Golden Sun/String Dump (Part 4)

From Golden Sun Universe

This reference page features cleaned-up versions of most of Golden Sun's in-game text strings that are expressed as dialogue.

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Dialogue strings

What's with you? You wanna enter Lunpa?

Well, you can't! Go back to where you came from!

You came all this way for nothing? That doesn't make any sense...
Lunpa's no place for people like you. Go back where you came from!

You're not from Kalay, are you?

That last group said the same thing, but we didn't trust them, either.
Leave now if you don't want to get hurt.

You're not here to save Hammet, are you?

We'll return Hammet to Kalay very soon. Just wait a little longer...
That's what Dodonpa told us to say.

Oh, please! No one would come to Lunpa unless it was to save Hammet!
You don't want to make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!

I wonder if these guys will try to enter from the cave west of town?
Well, the gate there is too heavy for them to lift, anyway. No worries!

Even if they enter through the cave, they can't get into town.
The gate in the cave can only be opened from the inside.

Have you been in Lunpa long?

Hmm... Your face doesn't ring a bell. I guess you don't really stand out.

Oh, so you're a new member of Dodonpa's gang?

We've had no freedom ever since the caravan came to the village.
We can't leave the village, and no one is allowed in. I hate it...

Is it true that Dodonpa kidnapped Hammet and extorted ransom for him?

Then I guess Dodonpa's men were telling the truth.

I didn't think so. Not even Dodonpa would do such a terrible thing.

Donpa is too old to lead, so his men do whatever Dodonpa says.

The righteous thief, Lunpa, and his son, Donpa—They were great men.

Donpa has no idea what Dodonpa is doing.
This village would change if Donpa heard about Dodonpa's evil deeds...

You want to see Donpa?

Donpa is in the fortress. You'll have to go there if you want to see him.
But security at the fortress is very tight.

I didn't think so... It's impossible to see Donpa now.

The chef from the inn has been delivering meals to the fortress lately.
He says security is very tight—even inside the fortress.

Don't come any closer.

How can Dodonpa be so devious?
I can't believe he is the son of Donpa.

Not even a mouse could enter this fortress while I'm on the watch!

I doubt anyone could enter Lunpa now with all this tight security.

It sure was strange of Hammet to come here just to get caught.

Once they get the ransom, they'll set the hostages free, no matter what.
But the merchant caravan hasn't left yet. What's going on?

Lunpa died when Donpa was still young. It made Donpa a lonely man...
They say that's why he spoiled Dodonpa so much... What a mistake that was.

Dodonpa can do his evil deeds, but how can he live like this?
If he makes any money, he should pass it around to us poor villagers.

Dodonpa keeps Donpa hidden away in the fortress so that he won't
find out about all the evil things Dodonpa has been up to.

The fortress is guarded all day long.
No one outside the fortress can get in to see Donpa.

The chef said the fortress is so scary, he never wants to go back.

Dodonpa is a genius! Not releasing Hammet is so smart...
It's a great way to use Hammet to keep extorting money from Kalay.

You'd have to be a shadow to sneak past me.

My late grandfather traveled the continent with Lunpa.
He would be very sad to see the things Dodonpa is doing now.

We may live in Lunpa, but we'll never work for Dodonpa.

Lunpa used to be a good place, but not anymore.

They keep pushing us to work for Dodonpa! I can't stand it!

The fortress was built during Donpa's rule.
He built his fortress so well, not even an ant could sneak in.

The inn's chef is the only one in town who can enter the fortress.

The fortress was built so its guards could see every corner.

After the caravan of merchants was captured...
That was when they ordered the chef inside the fortress.

Lunpa passed away long ago, when the world was hit by a huge flood.
Lunpa had gone south... and he was never seen again after the flood.

Lunpa was caught in the great flood while traveling with someone named Babi.

They say the flood claimed many lives, all across the continent.

What kind of name is Babi, anyway?

The village is sealed, so we can't buy or sell anything.
Dodonpa doesn't care about my business.

I'll sell you as much armor as you like, once the village is reopened.

They bought a lot of stock, which is why they're holding up,
but I still feel bad for them and all the lost business.

Do you want to sleep at my place?

You must be kidding. Go rest in your own home!

Of course not! With no travelers in town, no one wants to stay here.

Dodonpa made a pretty penny for himself by capturing Hammet,
but he doesn't care about what happens to us villagers at all.

It doesn't matter how much we clean or wait for customers.
No one will come.

Do you want to hear about how I delivered meals to the fortress?

I was blindfolded and guided along a cool path. I walked for a while.
I heard my footsteps echoing, so it must have been an underground path.

I was so relieved when I got back to the village.
The guy I delivered food to? They called him Hammet.

I just have to hang in there. I'm not closing my inn 'til the village is free.

Dodonpa doesn't care about anyone but himself. That's why he does this...

At this rate, I'll be fired before I know it...

I feel bad for that poor man they've got locked up in the dungeon...

I think that thief Dodonpa is a terrible man.
But it's not fair to blame the Lunpans for it. They need our care, too.

We can't leave Lunpa—not when Dodonpa's men are watching like that.

I'll have to close this shop soon if things don't change...

I should have bought more stock while I had the chance...

I bought a lot of stock, but I'm already running out...

This is Lunpa. You cannot enter without Dodonpa's authorization.

If outsiders cause any trouble in the village,
Dodonpa will hold us responsible.

Return to Vale

Dialogue strings

Hey, if it isn't Isaac! You came back home, huh?

This is Vale! ...Wait, you already know that, right, Isaac?

Oh, Isaac! You came back sooner than I thought!

It looks like you made some friends in your travels, Isaac.
I'm glad to see that.

The river in town grew so hot after Mt. Aleph erupted.
Everyone got excited, thinking there were hot springs on the mountain,
but then the river cooled down again.

Did you see anything interesting on your trip, Isaac?

You didn't, hmm? I can see in your eyes that you're not being honest.

Oh, really? That must have been exciting!
Maybe I can join you on your next journey?

Ha ha, really?
I was just kidding. You don't need to be so polite.

Yeah... I knew you would say no...

Oh, my! Isaac! How have you been!

Welcome back, Isaac! It's good to have you home!

I see you made many friends on your journey.
I wish I could be like you, Isaac.

The eruption created a terrible mess on the other side of Mt. Aleph.

The eruption caused a crack to open on Mt. Aleph's northwest side.

You surprised us, Isaac! You're back sooner than anyone expected!

Isaac has grown so much so quickly. He looks splendid...

Isaac's new friends look interesting.
I wonder if they're Adepts, like us?

Eruptions must have great power if they can heat a river!

I sense that Mt. Aleph is not the only place to see strange events.
Crossing the continent must indeed be difficult.

Oh, my! When did you return to Vale, Isaac?

I wonder if we can play with Isaac and his pals again, like we used to.

I want to go on a journey and make new friends, too!

A river of lava burnt everything on the other side of Mt. Aleph.

The crack on Mt. Aleph's northwest side is widening.
At this rate, the whole continent will split in half!

The path to Sol Sanctum is still closed.
You'll have to wait until the volcanic activity subsides.

Isaac, are your new friends Adepts by any chance?

So, there are others besides Valeans who have been granted Psynergy?

...... ...... Your friend seems angered by your words, Isaac...
That means... they must be Adepts!

Why is it that different Adepts have different powers?
Is it because they meditate more, like the Great Healer?

