tall residence neighboring the item shop
No one's called me, so maybe I'll take a nap...
  It's been so long since I had a nap, I'd forgotten how nice they are!
Muscle-man in second floor of tall residence neighboring the item shop
The ruins that form the lighthouse foundation are riddled with caves.
If you could get through the caves, I'm sure you'd solve the ruins' riddle.
  Those caves are too dangerous for me to explore.
  If only I were a warrior. Then I'd go find the treasure in the caves!
If you want to stay, I'll let you, because it means money for me.
But if you're a warrior... You ought to be rescuing Sheba.
  Why did this have to happen to Sheba? If only it were a dream.
Innkeeper's wife (first interaction)
Oh, I'm sorry...
I'm so worried about Sheba, I can't concentrate.
But no matter how much I worry, there isn't anything I can do.
...Now, to work, to work!
Innkeeper's wife (subsequent interactions)
Working like this keeps my mind occupied.
  Housecleaning... changing sheets... It's all done, right?
  I'm just not myself... Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing...
Inspect left oven in inn
Isaac looked in the oven...
She's making roast chicken.
This scent... It must be flavored with garlic.
Inspect right oven in inn
Isaac looked in the oven...
It's rice made with grains from the area.
It looks so fluffy. It will go with any food!
Young man in second floor of inn
We must obey Tolbi... That's what led to this happening to Sheba.
Babi is responsible for all of it!
  Once this incident is over, I hope Tolbi's soldiers all leave town...
Blonde lady in northwest residence
There are some who do not believe Sheba has any powers...
Doubting Sheba? That is foolish!
  Sheba is the savior of Lalivero. There's no mistake about it.
  I don't know of anyone other than Sheba with power like that.
Young man in northwest residence
Of course I have seen Sheba's power... It's incredible!
How could one with such power ever be taken hostage?
  Sheba, if the power that you showed us is real, then please escape!
  If you don't, I...might start to doubt that power of yours.
Inspect oven in northwest residence
Isaac looked in the oven...
She's making mushroom soup.
In Lalivero, they toss in all kinds of local beans and herbs.

Babi Lighthouse

Bald man along road
We haven't been ordered to start working yet... Do we get today off?
  There was a big fight that ended in some hostages being taken.
  Tragic, I know, but anything that gets me off work can't be all bad!
Muscle-man along road
There were strange folk going to the ruins... Faran followed them.
  If Faran went after them, then this is serious!
  If this keeps up, we won't be able to build the lighthouse.
Workman facing left over road
It's odd that Babi would build a lighthouse in a place like this.
Maybe he thought using the ruins as the foundation would be easy.
  Why would they want to rush construction on the lighthouse?
  Maybe they hope to rule the seas and control more distant lands...
Upper-right workman at road
Cutting these stones and stacking them on the ruins isn't easy.
Build it faster, you say? Try building it yourself, then!
  Now that I think of it, we did find a strange cave in the quarry.
Lower wounded soldier
They were terrible! We were absolutely no match for them.
  We're the ones who attacked, but we took all the damage.
  What were we thinking, trying to fight those guys?
Upper wounded soldier
They just kicked us out of their way and went on to the lighthouse.
  What could they be planning for Babi Lighthouse?
Wounded bald man
They set fire to everything! That's why the ground is scorched.
Using fire as a weapon is so cowardly!
  None of them had any torches.
  It's like that fire just appeared out of nowhere!
Wounded muscle-man
Only two of those six ever attacked anyone...
but just those two completely overwhelmed us!
  The other four didn't seem to have any fight left in them at all.
Iodem (before opening sealed door)
I am counting on you, Isaac! Prove your worth by opening that door!
  I do not mean to doubt your abilities, Isaac, but I am very worried!
  If this door doesn't open...
Muscle-man (before opening sealed door)
When I saw them, they had already gone through to the other side.
It's the truth! You have to believe me!
  Nobody thinks the door can be opened, and I'm starting to doubt myself.
  It's not like I actually saw them go through...
Gray man (before opening sealed door)
I am sorry, but not even Sheba has ever passed through here.
