Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Side Scripts/Shaman Village

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Daila) | (Madra) | (Alhafra) | (Garoh) | (Kibombo) | (Izumo)
(Champa) | (Lemuria) | (Shaman Village) | (Contigo) | (Prox)
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Western Sea settlements

Bald man outside tent in SW Atteka Islet
The sea west of here spills over a massive waterfall.
You'll really start to appreciate the grandeur of nature if you see that, I can tell you.
  My buddy thinks I'm nuts to risk my life for a look at the falls.
  Actually, I just want to get my hands on some treasure I saw on the way there.
Bald man inside tent in SW Atteka Islet
There's nothing to the west of here. AND it's really dangerous. You shouldn't go that way.
  The currents are so strong near the falls that any boat caught in it is doomed.
Green-shirted man outside in Hesperia Settlement
You must be very brave to come all the way here by boat.
  For a continent as desolate as this one, there sure have been a lot of boats here lately.
Purple-dressed woman inside Hesperia Settlement
There's a place called Shaman Village in the middle of the continent.
Supposedly, one of the rivers leads to it. I have no idea which one, though.
  I think there's a cave down at the end of the river. That's the way into Shaman Village.
  I wonder if I should tell them what the legends say... Nah, they look like a smart group.
Boy inside Hesperia Settlement
The people of Shaman Village are very wary of strangers. Be careful if you ever meet them.
  Long ago, Shaman was ravaged by outsiders. It was terrible.
  From that day on, they simply have not trusted strangers in their village.
Old man inside Kalt Island
If you want to cross the glaciers of the Northern Sea, you'll need magma balls...
They come from volcanoes, but the best place to get them is Magma Rock, to the south.
  The people of Loho have a legendary weapon called a cannon that fires magma balls.
  That's supposed to be how they crossed the frozen wastes, but it sounds like a tall tale.
Old woman inside Kalt Island
A long time ago, we used to trade with a village named Prox to the north of us.
But the sea freezes in winter, and over time, it just became impossible to get there.
  The Northern Sea is thick with icebergs in the winter. They can sink a boat in an instant!
Inspect oven inside Kalt Island
Felix looked in the oven...
  There's Kaltic stew made with lamb meat and potatoes.
  Looks pretty tasty, if you like boiled meat.
Cyan-vested man outside in Gondowan Settlement
Don't tell me, you're here to solve the riddle of the rock!
  [Yes] I don't want to scare you but, I think you should reconsider.
  Even the warriors who survive to make it back do so by the skin of their teeth.
  [No] Just passing through? Here's some advice for you: Steer clear of the mountain.
  I don't know what kind of treasure's up there, but it's not worth your life.
    The mountain is called Magma Rock, and it's cursed... No one's supposed to go up there.
Purple-dressed woman inside Gondowan Settlement
I hear Kibombo has finally chosen a new witch doctor.
Maybe now, they'll calm down and not be so aggressive...
  We're lucky the river floods over every season. That's what keeps the Kibombo away.
  We were fine this year, though. They still hadn't chosen a new witch doctor, so they stayed put.
Boy outside in Gondowan Settlement
There was a giant explosion on the rock the other night... I couldn't get back to sleep at all.
  The explosions within Magma Rock are called magma balls.
  They're formed naturally near the mouth of the volcano. Scary, huh?

Shaman Village (initial visit)

Cyan-vested man near entrance
... ...
  Hm. Outsiders... I don't like the looks of them. I'm just going to wait until they leave.
Light-blue-dressed woman near entrance
... ...
  Ugh... Foreigners. I'm not going to waste my time even talking to them!
Old woman at southeast corner
... ...
  Our ancestors learned that we can trust no one but the people of Contigo, our longtime friends.
Green-shirted man near sanctum
... ...
  Who invited these foreigners into our town?
Purple-dressed woman near sanctum
... ...
  Until the chief says otherwise, nobody will talk to these outsiders. It's the law.
Girl near sanctum
... ...
  Shut your doors tight when outsiders are in sight.
  If we want to protect ourselves, our culture, we have to keep outsiders out.
Boy near sanctum
... ...
  These foreigners look trustworthy, but I know better...
  They may seem nice, but all outsiders are wicked!
Old man near Trial Road
... ...
  Our ancestors learned a harsh lesson... Shamans never lie, but outsiders are never honest.
... ...
  I don't much like strangers, but if they're willing to pay, I'm willing to let them stay.
Innkeeper's wife
... ...