It'll be difficult to reach Sol Sanctum until Mt. Aleph returns to normal.

I see a beautiful girl has joined Isaac on his journey.
I wonder what Jenna will think when she sees this.

It's not fair! I want to have strong Psynergy, but I hate working for it.

Oh, it's you, Isaac. You came back?

Vale won't be very quiet anymore...
But I'm glad to see you. Your mother, Dora, will be, too.

Oh, you're not back for good? That's too bad.

I heard you were back. I guess the rumor was true.
Are you going to tell us all the great tales from your journey?

Isaac! When did you come back? After the way you left,
I thought I might never see you again.
I'm very happy to see you.

Ow! It's gonna be years before I'm a grown-up! But Isaac's back already!
Oh... You are just visiting... You got me surprised.

Welcome home, Isaac! Oh... ... What happened?
Why are you walking around with some girl who's not Jenna?

We've seen many monsters lately, and it's become quite dangerous outside
the village. That's why weapons are selling well.
If only the blacksmiths could make better weapons...

I wish I could learn the secret to making good weapons...

I gave him a farewell gift thinking I'd never see him again...
But I didn't have to...
And wasn't he supposed to bring Jenna back with him...?

I promised I'd become a great blacksmith before Isaac comes back again.
It's a man's promise, and I have to keep it.

That shy girl with Isaac sure looks like a nice girl.

What happened to Jenna? Haven't you found her yet?

Well if it isn't Isaac!
You've grown so much, I almost didn't recognize you!

Oh, it's you, Isaac. You came back, huh?

You've come all the way home just to stay here? Are you sure?

Oh, I see... You don't want to get used to staying at home...
In that case, you're more than welcome...

That's better! You've come all the way back. Now, go on home.

You traveled around the eastern edge of the continent?
You must be exhausted!

Aren't you glad to see the village hasn't changed?

Does Isaac know that Dora was struck with an illness?

I wonder if Isaac came here because Dora wouldn't let him stay...
Other than the mayor, no one else knows about Dora's illness...

I wonder if Isaac will continue his journey. It must be quite difficult.

Vale will never change, so you can come home whenever you like.



Shouldn't we look for Garet?


Isaac still doesn't know about Dora...right? Someone should tell him.

You miss Garet, don't you? You're looking for an excuse to find him.

What? No! I just...

Guh... Gah... Ugh...

Grandma! What's the matter? Are you choking?

It's... It's Garet!

She must miss Garet, too...

No, it's really Garet! Look, look!


Oh, Garet...!

Mom, Dad... I'm home...

What, Garet?

Oh, Garet...!

Grandpa, I'm home...

Yes, yes... Did you complete your mission for the Wise One?

Oh, you mean it's going well? You probably have to continue on soon, then.

Not yet? Well, I'm glad you're home, even if it's just for a little while...

You're leaving again soon...aren't you?

I'm just glad to see you're doing well!

That's right.

Let me introduce you to my new friends.

Umm... I am Ivan. Pleased to meet you.

I am Mia, from Imil. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Please look after young Garet for us.

Well, enough chit-chat. Relax and enjoy your stay here...

Mia is such a nice girl.
I wonder who Garet likes more, Mia or Jenna...

That Ivan seems to be a smart boy...
I wish you could be more like Ivan, Garet.

Did you hear us talking about Dora just now?

Dora told us not to worry...that it's just a fever.
Don't worry too much, Isaac.

You didn't hear? But you look concerned.
We'll be looking after your mother, so don't worry.

I hope you didn't get sick during your travels...
Garet always eats too much... He always makes his mother worry.

It must be nice to be young and gallivant about with lovely girls!

His new friends are all so polite. I'm very happy to see that.

It wasn't too smart to talk about Dora without checking for Isaac.
I wish we could tell him the truth.

Garet seems to have grown up a bit on this difficult journey.


It's been a while...

You're back?

Have you gone home to see Dad yet?

Really? He must have been happy to see you.
He has been so worried about you.

You have to see him... He's been worried about you.

...So have I.


Don't get me wrong. I... I was just worried you might get into trouble,
because, you know, you're not that bright...

Yeah, all right... Thanks, Sis.

So, are you home for good? Or...

Not just yet...

You're leaving... again?

Don't push yourself too hard...when you leave again.

Hey, how have you been?

Oh, Garet! And Isaac!

What happened!? You're back already!?

Already? What kind of way is that to greet us?

But—But they said you might never come back!

And it still seems like you're not back for good, like you're just visiting.

Really? Is that what it seems like?

Yeah... You and your friends... You all look like you are about to leave.

You're smarter than you look.

I have to shape up while you're gone, right? If not...

Hey, the family'll be fine, as long as you're here! Am I right, or what?

Take care of our family while I'm gone. All right?

Hey! You're not helping here!

WHATEVER YOU DO, you must protect the family while I'm gone.
All right? I'm counting on you!

Don't push yourself too hard, OK?

I can tell just by looking at you that you've been through a lot.
You look so much more mature now.

I will do my best to show everyone that I am strong enough
to protect our family and Vale.

You guys are working so hard, but I'm worried. Are you really all right?

I could go with you if I were a little older... It's not fair...

Cough, cough! Who is it? Is it the innkeeper? Is it time to eat?

No? Cough... Then who—


Are you finally home? Have you completed your mission!?

You haven't, have you?

Have you forgotten your promise, Isaac?

You promised you wouldn't come back until your quest was complete, right?

You broke your promise because you were worried about me?

You were more worried about me than about keeping your promise?

Who told you I was ill? The mayor? Or cough ...was it the innkeeper?

So you came because you were worried after hearing about me.

Are you telling me you were surprised to see me in bed?

You can't get out of your promises just because you're worried about me.

I... Cough... I just caught a cold. That's all.

But I'm fine now. Cough... Look!

See? I'm fine!

Don't worry about me. Go on. Do your best to complete your quest. OK?

Don't you worry about me. Just do your best to complete your quest.
Cough cough...

I'm sorry I seemed so harsh, Isaac...
I'm so happy to see you. I'll be waiting for you to come home for good...

Unn... Ohh... Kyle... Don't go...

I think Dora is dreaming.

Kyle, watch out! The boulder!!! The boulder...

Oh, so you still haven't rescued Jenna...

I get over colds quickly.
But it sure is taking Dora a long time to recover from hers.

A cold is going around. I should be careful.

Will I ever see Jenna and Felix again before I die?

Dora says it's just a cold, but she's been like this ever since...
Isaac left... It's taking her so long to recover...

I know that there are always cold outbreaks when winter comes...
But still...

What was that "Alchemy" that Kraden was always researching?
I feel it was something that was better left alone...

Earthquakes still strike once in a while...
It gives me the chills every time...

Even if the eruption had no relation to Alchemy...
I still don't want Kraden to come back to the village.

Every time the ground shakes, I worry there will be another eruption.

The mountain is apparently still casting Psynergy Stones about.
People who have been beyond the gate say they've seen them
beside the roadside.

If the Psynergy Stones in the mountain continue to be scattered...
Mt. Aleph won't have any Psynergy Stones left someday.

The northwest face of Mt. Aleph was all scorched by a river of lava.

They say the lava looked like the bowels of the earth had spilt forth.

The Great Healers are too afraid to go to Sol Sanctum anymore.
They have nothing to fear. Their Psynergy should protect them.

The healers are supposed to guard Sol Sanctum. How can they not go in?

