Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Side Scripts/Kibombo

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Daila) | (Madra) | (Alhafra) | (Garoh) | (Kibombo) | (Izumo)
(Champa) | (Lemuria) | (Shaman Village) | (Contigo) | (Prox)
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Gondowan Cliffs

Dog next to covered water spout tile
Rrruff! Rrruff!
  Dig here, you dig? Rrruff!
Dog next to active water spout tile
Rrruff! Rrruff!
  I knew it! I knew there was something there, and he dug it up! Look at that!
Bottom tribesman in cave
Hey, we're just here to finish what you guys started, OK?
You guys are the ones who rammed into our continent, and don't you forget it!
  My family lost its entire store of food—months' worth, gone in a flash!
  Well, we'll show those foreigners what happens when they mess with us!
Right tribesman in cave
I'm, uh, from Kibombo... It's, er...nice to meet you.
  Oh, tense... We're busted! They're on to us, I know it!
  We never should have launched that raid on Madra without the others!
Left tribesman in cave
Our friends from Kibombo are coming soon.
When they get here, we'll all come say hello.
  It was a good raid, but after all that work, we didn't find a thing...
  I wonder what happened to those people who fled from the jail we broke into.
Top tribesman in cave
Hey, we're just out here, uh... camping... Yup. If you want good camping, go to Indra.
We're just here to, you know, see the sights and stuff.
  And once our Kibombo warriors swarm over your town, we'll all be real good friends...
Upper tribesman near untied rope post (if Briggs was not defeated)
I tried to go to Gondowan to find my fellow tribesmen, but the ropes were taken down.
I can't go back to Kibombo until someone realizes that I'm missing and comes for me.
  If the other warriors knew we could not return to Kibombo, they would be distraught.
Lower tribesman near untied rope post (if Briggs was not defeated)
I wonder who removed the rope from the other side...
  I long to see my homeland again. This Indra lacks the savage beauty of Gondowan.

Naribwe (first visit)

Cyan-vested man left of inn
Welcome to Naribwe. It's really hot out... You should relax a while.
  I can hardly stand the heat in Naribwe, and I've lived here my whole life!
  I can't imagine what travelers must think of it.
Southwest green-dressed woman
It's been dangerous out ever since the day the gems fell from the sky.
After that day, all local creatures suddenly grew more powerful and terrifying.
  That was the day the wind blew so hard and the dark clouds came from the north.
  That's when those strange gems fell from above.
Item shopkeeper
No one can see the future. Absolutely no one. Except for our fortune-teller.
Just by looking at your items, he can see the path you're meant to follow.
  Even if I wanted my fortune told, I don't have any armor or weapons to show him.
  If he were only willing to look at other items, I'm sure he'd get more business.
Purple-dressed woman near campfire
The Kibombo went on an expedition to the east, but they've already returned.
Do you know what kind of expedition it was?
  [Yes] What? They crossed over to Indra and attacked a town!?
  The Kibombo are a reckless and dangerous people.
  [No] Oh, you don't? The Kibombo rarely journey far abroad. It's very worrisome...
    Akafubu is almost certainly looking for jewels.
    I cannot understand why a witch doctor needs so many jewels.
Boy walking above campfire
You don't plan on going to Kibombo, do you, mister?
  [Yes] Well, you'll have to find a path through the Kibombo Mountains to get there.
  The Kibombo warriors keep a close watch on the pass. They won't let you through.
  [No] That's a wise choice. Nothing good would come to you in a place like that.
    To get to Kibombo, you have to cross over the Kibombo Mountains.
    I seem to recall my grandfather telling me about a way past the guards.
Green-shirted man above campfire
I would not venture far north of here if I were you...
  It is awful to the north of Naribwe... It is hotter, and the creatures are fierce...
  And worst of all, that's where the Kibombo are!
Girl right of campfire
On the far side of the river lies a huge mountain we call Magma Rock.
It is a sacred place that the gods created long ago.
  Sometimes, you can hear explosions from across the river near Magma Rock.
  I wonder what's going on over there.
Old woman near well
Can you tell me where you have come from?
  [Yes] Angara? That is a land far to the north, is it not?
  I've heard that when it is hot here, it is cold in Angara. The world is a strange place.
  [No] Why won't you tell me? What are you trying to hide?
    The warrior who passed through here earlier said he came from an isle in the middle of the sea.
