Golden Sun: The Lost Age/String Dump (Part 1)

From Golden Sun Universe

This reference page features cleaned-up versions of most of Golden Sun: The Lost Age's in-game text strings that are expressed as dialogue. To facilitate legibility, all strings that are parts of either mandatory or otherwise significant cutscenes will list the characters speaking them in [Bold], whereas all optional strings will not list any character names.

(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8)
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Opening scroll

Dialogue strings

Ages ago, or so the stories
tell, the power of Alchemy
ruled over the world of
Alchemy wrought the base
elements of humanity
into thriving civilizations,
like lead into gold.
But in time, man's dreams
gave birth to untold strife.
Dreams of endless riches,
of eternal life, of dominion
over all that lived... Dreams
of conquest and of war.
These dreams would have
torn the world apart if not
for a few brave and wise
men, who sealed away the
power of Alchemy deep in
Mt. Aleph's Sol Sanctum.
Prologue from Book One
The town of Vale guarded
the secret for many years,
until Isaac and Jenna,
whose parents died in a
storm 3 years before,
disturbed the sanctum.
Saturos and Menardi, of the
Mars Clan, followed them
into the sanctum. With them
traveled Jenna's brother,
Felix, thought lost
in that same tragic storm.
Saturos and Menardi stole
the Elemental Stars, the
keys to breaking the seal
on the power of Alchemy,
and kidnapped Jenna
and the scholar Kraden.
If these four jewels were
used to fire the elemental
lighthouses, the seal on
Alchemy would be broken.
Isaac and Garet set out
to stop Saturos, rescue
their friends, and return
the Elemental Stars to
their home in Sol Sanctum.
They banded together with
a young Wind Adept named
Ivan and pursued Saturos
and Menardi to Imil, a
winter-locked town near
Mercury Lighthouse.
There, they met the guardian
of the lighthouse, a Water
Adept named Mia. With
her, they pursued Saturos
to the aerie high atop
Mercury Lighthouse.
Isaac was too late to
stop Saturos from lighting
the beacon and escaping.
Again Isaac chased him,
crossing Angara to the
shores of the Karagol Sea.
Taking passage on a troubled
ship, Isaac crossed
the Karagol to Tolbi. He
spoke with Tolbi's leader,
a strange man named Babi.
Babi entered Isaac in
Colosso as a test of his
powers. Isaac's Psynergy
won Colosso and earned him
Babi's trust. Babi revealed
a great secret to Isaac...
Thanks to a mystic draught
from the lost land of
Lemuria, Babi had lived
for 150 years! He offered
to help Isaac, who then
headed deep into Gondowan.
In the town of Lalivero,
Isaac learned that
Saturos and Menardi had
kidnapped a young girl
named Sheba, whom they
needed within the lighthouse.
Isaac fought and defeated
them atop the lighthouse,
but he was too late—the
beacon had been lit.
A great cataclysm followed.
Sheba fell into the sea.
Felix jumped in to save
her, but both were lost in
the roiling waves. Jenna
left the lighthouse to find
them, but to no avail...
Isaac went to Lalivero,
where Babi asked him to find
Lemuria and the remaining
lighthouses. He gave Isaac
a Lemurian ship to make the
journey for the lost land.
This chapter of our story
begins with Jenna, just
before the beacon on
Venus Lighthouse is lit...


Dialogue strings

[Jenna] Are you sure we should be leaving like this?

[Jenna] Once we go down those stairs, we can't get back into the lighthouse.

[Jenna] Maybe I should have stopped my brother...

[Kraden] Jenna, is something troubling you?

[Jenna] I just...

[Kraden] What is it? What's wrong?

[Jenna] I have a bad feeling...
Like something terrible is going to happen.

[Alex] How unlike you, Jenna.

[Alex] Surprised to see me?

[Kraden] A-Alex... Were you listening?

[Alex] Where's Felix? Why isn't he here with you?

[Jenna] My brother? He left us.

[Alex] What can Felix possibly be thinking?

[Kraden] He was worried about Sheba. He went to check on her.

[Alex] He was supposed to be leading you out of here!
I thought you would have been far from this lighthouse by now.

[Alex] Why are you still here?

[Kraden] We tried to stop Felix from going back up to the aerie.

[Alex] How like him. Once Felix gets an idea into his head, he rarely changes his mind.

[Jenna] Alex, what were you talking about just now?

[Jenna] What did you mean when you said...
"How unlike you"?

[Alex] I was merely surprised to hear you expressing such concern, Jenna.

[Alex] Nevertheless, I'm impressed Felix went back...

[Jenna] Don't change the subject, Alex! What did you mean!?

[Jenna] Are you saying that I'm insensitive!?

[Alex] If that's what you heard, then I must have misspoken. Accept my apologies.

[Kraden] Well, Jenna, I think Alex has said his piece on the matter...

[Jenna] I'm not sure he has, Kraden.

[Jenna] Who do you think you are, talking to me like that!?

[Alex] I retract my statement, my dear. Forget all about it, Jenna.

[Alex] So tell me about this "feeling," Jenna...

[Jenna] I'm just... I'm not sure we should be leaving Venus Lighthouse yet...

[Kraden] What are you saying?

[Alex] You can't really mean to remain here...

[Kraden] Alex is right. It's far too dangerous, Jenna.
We would only hinder the others...

[Jenna] The others? Did Isaac follow us to the lighthouse?

[Kraden] It would seem so.

[Jenna] He must be trying to stop Saturos and Menardi!

[Jenna] If my brother goes back and finds Isaac, they're going to end up fighting.

[Alex] If the Venus Lighthouse has not yet been lit, yes. They will fight.

[Kraden] Felix is a terribly rash young man, is he not?

[Jenna] Why are boys such fools?

[Kraden] He may be rash, but Felix is no fool.
His good qualities outweigh his bad...

[Jenna] That's why I think Isaac would understand if we just talked to him.

[Jenna] Why didn't I think of this before now?

[Jenna] Please... Can't we go back up and talk to Isaac?

[Alex] I'm afraid that's not possible.

[Jenna] Alex, why?

[Alex] He is an enemy.

[Jenna] Isaac? An enemy?

[Alex] Our methods may differ, but you and I ultimately want the same thing...

[Kraden] To light the elemental lighthouses...

[Alex] Isaac and his friends would prevent this from happening.

[Jenna] So that makes them enemies?

[Alex] But fear not... They won't be able to defeat Saturos and Menardi.

[Alex] So... Felix went back to the top of the lighthouse?

[Kraden] Why do you seem so pleased, Alex?

[Alex] Why shouldn't I be? After all, the lighthouse will soon shine brightly once again!

[Jenna] Alex, why do you want to see the beacon lit so badly?

[Alex] Oh, so it's my turn to answer questions, is it?

[Alex] Once, Alchemy was commonplace throughout this world...

[Alex] With its power, mankind worked wonders across the land...

[Kraden] The lost age of man...

[Alex] I want to see that world restored once again, and...

[Jenna] And what, Alex?

[Alex] We've spoken long enough already. Let us continue this another time.

[Alex] We should leave the lighthouse now, before the beacon is fired...

[Kraden] I concur... Let's meet at the location we agreed on and wait for Felix.

[Jenna] All right, Kraden, let's go.

No, Jenna, not that way.
We must get away from the lighthouse.

The chest was already open.
But it looks like there's still [item] inside!

You found [item].
It looks like there's also [item] inside.

[Voice] There they are! Get 'em!

[Soldier 1] Iodem sent us to stand guard here, but...

[Soldier 2] I never thought we'd actually run into them!

[Workman 1] Scoundrels! What have you done with Sheba?

[Workman 2] Return her now, or you're really going to regret it!

[Soldier 3] Um... Aren't there supposed to be more of them?

[Soldier 4] Huh... Maybe they're just the first ones to come out...

[Workman 3] Great! That means we've got 'em outnumbered!

