Golden Sun/Side Scripts/Tolbi

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Vale) | (Vault) | (Bilibin) | (Imil) | (Kolima) | (Xian) | (Altin)
(Kalay) | (Karagol Sea) | (Tolbi) | (Lunpa) | (Suhalla) | (Lalivero)
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Tolbi (first visit)

Green merchant at Tolbi Spring
Hmm? Do you want to test your luck at Tolbi Spring?
  [Yes] Really? Well then, I'll give you the chance to go first.
  [No] Oh, you don't? Well, I'm just going to keep trying for a while.
    I keep losing coins, but I just can't stop! What's wrong with me?
Green merchant at Tolbi Spring (after answering Yes)
Ah... I guess I just don't have very much luck. How about you?
    I keep losing coins, but I just can't stop! What's wrong with me?
Southwest old woman
Can someone live to be more than 100 years old?
  [Yes] Hmmm. Still, I'm pretty sure Babi is a lot older than 100...
  [No] You could be right. But then, what about Tolbi's ruler, Babi?
  He's supposedly at least 50 years older than I am!
    What if Babi is actually a totally different person now,
    and we just don't know it?
Warrior near armory
Rats! We overslept, and now the colosseum is full!
There's nothing we can do, so we've just been wandering around Tolbi.
  I can't say anything, 'cause it sounds bad,
  but I suddenly got too scared to watch Colosso, so I overslept on purpose!
Man walking around southeast
I've decided not to fight at Colosso after all.
Have you seen the contestants? They're HUGE!
  I saw the people who are going to fight. They look so intimidating!
Boy chasing girl
Whee! It's a festival! It's the Colosso Festival!
What'll I buy with all the money Mama gave me? I can't decide!
  I'm the oldest, so I shouldn't have to share my allowance.
Girl chasing boy
Waah! She said that money was for both of us!
  Mama told us to share the money. Doesn't my brother remember?
Young man next to fountain
Tolbi's always really bustling during Colosso.
This festival only happens once a year, so I'm really excited.
  Tourists aren't the only ones who love Colosso! It's the best!
Blonde lady southwest of fountain
Colosso is held in the colosseum in the heart of Tolbi.
If we don't go right now, we won't get good seats! That won't be any fun!
  The trials are starting at the colosseum today.
  If you win there, you advance to the finals.
Old man walking near sanctum
Babi was already pretty old back about the time I was born.
I'm 65 years old now, so just imagine how old Babi must be!
  Every year, I get older and older, while Babi just stays the same.
Northwest woman
Colosso should have started today. What on earth is going on?
I saw Babi's bodyguards wandering around.
What if something's happened to our leader?
  It's not like there have been any problems lately...
  I wonder what's happened to set Babi's soldiers in motion.
Man above arch
Wow, Tolbi's festival is humongous! Just seeing all this is so exciting!
  Tolbi is not like Xian. It is very lively here!
Muscle-man behind left souvenir stand
Get your Colosso souvenirs! They make great gifts!
  We have to sell all of these Colosso souvenirs before Colosso ends.
Gray man at left souvenir stand
Children really do love souvenirs, don't they?
  [Yes] I'll bet you like them, too. Don't try to hide it! I used to love souvenirs...
  But the wife doesn't go in for that sort of thing.
  [No] Hmph! You're only saying that because your parents never bought you any!
    The stuff they're selling at the stalls along the street looks so tasty!
    If my kids buy some, I'd be able to eat too.
Boy at left souvenir stand
Waah! Buy me some sweets! I said buy me some sweets!
  Those sweets smell great. I'm not moving until you buy me some.
Woman at left souvenir stand
Be patient, little guy.
I'll buy you better sweets than those later on.
  Why do kids want such awful stuff?
  I'm not ever buying you that! No matter what!
Man behind right souvenir stand
Get your snacks and drinks before you get in the colosseum!
  They're selling these at the colosseum, too, but they're cheaper here!
Gray man at right souvenir stand
Tryouts started at the colosseum today.
I'm planning to go watch the finals.
  The trials are okay, but the finals are the real fun at Colosso.
Muscle-man underneath arch
The inns are all full, so I'm staying here.
This archway keeps the rain off of me, so it's as good as any inn.
  I've been guarding our spot, but it's not really worth it.
  I wonder if my friends will get here soon...
Great Healer at sanctum
What a waste to be stuck here when such a big festival's going on.
  I wonder how the tryouts are going... Hmmm, it's really on my mind.
Item shopkeeper
Is this your first time to Tolbi?
  [Yes] Tolbi offers many chances to powerful warriors.
  Colosso, especially, offers them a great chance.
  [No] Tolbi is a fun place, no matter how many times you visit!
  You ought to go and enjoy yourself at Colosso.
    They have some nice things for sale in Tolbi, so go shopping!
Weapon shopkeeper
You look strong... Go fight at Colosso!
Hang on! Now that I think about it, the tryouts have already started!
So, even if I wanted to fight in Colosso, it's too late to sign up?
  I guess I never would have made it to the finals anyway.
Armor shopkeeper
If you can make a name for yourself at Colosso, you might get
to become one of Babi's guards.
  Babi chooses Colosso's victors to be his soldiers because of their prowess.
Lower-left man in second floor of armory
I heard Babi is using the money he made to build a lighthouse in Gondowan.
Everyone calls it Babi Lighthouse.
  Naming the lighthouse he built after himself is a little vain, you think?
Upper-right man in second floor of armory
We're going to make some money at Colosso.
But of course, Babi always makes the most.
  He just takes a cut of all the money we earn. That's how to make money!
Inspect oven in second floor of armory
Isaac looked in the oven...
He is boiling the pasta.
It looks like he's overcooking it!
Boy in small southeast residence
Wahhh! I want to see Colosso, but no one will take me!
  I keep on crying, but Daddy still won't take me to Colosso!
Gray man in small southeast residence
I really want to see Colosso, too!
But the colosseum gets too crowded, so I'm just going to watch the finals.
  I was stubborn; I said, "I'm not going to see any of the tryouts!"
  But now, I wish I'd gone.
Blonde lady in large southeast residence
Do you want to stay with us?
  [Yes] Actually, I'm sorry, but we're already full, and I don't have room for you.
  [No] That's good... Our place is already full, anyway.
    It's too late to start looking now. They'll never find a place to stay!
    People fighting at Colosso all stay at Babi's Palace.
Young man in large southeast residence
Tolbi is packed with tourists during Colosso, so the inns are all full.
Me, I just line up some beds, and presto! I'm an innkeeper!
  Once Colosso starts, we're going to make so much money. I love this.
Orange-shirted man in large southeast residence
The crowds at the colosseum made me feel sick, so I came back!