I can't stop wondering what lies beyond this fence.

Oh, it's Isaac, isn't it? Is Jenna back yet?
Promise me, Isaac... Promise me you'll bring Jenna with you next time.

Promise me, Isaac... Promise me you'll bring Jenna back home.

You didn't bring Jenna with you?

I still remember when Felix and I used to play here...*Sniff*

Felix must be protecting Jenna... I'm sure of it.

I was trying to catch that fish, and you killed it. Why did you do that?

So there were monstrous fishes in this river?

Hey! Where'd that Psynergy Stone go? It's gone!

All that's left is a big hole in my roof.
But the memory of the eruption won't go away, even once I've fixed it.

You must have so many memories of this cottage, don't you?

I thought so. You used to visit Kraden a lot, Isaac.

I understand. You don't have time to dwell on old memories...

Mt. Aleph's eruption was so powerful, it caused the continent to crack!

Aghh! I felt another one!

They've been going on for a while. I can't even sleep at night!

They say the danger is gone, even though the earthquakes continue...

I wonder why we haven't seen any travelers since the eruption...
Do you know why, Isaac?

Oh, the bridge to the south was ruined? That explains it.

You don't know either? It's not like we banned visitors after the eruption.

I have a feeling my adventures will begin once I pass this fence.

There are definitely monstrous fish in this river.

No ordinary fish could make a splash like that!
That would take a MONSTER FISH!

Aww.. I wish I could show that fish to everyone...
Then I could prove to everyone that I was right!

You mean it wasn't just monstrous, but was actually a monster?
Wow! That's incredible.

The impact from the eruption was too much for the people of Vale.

I wonder why I feel so lonely whenever I come here...
I wasn't even that close to Kraden...

The earthquakes aren't caused by eruptions.
I think they're from the continent splitting into two.

Ahh... I can't stand these earthquakes! I wish they'd stop!!!

The smoke from Mt. Aleph isn't thick at all. It looks okay now.

Having no travelers is no fun at all...

Return to Vault

Dialogue strings

You! You're the warriors who captured the thieves a while back, aren't you?
You've returned to Vault!

You've probably already heard, but the bridge to Kalay has been fixed.

I wonder what happened to Hammet when he went to Lunpa...

There have been rumors of thieves from Lunpa running wild,
but we haven't been paying them much mind.
I wonder why those guys have been so quiet recently.

Oh, it's you... I was just talking about you with our mayor.
You're all really strong, so I say, let those thieves attack!
They won't be able to get past you!

If the volcano stays calm and the southern bridge stays fixed,
we won't have any worries at all.

Hey, it's that warrior guy!

Yeah, and Ivan, too.

I'm so glad you came back to Vault!

I wish Vault's elders were as brave as you!

Oh, so did you guys check out the jail?

How did those thugs break out of jail?
The bars are really strong.

The thieves broke out of jail and got away.
After you guys went to all the trouble of capturing them...

The thieves escaped, but I think it's all right.
It's all part of a divine plan.

Bow wow wow wow!

I can't believe they're here! What great timing!

When those guys from Kalay came to fix the bridge,
they looked like they were worried about something.

Yeah, some warriors from Kalay came to Vault asking about Hammet.
Did Hammet get captured after all?

Once Dodonpa took over, Lunpa's outlaws became no better than thieves.
There's gotta be a reason those guys are being so quiet.

Those stupid thieves escaped, and we don't know where they are.
They hated these kids for capturing them. I wonder if they'd...

It would have been great to have everything solved before winter came.

Watching you guys makes me feel brave.
I hope you'll tell me all about your travels sometime.

Grown-ups always get so scared whenever anything happens.
I get so tired of that...

It's not like it's easy to grab the key to that jail.
They were able to get the key out, so they know the secret of the lock...
That must have been great!

I keep wondering... Was our statue stolen because my conduct was wrong?

If you bring me some bones, I'll tell you a secret.


Bow wow wow!

How did you know I wanted one of these?

Waah! A cat ate my precious stone!
That never should have happened, but it's true.

I thought I saw the cat get up on the table and paw that gemstone...
and then our beloved treasure was gone!

If I'd known this was going to happen, I would have sold it.

My husband says my cat ate the treasure, but I don't believe him.

The prisoners said they wanted to break out of jail before Colosso began.
Colosso... Isn't that the big festival in Tolbi?

Dodonpa's henchmen never attacked us, did they?
Maybe those thieves weren't from Lunpa after all.

Why do you suppose those thieves would be so interested in Colosso?

Daddy hasn't been paying attention, since Dodonpa's men never attacked us.

It's near time for Colosso to start in Tolbi, isn't it?
I'd like to go once more before I die.

The warriors I saw fighting at Colosso were so powerful...
I couldn't take my eyes off them.

Whenever my wife used to go to Tolbi for Colosso,
she would always check out the gladiators...
That's why I won't take her with me if I go again.

Lately, my husband's been going on and on about Colosso.
I wonder if he might take me this year...

Oh, Isaac! You've come back to Vault!

Ever since you left, all sorts of crazy things have been happening...

Those thieves you caught have escaped from jail.

We were worried that they might come after you. Have you run into them?

If you see any suspicious shadows, it might be them, so watch out.

Well, that's good... But be careful. There's no telling what they might do.

Those guys really wanted revenge on you, so take good care of yourselves.

The mayor's family urn is on display now. You ought to go see it.

Those thieves! You go to all that trouble catching them,
and then we let them get away.

I hear that a big festival is about to start in some faraway town.
I'd sure like to see what kind of festival it is sometime.

As long as we stay alert, those thieves won't give us any trouble.

We'll be securing it in a safe place soon, so I hope they see it soon.

It's just embarrassing that we let those thieves get away.

I love festivals! I'll bet Colosso is just incredible.

There's a river of fire on the other side of Mt. Aleph.
Something big is happening.

Just imagine how terrible it would be if that had happened over here!

They say the volcano on Mt. Aleph has torn our continent in two!
The eruption of Mt. Aleph was incredible, big enough to split the continent.

It's a good thing that giant crevasse opened up, though.
Otherwise, the lava flow would have spilled directly into us!

We haven't been getting many customers lately.
Maybe I'll close early today.

Why keep the store open if we don't have any customers?

I may be wrong, but lately, there seem to be a lot of earthquakes on Mt. Aleph.

I polished the gold statue you returned to us.
It's so shiny, you won't even recognize it!

I hope the earthquakes aren't a sign of something worse coming...

That dirty golden statue cleaned up pretty well. Sure makes me feel good.

Mmmm. Nothing to do, nothing to do. I hate this!
It's all because no one's coming to the village, what with the volcano and all.

We don't get a lot of travelers in winter.
Spring seems like such a long way off, you know?

I did some cooking, so now I've got all these useless bones. ...You want some?

Oh, you do? Really? Help yourself, take as many as you like.

You're right. You can't just live on bones, now can you?

There, you see? The roof repairs are all finished.

Won't anyone come stay the night here? It could be a thief, for all I care.

After you've been in this business for a while, you start to understand...
After hard times, good times will come again.

He really likes bones. Hmm... I wonder if he's got a calcium deficiency.

That's the last of the roof repairs. What should I do next?

I hit somebody, so they put me in here. What I did was stupid, wasn't it?

I need to learn to control my temper.

Karagol Sea

Dialogue strings

Do you want to go to Tolbi?