[Workman 4] We can probably take 'em, you think?

[Soldier 4] Go fetch the other Tolbi soldiers still stationed in Lalivero...

[Soldier 5] Yes, sir!

[Workman 4] And we'll go tell the guys in the caves!

[Workman 5] Got it, Boss!

[Kraden] How unfortunate... It looks like an ambush. What should we do, Jenna?

[Jenna] What do you mean? Look around... We'll have to fight them!

[Alex] Are you serious?

[Alex] Jenna, are you really prepared to fight these men?

[Jenna] We don't have any other choice. We have to...

[Alex] Well, then. Allow me to shoulder some of your burden.

[Kraden] ...Burden?

[Alex] We regroup along the road leading away from Lalivero. Do you understand?
[Kraden] You don't need to remind us, Alex. We know the place.

[Kraden] It's quite simple, Jenna. The meeting place is in the direction opposite Lalivero.

[Alex] Follow this road west, and take the path down through the canyon to the cave.

[Alex] On the other side of that cave, you will find a small peninsula called Idejima.
We meet there.

[Alex] Thankfully, only those workmen block your route.

[Jenna] And fortunately...

[Kraden] They don't look too tough...

[Workman 1] Hello! We can hear you!!!

[Workman 2] That's just plain rude!

[Alex] Why don't the two of you escape and leave the Tolbi soldiers to me?

[Jenna] The two of us? Alone?

[Alex] You can use Psynergy, can't you, Jenna?

[Jenna] Um... Yes.

[Alex] Then you'll be fine.

[Alex] We shall reconvene at the peninsula.

[Soldier 1] You think you can take on Tolbi's finest on your own, little man?

[Alex] I do not wish to inflict unnecessary bloodshed.

[Soldier 2] Don't wish to... What's that supposed to mean?

[Alex] If you lay a hand on these two, I assure you that you will be made to regret it.

[Alex] By advancing, I assume you mean to fight. Permit me to strike the first blow.

[Soldier 3] What was that!?

[Soldier 4] I don't know, but whatever he did, it's out of our league!

[Soldier 3] You guys deal with him until backup arrives!

[Alex] Oh, so you're next?

[Workman 1] Hey, no need to worry about us!

[Workman 2] We're not soldiers... We're not anybody!

[Workman 3] Seriously, there's no way we're gonna face off against you.

[Workman 4] Let's get outta here!

[Alex] How undignified... and how shameful.

[Alex] Jenna, now is your chance. Go to Idejima and wait for me.

[Alex] I'm not finished with you yet.

[Alex] You mentioned backup from Lalivero?

[Alex] Let's go meet them together, shall we?

[Soldier 3] Hey, pal! When they get here, you'll really be in for it!

[Alex] Do you honestly believe that even a hundred of you could stop me?

[Alex] How amusing... This I must see.

[Kraden] They're gone...

[Kraden] Come on, Jenna... Let's be going.

[Kraden] There's nothing standing in our way now!

[Jenna] But...

[Kraden] What is it now?

[Kraden] Ah... You're worried about hurting any innocents?
[Kraden] Well, just try to hold back when you're fighting.

[Kraden] Oh. You must be concerned about Felix. We can't do anything to help him here.

[Kraden] Let's get going! To the peninsula!

[Kraden] Jenna... Are... Are you all right?

[Alex] Ah, Jenna... You're awake.

[Kraden] Can you stand?

[Alex] It's a good thing I came back for you two...

[Kraden] Perhaps you ought to come with us this time...

[Alex] No. Someone has to keep Tolbi's soldiers at bay.

[Alex] I'll have to go to Lalivero and confront them there.

[Alex] We'll meet at Idejima.

[Kraden] He's gone again.

[Kraden] And we'd best be going as well...

Jenna, escape to the boat!

[Workman] Why do I gotta be the one to wait for backup!?

[Workman] Yaaah! P-P-Please! Just let me go, and... Hey!

[Workman] That scary guy with the blue hair's not with you...

[Workman] Great! Now, you'll see what I'm really made of!

Ugggh. I can't believe I got beaten by a girl...

[Workman] Waahhh! It's them!

[Workman] Whoa there... Where'd the blue-haired guy go?

[Workman] Who cares! I can handle some girl and her grandpa!

Ooooog. Maybe I shouldn't have underestimated her...

[Workman] Ha! That was a good idea, waiting here for 'em!

[Workman] You two aren't going anywhere!

[Workman] Except with us, back to Master Iodem!

Maybe I should have eaten a bigger breakfast.

All right, so maybe you are going somewhere after all...

Oh, man... There goes my big promotion...

[Kraden] My! That was invigorating! He wasn't too strong...

[Kraden] I never knew fighting could be so fun! Ah, but we'd better get on to the peninsula...

Not that way, Jenna! The meeting spot is west of here.
We must go down that road and into the hills.

Not that way, Jenna! The meeting spot is down this way.
We must climb down here and go into that cave.

There are words carved into the relief...
If ye seek to climb Venus Lighthouse, first seek the power within.
To obtain this power, see with the eyes of truth. Then the way shall open.
But the path I reveal is not the beginning.
The true beginning lies down ancient pathways on distant soils.

The true road can only be known by he who bears a true heart.

[Kraden] This is the place, isn't it?
[Kraden] The peninsula at the end of the road to the west... That's what he told us.

[Kraden] This must be Idejima!

[Kraden] Hm... Menardi said a ship would be here...

[Kraden] We ought to see if we can find it.

[Kraden] Jenna, it's over here!

[Kraden] At first glance, it seems like a normal ship, but...

[Kraden] There's something odd about it...

[Jenna] Kraden, wait! Oh, I swear! You're like a kid with a new toy!

[Jenna] Hurry up in there!

[Jenna] What's wrong?

[Kraden] It's missing...

[Jenna] Hm? What are you talking about?

[Kraden] The thingie... that makes it go.

[Jenna] What do you mean? What's so important about this...thingie?

[Kraden] The boat can't move without it...

[Jenna] That Menardi! She tricked us!

[Kraden] Tricked us?

[Jenna] Yeah, by passing this dud boat off on us!

[Kraden] There's no trick. If this boat is a dud, how did it get here in the first place?

[Jenna] Oh, right.

[Kraden] It must have been the orb...

[Jenna] What orb?

[Kraden] Don't you remember that crystal Saturos was carrying?

[Jenna] That big, black pearl thing?

[Kraden] I'm certain he said he could move the ship with it.

[Alex] Jenna, Kraden!

[Alex] There you are.

[Alex] I see you've found the boat.

[Alex] We set sail as soon as the beacon has been fired, correct?

[Kraden] Strange...

[Alex] What is it?

[Kraden] The beacon... It hasn't been lit yet.

[Alex] You're right... Why is it taking so long?

[Jenna] And why hasn't my brother returned?

[Kraden] They've done it, Jenna! They've lit the beacon!

[Jenna] What's happening, Kraden!? Why won't the ground stop shaking?

[Alex] Strange... I think it might actually be getting worse!

[Jenna] I think the lighthouse is collapsing! Look! The ground around it is crumbling!

[Kraden] Mercury Lighthouse didn't react this way... What makes Venus different?

[Alex] That last tremor tore a rift in the Suhalla Range!

[Jenna] How are we going to get back to Gondowan now!?

[Kraden] Idejima... It's drifting away from the mainland!

[Jenna] But...what will happen to us?

[Jenna] Oh, Kraden... How long will this island continue to drift?

[Kraden] I don't know... I wish you could tell me.

[Jenna] Sheesh... You're no help in times like this.

[Kraden] Hey, I'm hungry...

[Jenna] How can you even think about food?

[Jenna] I wonder what happened to my brother...

[Kraden] I can't be certain, but it looks like they lit the Venus beacon.

[Jenna] Yeah, I know. You don't have to tell me that. That's how we wound up adrift at sea, right?

[Kraden] My, aren't you cranky today, Jenna!