  Huh-uh. Crowds are a definite no-no.
  Say, why wasn't Tolbi's ruler—Babi, or whatever his name is—there?
Muscle-man in large southeast residence
I couldn't sleep at all last night. The guy next to me snored the whole time!
I'm so tired... I'm just not ready for Colosso!
  If I could have slept last night, I would have had a great time at Colosso.
Lower muscle-man in northwest residence
I wonder if they really can't find Babi...
If it is true, what will happen to Colosso?
  It's strange that Babi's soldiers are hanging out all around town.
  Those bodyguards we saw were probably looking for Babi, right?
Upper muscle-man in northwest residence
Babi wasn't at Colosso according to all the spectators...
  It's strange... Babi loves Colosso, but he's not at the colosseum...
  I wonder if what that boy said is true. Could Babi be missing?
Gray man in Lucky Dice building
Is this yer first time to play Lucky Dice?
  [Yes] Once ya start playing, ya won't want to stop.
  There's no other game in all the lands that's this much fun.
  [No] Lucky Dice is all the rage in Tolbi. You can play it year-round.
    Sometimes, people who have never played Lucky Dice win the most.
    They call that beginner's luck.
Old man in Lucky Dice building
Whoa! Getting triple digits is real tough!
  Thinking won't help you win this game. When I try to think
  about how to throw the dice, I lose. Maybe I think too much.
Warrior in Lucky Dice building
Yeah. That dice game looks kinda fun.
If you can enjoy playing a game AND win prizes, why not give it a try?
  I like playing Lucky Dice, but if I'm not careful, I'll spend all my money!
Woman in Lucky Dice building
I don't want to stop playing Lucky Dice, but I can't spend anymore!
  My luck has run out for today. I better quit playing.
Pink receptionist in Lucky Dice building
Hey, buddy, wanna try yer luck at the dice?
It's [number] coin(s) to play.
  [Yes] OK! Then take the dice.
  [Yes, but with too few coins] Hey! Ya don't have enough coins! Ya gotta pay to play.
  [No] No? Oh, well. Who's next?
    Winning or losing is pure luck. I ain't cheatin' nobody.
Blond receptionist in Lucky Dice building
Read the sign if ya don't know the rules.
  The rules for Lucky Dice ain't all that hard.
  Ya can even learn 'em while ya play.
Inspect right sign in Lucky Dice building
Lucky Dice
Throw the dice on the table and try to get the same numbers.
Prizes are based on the numbers rolled and where each die lands.
The more numbers that match, the more you win.
Inspect left sign in Lucky Dice building
Lucky Dice
If two numbers match on either the dice or the table...
it's called a pair, and you don't win or lose anything.
Two pair doubles your money. Triple matches triple your money.
Four of a kind is perfect, and you win five times your bet.
Plus, if your dice come up perfect on the Perfect Bonus spot
on the table, you win an even bigger bonus!
Old woman in northeast small residence
We paid good money to rent this house during the festival, so get out!
  We get to stay here until the owners come back.
Inspect oven in northeast small residence
Isaac looked in the oven...
She's making the world-renowned Tolbi pizza.
The scent of cheese... Oh, no! Something is burning!
We're fully booked with reservations during Colosso.
You're going to have a hard time finding a place to stay now.
  The tour group is feeling cramped in their quarters.
  Maybe we should build a bigger inn for next year.
Inspect sign next to innkeeper
Inn Full
No Vacancies
Orange-haired woman in inn
I'm not very interested in Colosso. It's so barbaric.
  I have a headache just thinking about how busy these guests will make me.
Chef at inn
We aren't going to get to see any of Colosso this year.
We have to start cooking our guests' dinners first thing in the morning.
  The innkeeper told me to cook a gourmet meal, but he's asking the impossible.
  Just making enough food for so many guests is a big job unto itself.
Inspect oven in inn
Isaac looked in the oven...
It's Tolbi seafood pasta!
With lots of olive oil and basil!
Young man in lower hallway
We're so busy running the inn we can't go to Colosso. It's so boring.
  I'm going to go to the Colosso finals, no matter what!
Innkeeper's wife in northwest room
Colosso is the busiest time of year in Tolbi.
In fact, you should make reservations now for next year's Colosso.
  We can't handle too many more guests than this.
Sean in southwest room
Oh, no! We barely made it to Tolbi, and now we can't even enter Colosso.
Why did we even bother coming out to Tolbi!?
  Even though I can't enter Colosso, I stayed at the inn thinking I'll go watch.
  I've come all this way, so I may as well see what I can.
Ouranos in southwest room
If we'd gotten here just a little earlier, we could have entered Colosso.
  If we could have entered Colosso, victory would have been ours. Sheesh!
Blonde lady in northeast room
A tour group came from Kalay this year.
They only reserved two rooms, but they have so many people in them...
  There aren't enough beds for the tour group from Kalay.
  Where will they sleep?
Lucky Wheels receptionist above the inn
Step right up and try your hand at lucky wheels!
You have [number] game ticket(s), [main-character].
Would you like to use these tickets?
  [Yes] Step right up and enjoy yourself.
  [No] The rules are listed on the sign. Take a look, take a look.
    Hmm... I wonder if these kids will take all the best items...
Inspect right sign in Lucky Wheels room above the inn
Lucky Wheels Rules
Pull the lever and try to line up matching icons to win big.
You have only 5 chances to pull the lever.
Press the star to keep a wheel from spinning and match other wheels.
You get 1 line for 1 game ticket, 3 lines for 2 tickets,
5 lines for 3 tickets, and 7 lines for 4 tickets.
Use all your tickets on Lucky Wheels!
Inspect left sign in Lucky Wheels room above the inn
Lucky Wheels Prizes
Prizes are determined by which icons you match.
Shirts win undershirts, Rings win rings, Boots win boots,
Stars and Hearts win items, and Moons can win you anything.
Inspect left sign at Tolbi Spring
Face away from Tolbi Spring and toss a coin into it.
If you get lucky, something good will happen.
Inspect right sign at Tolbi Spring
If you toss a Lucky Medal and you get really lucky,
you'll get a better prize than you would with a coin.
Upper-left green merchant at Tolbi Spring
Do you have a Lucky Medal?
  [Yes] Oh, you do? How...lucky!
  That means you'll be extra lucky if you toss it in the fountain!
  [No] Hmm... If I were going to try my luck, I'd want to use a Lucky Medal.
    Why won't anyone give me a Lucky Medal?
Lower-left green merchant at Tolbi Spring
Tolbi Spring has mysterious powers.
Stand with your back to the spring, and throw a coin at the target!
  I get nervous when I toss coins backward. I wish I could face forward...
Blonde lady at Tolbi Spring
Too bad I only have one Lucky Medal.
I don't want to risk losing it if I miss, since it's my only one...
  This is a Lucky Medal, so it should be OK if I miss by a bit.
  I need all the good luck I can get.