  Moapa ordered us to let them stay. I don't know why, though. It's not like we lock the doors.
Inspect heated pot in northwest corner of inn
Felix looked in the oven...
That simmering soup is made with broth of cow bones.
It seems it's a traditional Shaman meal, passed down from generation to generation.
Inspect Fortune Teller's tent
The entrance is closed. You probably shouldn't go in.
Great Healer in sanctum
Nothing personal, but nobody in town will talk to you.
It may seem weird, but it's a law among the Shaman tribe.
  They'll need to find Moapa if they want to talk to one of the locals.
Moapa outside his residence (before presenting Shaman's Rod)
What's wrong? Nothing to say? Then what are you standing around for? Get out of town!
  [If shown another item] If you're here offering charity, I won't have it... Or did you want to show me something?
    They don't look like they've come from Contigo... There's no reason for us to be nice.
Left Knight outside Moapa's residence
If there's something you want to say, say it to Moapa, not to us. We don't want to hear it.
  [If shown any item] Yes, yes. That's very nice. Did you want to sell it? Because I don't have any money.
    If it hadn't been for Moapa, I'd have been glad to fling these outlanders into the cold.
Right Knight outside Moapa's residence
If you anger Moapa, you'll be in for a little taste of his awesome and terrible power.
  [If shown any item] What makes you think I would be interested in this?
  Show it to Moapa if you must, but I don't need it.
    Maybe they're looking for treasure. They ought to be looking in Contigo, not here.
    The temple near Contigo is filled with treasures beyond belief.
Purple-dressed woman in Moapa's residence
... ...
  Moapa left the door open, and strangers got in... Ah, but they're gone already...
Boy in Moapa's residence
... ...
  The outlanders look like warriors, but they're nothing next to my father.
  He's the leader of Shaman Village, but he's also just so strong! He never loses!
Girl in Moapa's residence
... ...
  Those are the first foreigners I've ever seen... They don't look so different from us.
Inspect fireplace in Moapa's residence
Felix looked in the oven...
It's roasted fish from the nearby river.
The smoke is getting in my eyes.
Moapa (in front of Whirlwind stone)
To inherit the stone of Yegelos, you must cause this sand to disappear.
If you can manage that feat, then the blood of Contigo runs through your veins.
  I know the truth. These outlanders stole the rod from Contigo.
  No matter. Their misdeeds will be revealed to all when they fail the Trial Road.
Left Knight (near Whirlwind stone)
When Yegelos and Hoabna waged their mighty battles here, the sand suddenly vanished.
  They stand no chance of making the sand vanish. They will give up and go home.
Right Knight (near Whirlwind stone)
Just ahead lies Trial Road, where Hoabna and Yegelos fought their greatest battles.
Only superior ones such as they could have followed the road to its end.
  If they lack the power of Contigo or the power of Shaman Village, they will fail.
Moapa (in front of Trial Road)
Choose the road of your liking. It matters not to us.
  I cannot lose. I will not lose.
  It is my responsibility as head of the Shaman tribe.
Left Knight (in front of Trial Road)
Do you need to hear Moapa's explanation again?
  [Yes] [Cutscene plays]
  [No] As long as you remain in our village, my people are not free to do as they will.
  If you are not going to take the challenge of Trial Road, you must leave Shaman Village.
    You don't seem like bad people, for outlanders, but we cannot give you the jade.
    Only the hero with the blood of Yegelos, the hero of Contigo, can claim the gem.
Right Knight (in front of Trial Road)
Do you need to hear Moapa's explanation again?
  [Yes] [Cutscene plays]
  [No] Then you must leave Shaman Village and forget about the Hover Jade.
    You're doomed. Moapa is the greatest warrior in all of Hesperia.

Shaman Village (post-Trial Road)

Cyan-vested man near entrance
So, you rose to the challenge of Trial Road? Moapa was quite impressed with you!
  Moapa is quite honorable to sing their praises. This is what makes him a leader.
Light-blue-dressed woman near entrance
Heroes cannot be evil. And now, we have learned that heroes can be foreigners, too.
  We are too cautious around strangers. The world should not be such an unfriendly place.
Old woman at southeast corner
Everyone in town is talking about how you have fulfilled Hoabna's promise.
  I hope that we remain close friends with the Contigo after this.
Green-shirted man near sanctum
You defeated Moapa, and that is ample proof of your skill as warriors.
I think you will find that the people of Shaman Village treat you quite differently now.
  Someday, a child in Shaman will grow to be stronger even than Moapa.