Inspect stone well to the right
Felix peered into the well...
There's only a little bit of water down at the bottom of the well.
As hot as it gets around here, I bet the water evaporates fast.
Great Healer
I am but a humble pilgrim, serving the greater good in the heart of Gondowan.
Travelers should know that even in this wild land, aid is not far off.
  Anywhere I can do some good, I will serve without complaint. would be nice if it were a little cooler here.
Old man at north end
When Oeia was their witch doctor, the Kibombo were much more peaceful.
Akafubu took over when Oeia passed on, and he is responsible for their warlike ways.
  Kibombo magic was once widely respected. Now, it is merely feared.
  That is the way of things since Oeia appointed Akafubu as his successor before dying.
Innkeeper's wife
Our cooking is famous all across Gondowan.
If you find you like it, come back soon! We change our menu every season.
  Our spices are our secret. Everyone loves spicy food, even if they regret it later.
  And I'll thump the first person that tries to tell me otherwise!
Man in inn resembling weapon shopkeeper
If you like adventure, you should head out west across the river...
Oh, wait... With all the rain we've had lately, the river is probably too deep to cross.
  The river is probably very dangerous right now.
  It's filled with monsters when the waters are running high.
Weapon shopkeeper
If you are burdened with many concerns, take a weapon to the fortune-teller.
He can read your future by studying the weapons that you carry.
  I can look at any weapon and see the monsters it faced, but I cannot read its future.
Armor shopkeeper
You should visit the fortune-teller while you are in our village.
By looking at the items you possess, he can see what it is that troubles you.
  Whenever I get my fortune read, I offer up some armor.
  I think this might be why I find so many rare and valuable artifacts.
Cyan-vested man in northwest residence
The fortune-teller lives at the highest house in Naribwe...
He's the closest thing we have to a mayor.
  The fortune-teller in Naribwe has quite a reputation... His predictions are so accurate!
  He's always done them for us alone, so I don't understand how he got so famous.
Purple-dressed woman in northwest residence
We're a small village, but if we all cooperate, we can get almost anything done.
  As long as we listen to the words of the fortune-teller, we won't have any worries...
Old man behind northwest residence
When I climbed the Kibombo Mountains, I had to find a path the Kibombo didn't know about...
  I remember when I found that path above the pass... Not even the Kibombo knew about it!
  I'm not even sure I could find the way to the higher pass anymore...
If you desire a reading, stand before the table...
  The items that one carries are filled with one's hopes and desires.
  I can sense these desires, and I can see answers hidden within them.
Boy next to fortune-teller
My father is a fortune-teller, not a witch doctor.
There are a great many differences between him and Akafubu of Kibombo.
  My father may not be a witch doctor, but he could easily defeat Akafubu.
Woman next to fortune-teller
By painting our bodies, we bring about good luck. You should try it, too.
  Body painting also protects us from the magic of the witch doctor, or so I'm told.
Tribesman trapped in crate dropped onto him at Kibombo Mountains
Hey! Who's there!? Get me out of this crate!
  It's dark! It's cramped! Somebody get me out!
Dog eating bone at Kibombo Mountains
Sniff sniff... Lick lick lick!!
  A bone! That's my favruff! Lick lick... It's deruffcious!

Kibombo (nighttime)

Southwest old woman
If the Great Gabomba's mouth doesn't open, Akafubu must not yet be a true witch doctor.
  I feel so much excitement... At last, will the Great Gabomba recognize Akafubu's strength?
Boy under totem pole
Akafubu's ceremony is set to begin soon. I wonder if he'll succeed this time.
  It's strange that Akafubu decided to try again tonight. What bolstered his confidence?
Cyan-vested man left of totem pole
Akafubu was a good man when he was training with Oeia...
After Oeia died, Akafubu was simply no longer the same.
  Akafubu has not yet attained the magical skill that Oeia possessed...
  I worry for our future if Akafubu's character is as weak as his magic.
Old woman right of totem pole
Akafubu blames his failures on the jewel he originally used. He claims it was no good.
That's why he led a team of soldiers to find a new one.
  They attacked some town to get the jewel he needed. I hope no one was injured.
Left cyan-vested man among crowd
I'm afraid of what Akafubu will do if he fails the ceremony a second time.
  When he fails the ceremony, Akafubu gets so angry...
  I hope he doesn't turn his anger on to me... I'm afraid of his powerful magic.
