Golden Sun/String Dump (Part 3)

From Golden Sun Universe

This reference page features cleaned-up versions of most of Golden Sun's in-game text strings that are expressed as dialogue.

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Fuchin Temple

Dialogue strings

How did you get here? Is the bridge open again?

Really?! Then I can go home to Kolima now?
I thought I'd never go home, what with the cursed forest and all!

Oh... Then you came through the forest? That's too bad.

I beginning to think I'll be stuck in Fuchin Temple until I die.

Did you know that the forest up ahead used to be a vast prairie?

They say the prairie became a vast forest overnight.
Nyunpa is the only person who can pass through the forest now...
Even Nyunpa doesn't know why the prairie turned into a forest.

You don't believe me, do you? Well, it's the truth.
You see, these gems fell from the sky, and the next day,
there was a forest where the prairie used to be.

Om... Om... Blue lights in the north... Terrifying!!!
A rain of broken stars... A forest suddenly grows... All omens...

Gems from the sky, blue lights in the north... All omens of disaster!
They match legends of destruction described in our oldest scrolls.

Nyunpa has not eaten in days... He is going to waste away to nothing.

Isn't it noble of him to try to save the world by becoming enlightened?

However, I really do not want to see Nyunpa waste away.

Do you know what you mean when you say that?

Well, one may have many different opinions in this world, but...
I wish you could understand our beliefs.

To achieve enlightenment, one fasts to cleanse body and mind...
Freed from worldly concerns, one can focus the mind's powers.

I don't feel safe going home alone... I hope a monk will escort me.

Many stars fell from the sky, just as it says in the scrolls...
Is this truly a portent of the world's destruction?

There is no point in training if the world is to be destroyed.
Maybe it is better just to live happily.

I can't imagine fasting... It gets me depressed just thinking about it.

I will train to become a good monk.
Then, I will save the world, even if I must sacrifice myself.


Mmmm... Who is that? Who speaks to my mind?

Young master... Was that your voice I heard in my mind just now?

Speak no lies to me!

I knew it!

I knew it!

You follow them, do you not?

You speak lies... You are indeed following them!

I knew it!

But you must go through Mogall Forest, the endless woods.
The forest itself is a mystery, and its paths even more so...
No ordinary man can pass from one side to the other.

But perhaps I could, young master.

If you can endure the trials in the waterfall grotto, I will tell you.

Will you take the test?

Then I cannot tell you. Give up and go back from whence you came.

You must survive the test of the grotto before you can pass
through Mogall Forest. Will you take the test?

Do not worry. You will be permitted to enter the grotto.

Go now, Isaac!

Just remember, you are not the only ones who can read minds.

Speak to the monk standing beneath the falls.

You enjoy reading the minds of others, do you not?

If you overdo it, you will soon learn to despise the ability.

That is good. Enjoy reading the minds of others while you still can.

I have already heard of your test from Master Nyunpa. You may enter.

The test of Fuchin Falls is a difficult one. Do not enter until you are ready.

Can such young warriors endure the trial of the grotto?

Young master, did you complete the test?

Why, you have mastered the secrets of Fuchin Temple!?

But you must have...

Master Nyunpa is waiting for you...

Proceed to the temple.

Master Nyunpa is waiting for you... Proceed to the temple.

The warriors have mastered the secrets of Fuchin Temple.

Excellent, Isaac!

I am glad to see you master the secrets of Fuchin Temple!

We monks call the power you have obtained Ki.

You seem confused, Isaac.

This is called "force" by the western world, but it is really spiritual power.

You possess great wisdom for one so young, but I feel I must explain this.

It is called "force" by the western world, but it is really spiritual power.

I will teach you, as I promised. Use this power to go through the forest.

What would happen if you let loose this energy in the forest?

Ha ha! You are curious, no?

I can read minds, you know. You are curious, aren't you?

Monsters that wait in hiding would show themselves.
You would then try to defeat them, would you not?

Sometimes, you must let go of your belief that fighting solves problems...

Ha ha... That is right. There is no good in wanton destruction.

Monsters are cowardly. They will run once they know you can see them.

They are creatures of the woods... So they do not get lost there.

Use this energy to find the monsters, then follow them. It is that simple.

Now that I have passed my knowledge of Ki along...
I am without worries. Farewell, Isaac. Take care of yourself...

Master Nyunpa seems quite relieved.
Do not fail, young warriors.

We cannot sit idly by. We too must learn the secrets of Fuchin Temple.

The Fuchin Temple is a pleasant place. I feel at peace here.

Oh, Isaac! What took you so long? Master Nyunpa has become enlightened!
He no longer responds to our words...

Ahhh. Master Nyunpa... He has passed away...

Master Nyunpa has wasted away at last.

Now, he truly is beyond the world's concerns. Is he watching over us?

I believed that once. But now, I am no longer so sure.

Yes... This seems very wrong.
The world has lost something great, now that Nyunpa is gone...

Gems falling from the sky, mountains erupting, oceans raging...
Fuchin Temple is the only haven left for me in such a frightful world.

I knew Master Nyunpa was fasting to save the world...
even if it meant his own death... But I am saddened that he is gone...

Master Nyunpa reached enlightenment during his lifetime. Amazing...

Master Nyunpa is nothing but skin and bones... like a dried fish!

He can't leave us yet... He still has so much to teach us!


Isaac... Is that you...? I am...counting on you...
to bring peace... to the world...

You don't have to try so hard. You are curious, are you not?

The dragon's flame illuminates the path of truth in darkness.

The secret of Ki shall be revealed to the disciples of truth.

Rays of light give birth to shadows, revealing the way.

It's a statue of an eyeless dragon.
What went in the sockets?

It's a statue of a dragon with burning red eyes.

The broken sign reads:
North: Fuchin Temple South: Mogall Prairie...


Dialogue strings

This is Xian. Travelers are welcome here! Relax. Stay long.

Young warriors, very gallant!
You came through Mogall Forest?

Incredible. I respect your deeds.

Came from Altin? No. That is a lie.
Silk Road is blocked. No one can come that way.

Xian is the village of kinu. Kinu means silk. Silk makes the best cloth.

Do you know Master Feh?

There are many scary thieves now, but Master Feh is scarier.
Xian is safe, because thieves are afraid to go near Master Feh.

Master Feh is a martial artist. He is very strong.
Master Feh teaches martial arts at the Xian school.

Martial arts are very popular in Xian.
All warriors should learn martial arts.

You warriors should visit Master Feh's school. You will be surprised!

My clothes are not silk. Silk is very expensive. Only the wealthy wear it.

Hoo-whaaa... Hachaaa!

Heh heh heh...

My kung fu is strong.
If you go to Master Feh's school every day, someday you will be strong too.

Disasters from the sky... Many, many thieves...
But I do not worry. Xian has many kung fu masters. Master Feh is strong.

This is the mulberry orchard.
When the season comes, all Xian comes to harvest.

You are the warriors from the school... Are you strong warriors?

I am happy to see strong warriors. I hope you will go west.

You are weak warriors? Very few warriors would call themselves weak.

What are you doing! You made me spill my water!

Now I must get water again. This work is hard on my back.

Do not speak to me. I might spill my water.

Wha-Wha-What happened? The tree jumped on its own!

...It jumped again... I am too tired...

These children must have come to study kung fu at Master Feh's School.

You young warriors look strong. But which is stronger...
You, or the kung fu taught at Master Feh's school?

I hope many people come to know the silk of Xian.

Those who need no weapons have true strength.
Master Feh is number one.

Fighting with kicks and punches is effective.
Everyone should remember this.

Master Feh's school is training. It makes us very strong.

Silk is shiny and smooth. It feels good on my skin. I'm obsessed with it.

Breaking trees with my hand hurts me very much.
But it does not hurt Master Feh. He is a great master.