You can't go any further along Silk Road.
If you're going to Tolbi, you have to cross the Karagol Sea.

I see. Well then, how about taking a long look around the ship?

We can't take Silk Road, so everyone's in a pickle.
It's too expensive to get a ticket on a ship.

You can't take Silk Road much further than this.
Everyone who goes to check gives up and comes back.

Are you going to take the ship?

When you reach Tolbi, please pass a message to my daughter.
Her mother says that tickets are too expensive and she can't go there.

Is that so? Well, then I guess I'll ask someone else then.

With Silk Road closed, everyone will have to cross by ship.
The captain stands to make a lot of money.

I can't believe how expensive tickets are.
We've come this far, and we can't take Silk Road.
Well, it's too late for us to turn back.

Well, isn't this great! We can't take Silk Road, and Colosso is starting!
My daughter left Tolbi to meet us at the docks. I'm really sad about this.

We've spent a year planning this trip, and now this happens.

Are you looking for tickets for boarding?

Please buy a ticket if you're planning to travel by ship.

Let's see...there are four of you, so it will cost [number] coins. Okay?

You're not going to do it? If you don't get onboard, you can't get to Tolbi.

Uh oh... You don't have enough money. I can't sell you a ticket.

Uh oh... You've got too much equipment—I can't give you your ticket.
Please come back after you've organized your equipment.

All right then, please take your ticket.

Hand in your ticket at the ship's plank.

Hmmm, that's strange. Isn't the replacement ship here yet?

Once we've crossed the Karagol, we'll reach Tolbi. Ohh, I'm excited.

I feel sort of bad that I have to charge so much for these tickets.

If you've already bought your ticket, hurry up and board the ship.

The ship won't leave here till the next ship arrives. That's how it works.
I doubt that we'll set sail before the other one gets here.

Let's get going! I'm not getting any younger...
Or is my husband thinking of giving up on Colosso this year?

Today there are supposed to be lots of tourists on the ship.
We're not going to check the tickets until the tour group gets here.

The ship will be open until the tourists arrive. Feel free to look around.

The captain's in a good mood today because we have so many passengers.

The captain's in a good mood. That's why he opened the ship up.
Everything's going great.

Tickets, please. Please show your tickets.

You can't board the ship without a ticket.
Please go and purchase a ticket.

Thank you very much. Please board the ship, and we'll set sail soon.

After handing over your ticket, you may board the ship.

We will be setting sail shortly; please wait on board.

If you have tickets, please give them to him and board the ship.

I don't know when we're going to set sail. Please ask the captain.

Silk Road is blocked, so the ship is pretty full today.

The replacement ship hasn't arrived, so we still can't set sail.

Please board the ship and wait to set sail.

Do you want to go ashore?

Please pass through.

We'll be setting sail soon, so please board the ship.

When you're finished out here, please board the ship.

There are a lot of passengers... I wonder if we'll be able to set sail.
Really, it makes me wonder.

The replacement ship from Tolbi should have been here by now...
Do you think something happened while they were crossing the Karagol?

I wonder what could have happened.

You mean you still intend to cross this dangerous sea?

It would be too big a loss to let so many passengers get away...

Say, Kaja, how are the oarsmen doing?

They're fearless. There's no problem there.
It's just that...

"It's just that"...what?

If a whole bunch of...them appear while we're crossing the sea,
I won't be able to handle them alone.

I'm sorry, but you'll have to. I can't let anyone else fight but you, Kaja.

Remember, the oarsmen will have their hands full rowing. They can't fight.

Hmmm. What to do...

It's too late to hire mercenaries now... There's no time.

But we can't send the ship out without hiring some warriors.

I wonder if there are any other reliable warriors around.

This is a chance to make some money. It'd really be a waste to pass it up.

Sending out a ship when it's this dangerous... It's like setting out to die.

If we don't set sail now, you would be admitting you were afraid, Kaja...
That won't happen. I won't let that happen.

I told you, we're leaving soon.
We'll set sail when our replacement arrives!

If we don't leave soon, Colosso will start without us!
Will you accept full responsibility for being late to Colosso?

I wonder what's going on. We've been waiting an awfully long time.

I wonder if I'm the only one here who's going to Tolbi to see Colosso...

The Karagol is like a humongous lake, surrounded by land.
So there are no waves, but the water is salty, just like a real ocean.

"When are we going? When are we going?" This guy's really pushy.

Hmmm. This is so frustrating...
Why won't anyone tell me what's going on?

Traveling by ship is faster than walking; there's no need to rush.

Most of the people going to Colosso set out a long time ago.

The Karagol Sea is pretty foggy today. Maybe that's why I'm so uneasy.

There's nothing we can do... Let's set sail!

Wha-What are you talking about!
If we set sail now, we'll never make it to Tolbi.

We'll be fine... We have a protective amulet!

Amulet... Amulet, you say... You mean that little anchor charm?

The little anchor has always protected us from danger.

Captain, get ahold of yourself! That's just foolish superstition!

It's okay. We'll be fine. Even if we can't find any mercenaries,
that little charm will protect us.

Now then, let's hurry up! Prepare to set sail!

This is great... We'll be setting sail soon!

(Not if I have anything to say about it.)

We apologize for any trouble that this delay has caused.
Please relax and enjoy the trip. We will be setting sail very shortly.

If it were a legitimate ship, we'd be leaving now.
Who knows when we'll reach Tolbi now...

There is nothing to fear as long as we have our anchor charm.
Are we still getting ready to set sail?

There are monsters out there... If we don't prepare, we're doomed!
Curses! If only we had some powerful warriors...

The longer we sit here, the more time we have to think.
I wonder what happened... with our participation in Colosso.

Apparently, we can't take Silk Road like we'd planned.
So I guess we're the only passengers who could afford the tickets.

There's a whole bunch of really muscular men on the floor below.
Those people are rowing the oars so the ship moves, right?

You're going to Tolbi to see Colosso, too, right?
Once you've seen Colosso, you won't want to go to a regular festival.

Maybe I should just forget about going...

They're just taking advantage of us,
selling those tickets for so much money.

Muscles rippling everywhere... looks great!
If we go to Colosso, there'll be more guys built like that, right?

We left the old lady back home. Now we can take our time at Colosso.

If we aren't going to set sail right away, I'm going to go ashore!

Yeah, but...we're going to set sail real soon, so please be patient.

When is "real soon"?

I'm asking how long real soon is going to be!

You're wondering when... Well...

We're planning to go see Colosso.

You know, my friend Ouranos here is scared of ships.

Ouranos? But he's huge!

It's not that I'm scared. I just can't stand water...

I'd rather be bitten by poisonous spiders than sail across the sea.

Hmmm. Spiders, huh?

And even Ouranos is ready to cross the sea right now.

Well, if we're not going now, then when are we going to set sail?

That's...not an easy question.

You mean you wouldn't know even if I asked?

We're going, Ouranos.

Going? Where?

Where else? To the captain's quarters, of course.

What do you think you're going to do in the captain's quarters?

Make him set sail.

And what if he refuses?

In that case, we'll just have to do our best to persuade him...
Right, Ouranos?

That sounds crazy!

That sounds great! Count me in.

I don't want any violence!

Somebody stop them...

They can't be planning a mutiny...

Those warriors got tired of waiting, so they went to see the captain.

I wonder if those two are planning on taking over the ship.

Ha hah! Those mercenaries are going to yell at the captain for us!