Left old man among crowd
Akafubu is attempting the ceremony again tonight.
Oeia performed the same ceremony with no problems. What's holding Akafubu back?
  Oeia's sudden death brought pressure and responsibility on Akafubu, well before his time.
Lower-left purple-dressed woman among crowd
When the Gabomba is angered, his eyes glow with rage and fire shoots out of his mouth.
  I hope Akafubu hasn't angered the Great Gabomba. I would be sorry to see him die like that...
Upper-left purple-dressed woman among crowd
Akafubu has tried this before, but he has always failed.
Tonight is different, though. With this new gem, he may succeed.
  As a child, Akafubu was every bit as horrible. He always cried when he had to share his toys.
  When he was good, he was very, very good...but when he was bad, he was AWFUL.
North cyan-vested man among crowd
During the last ceremony, Akafubu made the jewel float in the air...
But the mouth of the Great Gabomba did not open.
  The Great Gabomba is supposed to open his mouth if Akafubu is worthy.
South green-dressed woman among crowd
Hey, no pushing! You're not going to get any closer, with all these people packed in here.
  There are so many people here! If I want to see the ceremony, I'll have to climb the posts!
South green-shirted man among crowd
If the Great Gabomba likes the jewel, his mouth will open and his tongue will stick out.
It sounds weird, but it's a sign that the Gabomba accepts the offering.
  If the Great Gabomba actually moves and sticks out his tongue... I might just faint!
Right purple-dressed woman among crowd
Is making the jewel float with the power of his mind all there is to it?
I would have thought a ceremony like this would have required a little more effort.
  He's failed so many times already...
  Won't the same thing happen again if he tries it another time?
Right green-shirted man among crowd
Akafubu looks really confident tonight. I think he just might succeed this time!
  He's failed so many times already...
  Won't the same thing happen again if he tries it another time?
Lower-right girl among crowd
I hope the Great Gabomba is satisfied by Akafubu's jewel and opens his mouth this time.
  If the Great Gabomba opens his mouth, he will have acknowledged Akafubu's power.
  When the Great Gabomba accepts the jewel, the door will open.
Upper-right old man among crowd
He who is the witch doctor of Kibombo holds the most revered office in our whole town.
  If only Oeia had taught his magic to someone else...
  If he had another pupil, this would go more easily on poor Akafubu. He would not be alone.
Great Healer on ledge (first interaction)
Oh... Oh my... I've heard of ceremonies like these... Foreign deities are so frightening...
Hmm? [Normal Sanctum services take place]
  I wonder if a man in my position should really be in a place like this.
Piers looking at the Gabomba Statue
The orb is right before me, and yet I cannot reach it...
  I am certain I just sensed the power of Psynergy, but that can't possibly be...
First tribesman outside Gabomba Statue
Ahh! Something is coming from within the Great Gabomba! Are you men, or are you...gods?
  They look like people, but how could they be here now? I cannot believe it!
  Why doesn't my magic amulet have any effect on them?
Second tribesman outside Gabomba Statue
You look human...but perhaps you are the ones who created the Great Gabomba, reborn before us!
  If no person other than Akafubu can enter the Great Gabomba...
  Then these people aren't really people at all!
Third tribesman outside Gabomba Statue
Akafubu possesses the power to enter the Great Gabomba! My faith is restored!
  I saw Akafubu's power open the jaw of the Great Gabomba.
  I saw it happen, but I still don't believe it. But... I SAW it happen...
Fourth tribesman outside Gabomba Statue
We must stand guard and wait until Akafubu's return!
  I hope Akafubu completes the ceremony soon... I'm so sleepy... I want to go home.
Fifth tribesman outside Gabomba Statue
Men or gods, we fear you not!
The Kibombo fear nothing!
  What if the Great Gabomba only opened its mouth to lure Akafubu in and...crush him like a grape!
Sixth tribesman outside Gabomba Statue
It seems these beasts want to pass through...
Can't you see we are in the midst of our ceremony!?
None shall pass until it is complete!
  Look at these guys. They think they're so hot... I bet they think they're gonna get past me...
  They have no idea how long I can stand here, saying the same thing to them, over and over.
Seventh tribesman outside Gabomba Statue
This isn't a bad way to spend an evening, when you get right down to it.
I could dance all night and all day tomorrow, too.
  Sure, this is fun, but my feet hurt! I never want to hear an irresistible dance beat again!
