Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Side Scripts/Prox

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Daila) | (Madra) | (Alhafra) | (Garoh) | (Kibombo) | (Izumo)
(Champa) | (Lemuria) | (Shaman Village) | (Contigo) | (Prox)
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Loho (initial visit)

Dwarf near entrance
Welcome to Loho! We've been excavating all sorts of ores to get the metals inside!
The metal used to make the ancient ruins might have come from these very rocks!
  We only settled here a short while ago, and we found all those ruins here...
  We named our settlement Loho, but I've been wondering what it used to be called...
Dwarf below entrance
We have a lot of important excavations going on, but we're also doing some mining.
  Everyone in Loho sure loves digging. It's not all mining... We're interested in history, too.
Dwarf left of sanctum
Some of the miners found an ancient cannon when they were digging a while back.
If you want to see it, it's over by the wall near the ruins.
  All we need is a way to use the cannon to knock down the wall... That would be great.
  Then, we could get rid of the cannon altogether. We don't have any use for weapons here.
Dwarf near well
Once we can get through the wall, there will be enough work for everyone in town!
  If you live in Loho and you don't dig, you're not one of us... You don't belong.
Inspect well southwest
Felix peered into the well...
This well looks really old.
I'll bet this is exactly how it looked back in ancient times.
Left dwarf at southwest corner
If you want to be a miner, you have to know the earth... You have to know where to dig.
  Real experts can find the best spots to dig in a single glance.
Center old dwarf at southwest corner
I haven't found anything worth the trouble of digging up. It's time to find another spot.
  I think I'm starting to lose my touch... None of my digs has produced anything at all.
Right dwarf at southeast corner
This is the spot. A good hole here, and you'll dig up some fantastic ore...
  Once you've been mining for a while, it's like the ground says to you, "Hey! Hey, you! Dig here!"
Old dwarf southeast of sanctum
That wall seems indestructible! We've been trying to dig through it for a while now.
We're pretty sure there are some valuable metals and minerals on the other side.
  If we can't get through that wall, we'll never know what's on the other side...
Old dwarf near cannon
Did you want this cannon?
  [Yes] Well, if you can figure out a way to break down this wall, it's all yours.
  [No] All we really want to do is break down that wall right there...
  If we can find someone to do that, we'll give 'im the cannon.
    All right, we figured out that you need to put a steel ball in there, but what do you do then?
    You can stick a ball in there just fine, but I don't think it'll be coming out on its own...
Upper-right dwarf near cannon
We brought the cannon up here to break down the old wall, but we don't have any ammunition...
  Cannons are so heavy! Why did we bring it up here if we're not going to use it?
Lower-right dwarf near cannon
You can put metal balls in the barrel, but what makes them come out again?
It looks a little like an old ballista, but the way it works is totally different.
  What idiot said that we'd be able to destroy that wall if we dragged the cannon up here?
General shopkeeper and inkeeper
Commerce really took off when we started this mining colony in Loho.
You just have to know how to make the most out of what's around you...
  Whenever someone strikes gold, we get a rush of visitors, and business just takes off.
Healer in sanctum
If you're only here for the cannon, you can forget about it.
  If the cannon is truly as powerful as the people say, we can't just give it away.

Loho (after using cannon)