Using force to launch the ship? That's going too far...

They were just about to launch the ship when... They're awful.

Those thugs are too impatient... Trying to launch the ship by force.

Hee hee. If we can get moving, I don't care what it takes. I say, go for it!

Those guys seem pretty sure of their fighting skills. They can do it.

We can leave as soon as we get our orders.

Everyone rows in time with this drum.

Rowing is a man's job!

We're the ones who make the ship move.

Once we cast off, you just leave the rest to us.

You can only do hard work like this while you're young.

Hmmm. I wonder when we're going to launch...

I can't wait until we get to Tolbi and I can stretch my wings.

I hear there's an isle in the middle of the Karagol, but I've never seen it.

From the sea, it looks like Silk Road is totally flooded.

Enough is enough! Let's set off!

I love it when the oars move in rhythm to my drum.

Everyone down here gets so competitive.

These big muscles are a sign that we're oarsmen.

We'll see to it that they all have a pleasant voyage!

You've got to save up lots of cash before you get too old to row...

I don't feel like rowing all the way to the coast of Tolbi today.
I wonder if this is what a bad premonition feels like.

Spend your money while you're young enough to enjoy it!
That's the manly thing to do.

It seems like there would be buried treasure... It's that kind of island.

Ha hah! If you want to go to Tolbi, get on the ship!

I didn't do anything...

Really, I mean it...

Oh! At the risk of sounding repetitive, I didn't do anything!

I hid the anchor charm...
No one would ever look on top of the mast.

Now what? You want to see the captain too?

Well, you don't have any business here then. Off with you now!

You're trying to launch the ship?

We can't set sail in this dangerous sea!

What was that?

We don't care about that!
We paid our money, and now you have to launch the ship!

But the captain decided to set sail just a second ago.

So...we're taking off?

Yes. Preparations are being made right now.

Well...maybe we were a bit rash, running up here like that.

Please, launch the ship when you're ready.


Dangerous sea... That's what you said, isn't it?

It's dangerous out there... Is that why you wouldn't launch the ship?

Yeah, I did... The sea is dangerous now. There are monsters...

Monsters, you say?

Lately, we've been sighting creatures never before seen in the Karagol.

Dangerous ones?

Actually, some even came onboard the ship and attacked the crew.

That IS dangerous!

We suspect that our replacement ship might have been attacked.

With such dangerous creatures around... You might need warriors!

It is certainly dangerous, but the ship is okay. After all, we—

If there are monsters, I'll be glad to help out.

Oh, really?

Hey, Ouranos, I thought—

We have to make it to Colosso... If we're late, we can't enter.

That's true, but...

Hey, maybe you can give us a hand, too, Sean!


Are you really going to help out?

I'm a man of my word. If I said I'll help, I'll help.

With you guys helping me to keep the deck safe, the ship should be okay.

So, can we set off now?

No... Now, we need someone to protect the oarsmen...

Protect the oarsmen, huh?
You guys need some warriors...

You have an idea?

I saw some warriors in among the passengers belowdecks.

Do you think they'd help us out?

If they're from Angara, they will.

Hmmm... If they could help out, we'd be unbeatable.
And, of course, we still have my lucky anchor...

It's gone...

It's vanished!

What!? The captain's beloved anchor!

The anchor... Our good luck charm?

Oh, that? What's the big deal? So what if that old trinket's gone.

What do you mean, "Oh, that"!?

That anchor's been keeping my ship safe for years!

It's just decorative, right?

Even if we find some warriors, we won't make it without that anchor.
We're not leaving!

But you just said we were leaving...

That was when I thought we still had the anchor!

Why all the fuss over a little trinket?

"Little trinket"!? Weren't you listening to what he said?

It's not just a decoration! It's a good luck charm!

This ship doesn't leave until we find it.

(What's the problem? We've got some warriors to help us...)

(Maybe we shouldn't have taken it.)

Hey! Hey, you! What are you doing here?

You heard the captain—This ship goes nowhere!!

Oh, of all the bad luck...losing my lucky charm!
This ship can't leave until we find it!

Right when we found some warriors to protect the ship... Great...

I can't believe him... Refusing to leave because of one charm?

I had no idea he was so superstitious.
I thought he was joking...

You came to ask the captain to set sail, right?

If we had worked together, we'd be out at sea right now.
But it's too late now... Because of that charm, we're not going anywhere.

Heh heh... In that case, why don't you take a tour of the ship?
I may need a hand from you later. I hope you'll help me out.

If the ship from Tolbi had come, I'd feel differently,
but at this point, I'm not setting sail!
Hmmm... I wonder where that anchor charm went.

The ship won't leave dock until we find that anchor charm.
Maybe we should forget about setting off.

This is ridiculous... The ship can't set sail because of a good luck charm?

That thing couldn't have gotten lost on its own... Did somebody hide it?

I don't think anyone would steal that charm... I bet we find it right away.

If the ship doesn't leave soon, we might miss Colosso.

I waited too long... I'll get in trouble if I don't come clean.
I have to confess that I hid it on top of the mast.

Hey! It's my lucky anchor!

Well, look at that! Did you find our charm for us?

It was atop the mast? Why there, of all places?

I... I don't know what to say... Thank you. Now, we can set sail.

You climbed up the mast to see the Crow's Nest, and there it was?
How on earth did it get up there?

Thank you so much! Now, I can finally launch this ship.

Boy, that's a relief! Now we can set sail. Right, Captain?

Mmm, not just yet...

Not yet? What's the problem this time?

The Karagol Sea is thick with monsters...

But you don't...

Well, it's just like Sean said. The best we can do is protect the deck.

We need someone to protect the oarsmen.

Sean, you look like you have someone in mind to help us...


Someone to help? Who?

Those warriors, that's who!

They may look young, but each of them is a force to be reckoned with.

When you put it that way, sure. Why not?

I can't argue with that...

How about it? You want to join forces with us and help out the ship?

You lack confidence, but Sean has a lot of faith in you.

With you at our side, we'll be fine. I'm sure you can protect the ship.

If you want to reach Tolbi, you'll give us a hand so we can set sail.

So, you'll help us? That means we can finally set sail.

Oh, good! That means the ship is taking off!

There's just one thing left to do...

Oh, no... Now what?

I need some volunteers to help with the rowing... just in case.

What? Are you going to ask the passengers to help row the ship?

The ship won't move without oarsmen, so...

Don't worry—we'll do that, too!

Wa-Wait a minute... You're supposed to protect the ship!

We'll need to ask the other passengers.

These passengers are part of your tour, so why don't you go ask them?

This is crazy...

We need you to help out. Even with the crazy stuff.

Well then, let's all go to our stations while we wait for the launch.

Come to think of it, I don't know your name. You want to tell me?

Ah, Isaac. Well then, Isaac,
I'm looking forward to working with you.

Well, I'll need to call you something. Hmm... You look like Isaac.

Well then, Isaac...

Well, everybody, let's get this ship to sea!

We don't know what might happen before we arrive. Be ready for anything.

As long as we have the anchor charm, we have nothing to fear!

Now that we have you to protect the ship, we ought to be leaving soon.
But I think it might be tough to get the other passengers to row...

We'll have to make them promise to help row before we can set sail.
Hopefully, it won't come to that, though.

If we just promise to help row, the ship will set sail, right?
It's pretty easy to make a promise.