Eighth tribesman outside Gabomba Statue
It is proper for a warrior to be a man of few words.
It is the fearful dog who barks the loudest.
  *Koff! Koff!* All this chanting is making my throat hurt! No more singing in the shower for me.
Akafubu before Black Orb
Your black orb rests in the hands of the statue before you. Go on, take it.
  Oeia... What am I to do now?

Kibombo (daytime)

Akafubu (before leaving room)
I'm going to be the one to get the Great Gabomba's magic! You'll see!
  Dang! Why did I leave that stupid room so quickly? Stupid, stupid, stupid Akafubu!
Akafubu's father (before leaving room)
I think that he has had enough for today...
  After he became a witch doctor, Akafubu had no more reason to focus himself...
  It is good that he now has a new goal. He will have to work hard to earn the Great Gabomba's magic.
Akafubu (after reentering room)
I just can't quite grasp the Great Gabomba's magic.
Still, I'm trying really hard to help everyone, just like the Great Gabomba said...
  Dang! Why did I leave that stupid room so quickly? Stupid, stupid, stupid Akafubu!
Akafubu's father (after reentering room)
My son has been so kind and compassionate since the ceremony. He's a changed man.
He has focused on bettering himself and earning the Great Gabomba's magic.
  After he became a witch doctor, Akafubu had no more reason to focus himself...
  It is good that he now has a new goal. He will have to work hard to earn the Great Gabomba's magic.
Great Healer in Akafubu's residence
Kibombo's peace is restored now that the ceremony has reached its end...
Now, the fate of Kibombo's people depends on how Akafubu leads them.
  I can't believe that Akafubu would change simply because he completed the ceremony.
Left tribesman at entrance
You didn't come to Kibombo to get revenge on us for that raid, did you?
  [Yes] How many of you are there? We've got some pretty fierce warriors, you know...
  You don't really think you can defeat all of us, do you?
  [No] Whew! That's good to hear. We're supposed to protect the village, but I feel bad for the raid.
    No one in Kibombo really wants war with our neighbors.
    We want everyone who shares this land to share peace as well.
Right tribesman at entrance
The other warriors are busy hunting right now.
The food supply for the whole village depends entirely on the animals they catch.
  With all our battles behind us, we warriors spend our time refilling the village food supply.
Green-dressed woman near inn
Now that the ceremony is over, I feel a touch depressed.
I wish we could have more big events like that soon.
  Now that the witch doctor ceremony is over, I've decided was kind of fun!
Boy at campfire with roast
Good ol' meat... I love meat. I can't wait until we get some.
  Gulp! The smell of that sauce over the fire is making me so hungry... How long until we can eat!?
Girl at campfire with roast
We get to eat normal animals again! They taste so much better than those monsters we've had!
  Lately the monsters have been increasing, and the animals are becoming more and more scarce.
  That's why everyone's so excited that we get to have nice, normal steaks tonight!
Old woman at campfire with roast
Oh... I smell something delectable. We'll be eating some good meat soon.
  You don't think anyone will notice if I sneak a little nibble while I'm cooking, do you?
Purple-dressed woman near totem pole
It looks like there are fewer warriors in Kibombo now, huh?
  [Yes] All of our warriors were just local farm boys...
  Now that he's the witch doctor, Akafubu let them all return to their farming work.
  [No] You couldn't tell? I thought you might have been a little more observant, but oh well...
    Covering our warriors in paint makes them scarier, and it makes them more intimidating.
    Most of our warriors aren't that strong, so they need every trick they can use.
Cyan-vested man near totem pole
Akafubu has finally completed his ceremony, and things are starting to calm down.
Maybe now, our warriors can set aside their spears and return to their peaceful lives.
  Everyone was terribly worried about Akafubu's ceremony. We're all relieved it's over now.
Old man at east end
I couldn't for the life of me figure out how our warriors got to Indra without a boat.
But I just found out that something has pushed Indra into contact with Gondowan!
  Because Kibombo lies hidden deep in the continent, we rarely hear news of the Eastern Sea.
Green-shirted man near totem pole
The Great Gabomba's mouth will remain open until Akafubu has earned the gift of the Gabomba.
Maybe I ought to sneak in there and get a look around while I have the chance.
  I want to look inside the Great Gabomba at least once.
  You don't suppose just peeking will get me cursed, do you?
Cyan-vested man at southeast smoke signal
Now that Akafubu is our new witch doctor, we shall embark on a path to peace.