Dwarf near entrance
Was that you that fired the cannon earlier?
If you know how to use the cannon, you'll be able to sail in the Northern Sea.
  That cannon can shatter any of the ice floes that keep the ships from trying to sail north.
Dwarf below entrance
That cannon sure gives off a serious bang! Everyone in Loho was totally shocked!
  That cannon was really loud... Imagine if you were standing right next to it!
Dwarf left of sanctum
When we found that cannon at the dig, I thought it was just useless junk.
If you know how to use it, it can be a pretty potent tool!
  I don't think we should have given the cannon away. We should have sold it to Tolbi.
Dwarf northwest of well
I've gotta go stake myself a claim on the other side of the wall!
We've found some valuable metals out here; think what we'll find inside!
  I just need to stick to this one spot. Eventually, I'll dig up something valuable!
Left dwarf at southwest corner
You probably only want the cannon so that you can force other people to obey your will.
  These guys must be really busy, sailing around all over the world like that.
Center old dwarf at southwest corner
I think we've dug up all that there is out here.
I'm going to find myself a new spot inside the wall.
  Even at my age, I just love the feel of digging into the earth.
  Still, when you're not digging up anything good, you start to feel a little frustrated.
Dwarf southeast of well
Ah, so you have a quest to fulfill, do you? I guess that means you're leaving soon.
When I was your age, I used to love the life of danger and adventure.
  When they get wherever they're going, they'll tell the world that Loho's got the best metal!
Old dwarf southeast of sanctum
Now that the wall's been breached, we can get on with the mining! Good work!
  We don't have anything to worry about, now that we can start mining in the ruins...
Old dwarf in opened area
Ha ha ha! I've got this giddy feeling, like I'm going to dig up a mountain of money!
Whenever I get this feeling, I always dig out a fortune!
  It doesn't matter how old you get... Nothing beats the feeling of digging a new mine.
Upper dwarf in opened area
I keep digging up little, tiny gems and metals... But when I get enough, I'll be rich!
After all, when you pile up enough dirt, you eventually make a mighty mountain!
  I've hit the mother lode! I keep on digging, and I keep getting more and more!
Lower dwarf in opened area
Thanks for opening up the wall... There are some great places to dig out here!
  I only just started digging, and I'm already wealthy beyond my wildest dreams!
General shopkeeper and inkeeper
I hear you took our cannon in exchange for knocking down that ancient wall.
I'll be sorry to see it go... That cannon was going to make Loho famous.
  Now, we don't have a symbol anymore... We just have a town full of holes.
Healer in sanctum
You've acquired a splendid cannon. Just be sure that you use it wisely.
  It worries me to no end, thinking of the evils one could do with that cannon.

Prox (initial visit)

