Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Side Scripts/Lemuria

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Daila) | (Madra) | (Alhafra) | (Garoh) | (Kibombo) | (Izumo)
(Champa) | (Lemuria) | (Shaman Village) | (Contigo) | (Prox)
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Apojii Islands

Cyan-vested man near entrance
This is Apojii, the easternmost island in the Eastern Sea!
Wherever you're from, you've come a long way. You must be here to see Gaia Falls!
  Looking over Gaia Falls really makes you feel small and insignificant.
Old woman walking near inn
I don't know what brings you to Apojii, but you'd better not be planning anything stupid.
  Apojii has so many nice sights... Gaia Falls to the east, and Aqua Island to the south.
Purple-dressed woman near northeast water
Whatever you do, don't sail out to the eastern edge of the sea...
That's where the world ends. No one knows where the falls go, but you won't come back!
  The currents near Apojii run swiftly because we're so near to Gaia Falls.
Green-dressed woman walking east
On Aqua Island, you can see the guardian moai.
Because of the moai, no one can climb the craggy mountain.
  Why would anyone build a guardian statue out on Aqua Island? What's to guard?
Green-shirted man southeast
The huge waterfall at the edge of the world is known as Gaia Falls.
  All of the ocean's water is spilling over Gaia Falls... Where does it all go?
  And more importantly, what happens when all the water's gone over the edge?
Old man near sanctum
Have you any idea what it's like living on the edge of the world? One wrong step, and down you go!
  Well, at least Gaia Falls will put an end to a few silly arguments.
  After all, if it's got an edge and you can fall off it, the world is clearly FLAT!
Cyan-vested man near Aqua Stone
If there's nothing on Aqua Island, then what are those moai guarding, anyway?
  Aqua Rock must be the secret hidden on Aqua Island. One day, I'll have to scale its peak.
Boy at beach
When they come of age, all the men of Apojii go to Aqua Island. Will I, too?
  Aqua Island is supposed to be dangerous, but that's why I want to go!
Girl at beach
Do you think if you fall off of Gaia Falls that you keep on falling forever and ever?
  I wonder where I'd be if I fell off Gaia Falls...
  I'd like to know, but I don't want to find out firsthand!
Wow! You look just like the guy who showed up in the fancy boat.
He slept for a long time... He must've had a really long trip.
  I'm sure that boat is quite comfortable...
  But no matter how nice your boat is, you can't beat sleeping in a nice, dry bed on land.
Innkeeper's wife
You guys aren't the warriors who came in that boat, are you?
  [Yes] Hmm... A while ago, some others came in a boat much like yours...
  I'm sure back on the mainland that those boats are all very popular, aren't they?
  [No] It's not nice to tease an old lady! If that's not your boat, then how did you get here?
    Those guys on the other boat must have been pretty well off...
Item shopkeeper
It'd be nice if we could import some items that our visitors would like.
  No one ships to Garapas so I wonder if wares are scarce.
  On the other hand, I suppose some wares are unique to Garapas.
Old man in northeast residence
That old Aqua Stone is supposed to be the key to getting onto Aqua Island.
  You unlock the Aqua Stone by making it damp, but splashing springwater on it won't work.
Old woman in northeast residence
He's too old to try now, but my husband used to dream of scaling Aqua Rock.
  He always wanted to climb to the peak of the mountain on Aqua Island.
  But he spent all his time studying that Aqua Stone instead. I always wondered why.
Yellow-dressed woman in sanctum
I'd love to go to the mainland. I want to go somewhere without any ocean!
  I wonder what it's like, standing in the middle of a vast ocean of grass or sand.
Green-shirted young man in sanctum
I'm sick of living on this boring island paradise!
Ah! Does thinking that make me a bad person?
  Maybe they'll take me with them if I ask for a job! I can swab a mean deck!
Great Healer in sanctum
This little island must seem quite boring to you sophisticated mainlander types.
But we have our share of hardships and trials.
  Whenever visitors come out, the islanders start to complain about their lives.
  But they don't realize that they live better here than they ever could in Osenia.
Purple-dressed woman in southeast residence
There's this guy in town who spends his time at the spring, staring at the Aqua Stone.