[Kraden] Well, I suppose you're just worried about Felix.

[Jenna] Isaac and the others must have been at the lighthouse, too.

[Kraden] I suspect you're right...

[Jenna] I miss them... Isaac... Felix...

[Alex] Come with me.

[Alex] There is something I wish to show you.

[Jenna] Felix... Sheba...
[Kraden] Sheba! Felix!
[Kraden] They... They're alive...

[Jenna] They're really alive!

[Kraden] What is this? Alex, what happened?

[Kraden] I thought Felix and Sheba were still inside the lighthouse.

[Alex] It's miraculous...

[Jenna] Miracle or no, I'm just happy my brother's alive.

[Kraden] What happened back there?
[Alex] ...
[Jenna] Sheba...

[Sheba] Oh...

[Kraden] Thank the elements, she's awake!

[Jenna] Sheba, are you all right? It's me, Jenna.

[Sheba] Jenna?

[Sheba] What...happened?

[Kraden] It seems you drifted here with Felix.

[Sheba] With Felix...?

[Jenna] Take your time... Do you feel all right, Sheba?

[Sheba] Where are we?

[Alex] Idejima. We were all to meet here...
But now, the island is floating away from Gondowan.

[Sheba] This island is moving?

[Kraden] I know it must be very hard to believe, Sheba.

[Jenna] When the Venus Lighthouse was lit, a massive tremor tore us off the continent...

[Alex] The ground beneath the lighthouse roiled, as though it might crumble away.

[Sheba] I remember now... And that's what carried us away from Gondowan.

[Kraden] But what happened to you, Sheba?
You were in the sea, and Saturos—

[Sheba] Saturos and Menardi are gone...

[Alex] What do you mean?

[Sheba] Another group came... They fought Saturos and Menardi and won.

[Jenna] Was it Isaac?

[Sheba] Isaac... Yes, I think that's what they called him...

[Alex] You expect me to believe Isaac and his companions defeated Saturos and Menardi?

[Alex] Have they really grown so powerful in so short a time?

[Kraden] But how did you wind up in the sea?

[Sheba] When the beacon was lit, the earthquake knocked me off the lighthouse tower.

[Jenna] Then what's my brother doing here?

[Sheba] He tried to save me from drowning...

[Kraden] Felix jumped from the top of the lighthouse!? Dear me!

[Alex] Felix... are you awake?

[Kraden] Ah! Felix, you're awake!

[Jenna] Brother...

[Jenna] Are you sure you should be standing?

[Kraden] You don't seem very surprised to find yourself on a floating island.

[Alex] Felix, once you'd saved Sheba, you must have swum out here, correct?

[Alex] You must have seen that this island was floating when you were swimming.

[Jenna] But what do we do now?

[Sheba] I have no idea. Nobody knows what lies beyond the Eastern Sea.

[Kraden] Unfortunately, I am a student of Alchemy, not geography...

[Sheba] What is it...Alex?

[Kraden] What's the matter?

[Alex] Can't you see it?

[Jenna] It's land! An island!

[Sheba] It's a little... big for an island.

[Kraden] That's no island... It's a new continent!

[Jenna] We're saved!

[Kraden] So it would seem...

[Sheba] Wait...

[Jenna] What is it?

[Sheba] We're going to pass north of the continent...

[Kraden] She's right!

[Sheba] I don't think we're going to make it!

[Jenna] Oh, Kraden... Felix... What are we going to do?

[Felix] ???

[Kraden] Oh... This can't be good.

[Jenna] it?

[Sheba] It's...a tidal wave.

[Jenna] A tidal wave?

[Sheba] The earthquake must have caused it!

[Kraden] Oh... Oh my... It's coming right at us!

[Jenna] Alex... How can you stay so calm at a time like this?

[Alex] At times like this, where would be the good in panicking?

[Sheba] We'll be washed away!

[Kraden] Help!!!

[Narration] Do you want to check yourself for injuries?
[Narration] Looks like the arms are still attached. That's a good start.

[Narration] The legs are working fine, too. Yup. You're fine!

[Narration] You walk around a bit, and everything seems fine.

[Kraden] Oooog...

[Kraden] Oh... Felix...

[Kraden] Ouch...

[Kraden] That was quite a blow...

[Kraden] What happened when that wave hit?

[Kraden] Felix, look!

[Kraden] That wave carried us to the continent!

[Kraden] We've hit solid land! Let's go, Felix!

[Narration] Kraden has joined your party.

[Jenna] What...

[Jenna] What am I doing down here?

[Jenna] Oh... I must have blacked out when the wave hit...

[Jenna] Hey! We've hit land!

[Jenna] That wave must have carried us here! What luck!

[Jenna] Have you checked everyone else? Are they all right?
[Jenna] Great! Then let's go!

[Narration] Jenna has joined your party.

[Jenna] Then let's go find them and get off this island!

[Narration] Jenna has joined your party.

[Sheba] Ohhh...

[Sheba] Nnng.

[Sheba] The wave!

[Sheba] What happened to the tidal wave?

[Sheba] I thought we were done for, but we're all fine...

[Sheba] And we've run aground!

[Sheba] That tidal wave turned out to be a stroke of luck!

[Sheba] I wonder where we are...

[Sheba] We should take a look around!

[Narration] Sheba has joined your party.

[Kraden] Hey, Felix!

[Kraden] You weren't planning on leaving me, were you?

[Kraden] Hm?

[Kraden] Well! It's land!

[Kraden] The wave carried us back ashore!

[Kraden] I assume you merely...forgot about me in your excitement?

[Kraden] Understandable, but you should have waited for me, Felix.

[Kraden] Nevertheless, let us be on our way!

[Narration] Kraden has joined your party.

[Jenna] I can't believe you two!

[Jenna] How could you!?

[Jenna] Leaving me on that island while you go off exploring on your own!

[Jenna] And here I was, looking everywhere for you!

[Kraden] I'm sorry, my dear... Can you ever forgive us?

[Jenna] Oh... All right. Just don't leave me alone like that again...

[Jenna] Anyway, look! That wave must have carried us to a new continent!

[Jenna] Let's go exploring!

[Narration] Jenna has joined your party.

[Sheba] Wa-Wait!

[Sheba] Aren't you worried about me in the slightest?

[Sheba] Did you rescue me from the lighthouse just to leave me for dead on this island?

[Sheba] Now, I'm sure he meant to do no such thing...

[Sheba] I wonder...

[Sheba] Oh, don't give me that sad face... You know I can't stay mad at you...

[Sheba] After all, you did save me, Felix. I won't soon forget that...

[Sheba] But don't leave me behind like that again, OK?

[Sheba] So that big wave pushed us aground? Way to go, Nature!

[Sheba] What's out here, anyway?

[Kraden] That's what we were about to find out!

[Sheba] Let's get started, then!

[Narration] Sheba has joined your party.

[Kraden] By the way... Where has Alex gone?

[Kraden] He doesn't seem to be anywhere on the island.

[Kraden] You don't think he set out on his own, do you?
[Kraden] Then I guess there's no reason to look for him here.

[Kraden] Well, he's no longer on Idejima, at any rate.

[Kraden] He might have gone to look for a ship.

[Jenna] Alex wants a ship?

[Kraden] Did you forget what he was saying?
[Kraden] He wants to return Alchemy to its former place in the world.

[Kraden] Then you know he wants to restore Alchemy to the world.

[Jenna] By lighting the four elemental lighthouses, he might just succeed.

[Sheba] But why the ship?

[Kraden] The remaining two lighthouses are unreachable by land.

[Kraden] None remain to be lit across the Eastern Sea.

[Jenna] So what should we—

[Kraden] We must go to the Great Western Sea...

[Sheba] The Western Sea...

[Jenna] Is that where we're going, Felix?
[Kraden] Well said, Felix! And go there, we shall!

