Veriti (オワパー Owapah) was the sister of King Paithos of Ayuthay and the mother of Amiti.

Twenty years before the setting of Dark Dawn, a mysterious and powerful Mercury Adept came to Ayuthay and started the kingdom's Alchemy Well by finding and using the Luna Mask. While he was in Ayuthay, Veriti and the Mercury Adept began a mutual relationship. From this relationship, Amiti was conceived, but before Amiti was born, the Adept left Ayuthay. Veriti would die of an illness soon after the birth of her son. Veriti was the only person who had ever seen the Adept's face, and thus the true identity of Amiti's father was taken to her grave.
For what appears to be reasons pertaining to maintaining the people's national pride and hiding the fact that a shadowy outsider was responsible for saving the kingdom, Paithos deemed it necessary to keep the existence of this Adept a secret, and so he told Amiti and the rest of the kingdom that it was Veriti whose powers started the Alchemy Well. Furthermore, Paithos convinced Amiti that he was born by a miracle stemming entirely from Veriti's powers, and that he did not have a biological father like normal humans. Both of these claims were based on the falsehood that Veriti was an Adept or someone with similar powers; she had none. Amiti would later be informed of the truth after Matthew and his party arrived in Ayuthay.