I'll agree to anything, even rowing the ship,
if it means we'll finally leave the dock!

That sea dog Kaja is a little scary, so everyone agreed to help row.
But fighting up here suits me better than rowing down below!

Are you serious about setting sail?
I heard a sailor say he'd seen the shadows of monsters in the water.
Isn't this going to be a little dangerous?

It probably won't make any difference if I make them promise to row...
I just hope we don't have to refund their money at the end of the trip.

Ultimately, they're just being threatened into helping, right?
No matter what happens, I won't force the passengers to work.

Besides, rowing is a man's job... Leave me out of it.

Us? Help with the rowing? Get serious!
There's no way we'd ever do such hard work.

You all agreed to help of your own accord.
That's why I'd like your total cooperation when the time comes!

These proud warriors are not going to like being told to row.

What do you think? You guys wanna trade jobs?

You look so scary... You say you want to trade, but it's not that easy.

I see. Sure, why don't you take over the rowing.

I figured you'd say that. Fine. Rowing is fine with me.

All that money on tickets, and now we have to row the ship? Madness!

Are you going to row?

Hmmm. So, you have to row, even though you're a fighter, huh?

Oh. Helping to protect the ship suits you better, doesn't it?
Oh well, it doesn't matter. It's not going to happen.

I never thought I'd get to be this age and end up having to row a boat!

If something happens to our oarsmen, we'll need the help.
If that happens, we'll help out as warriors.

Do they honestly think I'm going to help row the ship?

I'm sure it'd be easier to protect the ship than it would be to row.

Well, shoot! Maybe we should have just stayed in Kalay.

Asking the passengers to help out with the rowing...
This trip is going to be plagued with problems.

O, Master of the Sea, protect this ship...

I'll watch the seas. You guys help Kaja and his crew with any monsters.

Yow! Those guys keep staring at me...
I wonder if they figured out I was the one who hid the anchor.

So, some oarsmen were injured, huh?
No, no, I'm the lookout. You need to ask someone else.

The lookout? But the sea is so vast, how can you spot anything?

Our replacement never arrived, but we're shoving off just the same.

What about the sea monsters? Who's going to be protecting the ship?

That'll be me, Ouranos, and Sean on deck, and...

Isaac and his friends protecting you down here.

Can we really depend on them?

Isaac and his friends have seen more combat than even I have,
so there's nothing to worry about.

If you say so, Kaja. We trust your judgment.

And what will you do if any of you becomes incapacitated?

We're not sure... What happens then??

Another passenger will help row the ship.

Don't worry about it! I had a word with the passengers.

Who will go and give the order when the time comes?

Hmmm. Good point...

You should select a replacement and bring him here.

Rowing requires teamwork.
Be sure to balance the two teams.

That's right. If we're not balanced, we won't make much progress.

Right. You have your orders.

I trust you'll all do your best.

Preparations... Ready!

Ship's course... Clear!

All right. Cast off!

Row those oars!

All right, we're off!


Monsters sighted!


Aye, Captain! Sea monsters!

Captain, turn the rudder hard to starboard!

All right, I'm turning!

It's no use. It's too late!


Monsters belowdecks!

Isaac! Take care of these beasts and save my mates!

Where are you going, Isaac? Slay the beasts and save my mates!


Monsters from the deep are attacking, just as the captain feared!

Curse those beasts! They got one of our oarsmen!

We oarsmen may be strong, but we're no match for sea monsters!

Fighting off the monsters is your job. Hurry up and take care of 'em!

Foul beast! I may be trembling...
But I'm trembling with anticipation! Go get 'em, Isaac!

If I weren't so tired, I'd beat down those monsters without breaking a sweat!

Curses! I want to smack that monster with my oar.
...But if my oar breaks, I won't be able to row...

Who is that thing going to grab next?

If you don't do a better job protecting us, there won't be any oarsmen left!

Why aren't you doing anything to stop that monster?

If we lose any more oarsmen, it will slow the ship.

We don't even know if attacking the beasts will do any good.

If the sea monsters get us, we won't be able to keep rowing.

I'm scared. Those sea monsters are terrifying. Mommy!

Fighting sea monsters is for warriors. I want nothing to do with it!

The sea monsters are so tough, a blow from an oar wouldn't leave a mark.

I don't care who else the monster gets... Just save me!

Please! Just stay here and protect me!

We're surrounded by danger on all sides, but they still make us row!
Please! Finish these vile beasts off!

Ahhhh! Sea monsters! Real, live sea monsters!
I thought I'd seen every type of monster there is, but this one's new to me!

Wha—Hey, you! This is no time to start a conversation!

Aah! I have to row this ship because of you!
And now a sea monster is going to eat me!

H-Hey, Isaac, shouldn't you be moving a bit faster?

Yaaahhh! I-I'm not afraid of monsters one bit!
But I'm just an oarsman, now, not a warrior!

The oarsmen are in dire straights! Stomp and kick those monsters!

I-I can't do this! Fighting off sea monsters isn't in my job description!

I don't care what happens now. I just want to quit rowing.

Sea monsters are terribly ferocious!

If I were a warrior, I wouldn't let a monster like this take over!

I wonder if this warrior has enough confidence to defeat a monster.

We're sure in a fix. Say, you're going to row next, aren't you?

I'm so out of my wits, I don't even know how frightened I am.

These sea monsters look awfully strong!
I'd rather be an oarsman than have to fight them!

Please, oh please, let me make it out of this alive!

Why did sea monsters have to appear just when I get on board?

I'd rather be eaten by a sea monster than have to row this ship.

Hey, are you OK?

Looks like you took care of those sea monsters.

We're missing an oarsman!

Oh no! He's unconscious!

It looks like the sea monsters got one of our rowers...

There's no way around it...
Isaac, go ask one of the passengers to row, OK?

Hop to it!

Look, I know you don't want to have to do this, but you promised...

Now, bring a passenger who can help row.

You must feel awfully important, ordering people around like this!
I have a job to do. I can't row!

Nooooo! You're not going to make me row, are you?

I've never done much physical labor, but if I must, then I guess I must.

I'm just a businessman. I'm not strong enough to be of any use.

You... You must be joking. You want me to row?

You jerk! What do you have against me?

Ye-Yeah. Besides, a spatula suits me better than an oar.

Don't tell me you're going to ask a lady to row?

What? I don't believe this. You're evil! A monster! I won't forget this!

You startled me, sir. Don't frighten me like that!

What? Ohhhh, noooo... Are you going to make me row?

Huh? You DO want me to row?
Okay, okay. I'm going already. But I'm not gonna forget this! You...

What? You're not going to pick me? You really are a nice guy!

Ha ha ha. Rowing, right? Feel free to choose whomever you like.

What? Me? You must be joking! Really?

Awwwww! Oh, this is just too much to handle.

Phew! Don't frighten me like that!

Hey! You're not thinking of making me an oarsman, are you?

Grrr... I can't believe this guy is actually choosing me.
Assigning such menial work to a proud person like me is going too far!

Heh-heh! Not picking me is a smart choice, buddy.

What? Me? An oarsman? Give me a break! Seriously?

Oh, you are serious... Fine! I'll do it...

Hahhh... You scared me so bad, my heart nearly stopped!

That poor oarsman. I feel so sorry for him.
What? You want me to take his place?

How can you ask a young lady to take his place? It's not fair!!!

That's right... You can't ask a proper lady to do such a filthy job!