Master Feh said "YAH!" and then the thieves fell.

The orchard gives the village life. It is very precious to us.

Going west alone is very dangerous.
I must find someone to take me west.

I must carry water every day. I can't stand it!

The mulberry harvest is over. Now there is much food for the caterpillars!
The cocoon threads will become silk.
Merchants will buy a lot when they come.

Farm work is very hard. Warriors have no idea how hard it is.

Soon, Master Hammet will come. He will buy much silk.

Farm work is hard on the shoulders. It is hard on the back, too.

Xian silk is sent on Silk Road to Tolbi.
Tolbi is a big town in the southwest.

Silk Road ends in Tolbi. It is a big, big town.

Silk Road is full of silk merchants.

Merchants say Tolbi is very beautiful, very wonderful...

Follow Silk Road. When you see the mountain fork, go north.
Then you will see Altin.

There is a mine in Altin. There is lots of steel and lots of gems.

Altin has many men. All scary men, too.

Mining is very hard work. It takes great strength. It is difficult for women.

Xian has martial arts, but kung fu alone is not enough. People worry.
For that reason, it is not strange to sell weapons in Xian.

Some say fighting with weapons is cowardly. I say not true.
There are many fighters, and many ways of fighting.

Martial artists can't use heavy armor. If they do, they can't move quickly.
...But not warriors. Using much armor is good for them.

In warrior battles, you fight with weapons.
In kung fu, you fight by dodging.

Xian's special armor is not suited to warriors...
It is better to buy normal armor.

Xian is a village of craftsmen. They never buy items. They make them.

Warriors should learn about the towns they visit.
Just traveling and fighting is a sad life.

Normally, many merchants come to the village, but they have not come yet.
I think that is strange.

All the people who came to eat are from Xian. What happened there?

When you go to a new place, follow the rules in the new place.
This is an old saying in Xian.

When many merchants come, my business is good.
But if no merchants come, my business is very bad.

There are fewer travelers, so fewer people eat here.
Where are all the travelers?

I came to Xian from very distant lands to spread good will.

When you stay in Xian for a long time, you start to speak strangely.
My head gets very confused...

This is Master Feh's school... You came to watch?

Promise me you will be quiet.

Warriors should learn martial arts. They will help in battles.

Strong kicks are very important. Kick, kick, kick!
That is how you do it.

I want to learn, so I train. Quick punches are very good.
Master Feh is very good.

Flexibility and jumping are very important in kung fu.

Everyone in Xian can do martial arts.
But the Feh School of martial arts is the most elite.

Just listening does not make one strong. I learn by watching.

Master Feh is very busy. Do you still wish to see him?

Look there. You see that line? Stand there and use Chi.
If that tree falls, I will take you to see Master Feh.

You will not see Master Feh? That is too bad.

Master Feh is very busy. He is speaking with his daughter, Feizhi.
You cannot enter now.

Warriors fight with weapons. Kung fu means little to you.

Practicing kicks hurts my feet very much. But I still try hard.

That punch was good! You surprise me, warrior.

I move too quickly. You can't hit me with your weapon. Try it.

Warriors came to learn the Feh School's kung fu. That is how famous it is.

Great kick. Kick from the hip. That causes much pain when it hits.

You are the warriors who came to study, yes?
It is too much to ask to see Master Feh.

Master Feh is talking with Feizhi about something very important.
You cannot disturb them.

Ya! What happened!? The tree fell on its own!

You cannot push it with your hands. Attack it with Chi.

What did you do, warrior?

The warrior used Chi! He did it from the line... and the tree fell!

He knows kung fu! Do you know kung fu?

Your Chi must be strong if you can use it from afar.
I must tell Master Feh!

It is unbelievable that someone who does not know kung fu can use Chi.

Ya! What happened!? The door opened on its own!

Feizhi! Wait!

Are you worried that Hsu is late?

He is only a little late in returning from Lama Temple. Do not worry!

Something is wrong with Hsu... I sense it.

Ahhh, Feizhi... Is it your power again?

Ever since gems fell from the sky and hit me, I have sensed bad things.

You say you sense evil ever since you received the power of prophecy.
You have told me already.

I do not believe it, Feizhi. Your visions are just coincidences.

My visions came true many times, no?

I had a vision about Mogall Forest, and that came true...

Yes, your predictions came true, Feizhi. It was very surprising!

The flood in Altin... Did I not predict that, too?

All Feizhi's predictions come true.

See, Father?

I have heard this all. I was surprised, too, but it is still coincidence.

You still don't believe it?

Hsu is late, so you worry too much. But do not think bad thoughts.

You sent people to find Hsu, correct?

Stubborn old man.

What did you say, Feizhi? You should not speak so to your elders.

I will not ask anyone. I will go alone, then!

It is too dangerous.

Ya! Master Feh! Feizhi has gone!

Feizhi was very angry. She was frightening!

Hsu is in danger. Feizhi is going to help.

Feizhi knows kung fu. She will be all right.

Feizhi is alone. She cannot go too far.

She will give up soon enough. Until then, let her be.

The tree... It fell. What happened?

The warrior did it. He used Chi.

Warrior, you... Can you use Chi?

Do it again, warrior. Show me your Chi.

Warrior, you speak nonsense. You used Chi. Do it again!

Show me your Chi, warrior.

I want to see your Chi, warrior.

Warrior, let me see your Chi now.

Feizhi is gone! It is dangerous outside the village. I am worried.

Feizhi is stronger than she looks. She will be okay.

Warrior, show us your Chi, like before.

Warrior, that was great, but Master Feh's Chi is much stronger.

Warrior, show me your Chi. I want to see it very badly.

Feizhi, I know. I know how you feel...
But it is not good to ignore Master Feh.

My kick and punch are very loud! They cause much pain when they hit.

Show us your Chi. Now. Do it now. I want to see it.

I am shocked that this warrior can use Chi.
What will Master Feh say when he sees it?

Warrior, will you show me your Chi?

Very good. Now show me.

What you can do is an incredible thing. Hiding it is not good.

Feizhi is gone! It is dangerous outside of the village. I am worried.

Feizhi is stronger than she looks. She will be all right.

I know why you can use Chi, warrior. I know.

Warrior, Chi is a great power. Why hide it?
The master wants to see your Chi very much.

I want to see the Chi of a warrior who knows martial arts.
Why won't you show me, warrior?

Feizhi, I know how you feel. But, it is not wise to ignore Master Feh.

My kick and punch are very loud! They cause much pain when they hit.

Warrior, show me your Chi. Now. Do it now. I want to see it.

Warrior, do not hide your Chi from Master Feh. It will make me a liar!

Look! The tree fell.

Master, did you see? The warrior used Chi!

Master, what is the matter?

He did not do it from the line, so I cannot be sure.

That is not good. Warrior, do it right! Do it from the line.

Warrior, use your Chi from the line.

Warrior, please! Use your Chi from the line.

Warrior, the rules require you to use Chi from the line!
You cannot back down now.

So close! Warrior, use Chi from the line. Do it again.

Ya! The tree fell!

Master, did you see? The warrior used Chi.

The warrior's Chi is excellent! Are you surprised, Master?

What is wrong, Master?

Hmmmm... The warrior did make the tree fall. I grant you that...

Is something wrong with the warrior's Chi?

What the warrior did... It is not Chi.

What? It is not Chi?

Hmmm... It looks very similar...but it is not Chi.

Warrior... Have you been to Fuchin Temple?

Ah... I knew it.

Hmmm... That is strange.

How are Chi and Fuchin Temple related?

I learned my Chi from Master Hama of Lama Temple.

Then it is the same as Chi, is it not?

Very similar... But still different...

Chi concentrates the energy of the body into the hand...
then releases it onto a distant object.

You, warrior, used energy focused from the mind. Understand?