There is no way this door will open.
  I don't know what they're waiting for. If they're going to open the door,
  they'd better do it now!
Faran (before opening sealed door)
If you can open this door, I will trust Iodem once more...
  I hope they can open the door, but I won't believe it until I see it.
Young man (before opening sealed door)
This all started when Sheba was dragged off to Tolbi.
If anything happens to Sheba, the good folk of Lalivero won't sit idly by!
  This is all a huge waste of time!
  If we don't find Sheba soon, her life may be in danger...
Iodem (after opening sealed door)
I beg of you, Isaac. Please bring Sheba back!
  If anything happens to Sheba, Tolbi will become Lalivero's sworn enemy.
  That must be prevented at all costs.
Muscle-man (after opening sealed door)
I can't believe this door actually opened! What are you?
  If this door opens, maybe we can get into other parts of the ruins too.
Gray man (after opening sealed door)
It takes great courage to continue on in the face of danger...
We will be here awaiting your safe return.
  I bet the monsters around here are nothing like what lies ahead!
  I'm happy to leave such dangers to these warriors.
Faran (after opening sealed door)
I am not afraid of danger, but I do not want to hinder you.
I am counting on you to save Sheba for us.
  I don't want to hinder Sheba's rescue!
  From here on out, I'm leaving everything to these warriors...
Young man (after opening sealed door)
I'm very interested in what lies beyond here.
I know! Once this is over, I'll go see for myself!
  This is a big waste of time...
  Sheba's life is in danger! If they don't find her soon...

Lalivero (epilogue)

You will find Jenna someday. Farewell.
  So there are some people like Isaac and his friends in Angara...
  If only I were a little younger... I'd go to Angara...
Iodem (before cutscene outside)
Please wait for me outside Faran's house. I wish to speak with you.
  I must explain their promise to Lord Babi, before it's too late!
Iodem (after cutscene outside)
Isaac, that boat belongs to you now.
Do not hesitate to use it any way you wish.
  Please use that ship to find Lemuria, the land that Lord Babi sought.
Woman in southwest residence
Faran says knowing her powers, Sheba is alive without a doubt.
But I can't be as sure as Faran until I see her.
  I don't need fame or fortune... I just want Sheba to be safe.
Red-haired lady in southwest residence
They say the lighthouse crumbled down. That's as it should be.
  Tolbi is to be blamed for what happened to Sheba!
  Tolbi should be cursed and destroyed!
Boy in southwest residence
You are leaving after all, aren't you...
You are welcome in Lalivero anytime.
  Why won't anyone stop Isaac and his friends from leaving us?
Left soldier at entrance
Ha ha! I thought they had done me in for sure, but I'm all better now.
  I am all healed now, but I lost all my confidence after being beaten.
  Even if I return to Tolbi, I will never fight again.
Right soldier at entrance
I will never let my guard down again.
We will be the ones to protect Lalivero from danger...
  I wanted to be a part of the battle at Venus Lighthouse.
Woman near southwest residence
The explosion in the Venus ruins caused Babi Lighthouse to crumble.
The works of man can never withstand such mystical power.
  Iodem of Tolbi doesn't seem too disappointed about Babi Lighthouse...
  It must have just been another whim of that tyrant, Babi...
Girl walking near monument
Sheba jumped into the ocean from atop the lighthouse? Unbelievable!
  Sheba would be fine—even after falling from such a height...
Blonde lady walking near monument
Are you leaving Lalivero?
  [Yes] I do not know where you are headed, but wherever it is, you will do fine.
  [No] You are staying?
  Splendid! Me and all the Laliverans will feel much safer.
    After everything that's happened, Lalivero no longer feels safe.
White-garbed man near monument
I saw the beacon of Venus Lighthouse light up...
It was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen...
  Venus Lighthouse has been the symbol of Lalivero since the olden days...
  The lighting of the beacon may be a sign of good things to come...
Boy walking near monument
If you defeated that evil bunch, you must be mighty warriors!
  You must be great warriors to defeat them...
