Golden Sun/Side Scripts/Altin

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Vale) | (Vault) | (Bilibin) | (Imil) | (Kolima) | (Xian) | (Altin)
(Kalay) | (Karagol Sea) | (Tolbi) | (Lunpa) | (Suhalla) | (Lalivero)
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Altin (flooded)

Bald man near entrance
Is this your first time to visit Altin?
  [Yes] We must look a lot like a coastal town, huh?
    [Yes] Nothing gets by you... Altin never even had a well in the old days.
    Water-spewing monsters are what waterlogged the village.
    [No] The day the gems fell from the sky, these water-spewing monsters
    appeared out of nowhere. Now the village is ruined because of them!
  [No] Look at how much Altin has changed!
  You can't do much here until the waters subside.
    You came to Altin at a bad time. You're terribly unlucky, huh?
Item shopkeeper near sanctum
Oh, no! What will I do if all my merchandise is soaked?
  If my goods are wet, I'll have to dry them out before I can sell them.
Muscle-man near sanctum
How can those creatures spit up so much water?
  It's almost like they're turning the air itself into water!
Blonde lady near sanctum
How horrible! My house is totally coated in monster spit.
  I'm glad I saved my very first love letter, but what about everything else?
Gray man near inn
Even the mine is submerged. No one can enter it.
  Even the toughest of miners can't do much in this water.
Old man at graveyard
If we could just destroy the monsters, all the water should drain away.
  If the water beasts continue to flood us...
  our entire village will be submerged.
Old woman at west end
We can't drink the water the monsters spew! It's disgusting.
Won't anyone ever slay those beasts?
  Ugh. The monsters spewed out all of this water. It smells foul...
Woman at west end of lake
Altin always used to run short on water. Now we're all flooded in.
Either way, we just have bad luck when it comes to water.
  Water is nice, but not when it's flooding your home.
Armor shopkeeper at west end of lake
My store is submerged... I want to sell armor, but there's no way.
  All my armor inventory is rusting even as we speak.
Great Healer at sanctum
It was after that eerie night when the gems fell from the sky.
That was when the water-spewing beasts appeared in the mine!
  Please save the helpless in Altin...
We got a little damp, but we're doing okay. We must count our blessings.
  [Yes] After all, a lot of good people have been hurt in this flooding.
  [No] You have to remember, lots of people lost everything they own.
  It's just sad, when you think about it.
    We'll come through this all right, but I'm afraid the village is done for.
Innkeeper's wife
I'd give anything for someone to return Altin to its former glory.
You look pretty young, but if you are a true warrior, please help us.
  I know they don't look so tough, but being warriors and all,
  maybe they can help us.
Weapon shopkeeper at inn
Do you want weapons?
  [Yes] I'll sell you anything you want once the waters have receded.
  What in the world did we do to deserve this fate?
  [No] You wouldn't say that if you saw my weapons. I wish I could show you.
    Cripes... Is this how my weapon shop ends? As a sunken disaster?
Chef at inn
I came from Xian. I cook good food. Eat up!
  I became a cook after I came to Altin, but I still cook well.
Inspect left oven at inn
Isaac looked in the oven...
He is making shrimp in a chili sauce.
The shrimp looks so scrumptious... My mouth is watering.
Inspect right oven at inn
Isaac looked in the oven...
He is making roast beef.
Even the peppers look appetizing!
Inspect left bookcase at inn
Isaac searched the bookcase...
There is a book titled "Altin: The Mining Village."
Altin mines are famous for their beautiful gems, according to the book.
Center young man in second floor of inn
None of us can go home until the water subsides.
  Most of the village is still submerged...
  It will be a long time before Altin returns to its former glory.
Blonde lady in second floor of inn
Of course, our house will be ruined now.
I wish I could move away...
  Now I finally have an excuse to move to my favorite town—Tolbi!