  Then, the Shaman tribe will rise up again and reclaim what it once lost to Contigo.
Purple-dressed woman near sanctum
The people of Shaman Village are normally quiet, valiant, and noble.
You defeated Moapa, and we must respect the bravery you demonstrated in fighting him.
  It's tough to imagine this bunch beating Moapa, but I'm not thinking about it.
Girl near sanctum
Some people among the Shaman tribe possess a special power...
The story goes that those with this power are the chosen few.
  People living on the outskirts of Shaman Village have different powers from us.
  Why would that be?
Boy near sanctum
After your battle, did you check on the other side of the mountain?
  [Yes] Did you see the spring? There's supposed to be a spring that only Hoabna could find.
  [No] If you have the same powers Hoabna had, you might be able to get there...
  Nobody with the powers of the Shaman tribe alone can reach the hidden spring.
    If I had the power to break down walls of sand, I'd climb to the other side of the mountain.
Old man near Trial Road
Your battle with Moapa was just like the legendary battle between Hoabna and Yegelos!
I would love to have watched, to see a new legend in the making...
  I never thought I'd live to see the day Hoabna's promise was fulfilled.
  Of course, I never thought anyone with Contigo blood could defeat a Shaman hero.
You've traveled to lots of different lands, haven't you?
  [Yes] That explains it... The only reason you won is because of your travels...
  Your strange, exotic weapons are what won the day, not your skill.
  [No] I could have sworn that fancy boat was yours...
  If you can afford such a nice boat, you can probably afford nice weapons, too.
    Moapa has been miserable since his defeat. If only I could have taken his place up there.
Innkeeper's wife
We're very fond of Moapa here. He's a great leader.
If anyone in town says something mean to you, please forgive them.
  It drives me nuts how worked up everyone gets about Moapa around here.
Cyan-vested man in inn
I've been locked up inside all day! I'm so glad to get outside and stretch!
  All of the older people in town are really upset that Moapa lost...
  It doesn't matter to us kids. I think they're too hung up on tradition.
Purple-dressed woman in inn
Ah... I've been inside for so long... I think I'll have a little picnic! But what should I eat...
  I'm starving! I can't wait until dinner! I love my meat and potatoes! And BEANS!!!
  It must be the spices the chef uses... Lots of salt, and lots of pepper!
Chef in inn
Around here, people like a nice hot steak and some potatoes and beans...
You foreigners might be used to strange, exotic food, but we like our meals simple.
  Those fancy foreign chefs use all sorts of spices to hide the flavor of their food.
  As far as I'm concerned, there are only two spices: salt and pepper.
General shopkeeper
Everyone is depressed that Moapa lost his big fight. They should be glad the hero came!
  My husband is getting neurotic, worrying about whether his weapons caused the loss.
Green-shirted man with general shopkeeper
I was stunned to hear that Moapa lost his battle...
His weapons all came from my own warehouse, so I feel a little responsible.
  Although it's not right to blame his loss on the weapons he used.
  I couldn't afford it if that rumor started going around.
Old man in southeast tent
For years, the people of Hesperia fought against the people of Atteka...
Our own Shaman Village was caught up in this war, as were the people of Contigo.
  I had thought that, after Yegelos, Contigo remained without a new hero.
  Now, suddenly, a hero shows up who is mightier even than Moapa. It's beyond belief!
Old woman in southeast tent
In those dark times, Contigo and Shaman fought repeatedly to protect our lands.
We fought to no avail, until we decided to let Hoabna and Yegelos fight for the outcome.
  The stories always said that the heroes of Contigo were inferior to our own.
  Now, I'm not so sure... It sounded like a fair match, and yet Shaman's hero lost.
Boy in southeast tent
The battles between Shaman and Contigo were terrible, and few warriors ever survived.
Eventually, our towns chose Hoabna and Yegelos to fight as our champions.
  Grandma and Grandpa have been in a terrible mood since they heard Moapa lost...
  They're probably tired of being asked about the ancient war between Atteka and Hesperia.
Girl in southeast tent
I've always wondered why the final battle between Hoabna and Yegelos took place here.
I think Yegelos was really brave for traveling here all the way from Contigo.
  Everyone always comes to ask Grandma and Grandpa about the old battles of legend.
  It's all anyone ever talks to them about anymore. I'll bet they're tired of it.
Green-shirted man in southeast structure
I can finally open the door and air the place out.
I can't believe Moapa was on the mountain fighting while I was stuck in here.
  I thought it was quiet out here. I've been locked inside all day, so I couldn't check...