[Kraden] Don't be foolish, Felix. We must pursue Alex. We have to go there...

[Jenna] That's right! Our parents' lives depend on it!

[Kraden] What about you, Sheba?

[Sheba] What do you mean?

[Jenna] It's...not going to be an easy trip.

[Kraden] And there is no reason you should have to face that danger... Right, Felix?
[Sheba] Then you should know my reason for traveling with all of you, Felix...

[Sheba] Felix remembers... I have a reason to be traveling with you...

[Kraden] What do you mean, Sheba? What reason?

[Sheba] It's my destiny...

[Jenna] This quest is your... destiny?

[Kraden] And you couldn't tell us about this earlier?

[Jenna] But how can we trust you when we don't know why you're with us?

[Sheba] I'm sorry... But please, you have to take me! You must! You need me!

[Kraden] I don't understand. Why exactly do we need you?

[Sheba] You know that I am an Adept, don't you?

[Sheba] I can control the wind, as Felix already knows...

[Kraden] You knew that she was a Wind Adept?
[Kraden] Saturos must have mentioned it atop the lighthouse... I see...

[Kraden] Saturos must have known it, even though he never told you...

[Sheba] They saw that I was a Wind Adept right away...

[Sheba] They kidnapped me for my powers... They needed them on their journey.

[Jenna] Oh, yeah... They would have needed an alignment that complemented their own.

[Sheba] They said they would need a Wind Adept in order to light Jupiter's beacon.

[Kraden] Ah, of course... And I suspect we'll need your power there as well.

[Sheba] So you see, you do need me.

[Jenna] All right... I guess I understand now.

[Jenna] But you want to know what she meant by destiny, too, don't you?
[Jenna] I wish we could read minds like Sheba. Then we'd know...

[Jenna] Oh, so it's just me? Too bad I can't read minds like Sheba, huh?

[Kraden] I'm sure she will tell us in her own time. Won't you, Sheba?

[Kraden] I think, for now, that we should simply trust Sheba.

[Kraden] Now, I am quite famished. Shall we get moving?


Dialogue strings

You don't look familiar. Have you been to Daila before?
Strange... I just don't remember ever seeing you around here before.

Well then, welcome to Daila, the northernmost town on the continent of Indra!

We were hit by a gigantic tidal wave, but there were no injuries...
It was miraculous!

Didn't it feel like all of Indra moved when that wave hit?
I knew it! You felt it, too! And that shock afterward!
It felt like the whole continent got rammed into something!

Wow... The wave must have knocked you silly if you didn't notice it...

I saw a bright light in the northwestern sky earlier... Somewhere over Gondowan.
It was right before the tidal wave... I wonder if there's a connection...

Thank goodness for that mountain range to the north...
If that range weren't there, we would have been washed away for sure...

Ohhh...that wave knocked me over, and now I can't get up.
I must have been born to suffer!

That ancient tower to the east? It's the Shrine of the Sea God...
Listen, if you're not into being cursed horribly, you should stay away from there.

Riki and Tavi sure are out late...

I wonder if those two are still out there... They know it's off-limits.

Our village survived the wave, but all our boats were destroyed...
We won't be sailing for a while, but we'll pull through somehow...

Hm? You want a boat?
What kind of insensitive jerk are you?
Everyone knows all our boats were destroyed by the tidal wave!

Of course not! The tidal wave ruined all our boats...
Asking us for a boat now would be just plain mean!

That tidal wave left a lot of standing water in our village...
The worst part is that it's all salt water.

Yaaay! Puddles in the village! Yaaay!

Bleah! I fell in a puddle and got my clothes dirty! Mom's gonna have a fit!

That wave turned this place into a swamp! Everything smells like brine!

That must have been one serious wave to make the whole continent move...
I didn't even know continents did that!

I thought I saw some lights in the northwestern skies... Maybe I just imagined them.

The sea god must have saved us from the wave. It's good we have a shrine honoring him.

My hip's killing me, and all that woman cares about is how muddy my clothes are!
She cares more about the laundry than she does me!

I can't believe those children play in the shrine!
It's dangerous, and it will only bring them misfortune...

The Shrine of the Sea God stopped the wave, but I'm worried...
Riki and Tavi were playing in there, and I'm too scared to tell anyone.

I can't believe those losers were inside the shrine when the wave hit!
If Riki and Tavi want to be idiots, I say, let 'em!

That wave was brutal! It smashed my boat to splinters!

With all the boats gone, we sailors are stuck here!
What are we supposed to do on dry land? Knit!?

With all this salt water on the ground, what will happen to our crops?

Yay! We never get puddles like this, not even when it rains!

Bleccch! This water's saaalty!

Riki's really in for it when he gets home!
He's been out playing with his friend for days!

That no-good kid of mine! Taking his father's fishing pole! I mean, really!
If he doesn't come home soon, he's really going to get it!

Riki, Tavi... Where are you? What are you up to?

That Tavi's a bad influence on Riki...
Just because he lives next door doesn't mean they have to be friends!

I wonder where our little Tavi has gone. I'm getting worried.
He was gone when the wave hit, and he hasn't been home since...

Tavi never misses three o'clock snacksies!
Where could he be? His food's getting cold...

I'll bet that, wherever Tavi is, Riki is with him...
The neighbors must be pretty worried, too.

If Tavi isn't home soon, we're going to have to go looking for him.

If you're looking for a boat, you might check in Madra...
Head south, and then when the road forks, follow the path to the east.

If you head south, you'll find a fork in the road.
Take the road west, and you'll hit the Kandorean Temple in no time.

I wonder how the road to Madra is holding up after that flood...
The ground was always pretty soft around there...

I wonder if the holy man at the Kandorean Temple is as powerful as they say...

In all my years as mayor, I've never seen a wave like that before...
I'm grateful that nobody was seriously injured.

The wave was awful, but the noise that followed was even worse...
The shock alone could probably have destroyed the road to Madra.

A lot of folk said they heard a terrible rumbling from the southeast.
You ask me, it was the road to Madra crumbling to bits...

Between the pirates and the tidal waves, this town has the worst luck!
Now that Briggs has been arrested in Madra, maybe our luck is changing...

At least, nobody seems to have been injured too badly.
Maybe I should make another inspection later.

I still don't know what that sound I heard was...
With everything that's been going on lately, I'm still a little bit edgy...

We should find a different way to get to Madra. That shoddy road's a mess...

Now that Briggs is locked away, we shouldn't have any pirate trouble this year.
Of course, that tidal wave did more damage than those pirates ever managed...

You folks ain't thinkin' 'bout goin' south, are ya?
The roads to the south are a real mess from the earthquake. Dangerous, too.

I'm glad I'm not going to Madra now... It had been so parched for so long...
And now, after the quake, I'm sure it's full of cracks and fissures and gaps...

You guys look new 'round these parts! What brings you to here?
There's nothing much to see on this forsaken continent. You must be odd folk indeed!

If those two scamps knew there were travelers in town, they'd have a field day.

I haven't seen Tavi and Riki around lately...
I like those little guys, so I'm kind of worried about 'em.

I'm sure those two went to the Shrine of the Sea God. They never listen!
I told them they were way too small to climb those cliffs...

What should I cook for our guests tonight? I just can't decide.

We run a very small inn, so we make do with just the two of us working here...

I don't know when I'll be able to return to Madra. I sure miss the food there.

I hear the seafood in Madra is wonderful!
I wonder what kinds of fish they catch in Madra...

We can't sail, and we can't fish... Not with our ships in this condition...
Oh... I'm not looking forward to becoming a vegetarian...

Look at all these guests! We need more help...but how will we afford it?

After all that shaking, I wouldn't be surprised if the roads were unusable.

I'm so torn... Do I like my fish grilled?
Or do I prefer poached? It's hard to say... Why is life so difficult?

Travelers! Well, I'll be! Do you have a lot of time and nowhere to go?
Then I suggest you visit the Kandorean Temple to see Master Poi.
He performs great feats, but I'll warn you, he might not let you in...

