Golden Sun/Side Scripts/Imil

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Vale) | (Vault) | (Bilibin) | (Imil) | (Kolima) | (Xian) | (Altin)
(Kalay) | (Karagol Sea) | (Tolbi) | (Lunpa) | (Suhalla) | (Lalivero)
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Imil (initial)

Old woman in main house (before old man feels bad)
There's been an epidemic going around Imil.
You should leave right away if you don't want to catch it.
  Mia is running around town, caring for the sick.
  I just don't want to be any more trouble to her.
Old woman in main house (after old man feels bad)
Get Mia... Hurry!
  He's always exaggerating things, but I don't think he's exaggerating now.
Old man in main house (while feeling bad)
It hurts...
  Oooh... I don't feel so good... Am I going to die?
Inspect oven in main house
Isaac looked in the oven...
It looks like porridge.
It is the best thing when you're sick!
Boy walking outside
Hi! Are you new in Imil?
  [Yes] I should warn you, there's a bad cold going around right now.
  Try not to catch it.
  [No] You don't look familiar. Are you sure you're not...fibbing?
    We've had a lot of strangers lately.
    I wonder if they're going to Mercury Lighthouse, too...
Muscle-man working out
One, two, three, four! 
I tend to stay indoors a lot when the weather turns cold.
It's not good for your health, though, so I try to work out.
  People get sick because they stay indoors all day, hiding from the cold.
  You have to keep in shape if you don't want to get sick!
Young man to the northwest
Brrrrr... Ah-choo!!! I'm freezing!
Is Mia here yet?
  Mia should be here by now! Where is she?
Why have two groups of travelers come through such heavy snows to Imil?
The first group has already gone off somewhere.
  So many customers! It just goes to show you,
  good things happen if you work hard!
Innkeeper's wife
We're the only inn that stays open in winter, since guests are so few.
We'll wait on you hand and foot, so please stay a while!
  Winters are tough here, so I'm glad to have guests to talk to.
  I'm going to give them the best service I can!
Young man in first floor of inn
Do you want to see the restaurant menu?
  [Yes] Here you go. We're a small town, mind you, so the selection isn't great.
  [No] Tonight's dinner is stew and rye bread. Sounds like quite a feast, huh?
    We don't get to eat many fancy meals in the winter.
    A tasty stew would be a real treat!
Girl filling in for item shopkeeper (when engaged for service)
Mom's sick, but I can get you whatever you need...
Girl filling in for item shopkeeper (when talked from behind)
My dad is a lumberjack. He's down south working in Kolima.
  I wonder if they are headed to Mercury Lighthouse, too.
  They'll never make it without Mia.
Item shopkeeper in bed
If you want to buy anything, please talk to my daughter.
  If only we had some of that mythical springwater. That'd fix us right up!
Left old man in armory
Do you want weapons?
  [Yes] I can't sell weapons until I am cured. Ohh... I'm getting chills... Cough!
  [No] It's the travelers from down south who brought disease to our village...
  Are you from down south, too? If you have no business here,
  then begone... Cough!
    Who are these people? They must be strong folk to come to Imil in winter.
Right old man in armory
We're closed!!! Sorry... I get a little cranky when I'm sick.
I'll open up the shop when I get better.
  Why do they always come when I'm sick?
Old man in northwest house
Cough... The epidemic has hit almost everyone in Imil.
I'm sick, too. Cough!
What would happen to us if we didn't have Mia? Cough!
  Her palms shine with a blue light... Could she be an angel?
Boy in sanctum (Justin) (when engaged for service)
I may only be a student, but I can act as your healer.
Boy in sanctum (Justin)
Are you looking for Mia?
  [Yes] Mia just left.
  An epidemic is sweeping the village, so Mia is very busy.
  [No] Mia is a very kind healer.
  I am just her apprentice. I'm learning the arts of healing from her.
    These folk are okay! They don't seem like bad people.
Girl in sanctum (Megan)
Have you visited the old couple who live near the entrance of town?
  [Yes] Oh. That's too bad. That's where Mia was headed.
  You probably just missed her if you didn't see her along the way.
  [No] Mia went to their house. You might have seen her if you stopped there...
    Mia was saying she has a bad feeling about something.
    Could she have meant these people? =
Old man in main house (after being healed)
I feel much better, thanks to Mia. I should be fine now.
  Mia is a good girl. I wish I had a daughter like her.
  It's a shame her last apprentice, Alex, disappeared...
  leaving her all alone.
Old woman in main house (after the old man is healed)
What happened in the lighthouse to the northeast?
  Mia's clan once lived here and guarded the lighthouse to the east.
  Now, she's all alone.