Man near entrance
Felix! Welcome back to Prox! It looks like only Mars Lighthouse still needs lighting...
Agatio didn't think you'd be coming back here, so I'm a little surprised to see you...
  Agatio and Karst told me that Felix ran away because their quest was too dangerous.
Girl outside south-center residence
Once the final lighthouse is lit, the winds should weaken. They keep getting stronger, though!
  If this weather continues much longer, we'll all be buried under snow in no time.
Woman outside center-west residence
Agatio and Karst left for Mars Lighthouse a little while ago...
  Agatio and Karst are the strongest fighters in Prox... That's why we sent them.
  But I'm worried... They've been gone for a while now, and the lighthouse still remains dark.
Boy outside mayor's manor
Felix, you're back? And you learned how to use Psynergy?
I can sense the power inside of you... It's strong!
  If Felix could become an Adept so quickly, so can I!
Man walking outside sanctum
I'm glad you made it back safely... The ice is making it very difficult for anyone to sail here.
  Ever since Agatio returned from Jupiter Lighthouse, the winds have been stronger than ever...
Old man at north end of main screen
I've been keeping a close eye on the northern skies...
Once I see a bright flash in the distance, I'll know the last beacon has been lit.
  Everything is supposed to return to normal once Mars Lighthouse is lit again.
Old woman near southeast igloo
Have you seen Saturos or Menardi? People have been saying that they were killed...
  I can't believe anyone could have beaten Saturos and Menardi...
Woman right of frozen river
We're used to the cold up here in Prox, but lately, it seems to be getting worse.
  It gets cold around here, but this is the first time I've ever seen snow pile up on the river.
  What if Agatio doesn't reach Mars Lighthouse in time?
Felix, your parents have gone away... They were very worried about you.
  Felix's parents were worried about him when they heard Saturos was dead.
Innkeeper's wife
Your mother knows that you're strong and healthy, so I'm sure she's very relieved...
  Felix's parents were so worried about him that they were wasting away...
Man in south-central residence
The rift at Mars Lighthouse gets wider every day.
If we don't find a way to stop it, I think it's going to devour Prox entirely!
  I thought Prox would be here forever, but now, it looks like it might be destroyed!
Woman in south-center residence
Our chieftain told me that the rift is growing larger by the day, just like Gaia Falls is.
We'd better light the Mars beacon soon, or Prox is finished...
  Nobody believed that the rift would go as far south as Prox...
  They all thought Puelle was being melodramatic... But no one thinks that anymore...
Boy in south-center residence
Not too long ago, I climbed the mountains to the north to look at the rift. It was huge!
  The northern rift has gotten so big that I couldn't see the other side...
Inspect oven in south-center residence
Felix looked in the oven...
Those boiling vegetables look like weeds.
I'm pretty sure I won't be eating any of those anytime soon.
Old man in center-left residence
We sent emissaries to Vale to tell them that Weyard was dying.
But they wouldn't listen to us... If only they had listened to us...
  At least the journey wasn't for nothing. We learned that Sol Sanctum held a hidden secret.
Old woman in center-left residence
Vale's elders were stubborn... They refused to listen to us, and they drove us out by force.
We had gone in peace, hoping to convince them of the plight our world faces...
  Three years ago, we sent our finest to Sol Sanctum. All but two were killed in a trap.
  The people of Vale couldn't possibly understand how dire our need was...
Inspect oven in center-left residence
Felix looked in the oven...
There's cheese in this stew.
Hey! There's mold growing on it! Is it supposed to be like that?
Woman in mayor's manor
Puelle, our chieftain, grew worried about Agatio and Karst.
He's gone to the northern edge of town to wait for them.
  Now that Saturos and his team are gone, Agatio is the last of our warriors.
  If something happens to them, our final hope is lost.
Old man in mayor's manor
The people Saturos rescued from the storm in Vale should be waiting in their room.
Once Mars Lighthouse has been lit, they'll be free to return home.
  Mars is the last lighthouse that needs to be rekindled.
  Once that's been taken care of, the people of Vale will be set free.
Old woman in mayor's manor
Don't forget, Felix, your mother and father are staying in the north end of Prox.
  Saturos used Felix's parents to force Felix to follow him on his mission.
  We've fallen on hard times when we need to coerce people to join our cause.
Great Healer in sanctum
I hear Agatio and Karst have gone to Mars Lighthouse...
What if their actions only cause more turmoil? How can we be sure they're right?
  These catastrophes are the result of the lighthouse beacons being rekindled.
  This snow, this wind, it all started after Jupiter Lighthouse was lit.
Girl in southeast igloo
The wind is so cold and bitter that we decided to hide out inside our igloo...
  Mama and Papa have been acting really strange lately... They seem so sad.
