Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Side Scripts/Madra

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Daila) | (Madra) | (Alhafra) | (Garoh) | (Kibombo) | (Izumo)
(Champa) | (Lemuria) | (Shaman Village) | (Contigo) | (Prox)
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Madra (first visit)

Left lookout at gate
All of Indra shifted and collided with Osenia... Everyone's talking about it.
As if dealing with invading pirate soldiers wasn't enough!
  These are rough times... We don't have nearly enough people to help us.
Right lookout at gate
There's no way those pirates are coming back...
Not after Indra slammed into Osenia. I hear you can even walk there if you want.
  It's so weird that we can just walk to Osenia now. Crazy, crazy world...
Yellow-skirted woman at graveyard
You picked the wrong time to come to Madra...
We've had disasters, pirate attacks, all sorts of nonsense...
  The town elder is getting pretty elderly. I hope he's OK, traveling out there...
Green-shirted young man in Madra Catacombs
I can't believe the Champa just stumbled onto this cave accidentally...
That's like winning the lottery or something!
  Who dug this cave? And why?
Red-capped sailor in front of inn
I doubt the Champa could have come up with that plan on their own...
I'm not even sure that strange boat we found up north is even theirs...
  It's not like the Champa to plan out elaborate strategies...
  I think the two raids were entirely coincidental.
Bald man right of inn
Those Champa curs dug a hole here to sneak into Madra...
And to think, it was just a decoy so they could break into the prison... What a crazy plan!
  The Champa must have known exactly where Briggs was...
  But how did they know the layout of our town?
Girl next to hole with ladder
I got someone to show me around inside... It's just a really big hole.
Nobody could dig that much in such a short time without us noticing, you'd think...
  I'm not sure the Champa actually dug this hole...
Old man at vendors
Maybe we'll learn Briggs's whereabouts from that captured Champa.
  That Champa in the cell looks a bit pale for a pirate...
  I thought pirates were supposed to be all tan and leathery...
Weapon shopkeeper
After the Champa opened the jail cells, they came over here...
All of us merchants grabbed our own swords and started fighting...
  The item vendor got wounded in the attack... She's still recovering.
  I don't think her boyfriend will ever forgive that man in the jail cell...
Armor shopkeeper
Ow. Ow. Ow... I think I got a bone bruise. I hate those...
  Those lousy Champa...
  Next time I see them, they'll be the ones with the bruises!
Girl standing in for item shopkeeper
My sister was hurt when the Champa attacked...
She's recovering, but I sure hope Shin gets the guy who did it.
  Briggs and his men are horrid. Imagine, hitting a woman...
  When I think about it, I just get so angry!
Green-shirted young man near northwestern residence
The town elder took off to deal with Briggs... I wonder where he is now.
  Everyone thinks Briggs fled to the east after the breakout...
  I think that must be where the elder went with the others.
Bald man with girl between buildings
That big wave moved the whole continent of Indra to the south.
Now, we're sandwiched between the two continents of Gondowan and Osenia.
  If a big wave can move the whole continent of Indra...
  Does that mean that all of Indra is just floating on the water?
Girl with bald man between buildings
It's like all three continents got together to form a supercontinent!
  Now, Madra is pinned between two continents!
  People from Gondowan can walk here to visit! What fun!
Old woman left of gate
If I could walk to Osenia, I'd like to see Air's Rock, out near Garoh.
  I've always wanted to see Air's Rock...but Garoh is such a long way away...
Boy near sanctum
Did you come here over the Dehkan Plateau?
Yeah? You must have seen that boat grounded near the cave, right?
  [Yes] I hear it was a Champa boat! And on it, they found an unconscious Champa!
  So they nabbed him, of course, and they tossed him in our jail!
  [No] You didn't? Weird...
  I wonder if it drifted away...
    Who was it who told me the Champa boat was damaged?
    Doesn't matter... But I bet Briggs went to Osenia to find himself a new boat.
Blue-dressed woman looking over western prison area
Let me guess... You want a boat, right?
Look, like I told that last guy, the tidal wave went and ruined all our boats!
  It's a bit of a problem that the tidal wave destroyed our boats...
  But the tidal wave sort of solved the problem, too...
  Now, all three continents are wedged together, and we don't really need boats.
Yellow-skirted woman south of prison
We took that unconscious guy from the boat and tossed him in jail.
He keeps saying that he's not Champa, though.
  I looked into that man's eyes. He looked so serene, so calm...
  No one with such pretty eyes could be a liar.
Green-shirted young man south of prison
I don't care what the elder says... That prisoner is filthy Champa scum!
Until someone proves otherwise, I say, let him rot!
  I'll never forgive those dogs for what they've done to our village.
Left muscle-man next to prison door
My friend was on guard duty when Briggs's men attacked...