Right young man in second floor of inn
No matter what happens, I'd never abandon Altin.
  Leaving Altin for Tolbi? Well, that's just crazy.
Old man in second floor of inn
Not many people come up Silk Road to Altin. You're an odd one, you are.
  Of course, you can't go west of the mountains without taking Silk Road.
Old woman in second floor of inn
It's been a long time since I got a break from doing housework.
  I hate sitting around like this. I want to go home!
Center young man in second floor of inn (after first receding)
The guests in Room One moved back home when the waters receded.
  It looks like the water has receded a bit,
  but it will be a long time before Altin returns to its former glory.
Young man near mine shaft (after first receding)
The waters around here have subsided...
I wonder if the holes in the mine allowed the water to drain.
  As the monsters go away, the waters recede.
  Maybe all of the monsters will disappear pretty soon...
Item shopkeeper (after first receding)
None of my goods were damaged. I'm going to sell like there's no tomorrow!
  A few things got damp...
  But it shouldn't affect the quality, so you can use them without any worries.
  ...Maybe I'll put up a sign to explain it all.
Blonde lady in east house (after first receding)
If the monster that did this were here right now, I'd give him such a smack!
I'm just kidding... I'm opposed to all this violence.
  One blow's not enough. Jab! Jab! Hook! Then comes the uppercut!
Young man in east house (after first receding)
Oh no... The whole house is soaked...
  It's going to take a lot of work to get this house back in shape.
Center young man in second floor of inn (after second receding)
The guests in Room Two also went home after the waters receded.
  It looks like the water has receded a bit,
  but it will be a long time before Altin returns to its former glory.
Bald man near armor shop (after second receding)
The water beasts looked exactly like Altin's guardian statues...
Could the guardian statues have turned into the monsters?
  Come to think of it, it looked like our guardian statue was spewing water.
Armor shopkeeper (after second receding)
It's great that I can sell armor out of my shop again.
  We dried off all that armor and polished it up!
  There should be no trace of rust now.
Old man in "cave residence" near armor shop (after second receding)
Are you trying to find your way west through the mountains?
  [Yes] There should be a passage that leads west at the bottom of the mine.
  [No] I don't know what you did, but we are grateful you defeated the beasts.
    I thought the village was done for. I'm glad we didn't give up hope.
Old woman in "cave residence" near armor shop (after second receding)
Don't be too harsh on those beasts.
  I'm just glad to get my house back.
Inspect oven in "cave residence" near armor shop
Isaac looked in the oven...
The pots and pans are rusted...
Old man near bottom mine shaft (after third receding)
The waters have flushed out tons of rock from the mine.
Maybe now we'll find gems and ore we've never even seen before.
  It'll be better than digging up more of those durned ancient relics.
Young man in bottom residence (after third receding)
I didn't want to leave my hometown... That's why I came back.
  The bottom of the mine... The end of the easternmost passage...
  I won't give that up.
Blonde lady in bottom residence (after third receding)
I heard someone killed the water beasts. That's why I came back.
There's no place like home.
  My husband's sense for finding treasure has never failed.
  Once the water recedes, we'll dig up that spot he found.
Girl in bottom residence (after third receding)
You defeated those monsters, didn't you?
  [Yes] Here, let me thank you with...a kiss!
  Hey, you're turning beet-red!
  [No] Oh, you didn't? Still, I'm happy to be back home, so here's a kiss!
  Hey, you're turning beet-red!
    Mom and Pop know something about the bottom of the mine.
    I wish they'd tell me what it was.
Weapon shopkeeper (after third receding)
Thank goodness the water has receded. I can open up shop again!
  Only a merchant knows the joy of being open to do business again.

