Golden Sun/Side Scripts/Kolima
From Golden Sun Universe
These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.
(Vale) | (Vault) | (Bilibin) | (Imil) | (Kolima) | (Xian) | (Altin)
(Kalay) | (Karagol Sea) | (Tolbi) | (Lunpa) | (Suhalla) | (Lalivero)
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Kolima Village (cursed)
Northwest small tree If I could speak, I'd tell them this is Kolima, village of lumberjacks!
Small tree left of item shop How could anyone turn a girl as beautiful as me into a tree? Actually, I'm pretty cute for a tree.
Small tree below item shop This is a dream... It has to be a dream...
Small tree in front of southeast tree house I am old; I've lived a full life. I don't even mind being a tree. I just feel bad for all those kids who were turned into trees.
East small tree Being unable to move is so inconvenient.
Very small tree to the right If I can't move, then Mom can't make me go to bed!
Very small tree to the left The water at my feet... Huh? Hey! It's delicious!
Small tree below five crates It's the sacred tree's curse! Why did they try to cut down Tret?
Small tree behind five crates Maybe if I meditate harder, I'll turn back into a man... Ngg Ung!! Ugagaga!!!
Left small tree inside southeast tree house Soon, all of Kolima will be nothing but forest...
Center small tree inside southeast tree house What will happen to my treasure if I'm stuck as a tree forever?
Right very-small tree inside southeast tree house I wonder what Father's secret is...
Inspect bookcase in southeast tree house Isaac searched the bookcase... There's a book entitled "Dictionary of Trees and Flowers." The book describes every species of tree and flower in Angara.
Small tree inside item shop No! I don't want to be stuck as a tree forever!
Lower small tree in inn's first floor How am I supposed to charge people for their rooms if I'm a tree!?
Upper small tree in inn's first floor Who caused all this? Someone must have tried to cut down Tret!
Small tree in inn's second floor The villagers were right. I never should have tried to cut that tree down. Now I'll never see my family in Imil again...
Small tree in inn's third floor If only I'd left town a day earlier. But this room was so comfy!
Left small tree in first floor of armory I used to carve weapons out of wood. Now I am wood. Life's funny like that.
Right small tree in first floor of armory Man... I'm stuck inside. That means I can't even become a tall tree.
Small tree in second floor of armory I dreamt that a mighty warrior with a thick beard ended this curse. I dream about him a lot, actually...
Inspect bookcase in second floor of armory Isaac searched the bookcase... There's a book entitled "The Holy Tree of Kolima Forest." "Tret and Laurel are the spirits of the holy trees protecting Kolima forest."
Small upper-left tree in top floor of armory Maybe we turned into trees because of all the trees we've cut down. We were only doing our jobs, though.
Very small tree in top floor of armory The holy tree of Kolima has great powers, just like Father said.
Small lower-right tree in top floor of armory At least my father wasn't the one who tried to cut down the holy tree.
Inspect bookcase in top floor of armory Isaac searched the bookcase... There's a book entitled "The Art of Logging." "One must study trees and train one's body well before logging."
Kolima Village (uncursed)
Young man in front of northwest tree This is Kolima, village of lumberjacks! I'll shout it out loud! This is Kolima! For a while I thought I'd never be able to say this, but I have to say it! I've been waiting all of my life for this moment!
Southwest blonde lady We rely on the forests so much, and yet we hurt the sacred tree... Maybe we can work to restore harmony in the forest now. The forest trees are alive, just as we are...
Southwest gray man You know, being a tree gives you a lot of time to think. I wonder if I'd live longer if I were still a tree.
South old man Don't blame the villagers for being tempted by McCoy's money... Anyone would be tempted by such a staggering sum. I've been poor all my life. That's why it bothers me that McCoy thinks money can solve everything.
East woman I turned into a tree right when the sparkles fell from the sky. If those sparkles start falling again, I'm heading for the hills.
Girl in center Yawn... Trees are so... sleepy... Nobody yells at you when you're a tree... And nobody makes you go to bed early, either.
Boy in center I didn't mind being a tree... Water never tasted so good! If we were all trees, there'd be no more wars. 'Cause we'd be trees.
Old woman near Great Healer Who would try to use the holy tree to build a palace, anyway? It's not called the holy tree for nothing. We should have been more respectful.
Great Healer I am told the holy tree's rage caused this horrible incident... Do you believe that was the only cause? [Yes] You may not have noticed, but something changed when those gems landed. [No] I agree. Something did change when the gems fell. If the holy tree alone caused all this, then I've failed in my duty. I should have stopped them from cutting down the tree.
Woman in southeast tree house My husband seems to be keeping a secret from me. I think he found something valuable, but where could he be hiding it?
Gray man in southeast tree house You saved Kolima? Wow! That makes me want to tell you a secret! But I'm not gonna. It's too good to give away! It's hidden deep in the forest, but I can't tell him that!