Colosseum Entrance (first visit)

Old woman
Colosso's Lucky Guess makes the battles in the colosseum better.
  Everyone keeps risking more and more, so the prize is huge!
  If a warrior that few people picked wins, they'll win big!
I want to win big, so I put it all on a warrior no one else has picked.
  Every year, I go after a big win, knowing that it's a mistake.
  This is the one vice I can't give up.
Old man
I've been betting on the Lucky Guess for many years, but I've never won.
I'd like to hit it big just once in my life.
  I'm feeling confident this time. I'm sure I'll get it!
Purple merchant at stand
Do you know what the Lucky Guess is?
  [Yes] Entrants can't pick their own team members.
  That way, the matches won't be fixed.
  [No] It's a game where you try to guess which warrior will win the finals.
  If you hit it right, you can win fabulous prizes.
    Once the trials are over, it's going to get busy, just like every year.
East blonde lady
Sigh... The colosseum is packed with people. I'll never get in there.
  Having to arrive so early just to get into the colosseum is awful.
Young man in line
They're holding the preliminary Colosso heats right now.
The winners of the trials will advance to the finals.
  I wonder which warrior will be the one to advance to the finals?
  Oh, I can't wait!
Woman in line
If you hit it big in the Lucky Guess, you can win a pretty penny.
You have to watch the trials closely to decide who you'll root for.
  I'm going to pick the biggest, strongest warrior to win.
Gray man in line
Are you hoping to get in to see Colosso now?
  [Yes] First-timers all make that mistake.
  If you want to see Colosso, you have to get to the colosseum early.
  [No] Good choice... If you want in, you should come back early tomorrow morning.
    There are so many people who arrive late and can't get in.
    I suppose everyone will come here early tomorrow.

Babi's Palace (first visit)