Oh, going to Madra, are you?
It's a dangerous road, but no one will stop you from taking it, my children.

Travelers with nowhere to go... This is bad. I hope they stay out of the shrine...
If they anger the sea god, there's nowhere they could hide, not anywhere in Indra!

Kandorean Temple

Dialogue strings

Have you come to see Master Poi?
The master will see no one. Leave now, and do not return.

I'm sorry, but the temple is closed to sightseers. Go home now.

Once the period of meditation has begun, none may enter the temple grounds.
Master Poi's teachings require absolute concentration.

I do not understand Master Poi. If I were him, I would allow more people to enter.
Instead, I must turn away the very people who would benefit from his teachings.

I was hoping to hear Master Poi speak. Instead, I got guard duty. How boring...

I hope to enter the temple one day... I want to learn from the master himself...

Please don't break my concentration!
I am...lighter than air... floating, rising up...

I am not just meditating. I am guarding the entry as well. It is important work.
But someday, I will be permitted to enter the temple...

I still can't believe that the older monks can levitate through meditation.
If I work hard enough, maybe I'll be able to do it, too. Maybe.

My mind is empty; my body is light... Now...float...float...

Empty the mind to lighten the body...
I've been fasting for days... I've got to be light enough by now!

[Poi] You there! Focus your mind!

[Monk 1] Did you see that, Master?

[Poi] No, no, no! You lack discipline!

[Poi] Now, you!

[Monk 2] How was that, Master?

[Poi] Improving...slowly! Continue your meditation!

[Poi] Your turn!

[Monk 3] Master, have I done it?

[Poi] Not bad... You might stand a chance to succeed...

[Monk 3] I can do it, Master! Please, just let me try!

[Poi] Your skills lack polish... It may be dangerous. Do you still wish to enter?

[Monk 3] Yes, I do! I do!

[Poi] If you fail, you may lose more than just your pride...

[Monk 3] I do not fear death, Master!

[Poi] Ho ho! Is that so?

[Poi] Very well, then! It is time for your trial, my son!

[Poi] Enter the cave, and ascend!

HE went in before ME? What nonsense!
Wait... I guess I ought to be supportive and hope for his success...

Empty mind, empty body. By clearing my thoughts, I can ascend...

There's no way I'm rooting for that loser!
Choke! Choke! Fail the test! Then, I'll get my chance!

Arrgh! I was so close! I can't believe I didn't make it!
Gah... I'm so consumed with frustration that I can't clear my thoughts...

It seems I may not have been ready after all...
I should start my meditations over again...

Is it really possible for anyone to pass this test?

[Poi] You have passed a very difficult test. You have pleased your teacher!

[Poi] Wait... You're not one of my students! Who are you!?

[Poi] How did you... come this far?

[Kraden] Ah, yes... How indeed?

[Poi] The rope is still on the floor.

[Poi] You must have come through the cave...

[Poi] That means...

[Poi] I must give you... the secret of Lash!

[Kraden] Master Poi... You seem perturbed.

[Poi] Oh, no... Not at all...

[Kraden] Felix, am I imagining it, or does he seem perturbed?
[Poi] I am not perturbed. Merely...surprised.

[Poi] No one from outside the temple has ever passed the test. It's amazing...

[Kraden] What is this "Lash" you mentioned a moment ago?

[Poi] Lash is a sacred power, passed down for years to the followers of this temple.

[Kraden] A sacred power? And it's called Lash, you say?

[Poi] And now, I must pass it on to you. It is our way.

[Poi] It is a gift given to all those who pass the test, as it has been for ages.

[Kraden] What type of power is this Lash?

[Poi] Allow me to show you.

[Kraden] Lash looks quite a bit like Psynergy, doesn't it?
[Poi] Psynergy, hm? We call it spiritual strength, but it seems the same.

[Poi] I do not know of your Psynergy, but our power comes from within.

[Poi] This technique uses the spiritual to affect the physical.

[Poi] One with a strong spirit can lift and move heavy objects farther.

[Kraden] The distance changes with your level of power? Fascinating!

[Poi] Those who cannot pass this cave's trials are not worthy of the technique.

[Kraden] Felix, do you think this cave was designed to test one's control of Psynergy?
[Poi] Yes, yes! Well done, old man!

[Kradne] Who are you calling an old man!? You're no spring chicken yourself!

[Poi] You are quite mistaken... You should listen to the old man. He speaks wisely.

[Kraden] Tha—HEY! Who are you calling an old man? You're no schoolboy yourself!

[Poi] I wondered if it would be right to allow an outsider to use this power...

[Kraden] You're...not going to teach us?

[Poi] But I like you, so I will let you learn our secret.

[Poi] Please, follow me.

Take the power of Lash. It is yours now.

[Poi] This is the power and the secret of our temple!

[Poi] If you are worthy, you will use it with ease!

[Poi] When you see a rope, use Lash on it...

[Poi] Perhaps you will find this useful on your travels.

[Poi] Take this power with you, and do good.

[Poi] I hope that someday, my students will be worthy of this honor, too.

If you wish to practice, these caves may hold a place of interest to you...

Ho ho! I feel the strength of your spirit flowing toward me! Splendid!

You were the ones who passed the test?
Wow! I can't believe it! Are you monks? Where did you study!?

Well, if it wasn't you, who was it?

I hear that someone passed the test... No matter, though...
I am here to improve myself, to meditate... Not to show off.

When I awoke, I learned that someone else had passed my test... How disgraceful.

The master seemed so disappointed that someone passed the test...
I think it was just that none of his students can do it yet...

I knew it! It should have been me taking that test!

Before I passed out, I saw...something...
Some sort of...cute little monster. Was I delirious?

Hey, what's an outsider doing on the temple grounds?
Oh, meditation must be over... That's why they let you in...

Looks like none of our brothers passed this time, either.
At this rate, maybe we'll be able to surpass them after all.

Someday, I'm going to be a great monk, like Master Poi.

Gah! I kept my eyes shut in meditation so long that the sun hurts when I open them!

I've been meditating all day, but my body just doesn't want to float...

Whenever the master goes to town, the villagers are all in such awe of him...
Maybe someday, they'll look at me the same way.

Extinguish your desire, and the fire will cool.
Empty your mind, and you will feel no pain! -Poi-


This wall looks rather suspicious, wouldn't you say, Felix?

Fantastic work, Felix! Keep a watchful eye for any strange-looking areas!

Shrine of the Sea God and Daila

Dialogue strings

[Riki] All right! I'm gonna throw the rope again!

[Tavi] Just don't miss this time!

[Tavi] Aww, no! You missed again!

[Riki] Sorry, Tavi... I can't do it!

[Tavi] I thought I got lucky when that wave carried me up here...

[Riki] What are you, crazy? It knocked you stupid for a good ten minutes!

[Tavi] Yeah, yeah! Just find some way to get me down from here!

[Riki] Fine! Just don't jump down or do anything dumb, OK?

Wah! You scared me!

I thought you were one of the grown-ups from Daila... So, who are you?

Look, I'm kinda busy trying to help my pal Tavi right now, OK?

I can't find anything around here that'll help get him down from there!

[Kraden] Excellent work, Felix!

[Tavi] Hey, the rope!

[Tavi] Awesome, Riki! Way to go!

[Tavi] Who are you?

[Kraden] We're just passing through.

[Tavi] How come you threw me the rope?

[Kraden] We'd heard that you needed some assistance.

[Tavi] Well, whatever. Thanks anyway.

[Riki] Hey, Tavi!

[Riki] How'd ya get down from there?

[Tavi] These guys threw me the rope...

[Riki] Really? These grown-ups?

[Riki] Well, whatever. Now we can go nab that critter we saw!

[Riki] What? What is it?

[Tavi] That little guy's so fast, I can't catch him!

