Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Side Scripts/Champa

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Daila) | (Madra) | (Alhafra) | (Garoh) | (Kibombo) | (Izumo)
(Champa) | (Lemuria) | (Shaman Village) | (Contigo) | (Prox)
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Champa (first visit)

Left bald man in left "boat-tent"
It looked to me like the wave came from the Sea of Time. What's in there? What caused it?
  Something must have blown up in the Sea of Time. That would explain the tidal wave.
Upper bald man in left "boat-tent"
The tidal wave was terrible... It... It nearly swallowed me whole!
  The fish are vanishing. I'm sailing farther and farther for fewer and fewer fish.
Right bald man in left "boat-tent"
Most of the sailors here live in the cliff dwellings, but I don't like those caves. They're dank!
And what's worse, the people living in the harbor really resent the cliff-dwellers.
  You have to be one of the pirates to live in the cliffs... I just can't do it...
Boy in right "boat-tent"
When my father heads out to sea, he takes our home with him and leaves us cold.
But when he comes home with an empty net, that leaves us cold AND hungry.
  I hope Dad makes it back before dark... I don't want to have to sleep on shore with no shelter.
Girl in right "boat-tent"
My dad went out to fish, but there were no fish to be caught, so he had to come back empty-handed.
  Father worries so much about the lack of fish...
  He used to come back with fish jumping out of his nets. Why can't he catch fish anymore?
Purple-dressed woman in right "boat-tent"
Everyone in Champa is poor, but the poorest of us all live on rafts... I want to live on land.
  If Dad hadn't been opposed to Briggs becoming a pirate, we'd still be living on land...
Cyan-vested man in right "boat-tent"
There's not much space in the cliff caves. That's why we have to live out here on the boats.
  These rafts are all we have! There's no place left for us on dry land!
Cyan-vested man walking under tightrope
Oh, I'm so hungry... And there won't be anything to eat until Briggs returns.
  Where could Briggs be wasting his time now?
Green-shirted man walking near general store
How did you find your way here, to the edge of Angara? Champa is hidden by mountains.
No one ever climbs over to see us, except for the monks of the Fuchin Temple.
  Champa is all alone on the eastern edge of Angara. That's why we took to the sea.
  We had to learn to fend for ourselves... That's why we are seafaring people today.
Boy concentrating on rock near general store
Eoleo, Briggs's son, has a really strange ability...
I'll bet if I keep practicing, I'll be able to do it, too, so I'm giving it my all.
  If I could pick up things without using my hands, life would be so much easier.
Girl at rock near general store
Once Briggs comes back, I can play with Eoleo again... I hope they come back soon.
  Eoleo's so much younger than I am, but I can't stop thinking about him... Is
Purple-skirted woman left of tightrope
When is Briggs going to return with food for the village? We can't wait much longer.
  Briggs promised to bring enough food for the whole village.
Old man in residence left of tightrope
We've seen a lot of traveling warriors in Champa of late.
We never used to... I wonder if it's just a coincidence that we've seen so many lately...
  More visitors means more money for our village... Maybe we'll even get tourists soon!
Old woman in residence left of tightrope
A group of travelers came here looking for a Felix.
He seems to be a fairly popular guy.
  Now that I think about it, someone else was looking for a Felix, too.
  I'll bet that guy is probably still somewhere in town...
General shopkeeper
I have some lovely artifacts, but it's only because I've been to the Ankohl Ruins.
  Our products cost what they cost for a reason: they're all rare and valuable treasures from Ankohl.
  If I risk my life to get something nice, of course I'm going to ask a higher price for it!
Green-shirted man in general store
If you go to the Ankohl Ruins, you might find some nice artifacts for yourself.
  The stuff in the ruins just sits there waiting for someone to come along and take it.
  But if it's broken, I'm the only guy in town who can fix it.
Lower-left sea fighter near inn
Our matriarch is the last successor of the Ankohl.
She's a master of the forge. It was the ancient gift of the Ankohl...
There's nothing broken that they couldn't fix.
  Obaba's locked herself in her room until her grandson, Briggs, returns from sea.
  She's so worried... She hasn't even been eating. I hope she's all right.
Upper-left sea fighter near inn
The cliff caves are a lot quieter with Briggs gone... It's a little lonely without him here.
  Why haven't Briggs and his men returned yet?
  Obaba said not to go looking for them, but what if they're in trouble?
Upper-right sea fighter near inn
The Champa sailors aren't...well liked outside of here, are we?