  Whenever I ask them what's wrong, they tell me to go outside and play some more.
Left boy in southeast igloo
My parents told me that it would do me good to get some fresh air, but I'm freezing!
  I always catch a cold when I'm outside in weather like this... Does Mom want me to get sick?
Woman in southeast igloo
Those poor children. They don't understand what's about to happen to us...
I just want them to be happy in the short time left to us.
  I can't bring myself to tell them what's going to happen to us... Oh, please, save us...
Right boy in southeast igloo
Felix, you like igloos, right?
  [Yes] You would say that... You come from somewhere warm and sunny!
  We didn't have anything to play with, so we just decided to make this thing...
  [No] Well, if you don't like cold things, you're in the wrong place!
  We just built this so that we'd have something to do to keep us warm...
    I hate igloos, but at least it's protecting us from the wind...
Inspect pot in southeast igloo
Felix looked in the oven...
They've got some strange meat I've never seen before.
Instead of using firewood, they're cooking it with burning antlers.
I wonder if the meat and the antlers came from the same animal.
Right woman in east residence
If Mars Lighthouse's fires are not rekindled, Prox will be destroyed, but that's not all...
Eventually, Gaia Falls will continue to erode, finally devouring all of Weyard.
  I think it's too late for us already... But if they light the fires, we'll be ready for them.
Left woman in east residence
No one thought about our needs when they extinguished the great lighthouses...
Now, because of them, our great land is dying, crumbling away at the edges...
  To think that we all once had the power to control nature... What fools we were.
Man downstairs in east residence
Prox originally flourished because concerned Adepts lit the fires of the Mars Lighthouse.
Now, we, the people of the northern flame, have been forgotten by the outside world.
  When the lighthouses were all extinguished, every great civilization faded away...
Man in general store
When you left Prox, you were so young that you could barely lift a sword!
Now, look at you! You could handle any weapon with ease!
  What has he gone through that he's become so strong in such a short time?
General shopkeeper
You go away for a little while, and you come back a strong and mighty warrior!
I'm so proud of you!
  Felix looks so confident, so bold... You can see it in his eyes...
Young man outside abandoned house in north screen
Puelle ordered me to set your parents free. That's why I'm here now...
The only thing is, no one else is here... I don't know where your parents went!
  Puelle wanted to set Felix's parents free before Prox was destroyed...
  But if we can't find them, how can we set them free?
Woman outside abandoned house in north screen
Felix took the trouble of coming back for his parents, and now they're just gone?
  I can't think of anywhere else Felix's parents might have gone!
Inspect oven in abandoned house in north screen
Felix looked in the oven...
There is some strange dish made using fish eggs.
There are strings coming from them. I wonder if that's normal.
Left female warrior in north screen
Puelle promised that he would return our hostages to Vale.
If you don't believe me, ask him yourself.
  Puelle never intended to take hostages. He wanted the people of Vale to be returned safely.
  Saturos insisted that we hold on to them for our safety, but Puelle disagreed.
Center female warrior in north screen
Our Psynergy feels weak... I can sense it inside me.
The water, earth, and wind lighthouses have been lit, and fire alone remains dark.
  If only my fire Psynergy weren't so weak now, I might be able to help...
Right female warrior in north screen
All we can do now is wait for Agatio and his men to return...
But no honest soldier can sit idly by while others do all of the work.
  If they didn't light the beacon and they didn't return home, Agatio's team must have failed.
Left male warrior in north screen
I feel so helpless... Agatio has not returned, and the lighthouse beacon remains unlit.
  Puelle is stronger than any of us, and there is nothing he can do to save us...
  But if we don't take some kind of action, Prox will be destroyed for sure...
Center male warrior in north screen
If we were better Adepts, we could try to enter the lighthouse ourselves...
  Neither our elder nor Puelle will tell us what's going on at the lighthouse...
  Why are we training so much? A lighthouse shouldn't pose that much danger...
Right male warrior in north screen
Is that you, Felix? When did you return to Prox?
You should take your parents back to Vale, so they can at least die in their hometown.
  If the lighthouse isn't lit soon, Prox is doomed... I need to get out of here!
Elder of Prox in north screen
Felix, you are the only hope left to us now. Good luck.
  If they were strong enough to defeat Saturos and Menardi, perhaps they can do the job...
Puelle in north screen
You must find Agatio and Karst, and you must take the Mars Star from them.
  If this doesn't work, we're all finished... Prox, Weyard, even Vale... All will be lost...