Who would let a menace like Briggs go free?
  I wonder how many of the raiders were actually Champa.
Right muscle-man next to prison door
My partner was guarding the prison...
When the Champa attacked, he was so scared, he ran off. Disgraceful!
  I miss my partner... It's a shame he turned tail and ran like that...
  But who knows? Maybe I would have done the same thing in his place...
Old woman in two-story residence in central block
Everything happened so suddenly... The earth moved, and everything fell down...
It's going to take me forever to clean up...
  Everything's on the floor, and all my dishes are broken. What a chore!
Old man in two-story residence in central block
A wave big enough to move a continent is a terrible portent...
Could the legendary beast of the deep have awakened?
  If the mythical sea creature has awakened, we're all in trouble...
  The legends say that only one armed with an enchanted trident can kill it.
Blue-capped sailor in small residence next to gate
The boat that ran aground in the cove out east looks like a normal ship, almost...
But I'm not sure a boat like that can even sail.
  It didn't even have any oars! How does it move? I don't get it.
Red-capped sailor in small residence next to gate
They say that boat belongs to the Champa...
But I keep telling them, that boat looks like no Champa ship I've seen.
  That boat's far sturdier and far more sleek than any Champa could build.
Inspect oven in small residence next to gate
Felix looked in the oven...
All the spices are neatly arranged.
No dining table in Madra would be complete without them.
Bald man in small residence left of sanctum
The lands to the south of Gondowan are full of barbarians, I'm told.
  The Kibombo are warlike, but they live far off in the center of Gondowan...
  I can't imagine they'd come all the way out here...
Blue-dressed woman in small residence left of sanctum
Indra is in direct contact with southern Gondowan... Will we be safe?
  [Yes] You're just trying to make me feel better, but you don't have a clue, do you?
  [No] Listen, we don't need you running around getting folks worked up! Buzz off!
    They say there are people who use a frightening kind of magic in Gondowan...
    I don't know if it's true, but it's absolutely terrifying!
Inspect oven in small residence left of sanctum
Felix looked in the oven...
There are some potatoes boiling in the pot.
Maybe they're making potato salad.
Old woman in sanctum
A wave that moves the very earth... This is no act of man...
But certain forces do move in mysterious ways...
  The raid was just another part of the test. It must have been.
Blue-dressed woman in sanctum
We must pass this test. Now is the time to be strong!
Come, join hands, and let us give thanks.
  If this is a test, please give us a sign.
  We are your flock... Do with us as you will...
Healer in sanctum
Surely this town is enduring some sort of test...
We must not fail...
  How could one explain a continent moving?
  Surely, it is the work of a greater power...
Earthquakes, pirate attacks... What a week!
  The new land bridges between the continents should bring more business.
Yellow-skirted woman in inn
I hope those Champa don't come back for a rematch...
  No one was safe from the Champa...not even innocent women!
  I should learn to defend myself!
Innkeeper's wife
Our inn is quite safe... The Champa themselves couldn't fight their way in!
  Actually, I think it was just that the Champa knew we didn't have anything
  worth stealing. I wonder how they knew...
Inspect oven in inn
Felix looked in the oven...
A pot of Masala tea is boiling on the stove.
It's full of milk, and it has a nice, sweet smell. It's driving me crazy!
Green merchant in second floor of inn
I slept right through the pirate raid!
It's too bad, too. I would have given those pirates the thumping of a lifetime!
  I was hiding under my bed the whole time...
  But I'm not about to tell him that!
Purple merchant in second floor of inn
I'm glad my partner and I weren't injured when the Champa attacked.
  We were fine because our karma is good.
  Only people with bad karma got hurt, I'll bet...
Blue gladiator (Morgan) in second floor of inn (Transfer event)
We're heading to Tolbi. We hear there's a tournament there called Colosso.
I'm Morgan, and this here's Dekka. We're gonna compete, and we're gonna win!
  The gladiator who takes the prize in Colosso earns quite a reputation as a warrior...
  Mercenaries get a lot more jobs when they've got a good reputation.
Cyan gladiator (Dekka) in second floor of inn (Transfer event)
Hey, if you see a gladiator named Isaac, give him a message for me...
If he's thinking about going to Colosso this year, he doesn't stand a chance of winning!
  We fought in Colosso last year, but we lost to a weaselly little kid named Isaac.
  We're after revenge, so we've been out on a risky journey to increase our fighting strength.
Old man on balcony of inn
The Champa were swarming over the village...
But I screamed like the dickens and scared 'em off! It's true! Heh!
  When I saw those Champa, I was so surprised that I let out a yelp...
  It must have startled them, because they all ran away!
Yellow-skirted woman in right cave-residence
Madra and Alhafra, off in Osenia, have a long history together...
Alhafra's a thriving seaport, up on the northern coast.