This warrior is wise.
The power to will something to move requires much wisdom.

Remember this...
Wishing for something is the same as thinking very hard.

Fuchin's Ki releases the mind's energy like Chi releases the body's.

The body's energy has limits, but mental energy has few limits.

Train your Ki. It will grow very strong. Do your best, warrior.

Practice, everyone! Chi has its limits, but anyone can use it.
Practice, practice! Until you learn the power of Chi.

Warrior, you are great. You have earned my respect.

Everyone wants to learn the Chi of Master Feh.
I will study kung fu to learn Chi.

Concentrate energy into the hands and release it as Chi.
This is what Master Feh teaches. But it is hard.
Master Hsu went to Lama Temple. There, he learns from Master Hama.

Lama Temple is far west. It is in Lamakan Desert.
Master Hsu went there to train. He will come back strong.

I did not think much of you, warrior. I apologize.

Where did Feizhi go? I am very worried.

Master Hsu is late. I can understand why Feizhi worries.

I will learn Chi. I will become strong. Stronger than Master Feh...

Your Chi is Fuchin Temple's. How is it different from our Chi?

I don't care which Chi it is. Kung fu's or Fuchin's...
I must learn it.

Master Hama's Chi can shatter boulders.
Can Master Hsu shatter boulders with his Chi?

Follow Silk Road straight. Pass through the canyon. You will see Lama Temple.

Warrior, you use weapons and Chi. You are very dangerous.

Feizhi is not in the Feh School anymore... It is sad. Very lonely.

Feizhi worries only about Master Hsu. It makes me a little jealous.

Learning Chi... is very hard. Master Feh is amazing.

Can such a young warrior really do it? It is hard to believe...

You are a great warrior. I must train, like you must have trained.

It is locked.

Warriors cannot use... Wait. This is different from Chi.

Do not step over the line, warrior.

Stand beyond the line. Then try your Chi.

Do you think I am following you, warrior?

You are mistaken, warrior. I just want to go west.
You want to go west, too. So, we end up going west together.

You are right, warrior. I am just going west, like you are going west.

You're very persistent, warrior. I just want to go west.
So, we end up going west together.

Yahh! Silk Road! Boulders block the road!

My vision... It came true.

Hsu, Hsu!

It is no good. I cannot hear Hsu's voice!

What do I do? Warrior, should I return to Xian?

Going back is no option. I must find Hsu.

You are right, warrior. Of course not. I must find Hsu.

Hsu is in danger. I can sense it. I must find him soon.


Dialogue strings

Is this your first time to visit Altin?

Look at how much Altin has changed!
You can't do much here until the waters subside.

We must look a lot like a coastal town, huh?

Nothing gets by you... Altin never even had a well in the old days.
Water-spewing monsters are what waterlogged the village.

The day the gems fell from the sky, these water-spewing monsters
appeared out of nowhere. Now the village is ruined because of them!

How can those creatures spit up so much water?

How horrible! My house is totally coated in monster spit.

Even the mine is submerged. No one can enter it.

If we could just destroy the monsters, all the water should drain away.

Altin always used to run short on water. Now we're all flooded in.
Either way, we just have bad luck when it comes to water.

We can't drink the water the monsters spew! It's disgusting.
Won't anyone ever slay those beasts?

The waters around here have subsided...
I wonder if the holes in the mine allowed the water to drain.

The water beasts looked exactly like Altin's guardian statues...
Could the guardian statues have turned into the monsters?

The waters have flushed out tons of rock from the mine.
Maybe now we'll find gems and ore we've never even seen before.

You came to Altin at a bad time. You're terribly unlucky, huh?

It's almost like they're turning the air itself into water!

I'm glad I saved my very first love letter, but what about everything else?

Even the toughest of miners can't do much in this water.

If the water beasts continue to flood us...
our entire village will be submerged.

Water is nice, but not when it's flooding your home.

Ugh. The monsters spewed out all of this water. It smells foul...

As the monsters go away, the waters recede.
Maybe all of the monsters will disappear pretty soon...

Come to think of it, it looked like our guardian statue was spewing water.

It'll be better than digging up more of those durned ancient relics.

Oh no... The whole house is soaked...

If the monster that did this were here right now, I'd give him such a smack!
I'm just kidding... I'm opposed to all this violence.

It's going to take a lot of work to get this house back in shape.

One blow's not enough. Jab! Jab! Hook! Then comes the uppercut!

Are you trying to find your way west through the mountains?

There should be a passage that leads west at the bottom of the mine.

I don't know what you did, but we are grateful you defeated the beasts.

Don't be too harsh on those beasts.

I thought the village was done for. I'm glad we didn't give up hope.

I'm just glad to get my house back.

I didn't want to leave my hometown... That's why I came back.

I heard someone killed the water beasts. That's why I came back.
There's no place like home.

You defeated those monsters, didn't you?

Here, let me thank you with...a kiss!
Hey, you're turning beet-red!

Oh, you didn't? Still, I'm happy to be back home, so here's a kiss!
Hey, you're turning beet-red!

The bottom of the mine... The end of the easternmost passage...
I won't give that up.

My husband's sense for finding treasure has never failed.
Once the water recedes, we'll dig up that spot he found.

Mom and Pop know something about the bottom of the mine.
I wish they'd tell me what it was.

Do you want weapons?

I'll sell you anything you want once the waters have receded.
What in the world did we do to deserve this fate?

You wouldn't say that if you saw my weapons. I wish I could show you.

Thank goodness the water has receded. I can open up shop again!

Cripes... Is this how my weapon shop ends? As a sunken disaster?

Only a merchant knows the joy of being open to do business again.

My store is submerged... I want to sell armor, but there's no way.

It's great that I can sell armor out of my shop again.

All my armor inventory is rusting even as we speak.

We dried off all that armor and polished it up!
There should be no trace of rust now.

Oh, no! What will I do if all my merchandise is soaked?

None of my goods were damaged. I'm going to sell like there's no tomorrow!

If my goods are wet, I'll have to dry them out before I can sell them.

A few things got damp...
But it shouldn't affect the quality, so you can use them without any worries.
...Maybe I'll put up a sign to explain it all.

We got a little damp, but we're doing okay. We must count our blessings.

After all, a lot of good people have been hurt in this flooding.

You have to remember, lots of people lost everything they own.
It's just sad, when you think about it.

I'd give anything for someone to return Altin to its former glory.
You look pretty young, but if you are a true warrior, please help us.

I came from Xian. I cook good food. Eat up!

None of us can go home until the water subsides.

The guests in Room One moved back home when the waters receded.

The guests in Room Two also went home after the waters receded.

We'll come through this all right, but I'm afraid the village is done for.

I know they don't look so tough, but being warriors and all,
maybe they can help us.

I became a cook after I came to Altin, but I still cook well.

Most of the village is still submerged...
It will be a long time before Altin returns to its former glory.

It looks like the water has receded a bit,
but it will be a long time before Altin returns to its former glory.

No matter what happens, I'd never abandon Altin.

Of course, our house will be ruined now.
I wish I could move away...

Leaving Altin for Tolbi? Well, that's just crazy.

Now I finally have an excuse to move to my favorite town—Tolbi!

Not many people come up Silk Road to Altin. You're an odd one, you are.

It's been a long time since I got a break from doing housework.

Of course, you can't go west of the mountains without taking Silk Road.

I hate sitting around like this. I want to go home!

It was after that eerie night when the gems fell from the sky.
That was when the water-spewing beasts appeared in the mine!

Please save the helpless in Altin...

We did it, Isaac! We beat the last water beast!

I wonder why Altin's guardian statues turned into monsters.
Isn't it strange?

And what's up with this strange, tiled room at the bottom of the mine?

Oh, I'm sure you get that sort of thing all the time.
Still, it's strange that the bottom of the mine was made of carved stone.