  [Yes] Hey, that hurts... You could at least lie to me, just to be polite...
  If you keep spreading rumors like that, you'll have a rough time around here.
  [No] Really? That's nice to hear. But if you do hear anything, don't believe a word of it.
    If Briggs would just bring the treasure he found back to Champa, we could all prosper.
    Then we could put this pirate business behind us for good.
Old woman near inn
The ruins at Ankohl are all that remains of a great sanctum our ancestors built.
They must have been quite wealthy to build such a massive building.
  They say the chamber at the top of the ruins is decorated in the purest gold.
  Our ancestors must have been wealthy to afford such extravagent decor.
Old man near inn
You've the look of a traveler about you... Have you been to Ankohl Ruins?
  [Yes] Only those who have mastered the powers of the earth can enter the ruins.
  [No] My mistake... These old eyes aren't what they used to be.
  Anyway, the ruins are just a little ways northeast of here. You should go see them.
    I want someone to solve the riddle of Ankohl Ruins before I die... It's my one wish!
Green-dressed woman walking near sanctum
Champa is impoverished, but soon, we will prosper again.
All our hopes rest on Briggs returning with a ship filled with treasures!
  I bet Briggs has already dug up the treasure and is on his way back home.
Listen, if you came to Champa looking for good seafood, you came to the wrong place.
We haven't had a decent catch in months. It's like all the fish are just...gone.
  It's a shame that we can't offer any fish to our customers.
  Ah, how I long for the days when we had fish enough for everyone.
Innkeeper's wife
We used to do good trade with an island east of us. They bought all our surplus fish.
We don't have any surplus anymore. We don't even have enough for ourselves.
  Watching our catches dwindle with every day... It's a nightmare! Where have all the fish gone?
Green-shirted man in northeast residence
The ocean has been a lot warmer lately, and the fish population is decreasing.
It's not natural for the ocean to be so warm. What's causing it?
  We Champa rely entirely on the ocean for our survival. It's all we've ever known...'
  I wish the Eastern Sea would return to its bountiful days of overflowing nets and smooth seas.
Green-dressed woman in northeast residence
I've heard rumors of a terrible tidal wave striking the lands south of us.
I sure hope Briggs and his men weren't engulfed by it...
  All the sailors are saying the tidal wave down south was unbelievably huge.
  If Briggs were caught up in it, I don't think he could have survived.
Healer at sanctum
Briggs bears the weight of hope for our struggling, impoverished village.
He must return home soon, before all the villagers lose hope and fall into despair.
  I hope Briggs brings something home for us... If not, it might be the end of Champa...
Northwest purple-dressed woman in first floor of caves
The Champa sailors who don't live in the cliffs are no better than cowards.
The ones living in the caves will protect Briggs and Obaba without a second thought.
  If you live up in the cliffs, that means you've proven that you can travel far across the seas.
  If you call yourself a sailor without ever going anywhere, you're not worthy of the title.
Purple-dressed woman in first floor cave hall
All of our men went to sea with Briggs—even my sweetheart! I hope they return soon.
  Briggs is the greatest among all our sailors.
  As long as he is leading our men, they'll make it back to Champa just fine.
Purple-dressed woman looking from outdoor cliff
I bet you're wondering why only sailors and their families get to live in the cliff dwellings.
Well, from up here on the cliffs, families can look out to sea and await the return of their sailors.
  Standing here, staring across the sea from these cliffs, makes me feel like I'm helping our sailors.
Cyan-vested man in northwest second-floor cave room
Before he left, Briggs ordered me to keep watch in his absence.
If Obaba is so worried about Briggs, she ought to send someone out to look for him.
  Briggs may be our captain, but at least he's not all full of himself. I hate people like that.
Purple-dressed woman in southeast second-floor cave room
My husband wants our children to be sailors like him, but I simply won't have it.
  When I married a sailor, I knew how cruel the sea could be.
  I can't stop my husband from sailing, but I don't want our children to follow that path.
Girl in southeast second-floor cave room
Mom's had it pretty rough. I hope I meet a sailor with a future, so I don't have to work so hard.
  Eoleo is the only boy in town who will amount to anything... He will be mine!
Boy in southeast second-floor cave room
Someday, I want to be a sailor, like my father before me. My mother hates the idea, though.
She'd rather have me study and become a scholar or something.
  Has Mom forgotten that I am my father's son?
  If she knew anything about me, she'd never ask me to give up the sailor's life.