Altin (post-boss)

Bald man near entrance
Thank you so much for defeating the hydros statues in the mine.
  We can go back to work in the mines again.
Muscle-man near sanctum
Did you see water gushing out when you slew those hydros creatures?
  [Yes] I see... So the water monsters are like giant water tanks...
  [No] Really... Then how could they have carried all that water?
    I was afraid more water would gush out when the monsters were slain.
Blonde lady near sanctum
Once the mine opens again, we'll be able to get back on our feet.
  I hope Altin Mine will thrive again soon, like it once did.
Gray man near inn
They already started mining the upper parts of the mountain.
But people still seem afraid to go down to the lower depths.
  The water seeped into the mine shafts.
  I bet the rock is very soft.
Old man at cemetery
The water drained out of the mine through all the cracks, as I expected.
But the remaining water will probably sit here for a while.
  It's so humid inside that cave. It feels awful and sticky in there!
Woman down from cemetery
Thank goodness, the village is free from all that water.
  That strange chamber in the mines creeps me out.
Old woman at west end
Are you the ones who defeated the water beasts?
  [Yes] We'd be much obliged if you'd also help rebuild the village.
  [No] I heard our rescuers were young. I'd like to meet them.
    You fought pretty well despite all that foul water the beasts spewed out.
Young man near middle mine shaft
The village went right back to normal once the water monsters left.
But it's still a mess around here.
  That mine is full of holes and chasms. That's why it drained so well.
Bald man near armor shop
So those hydros creatures really were the guardian statues, huh?
That sure is a surprise.
  The old guardian statues always creeped me out. I'm glad they're gone.
Old man near bottom mine shaft
Is it true you found ancient ruins in the deepest part of the mine?
  [Yes] Really? I always thought that mine held some kind of secret.
  [No] Hmmm, are you sure you even went down there?
  Someone ought to go check it out.
    I used to find all sorts of artifacts. I wonder if they came from the ruins.
There is a small temple to the west of Altin Mine.
They may be having trouble with the water from the mine.
  I think that temple was called Lama Temple.
  There are said to be people with strange powers there.
Innkeeper's wife
There is an endless desert west of the mountains.
Any travelers going west must prepare themselves well.
  You won't be able to go to the desert for a while since Silk Road is blocked.
Chef at inn
West of the mountains is very—very hot! It is exhausting!
Eating hot food is good. It helps you endure the heat.
  No one can go west of the mountains now.
Young man in second floor of inn
There are a few beasts in the mine still, but they're down deep below, right?
  [Yes] Good. Then we can just mine the upper passages.
  [No] If they're in the upper passages, then we can't mine like we used to.
    It will take some time before Altin recovers from this.
Great Healer
You saved Altin from the monsters.
Clearly this is the work of the hand of Fate.
  Almighty Fate must have heard me.
Item shopkeeper
The girl from Xian bought a lot. I wonder if she is on a journey.
  The girl from Xian bought all goods that had been submerged.
Blonde lady in east house
A girl from Xian was asking questions about young warriors.
Say, could she have meant you guys?
  [Yes] She was searching very hard.
  [No] Well, if not, I hope she finds whoever she was looking for.
    I wonder what business that girl from Xian has with warriors...
Young man in east house
I hear that Silk Road is closed...
Or, at least, that's what this girl from Xian said.
  The merchants must be having a hard time if Silk Road is blocked.
  Who could clear away a landslide?
Armor shopkeeper
How about it? Aren't you impressed by our vast armor selection?
  Well, if you are impressed, then make a purchase!
Old man in "cave residence" near armor shop
Ancient ruins and treasure definitely go together...
What are you going to do?
  They say you can still find monsters if you go deep enough in the mine.
  I'd go treasure hunting if it weren't for those nasty beasts.
Old woman in "cave residence" near armor shop
If only they had left a water monster or two...
  How can I truly be happy if all those cute monsters are gone?
Young man in bottom residence
Really? Ancient ruins at the bottom of the mine? You don't say...
  Cripes. Ancient ruins down in the mine...
  We have to go get that treasure right away.
Blonde lady in bottom residence
There probably isn't much treasure in the ruins beneath the mine.
Why don't you forget about treasure and just resume your journey?
  I had no idea there were ruins beneath the mine.
Girl in bottom residence
Something's wrong with Mom and Pop. They've been acting weird
ever since the ruins were found in the mine.
  I wonder if Mom and Pop knew about the monument in the mine.
Weapon shopkeeper
You'll have to find the passage in the mine that leads west
if Silk Road is blocked.
  I've heard of a passage in the mine that leads west, but I've yet to meet
  anyone who's found it.