Inspect well outside Babi's Palace
Isaac peered into the well...
It's filled with fresh, clean water.
Left guard outside Babi's Palace
Some of the rooms in the palace are available to Colosso entrants.
You should be thankful Lord Babi is such a gracious host.
  I wonder how many people will stay here at Babi Palace after Colosso...
Right guard outside Babi's Palace
Normally, no one's allowed into Babi's Palace, but during Colosso,
visitors are free to enter.
  Should the palace really be open to the public in such circumstances?
Old man near entrance inside
Did you run into any of Babi's soldiers in Town?
  [Yes] That means they must not have found him yet...
  [No] Hmph! I told them to search every nook and cranny of this town...
    I wonder how diligently Babi's soldiers are looking for him.
Woman in room with beds (before walking)
We have just enough extra beds in this room for everybody.
Please follow me.
  I want to watch the Colosso matches, too.
  But my job is just to encourage the warriors to do their best.
Woman in room with beds (after walking)
You may use these four beds.
Will you be going right to sleep?
  [Yes] Then, enjoy your rest.
  [No] Well, if you do get tired, feel free to sleep here anytime you like.
    I want to watch the Colosso matches, too.
    But my job is just to encourage the warriors to do their best.
Inspect bookcase in room with beds
Isaac searched the bookcase...
There's a book entitled "The Heart of the Colosso Warrior."
"Do your best! Do not bet on Lucky Guess!" ...So the book says.
Left Colosso gladiator in room with beds
Are you planning to enter Colosso?
  [Yes] You'd better leave right away, then!
  The trials are already underway. Go on to the colosseum!
  [No] So, did you guys get injured, too?
  Getting injured just before the trials begin is the worst.
    I get so angry seeing all the warriors going off to fight in Colosso.
    I hurt my back during my training, and now I can't move at all.
Shaking Colosso gladiator in room with beds
I can't fight because of a little indigestion? That's pathetic!
Maybe I can shrug off this pain in my gut... I have to enter Colosso...
It's no use! My stomach really hurts!
  Maybe I shouldn't have eaten quite so much yesterday...
Inspect shelf in room with beds
Isaac searched the shelf...
The armor looks heavy.
It looks like it belongs to one of the Colosso warriors.
Young man in left "wing"
If you're entering Colosso, hurry along to the colosseum.
But even if you leave now, you may be too late for the trials...
  Warriors are not allowed to stay in the palace if they don't enter Colosso!
Inspect shelf in left "wing"
Isaac searched the shelf...
There's nothing in there. It's completely dark inside.
There are lots of used dice rolling around.
Inspect bookcase in left "wing"
Isaac searched the bookcase...
There's a notebook that shows the records for the dice game...
Its owner seems to have lost a lot of money playing dice.
Upper-left soldier in right "wing"
Only warriors who fight well in Colosso's finals can become soldiers here.
All the warriors enter Colosso because they want to join our ranks.
  My first Colosso was so exciting!
  I bet the battles will get pretty heated this year.
Upper-right soldier in right "wing"
Babi's name is riding on the construction of his lighthouse. It's a huge
undertaking, which is why the guard around the lighthouse is so tight.
  We'd never get near the lighthouse without these passes from Iodem.
Lower-left soldier in right "wing"
Even if Lord Babi doesn't return, the campaign to build Babi Lighthouse
will go on... I won't be able to relax until we know where Babi is.
  I hear that girl is going on the next campaign. What could it mean?
Lower-right soldier in right "wing"
Lord Babi is building the lighthouse as a display of his power.
  Once the lighthouse is complete, Babi's name will live forever.
Inspect shelf in right "wing"
Isaac searched the shelf...
There's a headband.
It says... "Never give up! Go for the win!"
Inspect bookcase in right "wing"
Isaac searched the bookcase...
There's a book entitled "Become a Macho Man in Twelve Easy Steps!"
All these warriors seem to like weight training.
Old man in Babi's bedroom
It looks like Lord Babi didn't use his bed this morning.
What does it mean?
  I guess Lord Babi did not go to sleep last night.
Inspect bookcase in Babi's bedroom
Hey, it's Babi's Diary!
It reads... "This Colosso may be my last..."
Upper-left scholar in basement
Originally, there were ancient ruins at the site of Babi Lighthouse.
There's said to be an extremely long tunnel beneath those ruins.
  No one has ever reached the end of the tunnel in the ancient ruins...
  I'd sure like to know what's at the end of that tunnel.
Upper-right young scholar
No matter how many times I run the experiment, I never get the results
I want! My Alchemy skills have weakened, as Kraden warned me they would.
  Still, my experiments in Alchemy are progressing better than before.
  Maybe Kraden's research is meeting with success...
Right old scholar
It is said that long ago, the power of Alchemy was sealed away.
But why would it have been sealed away?
  Kraden's journey was meant to revive the lost art of Alchemy.
  We hope, of course, that he can explain why it had been sealed away, too.
Old man in basement with scholars
Babi makes his scholars perform all sorts of research.
I wonder where Babi's favorite scholar, Kraden, is now?
  Lord Babi expected great results from Kraden's journey.
  I wonder what he expected Kraden to learn from that research.
Lower-left scholar
Originally, the ancient Venus Ruins lay buried under Babi Lighthouse.
  The Venus Ruins are the remnants of a magnificent ancient civilization.
  The lighthouse is being built on the foundation of the Venus Ruins.
Inspect left bookcase in basement
Isaac searched the bookcase...
There's a book entitled "Encyclopedia of Ancient Ruins."
Inspect center bookcase in basement
Isaac searched the bookcase...
There's a notebook entitled "Experiments in Alchemy."
"The experiment failed again. I have tons of questions for Kraden..."
Inspect right bookcase in basement
Isaac searched the bookcase...
There's a notebook entitled "Study of the Venus Ruins."
"Many ancient civilizations still sleep in that area..."
Old man outside Sheba's room
Sheba has been staying as Lord Babi's guest for some time.
She comes from the town of Lalivero, on the Gondowan continent.
  Sheba was taken hostage to force the Laliverans to build Babi Lighthouse.
  It is heartbreaking to see her tears and hear her pleas to be released.
Old woman in Sheba's room
Sheba was revered as a child of the gods in her hometown...
But she looks like an average child to me.
  Sheba is not permitted to leave this room. Child of the gods or not,
  I do not think she could make it to Gondowan alone.
Babi is holding me hostage in order to complete his lighthouse in Lalivero.
When shall I ever be able to return to my homeland?
  Even if I escaped Babi Palace, my power could not get me to Lalivero.
  It would be impossible for me to make it through the deadly Suhalla alone.
Sheba (after being Mind Read the first time)
Did you just...
No, it is nothing.
Lower-left woman in bleachers
I've waited a whole year to see Colosso. I can't wait for the finals!
  I didn't think the battles in the trials would be so fierce...
  I can't even imagine what kind of battles the finals will have!
Lower-left man in bleachers
Go for it! That's it! I'm cheering for you, little guy!
  Even the smaller warriors can win if they have enough spirit!
Blonde lady in bleachers
Watching the trials makes me really excited. The battles are incredible!
  These trials are based on personal challenges. I get excited watching.
Gray man in bleachers
Watching such proud, skilled warriors in battle is so enchanting.
  What fantastic physiques! Why, if I were younger...
Bald man in bleachers (first interaction)
You have to make it through countless matches to reach the finals.
That warrior failed his trial, so he's disqualified here.
  No matter how good a warrior is, there's always someone who's better.
Bald man in bleachers (second interaction onward)
You have to perfect techniques like those to reach the finals.
That warrior cleared this trial, but I doubt he'll make the finals.
  No matter how good a warrior is, there's always someone who's better.

Tolbi (second visit)