The guardian statues were created long, long ago.

What are they for?

There's a treasure chest behind the guardian statue!

It must all be related to these ruins, buried deep in the mine...

I guess so... Hey, Isaac, we should check that chest before we go!

In the hands of an Adept, the Lifting Gem imparts great power.

Isaac acquired the Psynergy Lift.

Thank you so much for defeating the hydros statues in the mine.

Did you see water gushing out when you slew those hydros creatures?

I see... So the water monsters are like giant water tanks...

Really... Then how could they have carried all that water?

Once the mine opens again, we'll be able to get back on our feet.

They already started mining the upper parts of the mountain.
But people still seem afraid to go down to the lower depths.

The water drained out of the mine through all the cracks, as I expected.
But the remaining water will probably sit here for a while.

Thank goodness, the village is free from all that water.

Are you the ones who defeated the water beasts?

We'd be much obliged if you'd also help rebuild the village.

I heard our rescuers were young. I'd like to meet them.

The village went right back to normal once the water monsters left.
But it's still a mess around here.

So those hydros creatures really were the guardian statues, huh?
That sure is a surprise.

Is it true you found ancient ruins in the deepest part of the mine?

Really? I always thought that mine held some kind of secret.

Hmmm, are you sure you even went down there?
Someone ought to go check it out.

We can go back to work in the mines again.

I was afraid more water would gush out when the monsters were slain.

I hope Altin Mine will thrive again soon, like it once did.

The water seeped into the mine shafts.
I bet the rock is very soft.

It's so humid inside that cave. It feels awful and sticky in there!

That strange chamber in the mines creeps me out.

You fought pretty well despite all that foul water the beasts spewed out.

That mine is full of holes and chasms. That's why it drained so well.

The old guardian statues always creeped me out. I'm glad they're gone.

I used to find all sorts of artifacts. I wonder if they came from the ruins.

I hear that Silk Road is closed...
Or, at least, that's what this girl from Xian said.

A girl from Xian was asking questions about young warriors.
Say, could she have meant you guys?

She was searching very hard.

Well, if not, I hope she finds whoever she was looking for.

The merchants must be having a hard time if Silk Road is blocked.
Who could clear away a landslide?

I wonder what business that girl from Xian has with warriors...

Ancient ruins and treasure definitely go together...
What are you going to do?

If only they had left a water monster or two...

They say you can still find monsters if you go deep enough in the mine.
I'd go treasure hunting if it weren't for those nasty beasts.

How can I truly be happy if all those cute monsters are gone?

Really? Ancient ruins at the bottom of the mine? You don't say...

There probably isn't much treasure in the ruins beneath the mine.
Why don't you forget about treasure and just resume your journey?

Something's wrong with Mom and Pop. They've been acting weird
ever since the ruins were found in the mine.

Cripes. Ancient ruins down in the mine...
We have to go get that treasure right away.

I had no idea there were ruins beneath the mine.

I wonder if Mom and Pop knew about the monument in the mine.

You'll have to find the passage in the mine that leads west
if Silk Road is blocked.

I've heard of a passage in the mine that leads west, but I've yet to meet
anyone who's found it.

How about it? Aren't you impressed by our vast armor selection?

Well, if you are impressed, then make a purchase!

The girl from Xian bought a lot. I wonder if she is on a journey.

The girl from Xian bought all goods that had been submerged.

There is a small temple to the west of Altin Mine.
They may be having trouble with the water from the mine.

There is an endless desert west of the mountains.
Any travelers going west must prepare themselves well.

West of the mountains is very—very hot! It is exhausting!
Eating hot food is good. It helps you endure the heat.

There are a few beasts in the mine still, but they're down deep below, right?

Good. Then we can just mine the upper passages.

If they're in the upper passages, then we can't mine like we used to.

I think that temple was called Lama Temple.
There are said to be people with strange powers there.

You won't be able to go to the desert for a while since Silk Road is blocked.

No one can go west of the mountains now.

It will take some time before Altin recovers from this.

You saved Altin from the monsters.
Clearly this is the work of the hand of Fate.

Almighty Fate must have heard me.

Watch for falling rocks!
Do not strike the wall! Rocks may fall!

Tch! We came this deep into the mine just to find a dead end!

...I have a bad feeling about this. Run, Isaac! Now!

Lama Temple

Dialogue strings

He who has the power to see that which cannot be seen shall see the truth...
So reads the writing on the wall.

This is Lama Temple. Welcome, travelers.
The Lamakan Desert ahead is a very hot land. Rest well before you go.

Young warriors, do you come from the east?

Then you must have come across Lamakan Desert...

Did you stop in Xian along the way?

Master Feh, in Xian, is very close to our Master Hama.
Students from Feh's school often continue their kung fu training here...

Then it is good that you have come here.
Feh's kung fu is good for warriors who seek to better themselves.

Do you know what meditation is?

It allows you to find peace by closing your eyes...
and sealing your mind from the world around you.

It is training in which you clear your mind of all thought...
and try to become as still and calm as a stone.

You who speak to me... I sense great insecurity and anxiety within you.

Did you know that Master Hama is the greatest master of Chi?

You do? Then you must have already met Master Feh in Xian, haven't you?
But Hama's power does not end there.

Then today, you shall see that Master Hama is truly the master of Chi.

They seem to be anxious. They cannot survive the desert like that.

They say a person can overcome any trial once he masters kung fu.

...... ...... I am hungry...

I sense impure thoughts from the man beside me... His training is weak.

Chi is but a fragment of Master Hama's power... She is a true scholar.

Master Hama is meditating. Please be extremely quiet.

So, Isaac, you and your Adept companions have finally come.

Finally come? Was she expecting us?

But how did she know we'd be here now?

Then, how come she knew we were coming, Isaac?

I had anticipated your arrival.

You knew we were coming, then?

I have been waiting a long while for you.
You come seeking the Elemental Stars.

You know about the Elemental Stars, too? Who... Who are you?

I am a Jupiter Adept, just like Ivan.

I'm not a Jupiter Adept! What are you talking about?

You are, Ivan, although you may not yet know it.

Why do you say that?

Do you not have the power to read minds?

This ability is unique to the Jupiter Adepts.

You predicted our coming... Is that also Psynergy?

Ho ho! Excellent question, Miss Mia.

Yes, the ability to foresee events also belongs to the Jupiter Adepts.

Then, can Ivan learn the power of prediction, too?

He already has.

I don't think I have—

You do. You merely do not yet know that you have it.

The power of Jupiter must be great if it lets you see the future.

Oh, but Ivan can learn to use an even greater power!

What greater power?



Yes. I have waited long to pass the power of true sight on to you.

You waited here in Lama Temple just to teach Reveal to Ivan?

You will need Reveal if you are to achieve your goals...

Jupiter Adepts can learn Reveal on their own, over time...

But that power alone will not help you find Saturos as his company moves on.

It was Saturos and his companions who blocked Silk Road.

Felix and the rest of them, huh? Those cowards!

Felix bears a terrible fate, a burden I would not wish on any man.

A terrible fate? What do you mean?

I am sorry, but I can say nothing more of this matter.

Now, we must focus on the power of Reveal.

You will need the power of Reveal to cross the evil Lamakan Desert.

An evil desert? Is that even possible?

You believe that, Isaac? Well, I just don't buy it.

It's hard to believe, isn't it, Isaac? I feel the same way.

Why will we need Reveal to cross the desert?

Crossing Lamakan Desert was hard enough with the extreme heat.

But evil has taken hold of the desert, and its heat has become unbearable.

Entering the desert now is nothing short of asking for death.

Then how can Saturos cross such a deadly place?

Saturos and Menardi are Mars Adepts.

I am merely guessing...
but their powers might help them suppress the heat as they cross.

I still don't understand... How will Reveal help us in such an evil place?

Reveal will help you find oases to cool you against the heat.