Cyan-vested man next to Obaba's room
Obaba's not seeing anyone right now.
She's concerned about her grandson, and she doesn't want to be bothered.
  I've never seen Obaba like this before.
  She must be really worried about Briggs...
Obaba (when attempting to open her door)
Has my grandson returned? Has my Briggs come home?
  [Yes] You lie! If Briggs had truly returned, he would have come to see me first!
  [No] I asked not to be disturbed until my grandson has returned home! Now, let me be!
Cyan-vested man at Forge of Ankohl
That pit is Obaba's forge. She uses it when she's working metal into weapons and equipment.
  I wonder how deep this forge goes. It's supposed to reach right into the mountain's heart.
  Obaba must be a master of the forge if she's the only one who can call up its flames.

Champa (after Briggs returns)

Left bald man in left "boat-tent"
While I'm grateful for the food, it's somewhat annoying knowing that Briggs saved the day.
  I should just sign up with Briggs's crew and stop all my complaining.
  Oh, but my shipmates would never forgive me if I bailed on them like that.
Upper bald man in left "boat-tent"
I hear that Briggs sold the jewels he found for cash and then acquired a boat.
  The nerve of that Briggs! He's gone for a bit, and he comes back in a bigger boat!
  I'll bet he only did it to show us up, too!
Right bald man in left "boat-tent"
Briggs really saved our hides this time, but I'm not about to join his crew!
Yeah, maybe I do owe him for this, but I'll find a way to pay him back legitimately.
  I refuse to live in the cliffs, and therefore I am against Briggs.
  I have accepted his food, but that is as far as I will let myself slip.
Boy in right "boat-tent"
Father's acting like a child, and it seems he quit his job. He plans on lounging around at home...
  If Father sits around the house, he will lose all respectability. It's better to fish than to do nothing.
Girl in right "boat-tent"
When Briggs returned with the jewels, the adults quit working. I hope I don't become like them.
  Quitting their jobs makes the adults just like us kids. It's getting really weird around here.
Purple-dressed woman in right "boat-tent"
It's true! It's true! Briggs did return with the jewels!
He's really going to have more friends than he did before!
  Briggs is a hero for saving the village. But will Father lose his motivation to be productive?
Cyan-vested man in right "boat-tent"
We don't need to live off fish anymore, so we don't need any fishermen, do we?
That does it. I'm not working anymore. What would be the point?
  I'd rather spend my time sleeping than passing it chasing fish that can't be caught.
  Why go after food, when Briggs can give it to you?
Left sea fighter among crates
Obaba is the last possessor of the ancient secrets of Ankhol, a long-lost civilization...
There's nothing she can't fix, no matter how broken it is. She's quite the blacksmith!
  Is Obaba in a good mood now, or what? I noticed the change as soon as Briggs returned.
  If you've got something to ask her, now's the time to ask.
Right sea fighter among crates
Now, nobody has to do anything he or she doesn't want to do! We owe Briggs a lot of thanks.
  Nobody really likes to play the role of a pirate.
  I'm sure everyone is glad they don't have to anymore.
Cyan-vested man among crates
Briggs came back with a giant load of food! I've never been so full! It feels great!
  Briggs is so generous! He told me to eat and eat and eat, so I did!
Upper-left sea fighter among crates
Briggs fought the odds to bring us jewels and food! He's an amazing leader!
  If Champa gets enough money, maybe we can stop with the looting and pillaging...
Boy among crates
Those bags are full of food for the people of Champa. Briggs gave them to us.
  All of our stockhouses are so full of food that they've just left the extra out here...
Green-shirted man walking near general store
Let's see them call Champa poor now!
Ever since Briggs came back with a cargo of gems, we've been filthy stinking rich!
  Gosh... How much are all those jewels worth? More than I can figure, I know that.
Girl near rock and general store
I want to play with Eoleo, but he never comes down to the harbor anymore.
  Eoleo said he couldn't play with us anymore, even though he's younger than we are...
Purple-skirted woman left of tightrope
Don't talk to me about food... I feel like I'm gonna be sick.
  Errrrg... I was so full, and I just kept eating. I think I'm going to explode now.
Old man in residence left of tightrope
I've been wondering about finding a chief for Champa, since we don't have one.
If so, then Briggs would be the favorite, since he's given so much to the village.
  A new image for Champa will reflect the time we live in... Any new visitors will like it...
Old woman in residence left of tightrope
We village elders have guided Champa for so many years...
Yes, times are changing. Perhaps it's time Champa's leadership was given to the sailors.