Mercury Lighthouse

Mia (outside Mercury Lighthouse)
This statue is blocking the entrance.
  Someone doesn't want me to get inside.
Mia (near Lizard Man monster)
A monster inside Mercury Lighthouse? How could this be!?
  I have to get past him!
Mia (blocked by statue)
The path is blocked again. What am I going to do?
  This statue wasn't here before. I wonder if Alex...
  No, Alex wouldn't do that...but what if he's not alone?
South old woman at fountain (post-boss)
We don't have to fear any epidemic as long as we have our fountain.
  I never believed those stories, but there's the proof!
West blonde lady at fountain (post-boss)
Our fountain is back! They say these waters can heal all that lives.
  All that lives... That means it must work on plants and animals, too.
North young man at fountain (post-boss)
The legends said that if the lighthouse was lit, the fountain would fill again!
It looks like the legends were true!
  How did the fountain know that the beacon was lit?
East old man at fountain (post-boss)
I drank the healing water, and now I feel great!
I should get a bottle so I can take some home with me.
  I knew it would work, but I never knew it would work this well!
  I feel ten years younger!

Imil (post-Mercury Lighthouse)

Old woman in main house
That fountain water really made Grandpa healthy.
  Grandpa's all better now, thanks to that fountain water.
Old man in main house
Did I really say I was going to die from that disease?
  [Yes] Ha ha ha! I must have really felt sick to say that!
  I'm good for another 30 years! ...Let me get back to work!
  [No] That's right! The strong old man of Imil, that's me!
    Now, Mia can leave the village without any worries.
Boy walking outside
Imil will be fine. Disease is nothing to the Water of Hermes.
  We've had a lot of strangers lately.
  Don't worry about us, Mia. We'll protect the village now!
Muscle-man working out
One, two, three, four... 
I was training hard so that I could withstand any disease...
And now the lighthouse fountain is back?
  [Yes] What did I train so hard for all this time?
  [No] No, it can't be! Everyone is in perfect health!
    Now that I've let my guard down, I'm getting cold chills.
    Maybe I should go and drink some of that fountain water.
Young man to the northwest
The Mercury Lighthouse is shining.
Mia will be leaving us soon, won't she?
  Mia was only in Imil to guard the lighthouse.
  Now that it's been lit, she'll probably leave us.?
It's almost time for you to leave, isn't it?
  [Yes] Just like the legend said, the fountain began flowing when the light was lit.
  That means that Imil needs never fear disease again!
  [No] Oh! I'll cook a feast for you tonight!
    Mia will be leaving with you all...
    I wish you could stay a little longer...
Innkeeper's wife
Thank goodness the town is back to normal again.
  They came to our village and now the fountain is flowing.
  They must truly be our lucky charms.
Young man in the first floor of the inn
I'm glad the beacon has been lit and the fountain is flowing again.
But it's a shame that Mia is leaving the village...
  I never told Mia that I liked her...
  But I guess it's for the best.
Girl at item shop
I'm so happy that Mommy is well again!
  My daddy's still in Kolima. I'll be really happy if he comes home soon!
Item shopkeeper
I'm fully recovered, thanks to the fountain! I can get back to work!
  Mia said it wouldn't be good to leave the lighthouse lit...
  But it turned out to be the best thing for Imil.
Left old man in armory
I have to catch up on lost opportunity! It's time for business!
  Customers are hard to come by, and I can't afford to lose even one!
Right old man in armory
It's a shame the store was closed for something as minor as a cold.
  The customers are back! I thought I'd lost my business for good.!
Old man in northwest house
It's nice that the fountain can heal us, but Mia had something...special.
  That blue light from her hands... Could she really be an angel?
Mia's going on a journey with you, right?
Sniff... It makes me sad, but I'll try to be a good healer.
  Mia's going to defend the honor of the Mercury Clan.
I will be a kind girl, like Mia.
Come back sometime and see me all grown up. I want you to.
  I'm sorry, Mia, but I can't stand to see you go.