  I just wish he'd spend some time at home. I'm fed up with his nonsense!
Boy in southeast residence
Why does my father keep staring at that rock every day?
  I can't ever tell what kind of mood Mom and Dad are in. At least they're not fighting.
Green-shirted man in southwest residence
I absolutely refuse to let my son swim in the ocean until he is an adult.
  I sink like a rock. It always embarrasses my son to see me try to swim.
  I'm afraid he's no better than I am, but he still wants to practice and get better!
Green-dressed woman in southwest residence
The currents around Apojii are just too strong to let children swim on their own.
They're too strong for a lot of the adults, too... They can just wash a person away!
  Poor boy... His father sinks like a rock, and I know it's genetic. So he's not allowed to swim!
Girl in southwest residence
Hey, mister! Did you know that all the kids are calling you their hero?
  Wow! He swam in the ocean and survived the currents! And he's looking at me!
Boy in southwest residence
I'm not allowed to go into the ocean.
  It's stupid that I'm not allowed to swim just because Dad doesn't know how...
  Someday, I'll show him... I'll show them all!


Cyan-vested man at crossroads
Yallam doesn't get many visitors. Hasn't for a long time.
I'd love to know a little about what's going on in the outside world.
  Yepp was the one who visited the lands beyond eastern Osenia.
  Since he died, we've had no news from the outside world at all.
Purple-dressed woman at crossroads
Our master boatsman, Yepp, died. Now, all we have to remember him are the songs he wrote.
  Singing with Yepp and all the children in the village helped us remember the songs.
  It's funny how we all memorized every one of Yepp's songs.
Green-shirted man walking near inn
If Yepp were alive today, our village would be thriving. He brought us lots of work.
  Those pearls Yepp brought back from the sea were the most marvelous things I've ever seen.
  If he were still with us, Yallam wouldn't be in this terrible fix.
Yellow-capped sailor next to sanctum
Yepp was the one who taught me how to handle a boat. That was right before he died...
He'd promised to teach me how to dive for pearls... Poor Yepp. I really miss him.
  I've searched the seas from north to south, and I just can't find those pearls...
  I wonder if the pearls from his secret place are all gone...
Yellow-capped sailor near bridge
Yepp told me the only thing he could teach me was how to sail and how to sing.
  Yepp always sang such wonderful children's songs whenever he played with them.
Green-dressed woman walking southwest
Yepp found this huge bed of pearls and sold them in another town.
Then, he bought all kinds of things we needed in Yallam.
  Yepp never told any of us where he found his bed of pearls, but...
  I suspect it's somewhere near the center of the Eastern Sea. He knew that area well.
Old woman near armory
When we lost Yepp, all of Yallam practically fell to pieces.
Our blacksmith, Sunshine, is our only claim to fame now... He's the best in all the lands...
  Sunshine is a famous blacksmith... The most famous in Osenia...
Old man standing on center hill
There used to be a lot of pearl divers here in Yallam. I used to do some diving myself!
Yup... They were all younger than me, but I still gave 'em a good run for the money.
  Yepp was amazing. He could cut clean through the Sea of Time with utter ease.
  He read those waves like no other sailor on Weyard. He was a true man of the sea.
Weapon shopkeeper
If the blacksmith isn't willing to work, then how am I supposed to get fine weapons to sell?
  If Sunshine set his mind to it, he could make a lot of money! What a waste of talent...
Armor shopkeeper
If you want plain old, boring armor, have a look around.
If you're looking for some of Sunshine's work, you'll have to come back later.
  I shouldn't tell him how boring all this stuff is. I wish Sunshine would get back to work!
Item shopkeeper
If you're looking for Taopo Swamp, head west around the northern mountain range.
Sunshine sometimes goes up there by himself on long trips. It's a dangerous place.
  What does Sunshine want in Taopo Swamp?
  There's nothing up there but bugs and some odd mountain fish.
Old man in southwest cave residence
Sunshine has started complaining that he can't work lately. He blames it on the lack of rain.
  What kind of person only wants to work when it's raining?
  I know Sunshine likes to enjoy his days off, but he needs to find a better excuse not to work.