Why would we need Reveal for that? Won't we be able to see the oases?

Do you know what a mirage is?

The desert is filled with mirages that prevent you from seeing clearly.
Without Reveal, you cannot find the oases.

Intense heat creates a curtain of air that distorts the terrain.
Mirages will deceive your eyes, preventing you from finding any oases.

Sounds like we should have Ivan learn Reveal, don't you think?

Yeah! I don't want to die in any evil desert!

Oh, come on, Isaac! If we're going to follow Felix, we'll need Reveal!

Ivan, you should let Master Hama teach you how to use Reveal.

What's wrong, Master Hama?
You can pass Reveal on to me, can't you?

I am unsure that it will work.

In preparation for this day, I tried to pass a power on
to a young girl, although that power was not Reveal.

My student was not an Adept...

But I thought anyone could hone a skill he or she already possessed...

However, I saw no change in the girl.

No! There was change!

Feizhi... Why are you here?

I sensed it!

Sensed it? What did you sense?

Hsu is in great danger!

Hsu left this place a long time ago.

I know... But Hsu did not return to Xian.

...The boulders in the mountains!

I sensed it. I came through the mine. I came to ask for help.

I sensed nothing, as I was focused on Isaac's arrival...

But why has the power come to you now, after all this time?

Gems fell from the sky. One hit me right on the head.


Psynergy Stones...

Then this may work after all.

What about Hsu?

Let us hurry to Hsu's aid!

Master Hama, what about us? What about Reveal?

I had completely forgotten.

It seems I succeeded in passing my power to Feizhi. You will be fine.

This should do it. Use Reveal to cross the desert.

But your Reveal may not be that strong yet... The oases may not appear.

The rest is up to Ivan's abilities.

Ivan, I am very glad to see you have grown to be such a strong man.

Ivan, do you and Master Hama... know each other?

No... But she doesn't feel like a stranger...

Felix and the others must be far ahead of us by now...

Then we'd better get moving! Let's go!

The desert may have slowed them down, but we can't waste a second!

We can't just leave like this!

Hama might need our help...

She only has Feizhi to assist her. Shouldn't we help, too?

I'm more worried about Felix and the others...
But I'm not opposed to rescuing Hsu.

I am worried about Feizhi and Master Hama...
But I understand why you want to chase after Felix.

We'll go with you, Isaac, whatever you decide!

I wonder what Master Hama was talking about...

Oh, I'm sorry... Let's go.

Hsu, are you okay?

Master Hama, I am okay. But the boulder... I cannot move.

Hsu seems unhurt. You must be glad, Feizhi.

Yes. Thank you, Master. But how can we free him?

I don't know what we can do.

Well, Isaac! Adepts! You came to help...
Hsu is in trouble, as you can see. What should we do?

Be strong, Hsu! We will help you!

I am trapped between these two boulders.
At least I wasn't crushed. I was lucky.

How should we move the boulders?

Hsu tires. He looks exhausted. I am worried!

I want to scream. But Feizhi does not like it when I do that.

Isaac, did you lift the boulder?

Oh my! The boulder! It floats!

Quickly, Feizhi. We must pull Hsu free!

Ready yourself, Hsu. I am going to pull. One, two, three!

He is halfway out. Just a little further.

Can you hang on just a moment longer, Isaac?

Thank you, Isaac!

You cannot back out now! You must be responsible!

Ready? I am going to pull! One, two, three!

We did it! Master Hama, Hsu is free!

We did it, Feizhi!

Thank you, Isaac!

We must contact Master Feh and ask him to tend to Hsu's injuries.

I will ask him to clean up the rocks, too.

Excellent. If Silk Road remains blocked, everyone will suffer.

Adepts, let me thank you again. I am truly grateful.

I did not expect you to come and aid us.

No, Master Hama... We are the ones who should be grateful.

Thank you for passing the power of Reveal on to me...
But what you said...

What is it, Ivan?

Well, really, I was the one who suggested we help you, right?

What? Didn't you want us to hurry on to the desert, Garet?

Did I, Mia? Did I really? I think you must be mistaken. Yeah, that's it!

No, Garet... You wanted us to get moving!

Isaac, Mia... Don't make me look like a fool...

Do not worry, Garet. I do not mind.

Travel well, my friends.

I hope to see you soon.

Weren't you going to ask Master Hama what she meant earlier?

We do not know when we will be able to see Master Hama again.

Isaac, don't you think we should ask Master Hama what she meant?

See? If it's bothering you, you should just go ahead and ask now!

Huh? You think we should just leave it as is?

Thank you, everyone...

but it is better that we leave now.

What do you mean?

Master Hama hasn't looked me in the eye since she said those words.

Well, that just makes me even more curious!

Don't worry about it. I doubt she would even tell me if I asked.

Well, that's just...

Master Hama will tell me when we have completed our mission.

I have to believe that...

It is very dangerous to cross Lamakan Desert. Be very careful!

The evil desert is hotter than the sun itself. Look for oases!

I believe it is possible to learn the power of prediction by meditating.

I will be most thankful once the evil desert returns to normal.

When your temperature reaches its maximum,
you will take tremendous damage.
Go quickly, and find yourselves an oasis when you get too hot.

Master Hama is meditating, asking for your safety.

The future holds many hardships, but you must not give up the fight.

I cannot cross the desert. It is too fearsome for me.

The evil in the desert distorts all—even light. What could be the cause?

How nice it would be if I could see the future.

Master Hama will be very sad if you are lost in the desert.

With Reveal, you will find oases with your mind, not with your eyes.

I do not think Master Hama wants Ivan to go...

I cannot see your future clearly...
It must be because I cannot be impartial to it...or to you.

North: Altin Mine West: Lama Temple

Agh... This desert is much hotter than I ever imagined...

Just walking around here saps every ounce of my strength.

I can't stop sweating... I wish I'd brought a change of clothes...

I'm so thirsty... Water! I need some water!

I can't keep my cool when it's this hot...

Ew... My clothes are drenched in sweat! This is gross!

Aghh! I can't stand it! My feet are burning!

I can't stand another minute of this! Where's an oasis?

If we don't find an oasis soon, I'm gonna shrivel up and blow away!

I'm traveling around the world to spread good will.

Since I'm here, I'd like to learn the secrets of Fuchin Temple,
but that won't happen unless I undergo intense training.

I am traveling around the world to spread good will.

For some reason, these people give me the same feeling I got
from the master of the temple, Master Hama.
Yes... I feel as though my mind is being read somehow...

We moved the rocks. Now people can pass.

Many people from Xian helped move the rocks. They were very heavy!

We cleared the way. But what about these rocks? Must we
clear these?

I almost hurt my back. It is because I have not been training.

Return to Xian

Dialogue strings

Xian is a peaceful village, but we have had trouble lately.
Hsu is Master Feh's apprentice. He was trapped under a boulder.

There was a rockslide on Silk Road. It had us all in shock.

I went to help move boulders... Now, my back hurts.

The people who cleared the rockslide told me Lamakan Desert is red.
Why is it red?

Hsu is very good at kung fu, but boulders are very hard.
Kung fu is no good against boulders.

The people of Xian love their village. They almost never leave it.
But everyone left town to help clear the rocks off Silk Road.

Altin was flooded with water, but young warriors fixed it. Feizhi said so.

We cleared the rocks from Silk Road. It was very hard work.

Many strange things happened all at once. What is going on?

Hsu was caught under a boulder, but he only broke one leg.

The rocks there were very hard. Why did they fall? It seems strange.

Some people did not carry rocks. I thought we would cooperate.
I was foolish.

Sand is the color of the camel. Red sand is very strange.

Hsu is strong-headed. He would not run from falling boulders.
That is what happened.

Everyone stays in Xian. They do not know about the outside world.

This warrior saved Altin village, no?