Out of all these people, you're asking a frail old man like me to row?

You'll regret this when I collapse from exhaustion or something!

Th... That's right... Nobody would ever choose me.

An oarsman was injured by a sea monster?
I'm just glad I'm not the one who has to take his place!

Nobody would choose me... After all, I'm the tour group's guide!

Hey! Looks like they need someone to help row... Don't look over here!

Rowing is a tough job, isn't it? It's not for me!

Hey! This guy's been staring at me the whole trip... Maybe he likes me.

Oh! Oh, no! He's not coming to ask me to row, is he?

Please, please... I'm begging! Just don't let him choose me.

What's with you!? Go bother the men, why don't you? Tsk!

Why am I getting so worked up over this?
There's no way he'd choose a decrepit old man like me, is there?

We had enough trouble just getting passengers!
It's not like we have extra oarsmen.

Looks like you've been chosen to help row, doesn't it?
So, get on with the rowing!

Ha ha ha! Chosen to be an oarsman, huh?

So you finally picked someone, didn't you? Show your stuff!

It gives me chills to think that could have been me.

Hey, Isaac. You've got a good eye!

That's who you picked to be an oarsman?
Good choice! ...Looks very...oarsmanly.

If you've chosen an oarsman, let's get to rowing!

You've been chosen as an oarsman? Aye, now that's an honor!

Ho ho! Is that person going to get us to Tolbi?

You make me nervous just standing there, looking for oarsmen.

I've been in a cold sweat thinking they were going to choose me!

Oh, this poor sap looks sad enough to break out in tears right here!

Oh, no. No... When our eyes met, I knew that was it.

It's only natural that I not be chosen.

I snuck by this time... But what about next time?

Wow... This warrior isn't gonna let anyone off easy! I'm glad it's not me.

You can just move right along with that person.

Careful now, watch out... Don't make eye contact. Turn the other way.

It looks like another oarsman was injured...
We have to pick a replacement from among the passengers.

I feel sorry for the oarsmen who were injured.
Let's see to it that no one else gets hurt, OK, Isaac?

An oarsman was injured?

There's no time to worry. We must escape the waters of the Karagol!

We have no idea when those sea monsters might attack again.
Curses! I won't let them have their way with us any longer!

Uhnnn. When I look at the water, I feel sick.
I wonder how long I can fight in this condition...

We knew the risks when we set out...
But it always hurts to see a crewman get injured.

Isaac, you're back.

Hey! Where's the replacement for our injured oarsman?

What? You didn't choose an oarsman?

This ship won't go anywhere without enough oarsmen!

I'm sorry, but you're going to have to choose someone!

Isaac, you're back! And you brought an oarsman with you!

Well, you're going to have to row for us.

All right. Take your place.

Now, we'll need you to protect this area again, Isaac.

If we don't leave soon...

I wonder what's wrong... The ship shouldn't be rocking this badly.


Isaac, up on deck!

Isaac, there's a huge sea monster on the ship!

If we don't do something... we'll sink! You have to help us!

If this ship sinks, everything we've done will mean nothing...
Let's go bag us some sea monsters.

Imagine the size of that beast!
Is it even possible to slay such a thing?

How can these sea monsters keep coming one after the other.

Judging from Kaja's reaction, it must be a fearsome beast...

Kaja wouldn't ask for help unless it was serious.

The whole ship is rocking! That monster must be gigantic!

We're okay. With you here, we can handle anything.

If the ship sinks, we're finished.

That thing has Kaja and his men worried. It's going to be a tough fight.

Monsters everywhere, and I'm stuck rowing... I should have stayed home!

The ship is starting to list... If we don't do something, she'll sink!

How many monsters are out there?

Another monster? This isn't the first-class passage I paid for!

Owww! My hands are raw from rowing.

Why is he down here? Shouldn't he be fighting the monsters on deck?

What the...? How many monsters does this make?

What kind of monster is rocking this ship? I really want to go take a look...

We're running low on oarsmen, and I'm getting nervous.

I'm taking a little break until they've defeated the sea monsters.

Good thing we have some strong fighters on this ship.

I wonder if the monster is big enough to sink the ship.

I don't care what it takes, just hurry up and slay that beast!

If those monsters come back...go teach 'em another lesson!

The boat's rocking so much. I'm certain we're doomed!

I had no idea there were so many monsters out at sea...

We're surrounded by monsters, and still there's no sign of land!

I wonder if they'll make us row again once they've taken care of that beast.

Thank you, Isaac. You did good against that Kraken.

We lost another oarsman, though.

I need to check the hull. Go find someone to row the ship.

Land ho!

Hey, I can see land!

It looks like we made it!

We made it? Finally! We're lucky to be alive after all those attacks!

The other passengers have already disembarked... Didn't even say good-bye.

We don't have to row anymore? Oh, what a relief!

Ohhh! I haven't had a workout like that in years!

Rowing the ship was more fun than I expected! I'm pretty buff now!

I totally lost out... An ocean cruise, and I didn't get to enjoy the view!

You make an old man row the ship, then you try to beat him onshore?
That's pretty pathetic.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Your efforts got this ship to shore.

I thank you again.

Hurry, everyone! Colosso is already underway in Tolbi!

You'd better get moving to Tolbi, too.

I don't think anyone will be crossing the Karagol for a while...
The oarsmen won't work for us anymore.

You folks really fought well.

A lot of oarsmen were injured on this voyage.
Nobody's going to want to row until things calm down in the Karagol Sea.

Are we safe? It's all because you defeated those monsters!

I've been an oarsman all my life, but this last job was the worst ever!

You go on ahead. Just when it looked like everything was all right,
my back went out, and now I can't move.

We can't find anyone to replace our old oarsmen.

I'm just glad the Kraken didn't hurt me.

Sure, the pay's good, but it doesn't mean a thing if you get hurt on the job.

Isaac and his pals we're so daring, fighting back there.

I feel better now. I was just so scared when I was rowing.

I'm in no rush, anyway... This might be the last time I get on a ship.

You lookin' for Sean and Ouranos? They left for Tolbi with that tour.
I figure they're headed for Colosso.

Are you headed for Colosso, too?

I thought so. Most people coming at this time of year usually are.
There was this group of six we ferried across a while back.
Now they were strange.

You came all this way, and you're not going to Colosso?
That old guy's group, those six weirdos, and now you...
You guys are strange!

This group that came on our last voyage pulled some strange stunts.
Actually, I was sorta spying on them.

I want Sean and Ouranos to do well at Colosso this year,
but they don't stand a chance if Isaac enters the contest.

I'm just going to hang out in Tolbi and enjoy myself for a while.

I wonder what happened to that strange group that went on to Tolbi.

When the waters are this dangerous, you just can't take to the seas.
I think I'll check out Colosso while we think about what to do next.

See? Our ship survived an attack and crossed the sea safely.
It just proves how effective that lucky anchor really is!

I hear you had a scary trip. You even got attacked by a monster!

I wonder why the sea is so dangerous all of a sudden...

And you fought off all those monsters alone? ...No way!
Everyone knows that Kaja was the one who killed the Kraken!

Sigh... I think we're done sailing for a while.
We've already lost one ship... What else can we do?

I guess we won't be seeing anyone back home in Angara for a while.

I think that missing ship must have run into the Kraken...

I'm sorry, but we just can't sell any tickets right now.
The sea is too dangerous, so we've had to cancel all crossings.