Old woman in southwest cave residence
Our blacksmith, Sunshine, makes the kinds of items you can't find anywhere else.
You wouldn't know it to look at him...or to talk to him...but he's an amazing worker...
  Sunshine's a little eccentric. He disappears into Taopo Swamp for days at a time...
Green-shirted man in south-central residence
It's been really dry the past few months. Even Taopo Swamp has dried up.
  When Taopo Swamp dries up, we're in for some serious drought problems this year.
Green-dressed woman in south-central residence
We're supposed to be right in the middle of the rainy season, but I don't see any rain...
  I can't stand this drought! How long is the weather going to be like this?
Cyan-vested man in southeast residence
Yepp had three different songs he used to sing. Each song was about a different situation.
  The songs are supposed to mean something, but none of the other kids knows what...
Purple-dressed woman in southeast residence
Do you like children's songs?
  [Yes] Hmmm... Well, I don't care for them so much, myself.
  I mean, the lyrics make no sense! ...And that stupid dance we have to do when we sing!!
  [No] Yeah, you're totally right. I just hate those songs.
  One of these days, I'll write one, and it'll be so much better than this!
    I wonder why Yepp wanted the children to learn those songs he used to sing...
It's a bit strange trying to run an inn in a city that never gets tourists, isn't it?
Well, sometimes, the locals like to stay here. It's like a little vacation for them, I guess.
  Yallam was always such a poor town. We had to work hard just to break even.
Innkeeper's wife
Taopo Swamp has dried up, and now it's inaccessible.
What's worse, with no water, we can no longer get any more delicious Yallam mountain fish.
  There weren't a lot of mountain fish after the swamp dried up. We probably won't catch many.
Great Healer in sanctum
Even out in these far-off shores, people need the services and hope I bring.
I am grateful merely to have the chance to bring them some small relief.
  Once, this was a thriving village. Now, I look around, and I only see abject poverty and despair.
Sunshine (while lying idly)
If it's not raining, I can't get into Taopo Swamp.
And if I can't get to Taopo, then I can't get the stuff I need to work, so there's no point!
Sunshine's wife (while standing idly)
This? This is the blacksmith Sunshine's smithy, the best forge in Weyard!
But Sunshine's not taking any jobs right now.
  Sunshine's a pretty stubborn guy. If he says he isn't going to work, then he's not gonna work.
Cyan-vested man in Sunshine's smithy (while standing idly)
Dad's not doing any work right now, but I'm making some basic things for the villagers.
Maybe someday, I'll be able to smith unique weapons, like my dad. That's why I keep practicing!
  Everyone thinks Dad is stubborn, but he's not...
  He's a true artist, and so what if he gets a little temperamental from time to time?
Inspect "oven" in smithy
Felix looked in the oven...
The steel resting in the flames is glowing bright red.
This must be where they forge sharp items.
Sunshine (after material is given)
I can't wait to see what I'm going to wind up making with this...
It's funny, but I never know until I actually start working! I'm sure you'll be happy with it!
  It's been a long time since I've been able to work. I'm so excited! What should I make?
Sunshine's wife (after material is given)
It takes our Sunshine a long time to finish the items he works on.
Maybe you could just...wait a little while before coming to pick it up...
  What happened to Sunshine? He's so happy, and he just talks about work all the time!
Cyan-vested man in Sunshine's smithy (after material is given)
It's so weird, but something really inspired my father to work! He's beaming with joy!
  Now that my dad's working again, I have to watch his every move to see what I can learn from him.
Sunshine (when item is ready)
My wife has the item I made you. She can give it to you.
Running girl at playground
There's a game that goes along with the song, but it's tough. I want to play something else.
  I once heard that children's songs and stories have hidden meanings.
  I wonder if Yepp has hidden anything in his songs...
Running boy at playground
Running around in circles here while singing one of Yepp's songs is pretty tough.
  There's a lot of stuff to remember for each song. It's tough to play without making any mistakes.
Standing girl at playground
Yepp wrote all of his children's songs while he was out here in his own private space.
  The story is that all these objects around here were brought here by Yepp long, long ago.
  If you look around, you'll see that everything was arranged in accordance with his songs...