Boy in southeast tree house Daddy told me his secret. Still, telling me it's outside the village doesn't help much...
Item shopkeeper When I was a tree, I learned to appreciate the sun. It felt so good when my leaves were bathed in sunlight.
Innkeeper's wife With no more work here, Kolima can go back to being a quiet little village. Remaining a quiet village means remaining poor. I was hoping Kolima would flourish with all the construction.
Innkeeper They say that McCoy halted construction of the palace. With no more work, all the lumberjacks that came to make money will leave. The village was really booming with all that work... But what good is it if you get turned into a tree.
Muscle-man in the second floor of the inn I've been a lumberjack for years, but I've never seen anything like this. I think I'll go home to my family in Imil. I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay with that.
Green merchant in the top floor of the inn I'm only a merchant, but I got turned into a tree just for staying here. I think I'll head to Xian, south of the river, now that I'm a man again. I wish I'd grabbed some of those gems that fell from the sky. They must be worth a fortune!
Weapon shopkeeper Fuchin Temple is on the other side of the river. It's quite famous. You should visit it if you have any spare time. Fuchin Temple's Master Nyunpa is said to be a strange one...
Armor shopkeeper The grand bridge across the river is the pride of Kolima. It's a shame we had to cut down so many trees to build that bridge.
Old man in the second floor of the armory I heard that traveling warriors from the Goma Range saved the village. The warriors are said to be enormously huge and very strong. They supposedly defeated Tret to remove the curse. I don't really know, but you should be able to tell travelers.
Old woman in the second floor of the armory Big, strong warriors with great beards freed Kolima from the curse. If you see them, please thank them for me. All warriors are big, and all warriors have huge beards.
Muscle-man in the top floor of the armory I'm never going to use an axe again. People turned into trees because of my axe. I will never use an axe again.
Boy in the top floor of the armory Dad! How are we going to eat if you don't work? How am I supposed to grow up if I don't eat? If he's not gonna feed me, I'm not gonna obey him!
Blonde lady in the top floor of the armory Dad, will you please go back to being a lumberjack? Knowing my Dad, he'll start working again once he gets hungry.
Kolima Forest
Laurel (first interaction) Who are you...? Oh! You are the ones who resisted Tret's glamour? I sense a great warmth within you... If you came to rescue Tret, you are already too late. Soon, Tret will die, and we shall wither away without him. Leave now, before this forest is destroyed...
Laurel (subsequent interactions) Leave now, before this forest is destroyed... The healing waters of Mercury Lighthouse might save Tret... But the fountain's waters have long since dried up...
Tret (pre-boss, whether spoken to or Mind Read) ... Hroooom! He will not speak to you, child! I control all in Tret's realm!
Tret (if you attempt to use Hermes' Water before boss fight) I control Tret's heart! I shall not let you do anything to him!
Tret (post-boss) ... People of Kolima... Forgive me...
Laurel (after Tret is restored) The forest of Kolima is alive once again, thanks to you... We shall protect the forest from now on. It must be horrible beyond the river... I am so worried about you and your friends, Isaac.
Tret (after being restored) Now that I have such power, no axe shall ever touch me again. You may depart with no worries. I know that I cannot stop you, but please be careful beyond the river.
Bilibin Barricade
Stacked trio of trees (initial visit) They're... so heavy...
Right tree (second visit) They crossed the river after pushing us down. This is terrible! How could anyone do that?
Center tree (second visit, before left tree is pulled) She'll be swept downstream if she isn't pulled to shore!
Left tree (second visit, before being pulled) AHHHH! Please! Anyone! Please help!
Left tree (second visit, after being pulled) Thank you! You saved me from being washed downstream!
Center tree (second visit, after left tree is pulled) Oh, it looks like she is okay.
Left young man (third visit, if left tree was not pulled) If only we hadn't tried getting those persimmons, she'd still be... We'll never climb on each other's shoulders again... What a cruel world! We just wanted to climb on one another's shoulders!
Right young man (third visit, if left tree was not pulled) I heard we were once called the Gang of Three. But now that she's gone, we're just the Gang of Two... The poor girl... We worked so hard... If only we had been a little faster...
Left young man (third visit, if left tree was pulled) I really like this spot by the riverbank... My heart feels at peace. Well, it wasn't my idea to go pick persimmons.
Right young man (third visit, if left tree was pulled) It was awful luck, being turned into trees just then. We just wanted to pick persimmons. Who knew what would happen? Whose idea was it to pick persimmons, anyway?
Blonde lady (Jill) (third visit, if left tree was pulled) I will think of you whenever I eat persimmons. These persimmons are just like my memories... So bitter...
Kolima Bridge
Gray man formerly a tree For a while, I thought no one would ever cross this bridge again. Enjoy every crossing, for it could be your last! You wouldn't understand, but it's truly a joy to cross this bridge.