[Riki] Do you think we could catch him together?

[Tavi] Well, yeah, except that every time I'm about to grab him, he flies off!

[Riki] So I guess it wouldn't matter if we worked together or not.

[Tavi] Yeah, I guess not.

[Riki] Well, that's too bad.

[Tavi] Hey, I'm really hungry! I haven't eaten since before I got stuck!

[Riki] Yeah, same here... My stomach's growling up a storm!

[Tavi] Let's go home, Riki.

[Riki] Sounds good, Tavi.

[Kraden] They're gone...

[Kraden] Well, it was good of you to help them.

[Kraden] We should be going, too.

This statue looks a lot like the one in Daila's Sanctum.

I took all the money that was in here to pay for a boat.
Don't think badly of me. -Alex.

After that wave hit, I was worried about Daila, but we're pulling through...

Sure are a lot of travelers coming through here today.
That last one, though... He was awful cute.

Those puddles of sea-water the wave left have almost all evaporated now.

Ah, the sea is calm again, and we can all get back to our normal lives.

I bet you thought it was the wave that knocked me over and hurt my hip, huh?
It'd take more than a little water to knock this old-timer down!
No, it was the earthquake afterward that made me fall on my tush...

Nobody believes me when I tell them the continent moved...
Why do you think I fell? The ground shifts, you fall on your fanny! It's a fact!

I've always heard that the Shrine of the Sea God holds an amazing treasure...

The dread pirate Briggs was captured in Madra...
If that guy were free, you could bet he'd be coming after our village...

Those two losers are back home now, eating their snacks...

I thought I saw something when those puddles dried. Maybe it was just my eyes.

So...I hear they caught the pirate Briggs down in Madra...
The seas should be safe now. Makes me wish I still had a boat...

It was creepy—right before the wave hit, the water got all quiet and calm.
I don't know how to explain it, but it was really eerie.

The puddles are gone, and now I'm bored.

I got hurt when I was playing in the puddles, so now I'm not.

Thank our lucky stars our little town survived that ordeal.

Is that guy still meeting with the mayor?

Those puddles stank! I thought I'd get sick from the smell of stagnant brine!

I'm glad everything is back to normal here in Daila...

Nobody believes a wave could be big enough to move a continent...
I'm starting to think it's a sign of things to come, personally...

I'd sure like to see what that treasure is...

I wonder what happened to Briggs when they caught him...

Tavi and Riki must have been starving. They were gone for days...

It's probably nothing but junk and garbage, but it's not my problem...

The seas are peaceful and free of pirates at last, and I don't even have a boat.
Life's funny like that.

Before the wave hit, the tide went way out...
It was like the sea had been drained away...

I hope some of the little puddles stay, at least.

I caught my foot on something that was in one of those dried-up puddles.

Let me tell you, kids are a lot of work...
If they're not out getting in trouble, they're inside, and they're eating!

Who stays outside until he's absolutely famished?
And would it have hurt to let us know where he was going!?

Mmm... Mmnph... Dad was SO mad that we were late...
He said, "No dinner for you!" And I was like, "Whatever!"

Darn that Riki! Ah... I'm glad he's home, though...
He's so cute when he's stuffing his face.

Hee hee. My Riki is mommy's little monster! Just look how he eats!

I still want to catch that monster.
We are SO going back there tomorrow.

Our little one is finally home.
I don't know where he got to for all that time.

Tavi wolfed down his snack and just asked for more!
He must think we're here to feed him, I swear!

Mmmph... Mmmm. Don't tell anyone we were in the Shrine of the Sea God.

I guess Riki next door made it home, too...
Those two are just inseparable.

Once Tavi finishes eating, I'm putting him right outside again!

I'm sure glad I made it down from that cliff...
I could have starved up there!

Are you going to Madra?
You'll have to cross the Dehkan Plateau...
It's a dangerous place. You'll want to be very, very careful out there.

Walking into trouble just for a boat ain't exactly smart...
But sometimes, you have to face danger to move forward.

I think Madra is east of the crossroads... I think...

Daila got hit pretty hard. I wonder how Madra is doing...

Someone should see how the road to Madra held up in the quake...

[Alex] Felix...

[Alex] Well, well... Our happy little family is back together again.

[Jenna] Alex... Where did you go?

[Alex] To look for a ship, of course.

[Sheba] That's what Kraden said...

[Kraden] And did you find one?

[Alex] Unfortunately, there are none to be had.

[Alex] I spoke to the mayor, and he suggested that we try the large town south of us.

[Kraden] Is that where you're going?

[Alex] Yes. Madra may have boats available. That would be the most logical move.

[Jenna] So what do yout think? Should we go to Madra with Alex?
[Alex] Ah... You...want to travel with me?

[Jenna] What, you don't like that idea?

[Alex] Ah. Felix doesn't think it's a good idea.

[Jenna] You seem awfully pleased about that...

[Alex] No, that's not it. I'm just...preoccupied.

[Sheba] Self-absorbed is more like it!

[Alex] I simply prefer to work alone.

[Kraden] If that's the case, we'll let you be...

[Alex] Perhaps you will see me in Madra...

[Jenna] Gah! The nerve of that guy!

[Sheba] Yeah, I know... Now, I just want to find a boat before he does!

[Kraden] Let's be on our way.

Don't tell me you're all looking for a boat, too!
Look, there aren't any boats here, not for you or anyone!
Try Madra, down south!

If I had one, I'd let you use it, but I don't.

It's too dangerous to go to Madra now.
I wonder if that man who wanted the boat will survive on the Dehkan Plateau.

Who was that guy? I wonder why he needed a boat so badly.

Why did the pirate Briggs plague us for so long?
If I were going to Madra, I'd go look him in the eyes and ask him!

He said he'd pay me a fortune for a boat.
I'm not sure he'd pay me even if I'd had one, though...

The road to Madra goes through the Dehkan Plateau.
It's nearly impossible to cross over that soft, crumbly soil right now.

Maybe that guy washed up on shore when the wave hit...

Briggs probably has lots of men under him...
If I lived in Madra, I'd be more worried about them coming to rescue him.

Way back when, Daila used to be a hideout for a band of pirates...
They were all captured, but no one ever found their stolen treasure.

This town may be dirt-poor, but we still get a good variety of travelers.
They're searching for treasure, I'll bet. I hear even Briggs was after it!

We don't have a lot of people in Daila, but it's a very spacious town...
The layout confuses me sometimes!

Maybe they hid treasure here because this town is so mazelike...

Tavi and Riki are back home, safe and sound...
They stopped by to say hello on their way... What nice kids.

I hope their parents didn't punish them too severely...
They must have worried their parents half to death!

Our fishermen still can't head out to sea...
When will they start fixing all those boats!?

Oh, I was just practicing. It's part of our dinner show for guests...
You know, because we don't actually have any good food for dinner...

Er... Aheh heh... You... weren't watching, were you?

I was just practicing for the show we're putting on tonight.

When do we get to sample some of Daila's famous seafood?

I'm sick of eating nothing but vegetables... And the service stinks!
At least there's a show. I wonder what we'll see tonight...

Until we get our seafood back, we have to put on these shows for guests...
My feet hurt... I wonder if they'll let me skip tonight's performance...

Shoot... What was my first line? "Welcome to the Palace of the Dragon King"?

Putting on shows instead of serving good food is fine, I guess...
But won't stories about sea dragons make people think about seafood?

I just hope they don't make us watch another one of those awful shows!
I'd rather eat a pile of steamed cabbage than watch them again!

Maybe I'll just get up on stage and do a little dance of my own tonight.

There is nothing left for you in Daila...
Please be careful on your journey to Madra.

Daila's probably pretty boring for travelers.

Lower Indra and Madra

Dialogue strings

[Kraden] Look... It's Menardi's ship!

[Jenna] It doesn't look like they sailed here, though...

[Sheba] Of course not... They were killed at the lighthouse, weren't they?