Standing boy at playground
Do you want to hear one of the songs Yepp wrote?
  [Yes] [Full song sequence takes place]
  [No] This is where all the kids in Yallam come to play...
  Nobody complains when we play around out here...
    Yepp's songs are a lot of fun, because he made this game that goes along with them...

Islets throughout the Eastern Sea

Great Healer at E Tundaria Islet
I am here to tend to any travelers who come to this place.
  May these travelers' journey end in peace and safety...
Green-shirted young man walking at E Tundaria Islet
My mom says there's this strange tower on the northern cape of Tundaria.
  Who in Weyard would have built a tower in the middle of that frozen nowhere?
Pengus at E Tundaria Islet
Pen pen!
  My darling Pengulina hurt her leg on the far shore and can't swim back.
  Somebody, please... Help her!
Old man inside at E Tundaria Islet
Used to be, you could sail to the other side of Gondowan by skirting the coast of Tundaria.
Now, the whole area's got these rocky spires... You just can't work a boat around 'em.
  Tundaria is the southernmost continent in Weyard. I hear that if you head east far enough...
  There's an incredible waterfall at the edge of the Easten Sea. It sounds like hokum to me.
Old woman inside at E Tundaria Islet
You must be cold, dressed in those thin clothes... Come warm yourselves by the fire...
  Around here, it doesn't matter what season it is... It's always the cold season.
  I can't even go outside without first covering myself in fur.
Inspect oven inside at E Tundaria Islet
Felix looked in the oven...
There's fish I've never seen before gently simmering there.
I wonder what this foul soup could possibly taste like... I'm not sure I want to find out.
Pengulina (before being pushed)
Pen pen pehnnn!
  Ohh... My leg... I can't get back to my dearest Pengus...
Pengus (after Pengulina is pushed)
Pen pen.
  I'm so happy my lovely little Pengulina is all right.
Pengulina (after being pushed)
Pen pen.
  I'm so glad to be back on this side again, with my precious Pengus.
Pengus (chasing Pengulina)
Pen pen pen...
  There is nothing better than spending a day playing in the snow with my pretty Pengulina.
Pengulina (being chased)
Pen pen pehnnnn.
  Pengus is pretty pleasant, and I like that he likes me...
  But he's always chasing me around! I feel like I'm being smothered...and I don't like it!
Left muscle-man at SE Angara Islet
We like this island. A lot... That's why we're here... Because we like it.
We sure aren't looking for Treasure Isle! Nope!
  [Right muscle-man] What are you saying!? Idiot!
  Don't listen to that guy. He didn't say anything about Treasure Isle. Nothing at all.
    [Left muscle-man] Look, we're busy... We can't talk now... Catch us some other time...
      If we're supposed to be partners in this crazy treasure hunt, why am I the one doing all the cooking?
Right muscle-man at SE Angara Islet
The Eastern Sea is huge, even if you don't add the Sea of Time, which I guess you've got to do.
You don't look like much of a sailor. You're not a treasure hunter, are you?
Because you won't find any in the waters around here, let me tell you!
  Sure, there are legends about how there's treasure hidden north of the Sea of Time.
  But have WE found any? I just hope it's not on the sea-floor! What would we do then?
Red bird at SE Angara Islet (without Pretty Stone)
Chirp chirp!
  I love feeling fancy! I want a really fancy accessory to make me feel extra fancy!
Red bird at SE Angara Islet (with Pretty Stone)
Chirp chirp!
  Oh my! That stone you have! It's divine! Simply divine!
  I must have it! MUST! I'll give you my very fancy neckerchief for that fancy stone of yours!
    [Game message] Felix traded his stone for the very fancy neckerchief. Felix got a Red Cloth.
Red bird at SE Angara Islet (after being given Pretty Stone)
Chirp chirp!
  What do you think? Don't I look fancy? I sure feel fancy! And that's all that matters!
  But I think this looks fabulous on me! I love fancy accessories!
Man at N Osenia Islet
The Sea of Time... A massive bank of fog that lies over the sea... All sailors fear it, and rightly so!
I don't know if I'll ever make it through, but I'm certain my son will do it someday.