  Alhafra has long been a trade partner with Madra.
  I should go there one day... It's such an easy trip from North Osenia...
Green-shirted young man in right cave-residence
In all this chaos, everyone here has clean forgotten about Alhafra...
Sure, it's all the way in Osenia, but they're bound to have a boat or two.
  Wait a second... I'll bet Briggs is heading to Alhafra!
  Of course! That'd be the place to go if you were looking for a boat!
Item shopkeeper in bed in left cave-residence
Ohh... Ohhh...
  Eyes... Shining in the darkness... No! Go away!!!
Lower woman in first floor of mayor's northwest residence
My father was opposed to arresting the man we found on the boat...
But the townspeople were in an uproar about the Champa, and they locked him up...
  Until my father returns, I'll protect this gem with my life.
Upper woman in first floor of mayor's northwest residence
Milady and I have been told to guard that jewel on the mantel.
  I wish I knew why the elder wanted us to protect this thing...
Inspect oven in mayor's northwest residence
Felix looked in the oven...
There's a chicken curry slowly simmering on the stove.
Judging from the smell and the deep red color, it must have a lot of tomatoes in it.
Inspect Black Orb above fireplace
[Blue-dressed woman] Don't touch that gem! The elder gave us strict orders to protect it!
Old woman in second floor of mayor's northwest residence
When the elder gets back, I'm sure he will prove that young man innocent.
  He intends to find Briggs and prove that young man's innocence.
Boy in second floor of mayor's northwest residence
Dad and Grandpa have gone to Osenia to look for Briggs...
  If Dad has to fight, I wonder if he'll go...
Girl in second floor of mayor's northwest residence
Whenever Dad goes on trips, he brings back presents!
I wonder what he'll bring back this time...
  I hope he brings me a nice doll. I want a wooden one!
Piers in jail
Ah... When will that kindly elder return and end my imprisonment?
I have no time to wait, but I don't want to have to hurt anyone...
  Why did I use my Psynergy in anger? I must maintain control...
  My actions should never cause regret—
  I...sense someone... using Psynergy...
  That person... Could he be—no, he is not of my people...
  When will I be freed?
Young man south of jail (Shin) (post-ice cutscene)
Even if we tried to tell someone what we saw...
Who would believe us!? I think I'll just guard him from out here, where it's safe.
  My sore bottom tells me it was all real...
  But I'm not about to say that out loud...
Muscle-man south of jail (post-ice cutscene)
Was I just dreaming when that shaft of ice appeared?
  [Yes] Yeah! That's what it was... It was all just a dream...
  [No] What!? Oh! Oh... You're just... You're joking with me, right? Yeah...joking...
    It was all just a dream... If I keep on saying it, maybe I'll believe it...

Madra Drawbridge

Bald man right at bridge (pre-ice cutscene)
You goin' to Osenia?
  [Yes] You'll have to head back to town and get a permit!
  Just go to the elder's house and ask real nice-like.
  [No] Then get lost, pal. These parts can be dangerous...
    I wish I could tell 'em it's nothing personal... It's for their own good.
    Who knows what's waiting to gobble 'em up in Osenia!
Hat-wearing man left at bridge (pre-ice cutscene)
If you have permission, you can cross anytime.
But try to cross illegally, and we'll throw you in the hoosegow with Mr. Bluehair!
  I'm startin' to wonder when the elder and the others'll come back from Osenia.
Bald man right at bridge (post-ice cutscene)
Head to Southeast Osenia, and you'll hit Mikasalla.
It's a small village, though. Probably not much to interest you there.
  Unless I had a boat, I wouldn't go to Osenia, with permission or without.
Hat-wearing man left at bridge (post-ice cutscene)
If you try heading straight through Osenia to Alhafra, you'll hit Yampi Desert.
You'd be better off avoiding the desert and just following the coast to Alhafra instead.
  These guys must be looking for trouble. Me, I'd rather stay home and relax.
  It's so pleasant and comfortable. And safe.

Madra (second visit)

Left lookout at gate
My guess is the Kibombo have long since fled the area.
Still, considering the way things have been going, we still want to have guards at the gates.
  I've been standing for so long, I wish they would give us little stools we could sit on.
Right lookout at gate
First, pirates raid our town, then the Kibombo come storming in...
Things have been going horribly for Madra lately...
  The way things have been going, I'm so scared I can hardly sleep at night...
  Is there no way to appease the gods? Is our town cursed?
Yellow-skirted woman at graveyard
So... The Kibombo got into Madra from Gondowan, right?
Well, doesn't that mean that we can cross into Gondowan from Madra, too?
  If Gondowan is really that much bigger than Indra, then I should go check it out.
Man appearing in the outer entrance into Madra Catacombs
Oh, uh... You coming through?