Mars Lighthouse

Your warm... People have such warm hands... I had forgotten...
  I'm so cold, colder than I ever thought possible... All because Mars Lighthouse remains unlit...
  I have to stay alive...long enough to see its light...
It's too late for us now... Hurry, light the beacon.
  I'm so tired... A fog is rising before my eyes... No! Can't die until the lit...
Inspect placard near fish symbol
Fish... With cold courage, they ruled the water.
Inspect placard near bird symbol
Bird... On the wings of truth, they ruled the winds.
Inspect placard near dragon symbol
Dragons... Burning with might, they ruled the fires.
Inspect placard near human symbol
Mankind... With the power of wisdom, they ruled the earth.
Attempt to leave beacon after final boss
[Kraden] Do not let your sadness overwhelm you, Felix!
Go! Once the beacon has been ignited, you can mourn as much as you need. I will protect you.
Our quest is almost over. I...don't know how I'm going to tell Mom about this...
But sorrow can wait. We've got to light the beacon.
I wish I could console you somehow... It must be tough...
I just wish I'd had one last chance to have some of Felix's mother's cookies.
Felix, I understand your loss...
But remember, you and Jenna still have each other.
If Alex set this all in motion, then he's responsible for this, and I'll never forgive him.
*Koff! Koff!* Felix... You made it back...alive... Please, I must ask one last thing...
Tell live her life to the fullest...for me...
I thought I'd get to see my parents again... I thought I'd get to hold them again...
But instead, we were forced to destroy them...
I don't know my parents... They might be alive, somewhere out there... But I share your pain.
I'm sorry things had to end up like this, Jenna.
Both Kyle and your parents were very dear to me. My sorrow joins yours, friends.
We must light the beacon, if for no other reason than to provide them with a proper funeral.
Felix's father
Unnnn... Felix? ...Jenna?
I am so have one last chance to see you again... in the end...
Jenna's mother
Uhhhhnnn... Felix... I...can't see you, but I sense that you're nearby...
Please... Take care of Jenna for us...