  I remember once, an entire fleet of ships entered the Sea of Time. They vanished into the mists.
  Every last one of the vessels was destroyed by the currents.
Green-shirted young man at N Osenia Islet
I just want to know what's on the other side of that sea of fog...
No one has ever crossed through it, but one day, I just know I'll do it!
  Dad and Grandpa haven't been able to cross the Sea of Time. They're so old now...
  I will be the one to make their dreams come true.
Old man inside at N Osenia Islet
When you enter the sea of fog... enter the currents from the direction of the red rocks.
Then, your ship won't be destroyed. But that's all I know. And it might not even be right!
  I didn't really discover the secret of the red rocks...
  It was Yepp, the great explorer from Yallam, who told me. I should fess up.
Old woman inside at N Osenia Islet
Ours is sad lineage...
Three generations of sons have sworn their lives to trying to pass through the sea of fog.
  And just what will happen once they get through the sea of fog? I wish they would just give up.
Blue-dressed woman inside at N Osenia Islet
Sailors tell of terrible currents and vortexes that can tear a boat to shreds in the Sea of Time.
  Once, long ago, my husband entered the Sea of Time without being destroyed.
  The whirlpools spun him around, and he got so dizzy he couldn't stand. I wonder if he remembers.
Cow at N Osenia Islet (without Red Cloth)
Moo! Moo!
  I've been feeling so low lately... I long to feel the utter joy of...something.
  I just don't know what.
Cow at N Osenia Islet (with Red Cloth)
Moo! Moo!
  Oh! That red neckerchief is quite nice indeed. That would lift my spirits.
  This really brightens my mooood!
    [Game message] Felix tied the neckerchief to the tree.
      Are you giving that lovely thing to moooooi?
        [Yes] That's so kind of you! I should repay you! Have some milk!
          [Game message] Felix got some Milk.
        [No] I'm sorry to hear that. Come see me if you don't want it anymore.
Cow at N Osenia Islet (after being given Red Cloth)
Moo! Moo!
  Yup. A nice, red neckerchief will never steer you wrong!
Right boy at West Indra Islet
My pop's the best sailor in all the Eastern Sea!
That's why he can go anywhere, even in that tiny boat of his!
  I can't wait until Dad teaches me how to sail...
Left boy at West Indra Islet
You're lucky, mister. You get to ride your boat out on the open sea all you want...
My dad'll be done with his boat soon, and together, we'll be able to sail anywhere we want...
  I can't wait until the day I can sail far away with Dad and Kirt...
Man at West Indra Islet
Ever since the tidal wave moved Indra, we haven't been able to go to Gondowan's western shores.
  The waterways north of Tundaria would have been the perfect place to teach my sons to sail...
Blue-dressed woman inside at West Indra Islet
Did you know Indra moved? It was quite a shock to all of us here...
We haven't been able to use the waterways to the south ever since.
  I'm so grateful our little island wasn't damaged in the tidal wave... It was a miracle.
Dog at West Indra Islet (without Milk)
Arff! Arff!
  The water here is so salty! I wish someone would bring me something tasty to drink.
Dog at West Indra Islet (with Milk)
Arff! Arff!
  Sniff! Sniff! I smell fresh milk!
  Hah hah hah! Are you going to give me that milk? Are you? Huh? Huh!?
  I'll trade you this for it! I caught it myself!
    [Game message] Felix traded his milk for the dog's turtle! Felix got a Li'l Turtle.
Dog at West Indra Islet (after being given Milk)
Arff! Arff!
  I don't like to waste. I'll just take little tiny laps.
Dog at West Indra Islet (after returning to screen)
Arff! Arff!
  I don't want to waste, so I'm just taking little laps.
Old man outdoors at Sea of Time Islet
You used to be able to dive into the ocean and find all sorts of treasure in the reefs.
I liked to think all that stuff was a gift from the deep... A gift for me!
  I remember how we used to dredge up treasure by looking for shadows in the reefs...
Old man indoors at Sea of Time Islet
The temperature of the ocean has been rising. The waters are hottest at the Sea of Time.
I sure hope Poseidon hasn't surfaced again! He was once a king, but now, he's a monster!