Southwest old woman
Nobody else has noticed, but this year's festival seems a little long.
  No matter how I add it up, this year's festival is longer!
Warrior near armory
I overslept again, so I can't get into the colosseum!
Maybe I should buy good seats from a scalper...
  It's supposed to be free... Having to buy seats from scalpers is annoying.
Man walking around southeast
The trials were so riveting!
The finals are even more incredible. I can't wait!
  Fighting in Colosso requires a lot of power. I couldn't do it.
Boy chasing girl
Hooray! It's the finals! Seven warriors remain! Only one final winner!
  We could win big if we used our allowance to enter the Lucky Guess.
Girl chasing boy
Waah! My big brother spent all our souvenir money on Lucky Guess!
  Mama, why did you listen to my brother?
Young man next to fountain
Colosso will reach its apex any minute now.
Let's hurry to the colosseum so we can see the gladiators fighting!
  I've got to get to the colosseum...
  What'll I do if I miss the height of the battle!
Blonde lady southwest of fountain
Are you planning to watch the finals? They may have already started!
  A battle to the death with 7 strapping warriors... Oh, it's so exciting!
Old man walking near sanctum
The colosseum was so full that I couldn't get in. I only did the Lucky Guess.
  I could still buy seats from a scalper, but I hate doing that!
Northwest woman
I thought something happened to Babi...
He made an appearance at the finals, though, so I guess it was nothing.
  So why were the soldiers all distraught if nothing was wrong with Babi?
Man above arch
I have seats to the finals. They cost money. It is too much.
  They're selling finals seats right at the colosseum entrance. It's too much!
Muscle-man behind left souvenir stand
How about some Colosso souvenirs? This is your last chance! 30% off!
  We can't sell anything once the finals end. We have to sell it now!
Gray man at left souvenir stand
Children really do love souvenirs, don't they?
  [Yes] I'll bet you like them, too. Don't try to hide it! I used to love souvenirs...
  But the wife doesn't go in for that sort of thing.
  [No] Hmph! You're only saying that because your parents never bought you any!
    Once Colosso ends, our lives can go back to normal.
Boy at left souvenir stand
Waah! Buy me some sweets! I said buy me some sweets!
  Mom, you said you were all out of money, but you're not!
Woman at left souvenir stand
Be patient, little guy.
I'll buy you better sweets than those later on.
  Festivals are so expensive. My wallet's empty!
Man behind right souvenir stand
The finals are so long, it's a good idea to buy some food to take along!
  This is the final push! Anything that isn't sold will go to waste!
Gray man at right souvenir stand
My family saved me a seat at the colosseum, so I'm set.
Still, we should head to Colosso soon.
  The finals start on Babi's signal. I love that!
Muscle-man underneath arch
The finals start today. I wonder if my buddy is doing all right.
If you need a seat, buy a ticket from my buddy.
  Today is a big day for us scalpers. What do you say, buddy?
Great Healer at sanctum
If you miss the finals at Tolbi's Festival, you'll regret it.
Why don't you hurry on to the colosseum for the very moving finale.
  If you're not interested in the final battles, can we trade spots?
Item shopkeeper
They require a lot of healing herbs once the finals begin.
It just goes to show you how harsh the final battles are.
  You could say the warriors in the finals are supermen.
  They get their strength back faster than anyone I've seen.
Weapon shopkeeper
So, the Colosso finals are finally here!
Once Colosso ends, it will be our chance to make some money!
  The tourists all buy weapons and gear when they leave. It's great!
Armor shopkeeper
Hmm... Maybe I'll close the shop so I can go watch the finals.
  If Mom finds out I went to watch the finals, she's gonna ground me!
Lower-left man in second floor of armory
I heard Babi is searching for something at sea!
  Babi has been making strange references to his time approaching.
  He sounds willing to risk his life to find what he's looking for.
Upper-right man in second floor of armory
Babi apparently has some reason for building the lighthouse.
But we have no way of knowing what sort of reason that might be.
  Before he started the lighthouse, Babi sent many soldiers to sea.
  I wonder if his reason for building the lighthouse is related to the sea.
Boy in small southeast residence
Hooray! We're going to Colosso now! It's the finals!
  Since we didn't get to see the trials, we're really charged up for this!
Gray man in small southeast residence
I'm going to watch the finals now... Please come another time.
  Colosso is already at the finals!
  Hurry! You gotta see the fighting at the colosseum.
Blonde lady in large southeast residence
The festival schedule was delayed for some reason.
Thanks to that, we made more money than usual.
    So they did extend the festival? I didn't hear anything about it.
Young man in large southeast residence
So, Colosso has already reached the finals.
We have only a few more days to make some money.
  Are we making more money now that the festival is longer?
Orange-shirted man in large southeast residence
I just saw Babi, the town's ruler!
He is very energetic for someone his age, isn't he?
  The air in the colosseum is so tense when Babi's there.
Muscle-man in large southeast residence
That's strange... I wonder what happened to all my money.
  I can't afford to stay here.
  I wonder when I should tell the owner that I don't have any money.
Lower muscle-man in northwest residence
Well, I guess so, since he's in the colosseum now.
  So what were Babi's soldiers doing searching through town?
Upper muscle-man in northwest residence
Huh? Then they found him in time for the finals?
That sounds ludicrous!
  Maybe watching the trials is too much for Babi now that he's older.
Warrior in Lucky Dice building
Oh, there are always scalpers at the Colosso finals!
I think scalpers only try to cheat folks coming in from the countryside.
  There's no way poor soldiers like us can afford scalped tickets!
Old woman in northeast small residence
Here I am in Tolbi for the finals, but I'm stuck housesitting!
  If somebody else would watch the house for me, I could see the festival.
Once the finals begin, everyone tries to ditch out on work.
  I'm the one who really wants to skip work to watch the finals!
Orange-haired woman in inn
So, Colosso is ending soon... It's kind of sad.
  I don't have any particular interest in the fighting at Colosso.
  But I am a little sad the festival is going to end...
Chef at inn
The moment I hear the finals are starting, I want to go watch. Weird.
  Hasn't the master gone to Colosso yet?
  The lady must be keeping tight watch this year. It's hard to fool her.
Young man in lower hallway
The wife has a close eye on me, so I can't go see Colosso.
But if I don't soon, the finals will start without me!
  If the master slips out, the lady will be upset. That's our chance!
  What's with the master? He'd better go soon!
Innkeeper's wife in northwest room
This year I'm not letting anyone skip work for Colosso!
No one's gotten away so far...
  Once things settle down, I'm sure these folks will go to the colosseum, too.
Sean in southwest room
The Colosso finals are starting soon. Shall we go to the colosseum?
  I want to see the finals, but not all the praising of the winner.
Ouranos in southwest room
Maybe I'll do some research on the finals for next year's Colosso.
  The trial battles weren't quite like I imagined...
  It's probably a good idea to watch the finals too.
Blonde lady in northeast room
Hmm, I thought all men loved those battles.
To each their own, I suppose.
  We women are the only ones who aren't hoping to sneak out.
  But this is no joke! We'll have to do all the work if they leave!

Babi's Palace (second visit)

Left guard outside Babi's Palace
Isaac, I'd really like to thank you for saving Babi.
He is waiting for you now at the colosseum.
  Babi is a deliberate man—he wouldn't play favorites like that!
  What could these warriors possibly have that Babi wants?
Right guard outside Babi's Palace
Babi wants you to go straight to the colosseum.
Don't even bother going to the palace.
  Sure, they saved Babi, but I'm still not convinced they belong in the finals.
Old man near entrance inside
Babi's soldiers have gone to see the sights at Colosso.
They're warriors, too, so that ought to get them pumped up!
    Those guys look really confident about fighting!
    I wonder what would happen if they fought at Colosso?
Woman in room with beds
Well, if you're tired, please feel free to get some rest.
  I hope you'll all do well in the finals!
Old man in Babi's bedroom
Babi has returned and the finals are set to begin!
  When Babi returned, he headed off to the festival without even resting.
  The finals this year must have some sort of significance for him.
Old man outside Sheba's room
What's going on? Sheba is looking much happier.
I wonder what happened to make that girl smile.
  A smile on a pretty girl is much nicer than tears!
  When I see Sheba in a good mood, it makes me feel happy too!
Old woman in Sheba's room
The soldiers came to see Sheba. She's been in a great mood ever since.
Those soldiers didn't say anything that might make me smile...
  Sheba is a good girl, but she has a few quirks that are all her own.
Hmph! I wish Colosso would hurry up and end!
  I don't have the least interest in Colosso.
  But when it's over, something really good will happen.
Young man blocking colosseum tunnel
What are you doing? Hurry over to the colosseum!
  The finals are all that's left of this year's Colosso...
  I can't wait to see what kind of battles there will be!