It is bad for Xian if rocks stay there.
Caravans cannot pass. Silk merchants cannot come to Xian.

I was happy to see gems falling from the sky, but it was very strange.
I could sense bad things coming.

Where are the merchants? No one comes. I hope they come buy silk.

Merchants bring us coins. They must bring them soon.
We need them to buy food for winter.

Why does Master Hammet not come? We need him.

Merchants sell silk. It is like a carnival. It will be sad to miss it.

Is something wrong on Silk Road? In Lamakan Desert, too?

That is terrible. No one can use Silk Road!

The desert is fine? That is good to hear.

None can pass through Lamakan. This is very, very sad.

Feizhi said the desert became evil.

The desert was very hot. Now it is hotter... No one can survive it.

Did the monsters in Altin spit water?

The town was flooded by monsters? That takes much water. How strange!

It is not true? But why would Feizhi lie?

The mine in Altin filled with water. I wanted to see it.

The village is flooded? Because of monsters?
I am very confused...

Water monsters... How terrible for Altin.
But Xian has Master Feh. He will defeat them.

Hsu's injury taught a good lesson.
Even kung fu is no good against boulders.

Hsu was pummeled by huge boulders. His injuries are not serious.
Kung fu helped him.

Kung fu makes you quick, does it not?
Even so, Hsu could not outrun the falling rocks.

We should sell armor to kung fu masters, as well.

Do you plan to cross the desert, warrior?

It will take much strength. Perhaps you should buy many supplies.

You are wise, warrior. The wise man knows to avoid danger.

You lose strength in heat. Use my goods to recover your strength.

We have few customers these days.
Customers can't come if Silk Road is completely blocked.

When Lamakan Desert burns, it is bad for Xian.
Xian cannot sell silk. The villagers cannot survive winter.

Hot food is good for crossing Lamakan Desert.
Hot food brings back your appetite.

Caravans cannot bring merchants here when boulders block the road.

The merchants do not come, because the Lamakan Desert burns.
It is bad for business.

Eat, warrior. I will add many hot peppers and savory spices.

Mogall Prairie is now a forest, and Lamakan is an evil desert.
We cannot go anywhere from here now.

If I cannot go east or west, I will have to stay in Xian until I die.

This is Master Feh's kung fu school.
Studying martial arts keeps Xian peaceful.

Boulders overcame Hsu. Kung fu should never be overcome.
We have to practice more.

Water monsters flooded Altin. Did you defeat them, warrior?

You are much stronger than you look, warrior.
I have much respect for you now.

Oh... You are not the strong warrior Feizhi spoke of?

Hsu did not practice jumping enough.
He could have dodged boulders by jumping.

Feizhi predicted Hsu's danger. Her prophecy came true...
That saved Hsu. Now he has returned. It is quite odd.

Hsu is resting. Feizhi is watching over him. They will be glad to see you.

Peace has returned to Xian, but danger still lurks both east and west.

No matter how much you practice your kicks,
your feet will never be harder than a boulder.

The monsters are very large. Striking one would hurt your hand.
Should we train with weapons, perhaps?

When a boulder falls, jump. Repeat as needed. That is all it takes.

Where did Feizhi gain the power to foresee trouble? I want it, too.

Master Feh is very worried about those two.

Oh, warrior! Welcome!

Hsu was saved, thanks to you and Master Hama.
You have my deepest gratitude.

I was injured by rocks on my way from Lama Temple.
I am sad my training could not help me.

Feizhi's prediction came true.
Now, I believe she can foresee things.

Master Hama has great power. You do, too, young warrior.
You are both amazing.

I knew help would come when I was trapped. I must thank everyone.

Feizhi's ability to sense trouble is real. I am quite surprised.

Hsu was trapped under the rocks, but he was all right.
We have Master Hama to thank for that.

I was injured by boulders on my way from Lama Temple.
I am sad my training could not help me.

Feizhi's prediction came true.
Now, I believe she can foresee things.

Master Hama has great power. Some was passed on to me.
I am quite happy.

I knew help would come when I was trapped. I must thank everyone.

Feizhi's ability to foresee is real. I am quite surprised.


Dialogue strings

Welcome to Kalay! You may enter, so long as you do not disrupt the peace.

We soldiers protect the peace in Kalay with our lives.

Lord Hammet, the founder of Kalay, is a great merchant.

Lord Hammet is still out with his caravans on business.
I wonder where he could be now.

The bridge to the north was destroyed by lava.
Thankfully, it has been rebuilt since then.

I heard a rumor that there's trouble in Lamakan Desert.

Kalay sits at a great crossroads. Xian lies east, and Tolbi west.
This is the perfect place to do business.

The guests at the inn are tourists on their way to see Colosso.
It seems like a lot of hassle to travel to Tolbi just for a carnival.

I hear Colosso is incredible. I'd love to see such a huge carnival.

A huge mountain north of the river erupted violently.
I think it was called Mt. Aleph.

Lord Hammet's knack for business is the reason Kalay has flourished.

I came to Kalay because I didn't like Tolbi... You want to know why?

Because Babi, the ruler of Tolbi, frightens me.
He has ruled Tolbi for more than a hundred years, they say.

Kalay is a much better town than Tolbi. I won't go back.

I can't put the rumors about Lord Hammet being captured by thieves
out of my head... But the lord's wife, Layana, speaks little of it.

People say Lord Hammet went north from Vault after Mt. Aleph erupted.
No one knows what happened to him or his caravan after that.

Hmm... This young warrior has honest eyes and a good demeanor.
A man like that is never evil.

Our job requires us to judge whether to allow a visitor into Kalay.

Lord Hammet's love for liberty and peace gave birth to this town.

Despite his appearance, Lord Hammet can be very rash.
That's why I'm worried.

Lord Hammet's soldiers went to Vault after the bridge was rebuilt.
The palace has been very quiet ever since...

Strange things have been happening all across the land lately...
What is the world coming to?

Hammet chose to build Kalay here because it's in a prime trading location.
Lord Hammet truly is a smart man.

Actually... I wish I were going to Colosso.
I should have saved my money. Then I'd be on that tour, too.

Maybe when I'm older, I'll even get to go fight in Colosso!

During the volcano's eruption, odd gems and rocks fell from the sky.

Lord Hammet is a very honest man, who values trust above all.
That's probably why he's so respected.

The difference between Kalay and Tolbi is their leaders.
Lord Hammet rules with trust, while Lord Babi rules with force.

I had no idea that Lunpa was just north of Vault.
It's funny that a city of merchants would be so close to a city of thieves.

There are so many rumors now, no one knows what the truth is.

You can live in peace in Kalay, as long as you practice good will.

I came here to spread good will...
But Lord Hammet seems to be the source of all their good will.
This is not good...

OK! Are we all listening? Let's stop right here.

Why are we stopping at a place like this?

Yeah! We have to hurry, or we'll be late for Colosso!

Late for Colosso? We can't have that!

That won't do at all!

We paid good money to see Colosso! We can't be late!

Everything will be just fine, folks!

We're just checking to make sure no one is missing!

Well, I guess that's OK...

But if anyone is missing, we're the one's who'll miss out.

Forget about them! Let's just get a move on!

Oh, dear...

All right, hurry up and start counting!

Uh-oh... We're short one person... Now where could he be?

What's going on? Why aren't we leaving for Tolbi yet?

There are a lot of people waiting to see Colosso, here!

Hey? What's up? Why are the guides pacing back and forth?

We have to decide if we're entering Colosso once we reach Tolbi.

I hear there was a landslide on the road to Tolbi.
We paid good money to take this cruise to see Colosso!

Come on! Why aren't we leaving yet?

Right when we're leaving, they tell us we have to ride a boat?
I can't stand boats... If I had known, I never would have come.

It's just a shame a man like you can't ride on a boat, Ouranos.