Lama Temple and Alpine Crossing

Center monk
This is Lama Temple. Welcome, travelers.
The Lamakan Desert ahead is a very hot land. Rest well before you go.
  They seem to be anxious. They cannot survive the desert like that.
Great Healer
I'm traveling around the world to spread good will.
  For some reason, these people give me the same feeling I got
  from the master of the temple, Master Hama.
  Yes... I feel as though my mind is being read somehow...
Right sitting monk
You who speak to me... I sense great insecurity and anxiety within you.
  I sense impure thoughts from the man beside me... His training is weak.
Left sitting monk
Do you know what meditation is?
  [Yes] It allows you to find peace by closing your eyes...
  and sealing your mind from the world around you.
  [No] It is training in which you clear your mind of all thought...
  and try to become as still and calm as a stone.
    ...... ...... I am hungry...
Monk walking around
Young warriors, do you come from the east?
  [Yes] Did you stop in Xian along the way?
    [Yes] Master Feh, in Xian, is very close to our Master Hama.
    Students from Feh's school often continue their kung fu training here...
    [No] Then it is good that you have come here.
    Feh's kung fu is good for warriors who seek to better themselves.
  [No] Then you must have come across Lamakan Desert...
    They say a person can overcome any trial once he masters kung fu.
Inspect writing on the wall
He who has the power to see that which cannot be seen shall see the truth...
So reads the writing on the wall.
Monk at temple's door
Did you know that Master Hama is the greatest master of Chi?
  [Yes] You do? Then you must have already met Master Feh in Xian, haven't you?
  But Hama's power does not end there.
  [No] Then today, you shall see that Master Hama is truly the master of Chi.
    Chi is but a fragment of Master Hama's power... She is a true scholar.
Hama (at Alpine Crossing)
Well, Isaac! Adepts! You came to help...
Hsu is in trouble, as you can see. What should we do?
  How should we move the boulders?
Feizhi (at Alpine Crossing)
Be strong, Hsu! We will help you!
  Hsu tires. He looks exhausted. I am worried!
Hsu (at Alpine Crossing)
I am trapped between these two boulders.
At least I wasn't crushed. I was lucky.
  I want to scream. But Feizhi does not like it when I do that.

Lama Temple (after rescuing Hsu)

The future holds many hardships, but you must not give up the fight.
  I cannot see your future clearly...
  It must be because I cannot be impartial to it...or to you.
Young monk in temple
Master Hama is meditating, asking for your safety.
  I do not think Master Hama wants Ivan to go...
Monk near stairs to the temple
When your temperature reaches its maximum,
you will take tremendous damage.
Go quickly, and find yourselves an oasis when you get too hot.
  With Reveal, you will find oases with your mind, not with your eyes.
Monk walking around
The evil desert is hotter than the sun itself. Look for oases!
  The evil in the desert distorts all—even light. What could be the cause?
Center monk
It is very dangerous to cross Lamakan Desert. Be very careful!
  I cannot cross the desert. It is too fearsome for me.
Right sitting monk
I will be most thankful once the evil desert returns to normal.
  Master Hama will be very sad if you are lost in the desert.
Left sitting monk
I believe it is possible to learn the power of prediction by meditating.
  How nice it would be if I could see the future.
Female martial artist at Alpine Crossing
Many people from Xian helped move the rocks. They were very heavy!
  I almost hurt my back. It is because I have not been training.
Male martial artist at Alpine Crossing
We moved the rocks. Now people can pass.
  We cleared the way. But what about these rocks? Must we
  clear these?