The neighboring villages have no reason to fear our warriors any longer.
This is a signal fire. We use these to send messages to neighboring villages.
I hope these messages set our neighbors' minds at ease.
  I wonder if I can keep going until another village sees our signal and comes to meet with us...
  I don't care which village it is, just send a delegation! Fast!
Don't worry about the beds here... We used to have insect problems, but not anymore.
We use a special bug powder on our beds. It's quite harmless to humans, I'll bet.
  That bed makes me itch so badly! It feels like bugs are crawling all over me!
  Whenever I get itchy, I just rub some of that bug powder all over myself!
Innkeeper's wife
I can't remember how long it's been since we've had any guests.
Tell you what... If you stay at our inn, you can have all the freshly grilled steak you want!
  I love Kibombo's famous BBQ monster steak...with extra-spicy Herb sauce!
  It's a local treat that's fun to eat! ...But it's not nearly as fun catching the monsters...
Weapon shopkeeper
The weapons I sell in this shop are ones we do not use in Kibombo.
You find it strange that I do not sell the weapons we make here, don't you?
  Our warriors appear so strong because of the deadly poison on their spears.
  In a war, Kibombo spears would make a powerful ally.
Armor shopkeeper
The only defenses we Kibombo need are our shields and our war paint.
Our warriors think armor is for cowards.
  Because our paint is infused with the witch doctor's magic, we're safe from attacks.
  I would opt for paint in any matter how much iron my enemy wore.
Item shopkeeper up the ladder
I'm sorry, but the Kibombo spearhead poison is a tribal secret, used for hunting only.
We can't let outsiders have it, because they might try to turn it toward evil uses.
  If I had a coin for every time some stranger came up and asked me to sell them poison...
  If only they'd let me sell it, I could make millions!
Green-shirted man in west small residence
If you are looking for treasure, look west of the river.
The rocky peaks there are called the belly of the continent. Great treasure hides there.
  Sure, our legends speak of much treasure, but no one ever seems to have found it.
Green-dressed woman in west small residence
Each year, when the rains stop, our warriors look for treasure in the belly of the continent.
Maybe the belly is hidden, or the treasure is also. I don't know, but they all return empty-handed.
  I wonder what Oeia meant when he said that our magic is deeply tied to the belly of the continent...
Boy in northwest residence
You can see Atteka from the bridge in western Gondowan. My grandfather told me so.
Someday, I'll be a warrior like my grandfather, and I'll be able to see it for myself!
  If I'm ever going to be a warrior, I must build more muscle and master the art of the spear.
Purple-dressed woman in northwest residence
Are you going to head to western Gondowan?
  [Yes] That's unfortunate. The recent rains have swollen the rivers.
  It is too dangerous for us to allow anyone to pass.
  [No] That's for the best. It is far too dangerous for anyone to be going out west.
  Perhaps a boat would lessen the danger to a degree...
    Crossing the river by canoe is much too dangerous. I'd need a ship to get across.
Cyan-vested man in northwest residence
I have heard that if you head west from southern Gondowan, you'll see the Eastern Sea.
There are two continents in the middle of that ocean: Hesperia and Atteka.
  I know I could find more animals and grain on the far side of the river. If only I could go...
  These seasonal monsoon rains have swollen the river and made it too dangerous to cross.
Old woman in northwest residence
As soon as Akafubu became our recognized witch doctor, he became so much nicer.
  Akafubu gets so grouchy. I wonder if it's just his frustration taking over...
Old man in northwest residence
Oh, my back... It's been aching ever since that ceremony.
I guess I really am too old to dance the night away.
  I swear, that's the last time I'll ever let loose like that again!
Left tribesman in right small residence
We think it is time to inform other villages that Akafubu has completed the ceremony.
I think they'll be glad to know that we no longer pose any threat to them.
  I am a mighty warrior, trained from birth to be fierce. If you are feared, you are powerful!
  I'm...supposed to start my "being nice to people" training on Monday.
Right tribesman in right small residence
Many in Gondowan fear the might of the Kibombo warriors. But we don't want to be feared.
Now is the time for Kibombo to change its image.
  It won't be easy, convincing them that we've turned over a new leaf...but we'll try.

Naribwe (second visit)

Cyan-vested man left of inn
Don't tell me you just came back from Kibombo!
You must be really brave to have made it there and back again!