  Can I become your apprentice?
Old woman near sanctum
I can't believe you escaped Venus Lighthouse.
What? The tunnel under the lighthouse is not flooded? So that's how
you came back, huh?
  Venus Lighthouse is still standing strong despite what happened.
  It must have been built by the gods...
Soldier guarding northwest building
Apparently, a ship has been docked here all this time...
It must be a very special ship.
  This sure seems like a strange place for Babi to moor his yacht.
Young man at north end
Where could Sheba be now? I'm so worried.
  If Sheba used her great powers, then she must still be alive.
  But surviving such rough seas must be very difficult.
Inspect sign at north end
No trespassing. Danger beyond this point.
White-garbed man in southeast residence
Everyone says that Sheba is okay... Is that true?
  If she is indeed the child of the gods, she will survive.
Woman in southeast residence
I realized how thoughtless I was after what happened...
Lalivero needs Sheba.
  We want to believe in something at times like this.
  If we had Sheba now, I could have relied on her.
Weapon shopkeeper
I went to the ocean to look for Sheba today, but it was so rough.
  No one could possibly swim in an ocean that rough.
Armor shopkeeper
We wanted to send ships out to sea to find Sheba, but we can't yet.
The ships would all capsize in the rough waters.
  When will the ocean be calm again?
Old man on roof of armory
The peninsula behind Venus Lighthouse is flooded...
The powers of the ancients are fierce!
  The ocean is so rough since the peninsula was washed away.
  They say one strange event invites another... leading to great disaster.
Healer in sanctum
Babi Lighthouse was struck down, just as I knew it would be.
  First, the lighthouse was struck down. Next, Babi himself will be punished.
Item shopkeeper
It is impossible to go out on the ocean now. Be careful when you do.
The Champa who rule the seas are frightful people. Beware.
  The Champa are people from a coastal village in Angara.
Old man in second floor of item shop
Sheba should be fine. She was fine when she fell from the sky.
The height of the lighthouse is nothing to her!
  Seeing Sheba dive must have been beautiful...
Old woman in second floor of item shop
Sheba will wake when the beacon in Venus Lighthouse is lit.
Then, Lalivero will be free from Tolbi's grip...
  I can't wait until Sheba is back.
  All of Lalivero is awaiting her return.
Bald man in tall residence neighboring the item shop
Babi Lighthouse crumbled when all the lands shook.
No one can enter now because it is too dangerous inside.
  Will they continue on, or quit now that Babi Lighthouse has crumbled?
Muscle-man in tall residence neighboring the item shop
So the ruins really are connected to Venus Lighthouse. I knew it!
What Sheba said was true!
  We can't possibly dig a hole from here to Venus Lighthouse.
  It must have been very difficult for those who made this tunnel.
Bald man in second floor of tall residence neighboring the item shop
I always wanted a break, but being on vacation all the time is no fun.
  I'm worried that we won't get paid now that the construction has ended.
Muscle-man in second floor of tall residence neighboring the item shop
You finally solved the mystery of the ruins...
I had no idea these ruins were connected to Venus Lighthouse.
  The mystery of the ruins should have remained a mystery.
I didn't know it at the time, but that loud noise was the sound of the
beacon being lit. The inn guests all became scared and ran outside.
  Why would the lighting make such a loud noise?
  Was that the noise of that star-like thing above the lighthouse?
Innkeeper's wife
I must say, it is nice to see the light of the beacon at night.
  I'm sleepy. These bright nights have been keeping me up late.
Young man in second floor of inn
Fishing is so difficult nowadays because the ocean is so rough.
We have little to cook when we can't fish. That's no good for us!
  Gee... What am I going to cook for dinner tonight?
Blonde lady in northwest residence
What happened to those living on the other side of the lighthouse?
  We're lucky that we live north of the lighthouse.
  If we didn't, we wouldn't have made it.
Young man in northwest residence
The continent broke apart around the lighthouse, and the lands beyond it
are now far from the continent of Gondowan. Will they ever return?
  I shudder to think what would happen if our town was washed out to sea.