Prox (epilogue)

NOTE: This section includes Mind Read text that cannot be accessed in-game without external hacking methods because the party does not have access to the Mind Read Psynergy during this segment.

Man near entrance
Thank you for lighting the fires of the lighthouse beacon, Felix. You saved us all.
  Felix has proven himself as the strongest warrior Prox has ever known!
Girl outside south-center residence
Will you be going back to Vale now that your quest is over, Felix? Don't forget us!
  I bet Felix and his friends live in a nice, warm place... I wish I could go with them.
Woman outside center-west residence
It's too bad about Agatio and Karst...
They weren't bad people... A little obsessed, yeah, but it's still sad that they're gone.
  I heard the Karst and Agatio were defeated by a monstrous dragon...
  Felix beat the dragon, though... I don't know whether I'm impressed or scared of him.
Boy outside mayor's manor
You did an amazing job... You accomplished what Agatio and Karst could not...
  When Felix left town, he of a fighter... He wasn't much of anything, really...
  When did he become mightier than the mightiest of Prox's warriors?
Man walking outside sanctum
I don't remember the last time I saw the sky this bright and clear. It feels wonderful!
  The blizzard's finally over... That was the worst patch of weather we've ever had!
Old man at north end of main screen
I was so moved when I saw that light shining from the north. We all owe you our lives.
  I was the first person in town to see the lighthouse! I was so happy, I had to tell everyone!
  I felt like a little boy again, running giddily through town, shouting and waving!
Old woman near southeast igloo
The lighthouses have all been lit... Does that mean we're going to fall back into war and chaos?
  They had no choice... They had to light the four elemental lighthouses...
  Even though it might mean a rise in war and violence, it had to be done.
Woman right of frozen river
Winter in Prox can be bitter cold, but I think things will feel more mild after this.
  Now that our weather is returning to normal, maybe everyone will move back here.
First boy chasing near igloo
If I'm going to be a great warrior, like Felix, I'm gonna have to train hard.
  You get more exercise running in the snow, because it's a lot harder to do.
Second boy chasing near igloo
Weeee! What fun! Now that it's stopped snowing, we can go outside and play.
  Now that the lighthouse is lit, we don't have to play in that stupid igloo anymore.
Girl chasing near igloo
I miss running around outside. It's been so cold, I can't even work up a good sweat.
  That blizzard was unreal, but it's gone now, and the weather's beautiful.
We had no idea there would be such a terrible earthquake when the beacon was lit.
My wife tumbled right into my arms... It was like we were teenagers all over again!
  We'll never be able to thank Felix and the warriors of Vale enough.
  I hope they're all happy to be home with their families in Vale again.
Innkeeper's wife
After that earthquake, I feel like I aged a couple of years in just a few minutes!
  When the earthquake hit, Felix and his friends were high up on the lighthouse.
  If that had been me up there, I think my heart would have stopped from fear!
Man in south-central residence
I think the rift to the north started receding when the lighthouse was lit...
  I was afraid the falls were going to gobble me up! I'm glad that's over now...
Woman in south-center residence
I wonder if that hole up north has stopped growing... What if it starts again?
  What do we do if the falls start expanding again and Felix isn't here?
  Oh, great... That's going to keep me up all night worrying.
Boy in south-center residence
The lighthouse was so beautiful when the beacon was lit... It made a beautiful band of light!
  All the lights joined up together and shot off to the southeast.
  It looked like they all formed into a big, golden ball or something.
Old man in center-left residence
Felix, take some advice from an old man...
You would do well not to tell anyone that you were the ones to light the beacons...
  If they found out Felix used the treasures of Sol Sanctum to light the beacons...
  That fool of a mayor would no doubt punish them for what they did to save us.
Old woman in center-left residence
Isaac and his friends left Vale having sworn to return with the Elemental Stars.
When they return, they'll have to tell everyone what happened. I hope they won't be punished...
  The mayor and the elders in Vale are so out of touch.
  When they see Felix and his friends return without the stones, they'll punish them.
Elder of Prox in mayor's manor
Your body has absorbed a great deal of raw elemental energy. Please be careful.
  The power to revive the dead... It's an awesome and terrifying power indeed...
  Eternal life could soon be in the hands of Alchemists everywhere... What a thought!
Puelle in mayor's manor
I have much to do, so I won't be able to see you off, but I wish you safe journey.
  We may have underestimated the power of the Psynergy he unleashed...
  We'll have to study it more closely once we've seen Felix on his way.
Woman in mayor's manor
There's no telling what could happen now... If you absorbed energy, maybe Jenna did, too...
Which means you'd better not make her angry, or you'll really get it!
  We've lost so many soldiers, and now Felix is leaving... It's going to be quiet in Prox.
Old man in mayor's manor
Felix, I always thought of you as my very own grandson when you were here...
Now that you're leaving, I can't describe the sorrow that fills this old man's heart.
  Who knew that the poor, injured boy they brought back from Vale would be the one to save Prox?
  I'm happy that he'll finally be able to return home, but I'll miss him so...
Old woman downstairs in mayor's manor
Think of your old grandma's cooking every now and then when you're back home in Vale.
  I'm so sad... Felix doesn't even have time to enjoy this last meal I made him...
Great Healer in sanctum
Now that the lighthouse has been lit, I fear for what will happen to Weyard.
  The lighthouses are going to restore the power of Alchemy to the land...
  But Alchemy is too terrible a power to set free...
Woman in southeast igloo
I can hear the sound of children playing far off in the distance...
That sound means that everything's back to normal and our worries are past.
  It's been so long since children's voices rang through our streets.
  I hope these children remain ignorant of how much danger we were all in...
Right woman in east residence
The people of Prox won't forget what you've done for them...
You can return home to Vale with great pride, but you'll always be welcome here.
  Felix and his allies saved us from certain destruction.
  It's a shame the rest of the world doesn't know how much they've done for us all.
Left woman in east residence
I guess the four lighthouses were the seal that blocked the power of Alchemy.
So not only did Felix save Prox, he's also brought about a new golden age!
  Now that Alchemy is free, it's like Weyard is waking up! How will the world change?
Man downstairs in east residence
I've been told that lighting the four beacons has set Alchemy free on the world.
Now that we all can use Alchemy again, civilization is going to make great strides!
  Alchemy has been freed. We must begin researching it in earnest here in Prox.
Man in general store
Thank you so much, Felix! If you hadn't returned to us, we wouldn't be here now!
  I never imagined that little Felix would become stronger even than Agatio and Karst.
General shopkeeper
Your foster grandmother knew that you would return. She always said you were reliable.
  It's too bad Felix can't stick around... He'd make the perfect son-in-law.
Lower female warrior in north screen
Felix taught me a lot about how to be a serious soldier...
I've been going easy on myself, but no more! I'm going to train harder every day!
  Maybe if I train hard enough, I'll be as strong as Menardi and Karst were...
Center female warrior in north screen
Well, you look like you're all set for the return trip to Vale. Travel well, Felix.
  When Felix left Prox, I didn't think much of him, but now, he's totally hot!
Upper female warrior in north screen
Even just standing outside the lighthouse, I can feel the energy coming from within...
  If the light of the beacon keeps shining, the power of Alchemy will never end...
  Even if Prox is attacked, the bright flames of our strength will burn on.
Lower male warrior in north screen
I just don't think I'm cut out to be a soldier. I should have taken up knitting instead.
  On the other hand, now that Alchemy is free, maybe I should study Alchemy...
Upper-left male warrior in north screen
Sorry, Felix, but this road is blocked off right now.
  The road to the lighthouse is in terrible shape after the earthquake...
  I've got no clue how Felix and the others made it back to town on that road.
Upper-right male warrior in north screen
If you're worried about the lighthouse beacon, don't... It's still lit.
  The elders were saying that the lighthouse beacon is tough to put out once it's lit.