  [Yes]Yeah, uh... We're sealing the hole up right now, so you, uh, can't get through this way.
  If you're trying to get into Madra, why don't you head around to the main entrance?
  [No] Yeah, well, that's good, 'cause we wouldn't let you down here anyway...
  Besides, anyone who's going to Madra can just go through the main gates, like normal folk.
    We sealed up the hole, but nobody seems to feel any better...
    Maybe we should just fill up the catacombs completely...
Red-capped sailor in front of inn
Briggs didn't have nearly as many pirates under him as we thought he did.
He did an amazing job of flanking the town, considering how few men he had.
  Wait, if Briggs only has four crew members, then they couldn't have outflanked us...
  They must have had help from someone else...
Bald man right of inn
There are still plenty of things I want to investigate in this cave.
And until I do, there's no way I'm going to seal the entire thing off.
  I wonder who dug those underground passages and why they're there...
Girl next to hole with ladder
These caves were my secret hiding place.
I wish they weren't going to seal it all up.
  I've never seen any monsters around the cave entrance...
  I want to go inside and see if there are any monsters inside, but I can't...
Old man at vendors
I guess that guy we had in prison wasn't one of Briggs's cronies after all...
  He told us he was innocent, but we jailed him anyway. Is that justice? Is that right?
Weapon shopkeeper
The armorer and I are busy researching the equipment the Kibombo left behind.
They dropped a lot of strange weapons that might reveal more about the attacks...
  The Champa weapons we found before are identical to the Kibombo weapons we just found.
  It can't be a coincidence...
Armor shopkeeper
I knew there was something strange about the pirates attacking us like that...
I think those weapons we found are going to be the key to the mystery...
  The group that attacked from the east used different weapons from the group to the west.
  If they really were from the same crew, then why would they use different weapons?
Item shopkeeper
All my injuries have healed up pretty nicely...
It made for a nice vacation, but now, it's time to get back to work.
  That Shin is always bugging me just to relax and take a break. He's a real pain.
  I like working more than I like sleeping.
Green-shirted young man near northwestern residence
We think the Kibombo came into Indra across the new land bridge...
But just because they could attack Madra doesn't mean they had to...
  If it weren't for that tidal wave, none of this awful stuff would have happened...
Bald man with girl between buildings
The Kibombo came in through the broken wall to the west.
  It's strange... It's almost as though the Kibombo knew that the wall was broken...
  But there's no way they could have known...unless the pirates told them...
Girl with bald man between buildings
I can't believe someone stomped on those pirates... That's incredible!
  If they were strong enough to beat Briggs, they must be huge!
Old woman left of gate
Gondowan sounds like a frightening place. I don't think I'll ever go there.
  In Gondowan, they have evil magic curses they can put on you in an instant!
Boy near sanctum
Hey, mister! Are you the guy who beat up Briggs?
  [Yes] So does that mean you'll go thump the Kibombo, too?
  [No] You're not? Someone told me it was a young warrior... That sounded a bit like you.
    I heard the guys who captured Briggs were just a bunch of feeble-looking kids...
Blue-dressed woman looking over western prison area
I heard that the elder got us a boat in Alhafra... I wonder if that's true...
  The mayor is supposed to be coming back with that boat... I wonder when that will be...
Yellow-skirted woman south of prison
Oh, Piers? We released him as soon as we heard.
He stopped by the mayor's house and then left town.
  Piers was so happy to get out of jail...
  But after he spoke to the mayor's wife, he looked unhappy. I wonder what she told him.
Green-shirted young man south of prison
That guy Piers wasn't one of Briggs's men after all.
I can't believe we locked him up without any evidence...
  Piers didn't seem like he was in a very good mood when he left town.
  I guess he was still angry about having been imprisoned like that.
Left muscle-man next to prison door
Everyone yelled at me for running away this last time, so next time, I'm gonna fight!
But the thing is, last time, I took such a beating I got lumps on my head. Ouch!
  I didn't have a chance to run away during the fight. The Kibombo were everywhere!
  That's the only reason I stayed to fight them. But I'm not about to tell anyone that!
Right muscle-man next to prison door
You shoulda seen my partner in that fight!
He was in the mix right up until they took him down... Man... That takes courage!
  I can't believe nobody seems impressed that my partner fought the Kibombo so bravely.
  Don't tell me they don't think it takes guts to stand up against them, because it does!
Old woman in two-story residence in central block
My husband pursued the Kibombo after the attack, but he had to turn back...
  In his youth, my husband was a very fast runner. They called him "The Cheetah."
  I guess he's learned that he can't race against old age.
Old man in two-story residence in central block
The Kibombo apparently used ropes to climb down the cliffs.
But we can't climb back up the cliffs from this side.
  If I were just a little bit younger, I think I might have been able to catch those Kibombo.