  Long ago, Poseidon ruled over all the oceans as the one true king of the sea.
  Legends say the only way to defeat him is to stab him with a trident...
Turtle at Sea of Time Islet (without Li'l Turtle)
  I'm so very...very lonely. I could sure use a friend.
Turtle at Sea of Time Islet (with Li'l Turtle)
  I'm so very sad and lonely. I wish I had a friend to call my own...
  Hey! You've got an itty-bitty turtle tot, don't you?
  Why don't you set that li'l guy free with me?
    [Yes] Oh! You're really going to let me take care of your li'l turtle?
    At long last, I have a friend! Lonesome George I am no more! I'm so happy!
    I don't have much to offer in return, but I can show you... my secret spot.
    Hop on my back!
    And we're off!
    Well, here we are.
    When you want to go back to the island, just let me know.
    [No] No? Oh... Then lonely I shall stay. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me.
Turtle at Sea of Time Islet (at Islet Cave)
  You all set to go back to the island?
    [Yes] Then back we go!
    Here we are!
    If you want to go to my secret spot again, just let me know.
    [No] Take your time! I don't like to rush...
Turtle at Sea of Time Islet (after being given Li'l Turtle)
  Want to go to my secret spot again?
    [Yes] Then hop on my back!
    And we're off!
    Well, here we are.
    When you want to go back to the island, just let me know.
    [No] Anytime you want me to take you to my secret spot, just say the word.


Kraden (when returning to ship early)
Lost already, Felix? That's the way to the boat dock! You can't want to return already!
We've only just gotten to Lemuria. We can't leave yet! There's still so much to see!
Male near entrance
I cannot remember the last time we had visitors in Lemuria. Not in a great while, certainly.
  More of the same, today and every day. Nothing around here ever changes.
Female near Spring of Lemuria
Lemuria has no disease, no war... Anyone who saw it would think it a paradise.
And yet...all who come to our city seek to leave soon after arriving. I, too, wish to leave.
  I haven't been surprised in ages. I don't know what I'd do if something happened.
Male southeast of Spring of Lemuria
In Lemuria, we do not grow old. It must seem quite odd to those from the outside world.
  I've aged so slowly, I no longer fear death, but at the same time, I have no motivation at all.
Cat at graveyard
Meow... Mrrrfle...
  No one in Lemuria feels any passion for anything. They're lazier than a cat in a sunbeam.
Male in front of Spring of Lemuria
Do you wish to test your luck at the Spring of Lemuria?
  [Yes] Go ahead. Test your luck! 
  [No] Well, then, I'll just take a turn...
  If you change your mind, let me know, and I will give you a chance.
    No one is luckier than him who believes in his luck and has friends who believe in him.
Male having moved southwest of Spring of Lemuria
You look like you're in for a spell of good luck.
After all, your aura glows brightly about you!
  No one is luckier than him who believes in his luck and has friends who believe in him.
Male at southeast edge of Spring of Lemuria
Drinking from this spring restores vigor and vitality! Want a sip?
  These turtles have lived in the spring forever... It must be the water that does it...
Male at southwest edge of Spring of Lemuria (main screen of Spring)
If you face away from the spring, toss in a coin, and land it in the target, good fortune will come.
You've traveled a long way to be here. You should give it a try.
  I'd love to test my luck, but I've used up all my coins. Maybe I'll take one out of the spring!
Female at east edge of Spring of Lemuria (main screen of Spring)
I remember an outsider who came to Lemuria and then spent days testing his luck at the spring!
  He had such a good time, he said he was going to build a spring like this in his hometown.
Inspect left sign of Spring of Lemuria (main screen of Spring)
Felix read the sign:
The Spring of Lemuria
Face away and toss in a coin to test your luck.
Inspect right sign of Spring of Lemuria (main screen of Spring)
Felix read the sign:
The Spring of Lemuria
Toss in a Lucky Medal to improve your luck.
Kraden (when trying to leave palace courtyard early)
Where are you going, Felix? Let's take a longer look around!
Dog in palace courtyard
Woof! ...rrrrrROOF!