[Kraden] Do you think it could have drifted here?
[Kraden] Yes, Felix, That would be logical...

[Kraden] How else could it have come to be here, Felix?

[Jenna] If we had that thingie Saturos had, we could just take their boat.

[Sheba] For all we know, the orb is at the bottom of the sea...with them...

[Kraden] Well, there's no point in hanging around here all day.

[Kraden] Let's go see about finding ourselves a ship we can use.

[Warrior 1] We've been found!

[Warrior 2] You wanna fight, punk?

[Warrior 3] No one said anything about fighting yet!

[Warrior 3] We haven't done anything to you!

[Warrior 4] And if you think we did, then prove it!

I'm, uh, from Kibombo... It's, er...nice to meet you.

Hey, we're just here to finish what you guys started, OK?
You guys are the ones who rammed into our continent, and don't you forget it!

Hey, we're just out here, uh... camping... Yup. If you want good camping, go to Indra.
We're just here to, you know, see the sights and stuff.

Our friends from Kibombo are coming soon.
When they get here, we'll all come say hello.

Oh, tense... We're busted! They're on to us, I know it!
We never should have launched that raid on Madra without the others!

My family lost its entire store of food—months' worth, gone in a flash!
Well, we'll show those foreigners what happens when they mess with us!

And once our Kibombo warriors swarm over your town, we'll all be real good friends...

It was a good raid, but after all that work, we didn't find a thing...
I wonder what happened to those people who fled from the jail we broke into.

The door is held closed by a powerful force.

Well, there's no point in hanging around here all day.
Let's go see about finding ourselves a ship we can use.

[Watchman 1] You there! Hold your ground!

[Kraden] What seems to be the trouble?

[Watchman 2] Just wait there...

[Watchman 1] They don't look like they're Champa...

[Watchman 2] I agree...

[Watchman 1] Sorry for the delay. You may pass.

[Kraden] What were you checking us for?

[Watchman 2] Our town was sacked by pirates...

[Watchman 1] They'd come to free their leader, Briggs.

[Watchman 1] They came from the east, a small party, and we repelled them with ease...

[Watchman 1] But then, foreigners struck from the west, exploiting a weak point near our prison.

[Watchman 2] That's over now, though... Feel free to relax and enjoy your time here safely.

There's no way those pirates are coming back...
Not after Indra slammed into Osenia. I hear you can even walk there if you want.

All of Indra shifted and collided with Osenia... Everyone's talking about it.
As if dealing with invading pirate soldiers wasn't enough!

It's so weird that we can just walk to Osenia now. Crazy, crazy world...

These are rough times... We don't have nearly enough people to help us.

You comin' through here?
Yeah, well... We're workin' in the hole right now, so...
Until we're done here, you're gonna have to enter Madra through the gates.

That's good, 'cause we can't let anyone through right now.
If you're goin' to Madra, you're gonna have to go through the front gates.

The Champa dug this hole when they raided our town, but there's more to it...
The hole they dug uncovered a cave that runs all the way under our town!

I can't believe the Champa just stumbled onto this cave accidentally...
That's like winning the lottery or something!

Who dug this cave? And why?

The town elder took off to deal with Briggs... I wonder where he is now.

You picked the wrong time to come to Madra...
We've had disasters, pirate attacks, all sorts of nonsense...

That big wave moved the whole continent of Indra to the south.
Now, we're sandwiched between the two continents of Gondowan and Osenia.

Let me guess... You want a boat, right?
Look, like I told that last guy, the tidal wave went and ruined all our boats!

Maybe we'll learn Briggs's whereabouts from that captured Champa.

If I could walk to Osenia, I'd like to see Air's Rock, out near Garoh.

Did you come here over the Dehkan Plateau?
Yeah? You must have seen that boat grounded near the cave, right?
I hear it was a Champa boat! And on it, they found an unconscious Champa!
So they nabbed him, of course, and they tossed him in our jail!

You didn't? Weird...
I wonder if it drifted away...

It's like all three continents got together to form a supercontinent!

The Champa were swarming over the village...
But I screamed like the dickens and scared 'em off! It's true! Heh!

Those Champa curs dug a hole here to sneak into Madra...
And to think, it was just a decoy so they could break into the prison... What a crazy plan!

I doubt the Champa could have come up with that plan on their own...
I'm not even sure that strange boat we found up north is even theirs...

I got someone to show me around inside... It's just a really big hole.
Nobody could dig that much in such a short time without us noticing, you'd think...

I don't care what the elder says... That prisoner is filthy Champa scum!
Until someone proves otherwise, I say, let him rot!

We took that unconscious guy from the boat and tossed him in jail.
He keeps saying that he's not Champa, though.

My friend was on guard duty when Briggs's men attacked...
Who would let a menace like Briggs go free?

My partner was guarding the prison...
When the Champa attacked, he was so scared, he ran off. Disgraceful!

Everyone thinks Briggs fled to the east after the breakout...
I think that must be where the elder went with the others.

The town elder is getting pretty elderly. I hope he's OK, traveling out there...

If a big wave can move the whole continent of Indra...
Does that mean that all of Indra is just floating on the water?

It's a bit of a problem that the tidal wave destroyed our boats...
But the tidal wave sort of solved the problem, too...
Now, all three continents are wedged together, and we don't really need boats.

That Champa in the cell looks a bit pale for a pirate...
I thought pirates were supposed to be all tan and leathery...

I've always wanted to see Air's Rock...but Garoh is such a long way away...

Who was it who told me the Champa boat was damaged?
Doesn't matter... But I bet Briggs went to Osenia to find himself a new boat.

Now, Madra is pinned between two continents!
People from Gondowan can walk here to visit! What fun!

When I saw those Champa, I was so surprised that I let out a yelp...
It must have startled them, because they all ran away!

The Champa must have known exactly where Briggs was...
But how did they know the layout of our town?

It's not like the Champa to plan out elaborate strategies...
I think the two raids were entirely coincidental.

I'm not sure the Champa actually dug this hole...

I'll never forgive those dogs for what they've done to our village.

I looked into that man's eyes. He looked so serene, so calm...
No one with such pretty eyes could be a liar.

I wonder how many of the raiders were actually Champa.

I miss my partner... It's a shame he turned tail and ran like that...
But who knows? Maybe I would have done the same thing in his place...

In all this chaos, everyone here has clean forgotten about Alhafra...
Sure, it's all the way in Osenia, but they're bound to have a boat or two.

Madra and Alhafra, off in Osenia, have a long history together...
Alhafra's a thriving seaport, up on the northern coast.

Wait a second... I'll bet Briggs is heading to Alhafra!
Of course! That'd be the place to go if you were looking for a boat!

Alhafra has long been a trade partner with Madra.
I should go there one day... It's such an easy trip from North Osenia...

The lands to the south of Gondowan are full of barbarians, I'm told.

Indra is in direct contact with southern Gondowan... Will we be safe?
You're just trying to make me feel better, but you don't have a clue, do you?

Listen, we don't need you running around getting folks worked up! Buzz off!

The Kibombo are warlike, but they live far off in the center of Gondowan...
I can't imagine they'd come all the way out here...

They say there are people who use a frightening kind of magic in Gondowan...
I don't know if it's true, but it's absolutely terrifying!

A wave big enough to move a continent is a terrible portent...
Could the legendary beast of the deep have awakened?

Everything happened so suddenly... The earth moved, and everything fell down...
It's going to take me forever to clean up...

If the mythical sea creature has awakened, we're all in trouble...
The legends say that only one armed with an enchanted trident can kill it.

Everything's on the floor, and all my dishes are broken. What a chore!

They say that boat belongs to the Champa...
But I keep telling them, that boat looks like no Champa ship I've seen.

The boat that ran aground in the cove out east looks like a normal ship, almost...
But I'm not sure a boat like that can even sail.

That boat's far sturdier and far more sleek than any Champa could build.