  It was all because they were fighting Moapa up on Trial Road...
Green-dressed woman in southeast residence
If I'd known that there was going to be a challenge on Trial Road...
I wouldn't have locked up. I'd have been right up there, watching the fight!
  Nobody got to watch the challenge at Trial Road. It was just too far from town.
  What a stupid law, that makes us hide away and miss all the battles!
Fortune Teller (before Jupiter Lighthouse)
So, you'd like to hear your fortune, would you?
  [Yes] Well, you caught me in a good mood... I'll do it!
  I can see it clearly... Your life is thick with danger...
  Ooo... Wow, that was a strong one... Listen, don't go south. Bad stuff down there. Wow.
  Oh, it's terrible! Awful beyond words! No more, no more!
  [No] That's probably good. The things I see are not for everyone to hear.
Fortune Teller (after saying Yes to above)
You should absolutely not go south. Do you hear me? I'm serious about this...
    That's weird... Everything is cloudy... The ether is gray and full of mists...
    The world is undergoing some sort of change, it seems.
Inspect pot in Fortune Teller's tent
Felix looked in the oven...
I've never seen vegetables like the ones boiling there.
Whoa! They really stink! Do people actually eat those!?
Fortune Teller (after Jupiter Lighthouse)
So, you'd like to hear your fortune, would you?
  [Yes] Well, you caught me in a good mood... I'll do it!
  I can see it clearly... Your life is thick with danger...
  Ooo... Wow, that was a strong one... North by northeast is... bad. Bad stuff up there. Wow.
  Oh, it's terrible! Awful beyond words! No more, no more!
  [No] That's probably good. The things I see are not for everyone to hear.
Fortune Teller (after saying Yes to above)
Listen, I want you to promise me you'll NEVER go north by northeast. You got that?
    That's weird... Everything is cloudy... The ether is gray and full of mists...
    The world is undergoing some sort of change, it seems.
Old man in sanctum
Don't be too pleased with yourself for beating Moapa.
One of these days, we'll come storming into Contigo, and we'll show you what's what!
  Moapa must have been hungry after climbing the mountain...
  That's the only way those lousy Contigo nobodies could have beaten him.
Old woman in sanctum
Oh, please... Let a true warrior be born in Shaman. Let us forget this disgrace!
  I can't forgive the fact that Contigo's heroes beat our leader, Moapa...
  I hope a new hero is born in Shaman, one who can crush those Contigo barbarians...
Great Healer in sanctum
You beat Moapa? Incredible! ...Not that I ever doubted you!
  The older folks of Shaman are quite upset that Moapa was beaten.
  I'm afraid this might lead to renewed fighting between Shaman and Contigo.
Left Knight outside Moapa's residence
I don't think the other villagers will ever forgive us for losing to you on Trial Road.
If they had any idea how strong you are, they wouldn't be complaining.
  That wasn't a fair fight... I was all worn out from the climb... How could I fight?
  How did Hoabna manage to fight after climbing a mountain like that!?
Right Knight outside Moapa's residence
Your attacks showed skill and speed, but if we meet in battle again, I won't lose.
  Just climbing to the top of Trial Road is excruciating.
  It must have been hard for Yegelos and Hoabna, too.
Purple-dressed woman in Moapa's residence
Moapa said that he doesn't even know the names of the heroes who beat him...
He feels bad for not having asked. Maybe you should go tell him your names.
  I would feel bad not knowing the name of a warrior who defeated me, I guess...
Boy in Moapa's residence
In a formal battle, it is both customary and honorable to give your name.
It's not too late for you... Please go tell my father your names.
  What a shame... My own father, losing to some ignorant foreigner with bad manners.
Girl in Moapa's residence
Why does it matter if you know the name of someone who beat you or not?
  It's so old-fashioned to have to give your name to an opponent before a battle.
Moapa in his residence
You have defeated me, and yet I still don't know your names... Would you tell me?
  [Yes] Felix, Jenna, Sheba, and Piers. I shall remember those names.
  We do not forget the names of heroes who can defeat me in fair combat.
  [No] A warrior who does not share his name is a humble warrior indeed.
    If a warrior beats you, you must learn his name...
    Not many people have beaten me, and they deserve my respect.
Moapa in his residence (after giving your name)
Felix, the hero of Contigo! I shall never forget you, the only one that defeated me!
  Felix, Jenna, Sheba, and Piers... I won't forget those names...
  Someday, their names will be engraved on the columns leading to Trial Road.