Blue-capped sailor in small residence next to gate
I can't stop thinking about that ship Piers left by the eastern shore.
  I wonder if that ship grounded by the eastern shore is still broken.
  It seems like a well-built ship. It'd be a shame to just leave it there...
Red-capped sailor in small residence next to gate
Piers left that boat of his behind when he took off...
That thing wasn't going anywhere, so I guess he had no choice but to give up.
  Some people in town saw Piers heading toward the Gondowan cliffs.
Bald man in small residence left of sanctum
The Kibombo are a very warlike tribe.
That last attack was enough to warn me to stay away from central Gondowan!
  Our best guess is that the Kibombo come from the central part of Gondowan...
  Why would they turn around so quickly after coming all this way?
Blue-dressed woman in small residence left of sanctum
I'm glad the Kibombo's attack wasn't too terrible this time, but what if they come back?
  What can we do to stop the Kibombo from attacking us again?
  Maybe we have to find a way to separate our continents, like before the tidal wave...
Old woman in sanctum
Them Kibombo possess evil powers. They sure are a weird bunch.
  We're lucky the Kibombo didn't use their evil powers... There were enough injuries as it was.
Blue-dressed woman in sanctum
If that tidal wave hadn't hit us, the Kibombo would never have been able to attack.
  Everyone says them Kibombo were mostly nekkid... They sound so...savage!
Healer in sanctum
The Kibombo are a tribe from Gondowan... They're searching for some great and evil power.
Do not allow yourselves to be corrupted by them.
  I hope the power of our faith will prevent the Kibombo from attacking us again...
I've heard that the Kibombo wield an evil, wicked magic...
But...why didn't they use any of it when they attacked us?
  There's nothing worse than wicked, evil magic. I don't want to see it, much less use it.
Yellow-skirted woman in inn
I hid under my bed on the night of the attack. I was really scared!
  After I crawled under the bed, I fell asleep, so I was pretty achy the next morning.
Innkeeper's wife
Things have been busy here... First, the pirates, then the Kibombo... What a week!
  If it were me, I would have attacked a wealthier town. ...If it were me.
Green merchant in second floor of inn
I watched the entire attack of the Kibombo with my own eyes.
I'll never forget it... I was paralyzed with fear...
  I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but when I went...
  I saw all these eyes in the darkness. I got so scared... I didn't have to go anymore.
Purple merchant in second floor of inn
If you want to know about the attack, talk to my partner. He saw the whole thing.
  The Kibombo attacked in the wee hours of the morning...
  Why weren't they asleep, like all us respectable people?
Old man on balcony of inn
Now that we're sealing off the other end of this hole, maybe we won't have any more surprises!
  It was so convenient, being able to sneak out through the cave to the other side.
Yellow-skirted woman in right cave-residence
It was sure sneaky of Briggs to destroy the bridge to Osenia after they crossed.
It made it really hard for the mayor to reach Alhafra.
  It sounds like Osenia is a huge place. They took forever to catch up with Briggs!
Green-shirted young man in right cave-residence
So Briggs and his pirates must have gone to Alhafra looking for a boat.
I'm impressed that they were captured before they could escape.
  Now that Briggs has been captured, I have nothing to fear!
  Yes! That means I can head to Osenia for some business!
Girl in left cave-residence
I'm so happy that my sister's all better now.
  I was so scared that my sister wouldn't get better... What would I do without her?
Lower woman in first floor of mayor's northwest residence
My father was holding on to that orb for Piers, and the Kibombo stole it...
No matter how much he apologizes for losing it, it won't make things right.
  I won't ever forget the look on Piers's face when he heard his orb was stolen.
  He was so sad... It was like he'd lost a part of himself...
Upper woman in first floor of mayor's northwest residence
All the Kibombo wanted when they attacked was the black orb that sat above the fireplace.
We're just lucky no one was hurt.
  When my husband hears that the orb he was keeping was stolen, he'll be quite angry...
Old woman in second floor of mayor's northwest residence
Piers went to Kibombo to get his orb back.
We told him that central Gondowan is very dangerous, but he wouldn't listen.
  When Piers left, he said he was going to pursue the Kibombo, but I wonder...
  What if he reached the cliffs and then couldn't climb them. I hope he's not stuck...
Boy in second floor of mayor's northwest residence
If my father'd been in town, I wouldn't have been scared when the Kibombo attacked.
  Dad always knows what to do... He'd never have let those Kibombo barge in here...
Girl in second floor of mayor's northwest residence
My father hasn't come home yet, even though Briggs has been captured.
I'm scared that something happened to him...
  I hope he's just late because he's looking for a good souvenir to bring me...
Young man in the jail (Shin)
Piers wasn't one of the Champa... That's why they let him go.
You shouldn't just keep an innocent man in prison for no reason.
  There was something really frightening about Piers... I'm glad to be rid of him...