We rented out our house for Colosso, and now the ship's not launching!
If the ship isn't crossing, we can't take our trip!

We rented out our house. If the ship won't sail, where will we sleep?

Sigh. We could have made lots of money on those tickets. Bad luck, I guess.

Maybe we'll stay here until the ship leaves.

Are we supposed to sleep on the floor until they set sail again?

The tourists look a little upset. Did they get seasick?

The sea was calm, but that monster sure gave them a rough ride.

The ship was attacked by monsters? It came within inches of sinking? Wow!

Silk Road was blocked, so I thought my parents might come by ship.
I don't see them anywhere, though...

What's that? You have a message for me from my parents?

Oh, they couldn't make it because the tickets were too expensive?
Thank you for letting me know!

Oh... I hope nothing awful's happened to them...

Thank you for giving me the message from my parents.

If you're going to Tolbi, keep heading west. It's not too far.

It's been quite some time since the Colosso Tour passengers left for Tolbi.

After seeing the looks on the passengers' faces,
I don't feel like waiting for my ship anymore.

It was a hard crossing... Very risky. I'm glad they didn't come...

I get the feeling that it will be a long time before the next sea crossing.

You crossed the sea just for Colosso? ...That was a big undertaking!

Hmm... So we've finally reached Tolbi, huh?

Umm... No.
That doesn't look like Tolbi's coast.

We must be off course. I don't recognize this place.

You're right... That looks like an island.

Hmm... Maybe we should stop for a minute.

We need time to check the ship's position...
Let's head for that island and get our bearings.

We've reached the island! Rowers, rest those weary arms!

Island? Isn't this Tolbi?

What do you mean, island? Aren't we in Tolbi?

Uh... Tolbi's not an island, is it?

The ship went off course, and we're... Well, we're not sure where we are.
We've come to this island so we can get our bearings.

Raise your oars and rest for a little while.

I'm going to check on the other passengers.

If the ship isn't going anywhere, I'm not waiting down here.
Let's take a break out front.

If I'm not rowing, I ain't staying here.
I'm gonna go take my break out front.

As long as we're stopping, I don't have to stay in here.
It's time for my break.

I've been sailing for many years, and I've never seen this island!

Wow! I have a blister on my drumming hand...

I wonder if it's okay to leave the ship here...

Stopping again and again like this is harder than rowing all day long.

Let's see, islands in the Karagol Sea... Hmmm...just thinking.

When we're rowing, we can just sit and space out, but...
It makes me nervous, just sitting here and not rowing.

It's crazy to have inexperienced passengers rowing the ship.

It was hard for me all the way across the sea.

I sure hope another monster doesn't attack...

Looks like I'm going to have sore muscles for the first time in a while...

Could this be that island that's rumored to have buried treasure?
Even if it is, I'm too scared of monsters to leave the ship.

Maybe it's time for me to retire...

You can't go onto the island! It's too dangerous!
What if there are monsters?

But there were monsters at sea, so shouldn't it be safer on land?

We've been cooped up on that ship too long.
We're near land, so let us stretch our legs!

There could be monsters here, so leaving the ship might be dangerous.

The ship keeps shaking... She can't take much more!
I want to plant my feet firmly on land!

Why should we have to wait on this tiny boat?

If there are monsters, I'm not going anywhere.

I don't hear the passengers screaming to get off the boat.

I don't feel so well.. Don't talk to me...

I hate arguing...

What to do... I'm worried about the passenger's safety,

but why should we stay onboard when there's land right in front of us?

I'm sick of this ship... I'm going ashore.

Land monsters, I can handle; sea monsters are all slimy and icky...

I've been wobbling on this boat for so long I can hardly stand!

Go ahead, try and stop me! I'm going ashore!!!

Just don't make me face that disgusting Kraken again...

So...anyone know if there are any monsters out there?

Ohh, that's creepy...

In a perfect world, there wouldn't be any monsters waiting to pounce on me...

Isaac, don't talk like that. Shouldn't we listen to them?

Kaja and the captain are professionals.
We ought to trust them and wait, like they said.

Isaac, you talked to the passengers, didn't you?
The tour group is arguing about whether they should leave the ship.

We'd like to go ashore and see if it's safe out there...
But we promised we'd protect the ship.

...That's it! Isaac!
Can you go check out the island and see if there are any monsters?

The passengers all seem to be upset, so let's try to do as they ask.

That's right. We have to do something, or there'll be no resolving this.

It would be fun to explore the island! What do you say, Isaac?

I see, you're going to go for me, aren't you?
I'm sure no one will complain if we scout out the island.

There's no telling what kind of monsters are lurking on this island...
Be extremely careful!

We've done a good job of keeping the ship safe so far!
Isaac, you can leave everything to us while you're away.

I want to be a sailor like Kaja, reading the wind and the waves...

I give up! What are we supposed to do?

That's enough bickering...

This island gives me the creeps...

What we can do now is to protect this ship...

Be careful—there could be monsters anywhere around here.

You'd be surprised, the kinds of treasure you can find on islands like these.

We may have taken the wrong route, but we've made a lot of progress.

We're looking into the ship's position. It'll be a bit longer.

I'm really surprised that there is an island like this in the Karagol Sea.

The wind's direction and the high seas... We've got to be close to Tolbi.

How was it, Isaac? Did you explore the island thoroughly?

If we don't decide if we can go ashore, they'll never stop whining.
...I hate to ask you, but would you go exploring one more time?

Well... Did you see any monsters out there?

...I see. Then we can't let the tourists go ashore after all?

If there aren't any monsters, I guess we can let the tourists out!

The passengers are going stir crazy! They're out of control!
You're going to have to let the passengers go ashore.

There's no need for that.

We figured out the course to Tolbi.

Really? We can go?

Let's go to Tolbi before the sea gets any rougher.
Tell our tourists they can enjoy a nice, long break after we arrive.

It's too late... Nothing we can say will calm them down.

If we hurry, we can make it to Colosso in time.

I see! If we can get them to Colosso, they'll all be happy.

All right then, go and tell the tourists.

It's not much farther. I'll ask the oarsmen to work 'til the very end.

Sorry, everyone, but we need to switch the left and right teams!
We've strayed off course because the left team's timing is off.

One last push should get us there. Give it all you've got, people!

All right! Let's aim for Tolbi and set off one last time!

I'm spreading goodwill wherever I travel.

Even though I'm opposed to violence, I'm looking forward to Colosso.

The ship's crew is ready for anything, and I'll be right here for them.
Ask the others to do the rowing.

I can't row, but I am hoping for the ship's safe arrival.

The ship's crew is ready for anything, and I'll be right here for them.
Ask the others to do the rowing.

Is this cruel ordeal part of some plan fate has in store for me?

It is good that the ship has arrived safely.

We made it to Colosso in time... That's good.

The ship won't be leaving here... There are too many monsters at sea.
This ship isn't going anywhere for a while.

Ahhh. I'm bored... When are we going out to sea again?

The ship hasn't returned, so we couldn't set off even if we wanted to.

Oh ho ho! Without a ship, we can't do any business...

I'm glad I only work on the docks...but I am worried about the others.

I wonder if monsters got everyone.

Incredible! So this is the ocean Kraden was talking about!

The Karagol is surrounded by land, so technically, it's not a real ocean.
A true ocean is totally open.

What? But this looks just the way Kraden described it!

Someday, I want to see a real ocean, Isaac!