Colosso Finals

Old man at Lucky Guess stand
Having a warrior who wasn't in the trials appear in the finals
is really going to mess things up.
  What kind of warrior is that Isaac guy who Babi chose?
Woman at Lucky Guess stand
A warrior named Isaac was selected for the finals by Babi.
Maybe I should put a little money on Babi's special warrior...
  There can be upsets in the Colosso finals, you know.
  There's no guarantee the warrior chosen by Babi will win.
Purple merchant at Lucky Guess stand
Want to try out the Lucky Guess?
  [Yes] Aren't you Isaac? The one handpicked by Babi?
    [Yes] Look, I'm sorry, but we have some rules to help keep things legit.
    Warriors who made the finals, and their team members, can't play.
    [No] You can't fool me... You fit the features I've heard about exactly!
    Sorry, but warriors who are actually fighting can't play.
  [No] Let me know if you want to play, okay?
    Once the trials are over, it's going to get busy, just like every year.
Purple merchant at Lucky Guess stand (after learning you're Isaac)
Look, I'm sorry, but we have some rules to help keep things legit.
Warriors who made the finals, and their team members, can't play.
  All of the profits from the Lucky Guess go to Babi.
  If it weren't for that, we'd make a killing!
Gray man at stairs
The colosseum is already full!
If you really want to watch, buy a ticket from those scalpers.
  Of course it's the rich who have the money to buy seats at the finals.
  They always get to have all the fun without having to work hard!
Muscle-man off to the side
Hey, hold on a second!
You want seats?
  [Yes] I've got a customer I'm talking to here!
  Catch me later.
  [No] Then, what? You got a problem? I'm busy. I don't need any distractions!
    I'm going to be in trouble if I get stuck with any unsold seats...
Old woman off to the side
I want to watch the finals from a good spot, but it costs too much!
  Maybe I will buy a seat... I don't know what to do!
Young man in line
The finals are finally here! I can't wait to see how the battles turn out!
  The real battles are about to begin at the colosseum!
  The strongest warrior will be determined by these battles.
Blonde lady in line
I heard Babi has picked some warriors for this year's finals himself!
I'm anxious to see how tough those warriors are!
  The warrior named Isaac is sure to be an incredible fighter.
  I picked Isaac in the Lucky Guess.
Bottom soldier in audience area of each round
Wait, shouldn't you decide where the best place to cheer for Isaac is?
You can cheer from up close at any stage, so it's a tough call.
  This year's finals are incredible. This atmosphere can't be beat!
Attendant for the Rock Challenge
Moving such a huge rock must be a real workout.
Attendant for the Pipeworks
There's only one final, and this is it. We're so lucky to be here for it!
Attendant for the Broken Bridge
Did you see his moves out there on that rickety bridge?
Attendant for the Lumber Water Crossing Area
How many warriors have swallowed their pain to get this chest?
Center soldier in waiting room
Are you ready for the finals? 
  [Yes] Then please wait in the eighth circle.
  [No] We'll be starting soon, so you'd better get ready fast!
Left soldier in waiting room
I feel we've been waiting forever for the finals to begin.
You know, I had this same problem at my first Colosso.
Right soldier in waiting room
When the gong sounds, the finals will begin.
Bottom soldier in waiting room
You cannot leave until the finals are over.
I am Morgan. I am the highest-ranked warrior.
I am going to win the finals! And don't you forget it!
I'm rated as the second-best, but I'll prove them wrong. The name's Azart.
Don't tell me YOU'RE the one Babi handpicked to be in the finals!?
I'm not going to lose to someone who didn't even clear the trials.
Waah! Don't frighten me!
I'm incredibly nervous. Wha? Me? I... I'm Galahad, the third-seeded fighter.
I can't wait any longer... When do we start?
...You who have come to question me... You are...Isaac?
I had closed my eyes... to focus my mind before battle.
My name is Satrage. I'm the fourth-ranked warrior.
Dekka must win the finals. Dekka. Dekka...
  [Navampa] He won't answer, no matter how much you speak to him.
  He's trying to get himself psyched up for the battle.
  The finals can't be won that easily!
I am Navampa of Gondowan, the sixth-ranked warrior.
You're the warrior Babi selected? The one they're all talking about?
I heard rumors that you were a huge, hulking man. I guess they were wrong.
I'm Buford, the seventh seed.
All who cleared the trials are powerful warriors...
This is a balanced match—anyone could win today!
Attendant for the Mini-Maze
I can't believe anybody ever gets lost in that maze...
Attendant for the Shifting Floor Stage
How do they make that floor move like that?
Attendant for the Log-Rolling Stage
I'm amazed people can actually cross the logs without falling in!
Attendant for the Wall
Boy, that bit over there must make their legs feel like rubber.
Attendant for the Board Walk
I heard Babi got the log-rolling idea from his trip to Kolima Forest.
Attendant for the Scales of Justice
The street vendors' corn on the cob looked sooo good... Oh, I'm hungry!
Attendant for the Stepping-Stone Stage
I can't see anything when I'm facing backward!
I only took this job so I could see the finals!
Attendant for the Wall Wedge
It's not very exciting work, but in my own way, I do my best.
Isn't there anyone to cheer for me?
Attendant for the Free-Climb Area
Standing for long periods of time can really wear you out...
Attendant for the Moving Sidewalk Stage
I was up all night trying to memorize these stage descriptions.
I've got 'em down pat!
Attendant for Another Log-Rolling Area
Some tourist told me I look like the guy working next door... The nerve!