It didn't even have any oars! How does it move? I don't get it.

Milady and I have been told to guard that jewel on the mantel.

Don't touch that gem! The elder gave us strict orders to protect it!

My father was opposed to arresting the man we found on the boat...
But the townspeople were in an uproar about the Champa, and they locked him up...

When the elder gets back, I'm sure he will prove that young man innocent.

Dad and Grandpa have gone to Osenia to look for Briggs...

Whenever Dad goes on trips, he brings back presents!
I wonder what he'll bring back this time...

I wish I knew why the elder wanted us to protect this thing...

Until my father returns, I'll protect this gem with my life.

He intends to find Briggs and prove that young man's innocence.

If Dad has to fight, I wonder if he'll go...

I hope he brings me a nice doll. I want a wooden one!

[Muscle-man] Admit it! You're one of the Champa, aren't you, Piers?

[Shin] Speak! Or let your silence condemn you!

[Piers] I told you already... I'm not a Champa.

[Shin] Then where did you come from?

[Piers] The heart of the Eastern Sea... If I told you where, you'd never believe me.

[Shin] Look at me when I'm talking to you! Are you trying to mock me!?

[Piers] I implore you, do not anger me.

[Shin] Oh, do you? So what's going to happen if I make you angry?

[Muscle-man] Hey, Shin... Maybe you should go easy on him...

[Shin] Hey, it wasn't your girlfriend who got hurt!

[Piers] I'm sorry she was injured, but I cannot—

[Shin] I don't want your sympathy, freak! I want you to get angry for me!

[Piers] Stop, please... Even my patience has its limits.

[Shin] Hey, don't you want to see what he'll do?

[Muscle-man] I think we should just stop...

[Piers] If my words will not cool your temper, then...

[Kraden] Oh! That was Psynergy!

[Shin] Waaaaaaaaaahh!

[Muscle-man] Did you do that?

[Piers] What did your friend expect?

[Muscle-man] You monster!

[Piers] I... I am no monster.

[Muscle-man] Help!!!

[Kraden] This man... He must be an Adept!
[Kraden] Of course! That was clearly Psynergy he just used...

[Kraden] You're right... We only know what we just saw.

[Kraden] Perhaps we should try to learn a little more about him.

Ah... When will that kindly elder return and end my imprisonment?
I have no time to wait, but I don't want to have to hurt anyone...

Why did I use my Psynergy in anger? I must maintain control...
My actions should never cause regret—

I...sense someone... using Psynergy...

That person... Could he be—no, he is not of my people...

When will I be freed?

Even if we tried to tell someone what we saw...
Who would believe us!? I think I'll just guard him from out here, where it's safe.

Was I just dreaming when that shaft of ice appeared?
Yeah! That's what it was... It was all just a dream...

What!? Oh! Oh... You're just... You're joking with me, right? Yeah...joking...

My sore bottom tells me it was all real...
But I'm not about to say that out loud...

It was all just a dream... If I keep on saying it, maybe I'll believe it...

After the Champa opened the jail cells, they came over here...
All of us merchants grabbed our own swords and started fighting...

The item vendor got wounded in the attack... She's still recovering.
I don't think her boyfriend will ever forgive that man in the jail cell...

Ow. Ow. Ow... I think I got a bone bruise. I hate those...

Those lousy Champa...
Next time I see them, they'll be the ones with the bruises!

My sister was hurt when the Champa attacked...
She's recovering, but I sure hope Shin gets the guy who did it.

Ohh... Ohhh...

Briggs and his men are horrid. Imagine, hitting a woman...
When I think about it, I just get so angry!

Eyes... Shining in the darkness... No! Go away!!!

Surely this town is enduring some sort of test...
We must not fail...

We must pass this test. Now is the time to be strong!
Come, join hands, and let us give thanks.

A wave that moves the very earth... This is no act of man...
But certain forces do move in mysterious ways...

How could one explain a continent moving?
Surely, it is the work of a greater power...

If this is a test, please give us a sign.
We are your flock... Do with us as you will...

The raid was just another part of the test. It must have been.

[Elder's wife] Has Piers escaped!?

[Elder's wife] Oh, I'm so relieved... So Piers hasn't escaped?

[Assistant] If he had escaped, the elder would no longer be able to protect him.

[Elder's wife] But...from the look of things, it seems there was a scuffle...

[Assistant] The cell is in disarray...

[Elder's wife] What happened in there, I wonder?

[Assistant] It seems Piers is a man of many mysteries.

[Elder's wife] Not the least of which being that boat he arrived in...

[Elder's wife] Oh, you there...

[Elder's wife] You look like travelers.

[Assistant] Milady, now is not the time to be speaking with strangers!

[Elder's wife] It's all right... This one has such kind eyes.

[Elder's wife] When did you arrive? And where are you going?

[Assistant] My lady, please...

[Elder's wife] Are you...going to Osenia?
[Elder's wife] I knew it!

[Elder's wife] No need to be shy, my friends.

[Elder's wife] One requires permission to cross the bridge to Osenia, correct?

[Elder's wife] Then I hereby grant my permission to these four travelers!

[Elder's wife] Relay that message at once!

[Elder's wife] You may all continue your journey and cross into Osenia.

Father and the others set out for Osenia to chase Briggs... I hope he is well...

Earthquakes, pirate attacks... What a week!

Our inn is quite safe... The Champa themselves couldn't fight their way in!

I hope those Champa don't come back for a rematch...

I slept right through the pirate raid!
It's too bad, too. I would have given those pirates the thumping of a lifetime!

I'm glad my partner and I weren't injured when the Champa attacked.

The new land bridges between the continents should bring more business.

Actually, I think it was just that the Champa knew we didn't have anything
worth stealing. I wonder how they knew...

No one was safe from the Champa...not even innocent women!
I should learn to defend myself!

I was hiding under my bed the whole time...
But I'm not about to tell him that!

We were fine because our karma is good.
Only people with bad karma got hurt, I'll bet...

[Right bridge guard] If you wanna cross here, you'll need permission from the town elder!

[Left bridge guard] Without permission, ain't no one's gonna cross this bridge, no matter what!

You goin' to Osenia?
You'll have to head back to town and get a permit!
Just go to the elder's house and ask real nice-like.

Then get lost, pal. These parts can be dangerous...

If you have permission, you can cross anytime.
But try to cross illegally, and we'll throw you in the hoosegow with Mr. Bluehair!

I wish I could tell 'em it's nothing personal... It's for their own good.
Who knows what's waiting to gobble 'em up in Osenia!

I'm startin' to wonder when the elder and the others'll come back from Osenia.

[Right bridge guard] Yeah, we heard about you already.
If you're going to Osenia, you'd better get moving.

[Left bridge guard] Alhafra is up along the northeast of Osenia... You'll see it eventually.

Head to Southeast Osenia, and you'll hit Mikasalla.
It's a small village, though. Probably not much to interest you there.

If you try heading straight through Osenia to Alhafra, you'll hit Yampi Desert.
You'd be better off avoiding the desert and just following the coast to Alhafra instead.

Unless I had a boat, I wouldn't go to Osenia, with permission or without.

These guys must be looking for trouble. Me, I'd rather stay home and relax.
It's so pleasant and comfortable. And safe.

This is a Champa boat... You can see their mark on the flag there.
They must have been run aground here by the tidal wave.

Wait, if this is the Champa ship, then that must mean Piers isn't a Champa!
So...why does the elder still need Briggs to clear his name?

Look at all the damage... That wave must have been gigantic...
I wonder how many Champa died in the wreck...

I guess even if they did free Briggs...
They wouldn't have been able to go back out to sea...

Briggs must be trying to get a new ship in Alhafra.
I hope the elder finds him first!

They still had enough men to dig that hole and attack Madra.
And enough to form two attack parties, too...

Look upon me with eyes of truth... Then the door will open...

The door won't budge. ...Must be locked.