  He went after the Kibombo, but I doubt he'll make it back from Gondowan alive.
Muscle-man in the jail
So, that Piers guy wasn't a pirate after all, huh?
That still doesn't answer where that ice came from... That freaked me out...
  That Piers was a strange fellow.
  Shin was terrified of him. He let him go as soon as we learned he was innocent.

Madra (third visit)

Left lookout at gate
Hey! It's you guys! It's good to see you again!
You want to enter Madra? Yeah, sure! Go ahead! Feel free!
  How much longer do we have to stand guard here?
  Seriously, there's nothing to guard against! We've already been attacked by everyone!
Right lookout at gate
The mayor finally returned from Alhafra.
  He was gone so long, I was starting to worry that the mayor would never come back.
Yellow-skirted woman at graveyard
We go to all that work getting the ship from Briggs, and now we can't get it to work?
I guess the mayor's holding a council to see if they can figure out what's wrong.
  They've been having so many meetings lately! I guess that boat must be in miserable shape!
Red-capped sailor in front of inn
The mayor asked me to go to Alhafra with him, but I'm not sure I should...
If that ship runs on the power of the wind, how reliable could it really be?
  Sailors are supposed to use oars and pull the boat through the water...
  So, what's a sailor supposed to do on a boat that's powered by wind?
Bald man right of inn
It's not that I don't want to go to Alhafra... But what's the point if we can't fix the mast?
  If a building has broken columns, we tear it down...
  Shouldn't a boat with a broken column be torn down as well?
Girl next to hole with ladder
It seems no one is really happy that the mayor got this grand, new ship. The poor mayor...
  Our mayor's done so little for us up until now... We should at least thank him for the boat.
Old man at vendors
I wonder if the legends are true... If there really is a great society on a far-off island...
Because if they are true, I want to see this island.
  What was that island again? Come on, brain... Work with me... Lemoria? Lemurland? Lulu?
Weapon shopkeeper
It looks like the Kibombo must have been involved in the raids on our town...
Kibombo weapons are too distinct... We found a bunch of them after the attacks.
  The pirates and the Kibombo must have been working together. What an astounding discovery!
Armor shopkeeper
People are saying the Champa and the Kibombo formed an alliance... I don't buy it, myself.
  That night, the Champa came from the east, and the Kibombo, from the west. That's not an alliance.
Item shopkeeper
My boyfriend, Shin, seems so downtrodden lately... I hope he's all right.
  Shin seems terrified of Piers. I wonder what happened between them.
  Still, I guess that explains why he's been so on edge lately.
Have you by chance seen a girl named Menardi?
  [Yes] You have? And... And you're telling me that my sister is...dead?
    [Yes] If you continue these lies, I might take it upon myself to shut you up. Get out of my sight!
    [No] If you don't know my sister, then I have nothing to say to you. Get out of my sight!
  [No] If you don't know my sister, then I have nothing to say to you. Get out of my sight!
    Using Psynergy on me? Are you so dense that you don't know when to be afraid?
    I don't have time to play games with you. Now, leave me to my thoughts!
Bald man with girl between buildings
I heard the boat the mayor got is much better than the battered raft we used to have!
I also heard that the new ship can even sail far across the sea!
  Everyone gets the urge to explore, to go out into the wild and see new lands...
  I'd love to see the world. I'd love to have an adventure of my own!
Girl with bald man between buildings
If you have a big enough ship, you can sail anywhere in the world! Isn't that amazing?
  How big would a ship that could go anywhere be? Probably bigger than a whale!
Old woman left of gate
I don't know what will happen when they all head out to sea. They know nothing about sailing!
  The people of Madra know our own lands well...but we know little of the world beyond.
  What kind of fool would think himself ready to sail into a world he knew nothing about?
Boy near sanctum
A group of sharp-looking travelers came through here recently.
They said they were looking for an island called Lemuria.
  That island that group was asking about sounded familiar for some reason...
  Grandpa used to tell me stories about a treasure island when I was young. Was that the place?
Blue-dressed woman looking over western prison area
Is there by any chance a girl named Jenna with you?
  [Yes] Ah! Those people must have been looking for you!
  There were four of them, and they looked weatherworn, but they had an amazing ship.
  [No] Oh... Well, if you run across anyone named Jenna, let her know Isaac is looking for her.
  You look like you travel a lot. Maybe you'll run across this Jenna somewhere.
    I wonder why those travelers were in such a hurry...
    They looked so severe... You'd think they carried the fate of the world on their shoulders.
Blue-dressed woman looking over western prison area (after answering yes)
Those travelers looked worried about you.
You should find them, so that they can know you are safe.
    I wonder why those travelers were in such a hurry...
    They looked so severe... You'd think they carried the fate of the world on their shoulders.