Tolbi (post-Colosso)

Southwest old woman
It's so quiet! The hustle and bustle of Colosso seems like a dream!
  The calm after the storm is pretty nice too, don't you think?
Boy chasing girl
Yay! It's really easy to run with no one around.
  The main street in Tolbi is so wide open!
Girl chasing boy
Ha ha ha ha. This is fun! My big brother is being nice to me again!
  My brother was mean to me during the festival. He changed completely!
Young man next to fountain
Well, this year's Colosso has ended.
Be sure to come to Tolbi again for next year's festival, okay?
  The spectators have all left, so we have to clean. What a pain!
Blonde lady southwest of fountain
It's back to our normal quiet lives, now that Colosso is over?
Oh, man! I'm bored!
  Think how fun it would be to have Colosso all year long!
  Whew! That would be a lot of work for us!
Old man walking near sanctum
I had no luck in the Lucky Guess. Maybe next year will go better.
  Hmm... Since Colosso ended so dramatically, the Lucky Guess goes to...
  Dang. Just a bit more luck, and I could've been a very wealthy man...
Northwest woman
With all those revelers gone, the town sure feels empty...
The period right after the festival is unbearably lonesome, huh?
  Come to think of it, no ships are sailing in the Karagol, are they?
  How are all the tourists going to get home?
Muscle-man behind left souvenir stand
I'll be back to do business in Tolbi again next year.
  Every year I try to sell everything, but I always have stuff left over.
  How am I supposed to carry all this stuff home?
Man behind right souvenir stand (first interaction)
Hey there, these are leftovers, but have some!
[Game message] You got some corn. Isaac got some Corn.
Man behind right souvenir stand (subsequent interactions)
The festival was longer than usual this year, so I made more money.
I hope it's long again next year.
  How can we get home if sea monsters are blocking the crossing?
Gray man at right souvenir stand
You were in the finals, weren't you?
  [Yes] I was moved by how you were so determined, despite your size.
  [No] What? You weren't? You know, you look just like that warrior.
    All the warriors who gain fame in the finals become Babi's soldiers.
    That's why Babi's soldiers are so powerful.
Great Healer at sanctum
If the ships aren't going, why not forget heading east and enjoy Tolbi?
  You all got to see Colosso, so quit griping!
  I wanted to go, too, but I missed the whole blasted thing!
Item shopkeeper
You're Isaac, right? The one that did so well in the finals!
I'm amazed someone as skinny as you could do that well!
  Did all the warriors who fought in the finals become Babi's soldiers?
Weapon shopkeeper
Did you come all the way from Kalay?
  [Yes] It's too bad you can't go back...
  Looks like you're stuck until the road is repaired.
  [No] The people visiting from the east are all stuck at Karagol Sea Port.
    Even without the ships, I could still break even if they just fix the road.
    I would give just about anything for that to happen!
Armor shopkeeper
I wasn't able to watch the finals this year!
My mother says that a new warrior named Isaac did really well.
  I'm gonna watch the finals next year for sure!
Lower-left man in second floor of armory
There won't be many customers until next year's festival,
so I'll be traveling around selling my wares until then.
  There aren't many merchants at the lighthouse yet.
  I'm sure I can make a tidy sum there.
Upper-right man in second floor of armory
The warriors said they would rush to finish the lighthouse after Colosso.
I'd love to see it once it's finished.
  It bothers me a bit that they're building the lighthouse in Gondowan.
Boy in small southeast residence
That little guy jumped straight into battle with those huge gladiators!
It was amazing! This was the best Colosso ever!
  Daring and bravery are nice and all, but I'll leave it to the warriors.
Gray man in small southeast residence
I was so moved by this year's Colosso!
I already can't wait for next year's Colosso!
  The warriors who fought in the finals were incredible!
Blonde lady in large southeast residence
We had a lot of guests again this year.
Maybe we'll take a trip with all the money we made.
  I'd love a vacation, but where should we go?
  We can't get to Kalay, and there's nothing to see in Gondowan!
Young man in large southeast residence
Now that Colosso is over, we've closed our makeshift inn.
  Sigh... Making the beds has worn me out!
  I'm going to enjoy myself for a while with the money I made.
Lower muscle-man in northwest residence
Did you know Mt. Aleph erupted? It wreaked havoc across the land.
Maybe that's why Colosso had so few spectators this year.
  The sparkling stones that rained from the sky...
  They couldn't have been volcanic rock, could they?
Upper muscle-man in northwest residence
Maybe Aleph's eruption caused those sea monsters to appear in the Karagol.
  I'll bet the monsters were frightened by the eruption and went wild.
Gray man in northeast small residence
I rented my house to a rich family and tried to head east...
but Silk Road is blocked, and nobody's taking people across the Karagol!
  Once the ships start sailing again, I think we'll go to Kalay.
Woman in northeast small residence
The tourists are all in a fix, because the ships aren't sailing.
If we just had a few Colosso warriors, we could make it.
  I heard of a cave that leads to the Karagol's far shore somewhere.
I thought we'd have some free time once Colosso ended, but no!
The spectators from Kalay are back because they can't get back home.
  Since the ships aren't sailing, the port is full of stranded tourists.
Orange-haired woman in inn
Grrr! The chef is in a bad mood because he didn't get to see Colosso!
Taking that out on us isn't very mature!
  Hey, Chef! So what if you missed it again? Grow up, you big baby!
Chef at inn
You look like a warrior, but you were watching Colosso, right?
  [Yes] Tsk! Just watching doesn't make you any better than the next guy!
  If you're a warrior, you ought to fight next time.
  [No] Oh? Didn't even watch?
  What are you, crazy? Colosso is the best thing ever!
    Grrr! I didn't get to see any of Colosso!
    Sigh. I'm trying not to think about it, but...I get so mad, it makes me sick.
Innkeeper's wife
The spectators from the east can't go back home... It's just awful.
  Hee hee. It's great! The inns are still full even after Colosso.
Young man in lower hallway
It's busy all day, every day! I'm so busy my head is spinning!
Sheesh! I thought we'd get to take it easy after Colosso!
  Everyone is working on Babi Lighthouse, so there's no one to rebuild
  the road! Looks like the inns will be full for quite a while!
Young man in northwest room
Hey! You're the would-be warrior! Do you remember me?
  [Yes] You do? Wow! That's great!
  Neither of us can get back to Kalay... We're stuck, aren't we!
  [No] It's me! We rode the same ship from Kalay! I guess you forgot.
    That voyage across the sea was frightful! I've learned my lesson.
Blonde lady in northwest room
I got to see Colosso, so I don't care if I can't get across the Karagol.
Those warriors who fought in Colosso were incredibly built.
  No matter what happens, I'm coming to see Colosso next year for sure!
Sean in southwest room
I went to the port, but they said the ships aren't sailing, so I came back.
We made it to Tolbi with your help. Maybe we could make it back...
  I tried going to the eastern cave, but it's impossible to get through.
  It was just like the guards at the gate told us.
Ouranos in southwest room
Colosso has ended, but we still can't get across the Karagol.
Maybe they'll row us home if we agree to help out again...
  You'd think you could get through the cave east of Gondowan Passage...
  but you can't. Not unless you can lift boulders, at any rate.
Blonde lady outside northeast room (after leaving it)
Oh... Hello!
Ho hum. I'm fine. It's nothing.
  That thing I found is definitely the same as the one that man showed me.
  But he wouldn't ask me to return it, would he?
Old lady in southeast room
Once this guy gets mad, there's no controlling him.
  The crew is saying that if we all row, the ship can depart.
  My husband's pretty mad about it!
Green merchant in southeast room
Grrr! What a scam! Why won't they let the ships sail out after Colosso!?
  You're saying if we row, we can set sail? If that's a joke, it's not funny.
  Making passengers row their own cruise ship is unprecedented!
Woman in southeast room
I wonder if this really is the best room in the place.
  I'm sick of staying at this miserable inn!
  I'm willing to pay extra if I can stay at Babi Palace!
Boy in southeast room
Tolbi gets so boring once the festival ends! I wanna go home!
  If Mom had just bought me some souvenirs, this would be more fun.
Young man at Colosseum Entrance
Colosso is over and the colosseum will be closed until next year.
Since you've come all this way, take a long look at the beautiful gates!
  When the colosseum gates finally shut, that truly marks the end of Colosso.
Blonde lady at Colosseum Entrance
The colosseum is closed until next year.
If you want to look inside, you'll have to come back then.
  The fighting at this year's Colosso was incredible!
  Standing in front of this lonely gate makes me kind of sad.