That's odd. No matter how many times I count, we're still one short.

I counted everyone at the inn... So where did we lose him?

Who's missing? Come on, we're all waiting!

There are a lot of people taking the tour to Tolbi this year.

Can't we just forget about that missing guy and get moving!?

With so many going to Tolbi, I'm sure a few of them are entering Colosso.

I'm a little worried, with all these strange things happening everywhere!

This an embarassment! Waiting around after announcing we're leaving!

I'm embarrassed to say this, but I can't swim.
What am I going to do if the boat capsizes...

That's why I've been telling you I'd teach you how to swim...

Maybe I should go check and see if he's still at the inn. What should I do?

That's it... We can't wait any longer!

Can't wait? What do you mean?

We all knew that anyone who was late would be left behind, right?

Everyone understood that.

Then what's the problem? We'll miss the boat if we wait any longer!

Miss the boat? We can't let that happen!

We paid a lot of money...
We have to arrive before the carnival starts!

There's nothing we can do... Let's go!

Yeah! Let's go!

OK... Follow me, and stay in line!

Hmm... Now where did my tour group get to...?

No! They wouldn't have left without me, would they?

Oh, no! I'd better get moving!

I'm shocked to hear the righteous thieves of Lunpa have gone bad.
They say Lunpa's grandson is responsible for it.

Lunpa was a kind thief. His son is Donpa—he's an honorable thief, too.
He stole, but he was just. Lunpa's grandson, Dodonpa, is another story.
He doesn't even think twice about doing evil...

The region north of Vault was once a safe place...
but nowadays it is very dangerous.

Lunpa's reputation is very bad nowadays.

Somehow, the north has become the center of much attention lately.
Why is that?

A merchant from Vault had been saying many things about the north...
Then the soldiers came and took him to Lord Hammet's Palace.

Three years ago, thieves raided Mt. Aleph... It was quite a story.
Ever since, the north lost its reputation for being a safe place.

They say other northern parts are dangerous too.
Maybe our town is the only place that's still safe.

No one is allowed to go to Vault, even though the bridge has been rebuilt.
But I doubt it's because of the eruption of Mt. Aleph.

I do not want my son to face any danger.
I am actually grateful for Lady Layana's orders.

I'm an adult, now. I don't want my father ordering me around...

I don't care how my son feels. I can't allow him to go north.

The most important skill for a merchant is the ability to discern quality.
Anyone who can do that can be a successful merchant these days.

My son received his knack for business from Lord Hammet.

The most important thing is not to betray your customer's trust in you.
Lord Hammet's lessons are more precious to me than treasure.
They will make me a lot of money!

My son is very tight with money, even when it comes to me.
I feel like I am living with a merchant... Actually, he is one!

Lord Hammet sells all his best weapons elsewhere.
These weapons are good, but they're not the best Kalay makes.

We would be able to make more money if he left more good weapons here.

Did you find what you needed in the Weapon Shop?

Then you'll like our armor, too.

Ah... You seek only the finest items.
Kalay's weapons and armor are without equal.

Weapons and armor from Tolbi may be stronger, but ours have soul.

Lady Layana shared in Lord Hammet's hardships when he built Kalay.
Her love for this town is why we flourish.

The aqueducts in Hammet Palace are another reason Kalay flourished.

Are you going to Tolbi also?

Oh, so you must be taking the Colosso tour, too...
The annual Colosso festival starts in Tolbi soon.

Merchants are always coming up with new ideas. A Colosso tour... Ha!
They're meeting in the restaurant... It must be time for them to leave.

Everyone is going to Tolbi to see the Colosso carnival there.
Kalay will feel so empty.

I've signed on for a tour group going to Tolbi.
I can't believe it's almost time for Colosso to begin!

The Colosso gladiators are all strong, muscular men!

Please finish eating if you are taking the tour! We'll be leaving soon!

Everyone looks forward to going to Tolbi once a year.
Tolbi has many spots to visit besides Colosso, like Tolbi Springs.

Surely Lord Hammet will pop up in Tolbi.
He loves Colosso.

I would have entered Colosso if I were only a little younger.
What a shame.

Many of the guests here seem to be heading to Tolbi.

Aren't you going to Colosso? You guys are warriors!
All warriors dream of winning fame in Colosso!

Do you know about the continent south of Tolbi?

The guest next door is dressed like he comes from Gondowan.

That continent is called Gondowan. It is very large.
They say that it is the second largest continent next to Angara.
I hear it is very warm in Gondowan.

I better get ready! The Colosso Tour is about to leave!
We're going all the way to Tolbi to see the Colosso.
I hope we can visit the southern continent, too.

We fled from Gondowan, to the south.
We lived in Lalivero, which was a great village until the Tolbians came.

Lalivero, where I'm from, is the largest village in Gondowan.
Kalay is quite large, too, but it's a little too noisy around here.

If you are entering Colosso, you don't stand a chance of winning...
because this year, both of us are entering.

We're so strong, making the finals will be a piece of cake!
Then, Ouranos and I will fight each other for the championship.

He's a shrewd merchant if he can turn travel into a business.
I'm impressed that he's got so many customers.

Every year, everyone goes to Tolbi for Colosso. We can't help that...

Joining a tour group is the only way to travel. Every need is cared for.

I wonder which warrior will win Colosso this year. I can't wait!

It's business, so you can't help it, but many of these folk
aren't used to traveling.

I'm exhausted from preparing this tour.
I can't wait until I'm in Tolbi and I can rest a bit...

I was so excited, I couldn't sleep last night. But I have to keep cool.
I don't want anyone to know this is my first time at Colosso.

My animal instincts start waking up as soon as I see the Colosso battles!

Colosso is so...common. What's so great about it?

I'm going to sign up for Colosso as soon as I arrive in Tolbi.
There may be more like me, though.

People from the continent south of Angara have rich, bronze skin.

I'm pretty excited, because this is my first time visiting Tolbi.
Let's hurry up and get going!

I fled all this way. Now I won't get in trouble for speaking the truth.
How wonderful it is to be free!

It looks like Colosso will soon begin in Tolbi.
All this fuss just to go to a festival seems kind of ridiculous!

I have power, and Sean has speed. Together, we have nothing to fear.

We are the toughest of all warriors. We will never lose.

Our inn feels so empty, now that the Colosso tour group has left.

Even our chef left, so we can't keep our business open.
Not that it matters. We will have few customers until Colosso ends.

Uh-oh. He's still here, even though his group has left!

We came here to escape the southern lands, but this city is so strange.
Everyone is leaving for some carnival. I've never seen anything like it!

We escaped from the northeastern region of the southern continent.
It is so quiet here now that everyone left... I feel relieved.

I'd have gone on the Colosso Tour if I knew business would be so slow.

Even if my husband wanted to go on the Colosso tour, I would
never let him. There's no telling what he'd do without me watching him.

I can't seem to relax, now that everyone is gone. Maybe I should go back...

I wonder what Colosso is like. Is it really that great?
Wait... I didn't flee Lalivero to go to Tolbi.

I was so scared coming to Angara from Gondowan, where Lalivero is.
Now I'm beginning to feel like I am truly free.

This is Lord Hammet's palace. The lord is away. Please, begone.

We will happily welcome visitors once Lord Hammet has returned.

Leave this to me.

It is I... Please permit me to see Lady Layana.

Don't you recognize me? I am Ivan, servant to Lord Hammet!


I didn't recognize you—You're so tan! But it really is you, Ivan!

Oh, it's Ivan! You've grown so much in such a short time, Ivan!

Have I really changed that much?

Really? I'm surprised... It doesn't feel like it's been that long...

You probably wouldn't know. You only met me after I got left in Vault.

That doesn't matter... What's important is that the thieves freed you!

Please tell us, will Lord Hammet be freed soon, too?