  Who would travel to Kibombo right now? It's not very safe right now.
Southwest green-dressed woman
Some soldiers came through here looking for a guy named Piers.
They looked unhappy that I'd never heard of him.
  What kind of a name is Piers. An odd one, certainly.
Item shopkeeper
Strangers to our town would do well to visit the fortune-teller's hut.
  Those who become lost should offer the fortune-teller one of their hard-earned items.
Purple-dressed woman near campfire
I didn't see any Kibombo soldiers in the mountain pass... Where did they go?
  I'm so glad the Kibombo aren't lurking over us in the hills anymore...
  They were here, they were there, they were everywhere!
Boy walking above campfire
A man came through a while ago. He said he was going to Kibombo.
He hasn't come back yet. I think the guards in the mountains caught him.
  If the man they were looking for has gone to Kibombo, they're better off waiting.
  Kibombo is a dangerous place for outsiders right now.
Green-shirted man above campfire
I saw smoke rising from Kibombo... Were they having a bonfire or something?
  That smoke's been rising from Kibombo for a while... I doubt it's just a fire...
Girl right of campfire
I mentioned Magma Rock to a traveler the other day, and he was very intrigued.
I can't be sure, but I think he might have headed in that direction.
  I don't think anyone can reach Magma Rock now. The river is too deep.
Old woman near well
The fortune-teller predicted that the Kibombo will settle down for a time...
I hope for all of our sakes that he's right.
  The fortune-teller has never been wrong...
  But I can't imagine that the Kibombo would ever really calm down.
Great Healer
It's strange. As hot as it is here in Gondowan, if you head south, it's bitter cold...
The land of Tundaria is a frozen wasteland that deserves its name.
  The cold of Tundaria stifles virtually all living things.
  Compared to that barren land, Gondowan's heat is comforting.
Old man at north end
The smoke coming from the Kibombo Mountains is coming from a signal fire.
The signals are hard to read, though. Whoever's sending them isn't terribly good at it.
  The signals say something has...ended? Or maybe has been chosen?
  It's so hard to figure out... I wish they were a little better at smoke signals.
Innkeeper's wife
I see so many travelers... How am I supposed to remember who Piers is?
And why would anyone come all the way to Gondowan to find him? What does Isaac want?
  Why would Isaac travel all this way in search of a man he has never met?
  What could it be that drives him to look for this Piers?
Man in inn resembling weapon shopkeeper
If Piers is traveling in your group, please give him this message:
Isaac and his companions would like to speak with him.
  He paid me a lot of money to pass this message on, but how would he know if I didn't?
  Ah, I'm too honest for my own good. I'll keep passing Isaac's message on to my guests.
Weapon shopkeeper
Whenever I get customers from out of town, I always tell them the same thing...
"The fortune-teller sees all." Nobody can resist trying it at least once.
  When I look at weapons, I can instantly tell what monsters they have fought.
Armor shopkeeper
If you wish to know anything, go to the fortune-teller. He's fast, accurate, and affordable.
  I like offering armor to the fortune-teller. It usually gets me good results.
Cyan-vested man in northwest residence
I guess those warriors learned much about their future from the fortune-teller.
You should do the same. Bring your items to him, just as they did.
  The power of the fortune-teller is great. Anyone who listens to his advice benefits greatly.
Purple-dressed woman in northwest residence
Our fortune-teller has been saying some horrible things lately.
He's been telling everyone that "our peace shall soon sleep." It's not very comforting.
  The fortune-teller said that the power of nature would rekindle the advance of civilization.
  But which is better, an advanced civilization, or a peaceful one?
Old man behind northwest residence
Ouch... Some big brute came through here looking for a woman named Menardi.
I told him I'd never heard of her, and he shoved me to the ground and stormed off!
  What has gone wrong with the world? People have no respect for their elders!
If you desire a reading, stand before the table...
  Items placed before me are filled with the desires of those who place them there.
  If I can sense those desires, I can answer that which they seek.
Boy next to fortune-teller
If trouble resides in your heart, I suggest you speak with my father.
  Father should charge more for his readings.
  People profit from what he tells them. Why shouldn't he profit from telling them?
Woman next to fortune-teller
Reading fortunes in people's items takes a lot of energy, so he's not always willing to do it.
But if you have 20 coins on you, he might be a little more willing.
  After Father's been reading all day, he sleeps like a baby. A really loud, snoring baby.