Babi's Palace (post-Colosso)

Left guard outside Babi's Palace
All the warriors who stayed in the palace left when Colosso ended.
Are you folks leaving too?
  [Yes] Oh, that's too bad. I bet we could have had a good time together.
  [No] Huh? I thought for sure you'd be going, too. I guess not...
    All the heroic warriors who took part in Colosso should remain in Tolbi.
    Finding warriors like that is why Babi holds Colosso in the first place!
Right guard outside Babi's Palace
I've lost all my enthusiasm since Colosso ended.
I can't wait until next year's festival!
  The end of a festival is always the loneliest time of year.
Old man near entrance inside
Did you meet with Babi?
  [Yes] Please lend Babi your assistance.
  Babi is counting on your help.
  [No] Why aren't you going to meet with Babi to discuss things?
  He wants to talk to you before you leave.
    I haven't seen much of Babi lately. It's as if he's afraid of something.
    What in the world could frighten him?
Woman in room with beds
No one's going to sleep in this big bedroom until the next Colosso!
Even so, we still have to keep it cleaned up. I hate that!
  Would this room get very dusty if I didn't clean it all year?
  Yeah, that won't do. I guess I'll just have to tidy up.
Young man in left "wing"
So, you're all from the eastern shores of the Karagol Sea, huh?
Do you want to go back already?
  [Yes] Oh, that's too bad...that no one will set sail on the Karagol Sea, I mean.
  Why don't you let Babi take care of you until your ship sails?
  [No] You don't? That's great! Babi will be very happy to hear it.
    It would be a waste to let you leave, Isaac.
    I certainly will not tell you how to return to the east.
Upper soldier in right "wing"
The southern continent is a dangerous place. If you ever go there,
you'll know why I prefer Angara. There truly is no more peaceful land.
  I want that lighthouse finished quickly, so I can say good-bye to Gondowan.
Lower soldier in right "wing"
Now that Colosso is over, I'm going to Gondowan to build Babi Lighthouse!
  Colosso has ended, so we have to go back to building the lighthouse.
  I still don't get why Babi wants it finished so soon.
Babi in his bedroom
Sleeping a lot helps to delay the need to drink more draught.
If you find Lemuria and return with more draught, I won't have to do this.
  I wish I had met you and your companions sooner, Isaac.
  But I suppose it was not fated to be...
Old man in Babi's bedroom
Babi's face is very pale, like that of a dead man.
It's no use worrying, though. There's nothing we can do about it.
  If something happens to Babi, what will become of Tolbi?
  Just thinking about it frightens me.
Upper-left scholar in basement
Once Babi Lighthouse is complete, I'd like to move there!
I'll spend my time poring over the Venus Ruins.
  The relationship between Alchemy and the Venus Ruins seems strong.
  I'll solve the riddle of the lighthouse and show them all!
Upper-right young scholar
You folks seem to know quite a bit about Kraden, don't you?
  [Yes] We haven't heard from him in years... To think he was in your village!
  I wonder if he ever found the legendary Elemental Stars?
  [No] I'm shocked to hear no one knew he was from here.
  I wonder why Kraden never told anyone in Vale about Tolbi.
    I want to see Kraden and reveal something about Alchemy to him.
Right old scholar
Alchemy teaches that the four elements, earth, water, fire, and wind...
form the basis for everything.
You can create anything by combining those elements...
  There's got to be a good reason for calling the four Elementals...
  the Four Great Bases. If we can find out why, we might turn lead into gold!
Old man in basement with scholars
I'm sure Kraden would stop by if he ever came through here again.
Babi took very good care of Kraden...
  There must be a reason why Kraden has not returned to Tolbi.
Lower-left scholar
If the riddle of the Venus Ruins were solved, we wouldn't have to
build Babi Lighthouse. We continue to study, but we make little progress.
  What sort of unfathomable riddles are hiding in the Venus Ruins?
Old man outside Sheba's room
The girl from Lalivero is no longer here.
She has left for Lalivero with the soldiers going to Babi Lighthouse.
  It seemed only natural that Sheba should return to Lalivero...
  But who ordered it?
Old woman in Sheba's room
I am surprised Sheba was allowed to return to Lalivero like that.
At least she won't be homesick any longer.
  I am so relieved Sheba has returned to her hometown.
  But now that she's gone, I find I miss her a little.
Soldier blocking colosseum tunnel
Babi was found safe and sound, and Colosso ended without incident.
We're relieved everything went so well.
  I was hoping I'd be the one to find Babi! Oh well, it's too late now.