  Observing Briggs recently, the limits of Champa as a village are very apparent.
  From now on, the village will develop through trade. I guess that's the era we've come to.
General shopkeeper
The jewels Briggs found are truly remarkable.
I wonder if there are any more like these in that cave.
  Briggs's men said they found amazing weapons and things in the cave, too...
  I wish I'd been there. I would like to have seen them...
Green-shirted man in general store
Thanks to Briggs, the Champa can eat again!
Unfortunately, all that food is going to run out someday. Then, what do we do?
  Now's the time we ought to be working hardest. While we can eat, Champa can flourish.
Old woman near inn
Briggs looks so reliable, so sure of himself. I've never seen him like this before.
  Briggs was always such a brat, but now he's saved the village! What a turnaround!
Old man near inn
Briggs took a long time to return to us. You want to know why?
  [Yes] He was being held by an evil man who stole his money and made him a prisoner!
  They were probably trying to find Briggs's jewels... The sea is a rough place.
  [No] Briggs overcame great danger to return home to us. I admire him. I really do.
    We're lucky Briggs hadn't found the jewels when he was caught.
    That would have been the end of Champa.
Green-dressed woman walking near sanctum
Hey, you just came to Champa not too long ago, didn't you?
  [Yes] You'll be pleased to know that Briggs found ancient pirate treasure and bought us all food!
  [No] Well, you wouldn't know it to look at us now, but Champa was quite poor until recently.
  Now, thanks to Briggs, we're all so wealthy, it's disgusting!
    Things are going to be different around here. Things are going to be better. I can't wait.
We still haven't been able to catch any fish for dinner.
Not to worry, though. We'll serve up the meat that Briggs bought for us!
  Most people here would love a nice fish meal, but having red meat is a nice change.
Innkeeper's wife
It's nice not having to work, but it gets a little boring after a while.
  The only way to find your special purpose in life is to work hard.
Green-shirted man in northeast residence
It seems the elders are considering appointing Briggs the first-ever chief of Champa.
  Sure, Briggs saved the village. But saving it from despair is not the same as governing it...
Green-dressed woman in northeast residence
I, for one, think a person who can bring the people of Champa together will do us some good.
  Supporting an entire village through fishing from the sea is next to impossible.
  We need new sources of income. Briggs is on the right path, finding us all those lovely jewels.
Healer at sanctum
Briggs's jewels have turned this poor town into a wealthy place, but he brought too many.
Now, the hardworking people of Champa have learned to be lazy louts.
  All the people in town think they can live without ever having to work again.
  They've quit their jobs, and they rely too heavily on Briggs's find.
Northwest purple-dressed woman in first floor of caves
What, you want to come in?
  [Yes] As if! I'm a nice girl, and I'm not about to let some masher come storming into my room!
  [No] Yeah? So what do you want? You're wasting my time.
    Tough or not, he's not getting past me without a beating.
Lower sea fighter in first floor cave hall
All right, I surrender! I'll go back to Alhafra...but only if Briggs is going.
  He's after our ship, isn't he? That no-good thief mayor must have sent him.
Upper sea fighter in first floor cave hall
Why do you have to be so stubborn? Quit following us, you big bully!
  Maybe if I pretend he's not there, he'll go away. I don't want to fight him... He's got creepy powers!
Lower-left sea fighter blocking second-floor hall
I'd rather fight than go back to jail. Bring it on, sissyboy!
  It would be so much easier just to go back to jail. Yeah... They can't beat me up if I surrender!
Lower-right sea fighter blocking second-floor hall
You're Felix, aren't you? You've come to bring in Briggs, haven't you?
  Briggs said the guy who captured him was some amazingly tough thug named Felix.
  But I don't know... If this really is him, he doesn't look like the bad guy Briggs said he was.
Girl in southeast second-floor cave room
If you so much as touch me, I'll bite your nose off!
  What's he staring at? Sheesh! This guy's a total lech!
Boy in southeast second-floor cave room
Why's everyone so scared of you? You don't look so tough.
  He's not so tough! Why's everyone running away? Just thump him good and be done with it.
Sea fighter blocking Obaba's room
Did you really think you could come storming into Champa, Briggs's home, without a fight?
  Why would Briggs run away like a little baby just because this guy showed up?
Sea fighter blocking right room on third floor of caves
Leave the women and children alone. They've got nothing to do with this.
  What are they doing here? Do they mean to capture us?