  There's so much treasure buried here that you could dig almost anywhere and find something...
  So why doesn't anybody here dig?
Left guard blocking palace
The king is holding counsel with Lord Conservato right now.
It might be a while before you can see him.
  How much longer will Conservato be in there? They've been talking for ages now.
Right guard blocking palace
The king will be thrilled to hear his trusted Piers has returned.
  I had heard Piers was back, but I didn't believe it until now...
  You seem much more confident, Piers. Everyone has been noticing it.
Female north of Spring of Lemuria
Life never changes here in Lemuria. It can get rather dull, you'll find.
  Sometimes, I think the buildings fall apart faster than we age.
Male northwest of Spring of Lemuria
I ought to feel surprised to see outsiders here, but I can't remember how to be surprised.
  Long ago, a man named Lunpa drifted to our island. That was quite a surprise.
  Someone else came with him, but he fled so quickly. What was his name again?
Female east of Spring of Lemuria
How old am I again? I quit counting after I turned two hundred, and that was long ago.
  King Hydros is far older even than I am... How old is he?
Boy running south of Senate
It has been many, many years since a new child was born in Lemuria.
Lemurians love children, but they only remain children for such a short time.
  Everyone spoils me so much... I don't ever want to grow up!
  But in another 20 or 30 years, I will be an adult. Oh well. At least it's some kind of change.
Girl running south of Senate
We are the only children in Lemuria. I often wish there were other children to play with.
  Are there other children in the lands beyond the Sea of Time? Are there other people?
Chicken near Lunpa's house
  If it weren't for the people in the castle, the Lemurians would probably let themselves starve.
Cow south of Lunpa's house
  Lemurians are so lazy that they make me look like a dynamo. And they live so long!
Male in residence northeast of fountain
I have never been outside of Lemuria. I don't know what the rest of the world is like.
If there weren't laws prohibiting us from leaving, I would be gone in an instant.
  Who knows what wonders lie across the Sea of Time... I'd love to know, but...
  I can't stand places with little culture and no advanced civilization.
Female in residence northeast of fountain
Now that Piers has returned, maybe he'll share his tales of the outside world with me.
  The senate passed the law that prohibits us from leaving...
  But Piers was carried out to sea by the tidal wave. He can't be blamed for that...
Inspect sign outside Senate building
House of the Senate
Right senator in Senate hall
Are you the warriors from beyond the Sea of Time who returned with Piers?
  [Yes] What can you uncivilized louts hope to bring to Lemuria?
  [No] Only savages and barbarians are wont to tell lies when confronted with uncomfortable situations.
    What does Hydros think will happen if he sets Alchemy loose on the world again!?
Right senator in Senate hall (when first attempted to be Mind Read)
Was that some form of Psynergy?
  [Yes] Ho ho ho! We Lemurians are masters of Psynergy all! Your powers are not special here.
  [No] No? Curious. But it does not matter. Lemurians are masters of Psynergy. It is of no import.
Left senator in Senate hall
Come what may, I cannot approve of anyone setting Alchemy loose on the world.
  All of the members of the senate must remain opposed to breaking the seal.
  As long as we remain united, King Hydros cannot take any action to complete his plan.
Upper-left senator in left room
Has Lemuria fallen into decay, I ask you!? Nay!
Only by casting aside Alchemy has the world been saved from itself!
  Certainly, Lemuria has lost some of the splendor that once filled its streets.
  But to think that Alchemy could restore this is madness itself!
Upper-right senator in left room
And now, rumors abound of a group of fools who are actually attempting to restore Alchemy.
It is only because Alchemy was sealed away that the world has enjoyed this lasting peace.
  If Alchemy were loosed upon the world, people would fight again to control the Stone of Sages.
  Alchemy must remain sealed away, if for no other reason than to avoid this strife.
Lower-right senator in left room
Long ago, the power of Alchemy was abused in ways that might bring about the end of the world.
Because it was sealed away, the king claims, the world has begun to wither and decay.
  Ever since Alchemy was sealed, time itself has seemed frozen.
  In my mind's eye, I do not see anyone who will go along with the king's plan.
Senator in right room
Do you seek to know more about the draughts that provide us with such longevity?