Freed? Lord Hammet is a prisoner?

...You haven't heard? I can see we'll need to fill you in on everything.
This is a private matter. Would your friends please leave?

No, Isaac! There are no secrets between us!

My companions and I have overcome many hardships together!

Very well, then... Why were you not with Lord Hammet?

I remained in Vault to look for his stolen rod.

Stolen? Someone stole his rod?

Yes, the Shaman's Rod. But I was able to recover it...

Then Lord Hammet must still be imprisoned in Lunpa...

I must report this to Lady Layana!

Ivan, come see Lady Layana with me... You can explain it all to her.

Isaac, you saw Lord Hammet heading north, didn't you?

That must have been when Lord Hammet went toward Lunpa.

No, I mean the day Lord Hammet went toward Lunpa...

Lady Layana will surely be glad to hear your tale.
Please, come with me, and tell her the full story.

When I heard that you were back, Ivan, I had dared to hope...
that Lord Hammet had returned with you.

We thought Lord Hammet had been released from Lunpa, too.

We sent the ransom money they demanded, so he should return soon, right?

What's been happening in Lunpa these days?

The leadership in Lunpa passed from its founder, Lunpa, the noble thief,
to his son Donpa, and then to Lunpa's grandson...

Dodonpa is a very evil man.
His father, Donpa, is heartbroken at the state of Lunpa now.

When did you send the ransom money?

Let's see... First, the volcano erupted...

And the ransom note came right after the eruption.

We rushed the money to them right away. I remember it well.

It's been quite a while since the eruption...

Is it possible they have no intention of letting Lord Hammet go?

You think so, too, Isaac?

I don't want to believe it either, but something seems wrong about this.

Are you saying Dodonpa won't release Hammet!?

I agree with Ivan.
If they were going to release him, they'd have done it by now.

I am sorry, Lady Layana, but I think Ivan might be right.

What should we do? How can we rescue Hammet?

What... What if something has happened to him!?

Let us handle this!

My lady, this is exactly what the soldiers of Kalay are here for!

Yes, Lady Layana! Please let us handle this!

Command us to attack, and we shall!

I cannot do that... Not without thinking it over carefully...

How can we guarantee Hammet's safety if we send soldiers to attack?

I cannot do it. I cannot put Hammet's life at risk...

Can't we do something to help?

Oh! Well, it's about time you started agreeing with me, Isaac!

What!? Look, we both know Hammet's life is in danger!

What are you two talking about?

Garet thinks that we can help.

It is too dangerous... If you fail, your lives would be in danger, too.

Besides, don't you have your own quests to pursue?

I thought so... I knew there had to be a reason Ivan had stayed with you,
instead of returning home directly from Vault.

I do not believe that... Ivan would not have stayed with you for so long
if you did not have an important task ahead.

Then what will happen to Lord Hammet?

Hammet is a good hostage for them... They will not kill him.

We shall wait for another message from Lunpa.

Lady Layana, I cannot leave like this...

It will be fine, Ivan. Hammet would not want to distract you from—

I apologize. I have said more than I should...

It sounds like Hammet knows about our mission ...doesn't it?

I suppose I can keep it a secret no longer...

Very well, I shall tell you...
He swore an oath to a Jupiter Adept.

A Jupiter Adept!?

Have you heard of a village called Vale?

You are from Vale? Really? Then the prophecy was true.

Give me a break! You don't know Vale!? It's our hometown!

You are from Vale...? Really? Then the prophecy was true.

What prophecy?

Three years after the terrible storm that struck only Mt. Aleph...

Ivan must depart on a journey with warriors from Vale...
So it was foretold.

I've heard nothing of any such prophecy.

It happened several years before Hammet founded Kalay...
He was off traveling.

Hammet felt he had reached an impasse as a merchant then.

He risked his life on a journey to find a new source of business...

He was in mortal danger at the southwestern edge of the world,
when some Adepts appeared and saved his life.

He had lost consciousness. When he awoke, he found himself in their village.

Just a moment... Am I from that village?

Yes. The Adept gave him the Shaman's Rod and you... along with some doubloons.

Doubloons... Were they golden doubloons?

Yes... Let's see... You are...called...

I am Mia, Lady Layana.

It was a lot of gold, Mia, but he also received some business advice.

Business advice? Hammet? The greatest merchant ever known?

Yes, Garet. Hammet has the Adepts to thank for his success.

Wow... I've never heard anything like that...

He was advised to buy silk in Xian and sell it in Tolbi.

To see anything sell so well, it's like a dream come true.

There's no denying that was when Hammet picked up his knack for business.

Did he have to promise them anything in return?

Ah, yes, Ivan... It is something you will need on your journey.

Something we need on our journey...

The Adept asked Hammet to use the Shaman's Rod to obtain it.

He looked for this object wherever he went...
But he could never find it.

Then, three years ago, a storm struck, one that hit only Mt. Aleph...

Hammet was worried that time was running out...

But he had managed to unearth a clue just in time.

That, Ivan, is why he took you with the caravan on his last journey north.

I had no idea... So that must be why he left the rod in my care. But then—

No, Ivan... You mustn't blame yourself...

It was my carelessness that caused the rod to be stolen. And ultimately,
that's why Lord Hammet is being held in Lunpa...

You must continue your journey and complete your quest.
You can't blame yourself.

But what will happen to Hammet?

I will handle this.

And don't forget the soldiers of Kalay!

Continue on your journey, and do not worry about Hammet!

I am sorry I cannot tell you more about the Shaman's Rod...

No, don't apologize...

The Shaman's Rod'll help us find that thing we need for our quest, right?

Will you look for it?

If Isaac says we will, then there's nothing to worry about!

What's wrong with you, Isaac? Did you forget why we're here?

If we need it for our quest, we'll have to find it sooner or later.

Very well... Take care of yourselves.

Return to your posts, everyone!

Dodonpa is a very shrewd man. He may have sent spies into Kalay.
We can't risk sending our soldiers yet.

The townsfolk don't know about Lord Hammet yet, do they?

Lord Hammet will be released soon. Right?

I hope so. Otherwise, Layana will be overwhelmed by sorrow.

It wouldn't hurt you to lie a little, you know!

Layana is putting up a strong front whenever people are around.
It's so hard to see her like this.

Merchants are supposed to be protected under the laws of Angara.
Dodonpa must truly be evil to break such a law!

Has the legacy of Lord Hammet's silk trading come to an end?

How can you say that! Lady Layana would be devastated!

You're right. I never should have said that. I feel terrible now.

Is this the right decision, Hammet? Am I making a mistake?

I'm sure the villagers would panic if they knew Hammet was a hostage...
We must be sure we do not show it...

Everyone's worried about Lord Hammet, but no one can talk about it openly.
If he isn't freed, it will mean the end of Kalay...

Lady Layana was crying again last night.
I wish there were something I could do.

And to think... I almost went on that caravan with Hammet!

Lord Hammet is a legend among merchants. Kalay can't survive without him.

Isaac, you sneaked into Lunpa? That's far too dangerous!

But I am happy to learn that Hammet is not hurt.

Thank you, Isaac... But please, do not go to Lunpa again.

Please, fulfill your quest.

Dodonpa plans to use Hammet to get every last penny he can from Kalay.
We shall have to appease him until we can rescue Hammet.

I don't care about the money, as long as Hammet comes home safely...

The soldiers of Kalay will handle this matter ourselves.
Please, go on with your journey, as Lady Layana requested.

We'll take care of this kidnapping incident just fine.
You should continue on your quest.

I'm worried about Lord Hammet, but Lady Layana insists we do nothing.
I can only hope for Lord Hammet's safety...

The warriors of Kalay will save Lord Hammet, no matter the toll.

The people in the inn were tourists going to see the Colosso.
All that fuss just to see a carnival in Tolbi! I don't get it.