Cyan-vested man shaking near Forge of Ankohl room
Aw, come on! I'm not doing anything! Leave me alone!
  Briggs is pretty tough. This guy must be a serious monster if he beat the captain...
Obaba (post-boss)
I mean it. If there's ever anything you need, just call on me. I'm always here.
  Now I've done it. I said I'd help them with anything, but I'm only good at fixing broken things...
Obaba (after giving first Trident piece)
The legend says that anyone who holds the whole lance has nothing to fear from the sea.
  All of my smithing knowledge and training was solely so that I might rebuild the legendary trident.
  I can't wait to get all three pieces and repair the ancient weapon of Ankohl.
Obaba (after giving second Trident piece)
Yes, there's no doubt about it. Those must truly be fragments of the legendary trident.
  Soon, I'll have the chance to test my skills to their fullest extent! I can hardly wait!
Obaba (after Trident of Ankohl is reforged)
The trident seems to have some amazing power... The legends must be true...
No matter what you encounter at sea, no monster can stand against you with that trident.
  All of my training was for the single purpose of reforging the ancient trident.
Cyan-vested man near Forge of Ankohl room (post-boss)
You guys don't look much like warriors, but you sure are brave to fight your way in here.
  Felix must be incredibly strong to get Briggs all worked up like that.
Babu ba bubabu...
  One of Papa's men touched a trap, and that's why Papa couldn't get all the jewels.
  Papa, I think you should tell Felix about that.
I wonder what's wrong with Briggs. He was feeling so healthy and happy.
He doesn't have a fever, and he's not coughing, but he says he's too weak to go out.
  There is absolutely nothing wrong with Briggs.
  I just know he's hiding something from me...
Once I'm over my cold, I'm setting out to get more jewels and make amends with Madra and Daila.
  I'm certain that there are even more jewels back in that cave!
  If only I'd had the chance to grab a few more before that trap blocked our way!
Girl in southeast second-floor cave room (post-boss)
Eoleo still won't come down and play with us. I'm getting really cheesed off at him.
  Eoleo is younger than I am, but he acts like he's a lot older.
Boy in southeast second-floor cave room (post-boss)
Briggs came down with a cold. I guess that means he won't be sailing for a while.
  Briggs's never been sick a day in his life. I wonder how he caught a cold now...
Purple-skirted woman in southeast second-floor cave room (post-boss)
We have so much food everywhere now!
I hope Briggs goes off soon to bring us even more jewels and treats!
  Briggs says he's sick and can't go to sea right now.
  But how can he not go? He has to make up for all of his evil deeds...
Cyan-vested man in southwest second-floor room (post-boss)
Why did you have to go and tell Obaba that we were pirates? I'll bet that really upset her.
  I just know she's going to yell at us. The waiting is the worst part. Next to the yelling.
Purple-dressed woman looking from outdoor cliff (post-boss)
When Briggs set sail, we thought we'd never see him again.
Now, all of a sudden, he shows up, and with enough food to save our town forever!
  I was just gazing out at sea, and then I saw Briggs's ship... I got all choked up.
Purple-dressed woman in first floor cave hall (post-boss)
Aren't you the ones who caught Briggs in Alhafra? You don't look it, but you're pretty tough.
  That Felix sure comes off kind of high and mighty. I hate those self-righteous types.
Northwest purple-dressed woman in first floor of caves (post-boss)
I think those guys down in the harbor wanted to come up here and join us...
All they have to do is ask, but I think they're chicken...
  All those sailors who didn't join Briggs said they didn't want to be pirates.
  Now that Briggs's going straight, they want to join him. I think they're just cowards.
Upper-left sea fighter in southeast first-floor cave room (post-boss)
We're going to wait until Briggs feels better before we go out to sea again.
  Suppose we went to get the jewels... How would we gather them, with that trap in the way?
Lower-left sea fighter in southeast first-floor cave room (post-boss)
It's all my fault. If I hadn't messed with that switch, we'd have gotten everything.
  At least we got some of the jewels before that stupid switch blocked us off.
Upper-right sea fighter in southeast first-floor cave room (post-boss)
There were plenty of treasures on that island in the middle of the sea.
If we get tired of waiting for Briggs, maybe you could come with us.
  Briggs is just pretending to be sick because he doesn't want to follow up on his promise.
Lower-right sea fighter in southeast first-floor cave room (post-boss)
We really want to make amends. We just need Briggs to get better.
  I was as shocked as the next guy that we couldn't reach those treasure chests...