Green-shirted young man right of prison
I don't think the mayor ever got that boat of his fixed, either... Got tired of waiting.
I guess he's going back out again as soon as he finds enough people to fix it himself.
  Why would anyone be happy to have a broken boat?
Green merchant walking near prison
Everyone here in Madra is afraid of the Kibombo now. Do they scare you, too?
  [Yes] I saw the fear in your eyes the instant I said "Kibombo." Don't get worked up, though.
  We caught sight of a Kibombo smoke signal that said they had given up their warlike ways.
  [No] You must have heard their proclamation...
  We only just caught sight of their smoke signals... They have announced a truce!
    We're still recovering from the Kibombo raid...
    It's no small wonder people are still afraid...
Yellow-skirted woman south of prison
I thought Shin and the others were lying, but after seeing what I saw, I'd believe anything.
They called it Psynergy and said it can change water into ice.
  Madra is always so hot. If there were some way to create ice, it would be
Green-shirted young man south of prison
Say, Piers, there was another group of travelers with powers similar to your own.
What are the odds that we should meet two groups with these amazing abilities?
  Is turning water to ice really such a special power?
Old woman in two-story residence in central block
My husband relishes those rare mushrooms growing in the Gondowan cliffs.
I wish someone would bring some back for him.
  My poor husband's getting old... Those cliffs scare him now.
  In his prime, he'd have scrambled up those cliffs in no time for a mushroom.
Old man in two-story residence in central block
How are we to climb the cliffs between here and Gondowan?
If someone would just drop some ropes down from the top, it wouldn't be a problem.
  I'm dying for some of those Gondowan mushrooms, but I can't ever reach them.
Old woman in two-story residence in central block (after using Healing Fungus)
This here's enough of a mushroom that we'll be eating it for days!
  These mushrooms will make any meal taste amazing!
Old man in two-story residence in central block (after using Healing Fungus)
I can't wait for dinner tonight. Batter-fried mushrooms! Mmm!
  The more I think about dinner tonight, the more I drool...
Old woman in two-story residence in central block (after reentering Madra)
Actually, I didn't cook the mushrooms properly that night.
But, uh...please don't tell my husband that.
  If my husband finds out I messed up the recipe, he'll be so sad...
Old man in two-story residence in central block (after reentering Madra)
That mushroom was great, but I ate way too much. I don't ever want to see it again!
  I don't remember mushrooms like that ever tasting bad...
Blue-capped sailor in small residence next to gate
One of the sailors, Isaac, was very curious about Piers's ship. A little too curious.
It looked like he had a similar boat, almost identical to Piers's.
  We've had a lot of strange visitors ever since Piers showed up.
Red-capped sailor in small residence next to gate
Same sailors came through recently with a ship similar to Piers's.
I'd never seen one before, but now they're everywhere. Are they new?
  Oars, I understand. Hey, I'll even give a sailboat a try...
  But there's no way I'm setting foot on a ship powered by some fool magic thingie.
Bald man in small residence left of sanctum
Our salesman said Kibombo's ceremony is done, and he claims that they're peaceful again.
I'll be so relieved if what he said turns out to be true.
  The continent shift makes it feel like we're sharing backyards with the Kibombo...
  We'd be so happy if we could live in peace without having to fear their spears.
Blue-dressed woman in small residence left of sanctum
I wonder if the Kibombo have truly set aside their spears and returned to peace...
  The salesman that just came back from Gondowan claims the Kibombo are peaceful now...
  But if we relax, we won't be ready for their next attack.
Old woman in sanctum
When the ocean warms, the Eastern Sea beckons... Seek for the center, the legends say.
These legends are known to nearly every sailor. It would be wise for you to remember it, too.
  Seafaring towns know many more legends of the sea...
  But a few of the sailors passing through here have told their share of stories of the salty sea.
Blue-dressed woman in sanctum
The ocean's been warming up a lot, and we're seeing lots of dead fish washing up on shore.
At this rate, there aren't going to be any fish left for us to catch for food.
  Our new ship is spectacular, but if we can't find some new fishing spots, it does us no good at all.
  Tidal waves, raids on our town, and now the warming ocean waters... What's going on?
Healer in sanctum
I've noticed lately that the temperature of the ocean has been slowly rising.
It is a bad omen, I say. Be wary if you plan to set sail soon.
  I knew the temperatures were rising slowly over time...
  But now, it's plain to see that the temperatures are rising at a dramatically higher rate.
Are you worried about all the fish that have been washing up dead on the shore?
  [Yes] No need to worry. Those fish all died farther out in the bay.
  The fish we cook here at the inn are caught fresh from our pier.
  [No] No?! I suppose you'd be happy if the fish up and vanished, huh?
  They're dying because the ocean temperatures are rising, but no one is doing anything about it...
    I've never seen a single customer get sick from our fish! Not a single one...
    I've never served rotten old fish in my life! I only use the finest, freshest ingredients in my cuisine.
Yellow-skirted woman in inn
One of our guests kept asking for a weapon that he could use to slay a great sea monster...
He kept mentioning this trident thing, but we couldn't help him.
  It must be a very strange monster if one needs such a unique weapon to fight it.
Innkeeper's wife
Has someone been telling you that we've been serving up the dead fish found on the beaches?
Outrageous! We go to great pains to serve only the finest fresh fish to our customers.
  Someone must have seen me burying the dead fish. I'll bet that's where the rumor started.
Green merchant in second floor of inn
I guess that a lot of dead fish have been washing ashore all over the eastern seacoast.
It's kind of sad... Imagine how much money we could have made if we'd caught them.
  If I had a boat we could use, now would be a great time to make some money.
  We'd just need to take our nets and scoop up whatever we find...
Purple merchant in second floor of inn
I've heard that rising ocean temperatures mean that a volcano is forming under the sea.
  Hm... I wonder if the tidal wave might have been caused by an undersea eruption...
Old man on balcony of inn
I was at the mayor's house, watching them argue about why the boat won't move.
What's so important about a mast, and what does it have to do with sailing?
  These new boats apparently use the power of wind to cross the seas...
  I just don't understand how a big pole in the boat can help to capture the wind...
Yellow-skirted woman in right cave-residence
Since things are finally calming down in Madra, our people are ready to get down to business.
They seem to have thought up a business plan that makes use of Isaac's power.
  The business plan our people have come up with is supposed to make us rich.
  I guess it must be a brilliant plan.
Green-shirted young man in right cave-residence
There's talk of mighty travelers who passed by here recently. I wish I could have met them.
It seems they had powers no one has ever seen before. I bet those powers could be profitable.
  What if we just traveled with Isaac to show off his powers... We could make loads of cash!
Girl in left cave-residence
I've told my sister not to worry about Shin. He's tough. At least...he usually is...
  Shin's normally so kind and gentle. I hope he gets over whatever's bothering him.
Mayor of Madra in his northwest residence
We just have to finish repairs on that boat we left in Alhafra...
We've had several meetings already, discussing our next course of action.
  Why won't the mayor of Alhafra repair our boat?
  If we could get that ship, Madra would embark on a voyage to prosperity...
Elder of Madra in mayor's northwest residence
I know you went to a lot of trouble to get us that boat, but we just had to give up on it.
We couldn't just sit and wait in Alhafra until the thing got fixed.
  All of this could have been avoided if the people of Alhafra's offer to repair the boat was genuine.
  Now, I refuse to let that boat fall into the hands of Alhafra and its mayor.
Lower woman in mayor's northwest residence
I can't believe Piers actually went all the way to Kibombo to get his jewel back.
That's so...dashing!
  I felt a little responsible for Piers losing his jewel. I'm so happy he got it back!
Upper woman in mayor's northwest residence
I'm so relieved Piers got his jewel back.
  I can't believe it... Despite all my worrying, they got that jewel back like it was nothing.
Old woman in mayor's northwest residence
Gondowan is such an awful, dangerous place...
I never imagined for a second that Piers would make it back here safely.
  Piers said he was going to Gondowan alone, but now he has some friends with him.
  That's nice. If he'd been all alone, I'm sure he would have been eaten by monsters.
Boy in mayor's northwest residence
I like you guys a lot. I'm sad that you're leaving.
  I wish they'd tell me all about their adventures!
Girl in mayor's northwest residence
My daddy went to Gondowan, and all I got was nothing.
  I'm so glad Daddy got home safely.
Young man in the jail (Shin)
Oh! Piers! After the way we treated you, I thought you'd never come to Madra again!
I know we were not very nice to you before... I hope you can forgive us.
  Even the sound of the name "Piers" sends a chill down my spine.
Bottom-right muscle-man in the jail
Shin's developed a terrible fear of the cold. He's afraid of being turned into a block of ice.
Tell Piers to cool it with the ice routine, OK?
  I understand why Shin's scared of Piers, but I think he might be overdoing it.
Top-left muscle-man in the jail (first interaction)
Uhhhnnn... UHHHNNN!
They told me that you make Psynergy by focusing your mind...
I've been focusing nonstop for days, but do you see any ice? No!
Top-left muscle-man in the jail (subsequent interactions)
How can anyone just create ice by thinking about it?
I mean, imagine how much power you'd have if you could just think, and things happened!
  I knew I should have asked them how to make ice...
Bottom-left muscle-man in the prison
When Isaac and his party heard about Piers, they seemed shocked.
They said they were going to follow you to Gondowan.
  So, this Piers fellow must be a friend of Isaac...
  Why else would they go all the way to Gondowan for him?