  [Yes] Once, Lemurians bottled special draughts to leave here and travel through Weyard...
  A man named Babi stole the remainder of our precious draughts and fled Lemuria.
  [No] Then I shall tell you this: So long as we drink of the Lemurian Spring, we live long.
  We no longer leave our home, so we have no need to make our draughts of old.
    Even though we no longer prepare the draught, the water of our spring sustains us...
Piers' uncle in his residence
Are you the travelers that came here with Piers?
  [Yes] [Cutscene takes place]
  [No] No? Ah, interesting. I wonder when Piers will come to see me.
    I was—what is the word?—surprised when I heard Piers had returned.
    I hope that I get to see him soon.
Piers' uncle (after Piers leaves party)
I am so relieved that Piers has returned to me alive.
He is the last of my relatives. Without him, I would be alone.
  Poor Piers... Being born in Lemuria and gifted with long life...
  Only to lose his father in his youth and his mother now. He faces many long years of loneliness.
Piers' uncle (after sending bird to Lunpa)
Go to Lunpa's tower. He will see you.
  Lunpa has given the king tremendous aid on this matter. He will have much to tell them.
Piers at cemetery
  Mother... Why have you left me...
Inspect left bookshelf in Lunpa's house
Felix searched the bookcase...
There's a book called "The Great Adventures of Lunpa." ...Written by Lunpa, no less.
"When the great flood came, we fled our homes by boat. Waves engulfed our ships.
"We came to in a strange land called Lemuria."
Inspect right bookshelf in Lunpa's house
Felix searched the bookcase...
I found a letter from Babi. On the outside, it reads, "To my dear friend Lunpa."
Babi wrote, "Forgive me, Lunpa, but I must leave the island without you."
Left guard outside palace (after meeting Lunpa)
King Hydros awaits you. You are free to enter.
  They are clearly using Psynergy, which makes them Adepts...
  But are they so important that His Highness must make time for them right away?
Right guard outside palace (after meeting Lunpa)
His Highness, the king, has instructed that we let you pass. You are welcome here.
  What does His Highness have in mind? Piers, his friends, and Lunpa are all here.
Female in palace's hall near entrance
If you seek the counsel of His Highness, the king, follow this passage to the doors at the end.
  Oh, dear! Using Psynergy in the palace of the good King Hydros!? What ill-mannered buffoons!
Male in palace's hall on red carpet
His Highness never leaves a meeting with Conservato in a good mood. Good luck.
  His Highness, the king, is most temperamental, which is a rare trait in Lemurians.
  Lord Conservato is calm and collected, like a true Lemurian.
Female on stairs to palace's second floor
Conservato and the king were yelling so loudly that I could hear them from out here.
  Lord Conservato only raises his voice when he speaks with the king.
  Their debates frighten me. I can't stand the yelling.
Male in left library
King Hydros is the wisest of all the Lemurian kings...
But I understand why Conservato and his senate oppose the king's plans.
  His Highness is worried that Lemuria will wither away. What a ridiculous notion!
Inspect upper-left bookcase in library
Felix searched the bookcase...
Here's a book called "The History of Lemuria."
An excerpt: "Only traces of the once-brilliant land of Lemuria remain today."
Inspect upper-central bookcase in library
Here's a book called "Elemental Lighthouses."
It reads, "The beacons of the four elemental lighthouses brighten the fringes of Weyard."
Inspect upper-right bookcase in library
Felix searched the bookcase...
Here's a book called "The Great Lemurian People."
"The chosen master of water will be a native son of Lemuria." 
Inspect lower-left bookcase in library
Felix searched the bookcase...
Here's a book called "Alchemy and Ancient Civilization: Part I."
"Through the use of Alchemy, civilization undergoes great growth and improvement."
Inspect lower-right bookcase in library
Felix searched the bookcase...
Here's a book called "Alchemy and Ancient Civilization: Part II."
"Those who master Alchemy shall master the world." 
Inspect wardrobe in right room in palace
Felix peeked into the wardrobe...
What in—!!!
What's with all these bathrobes?!? Where are the baths?
Male at second floor near the two staircases
He is still in chambers with Lord Conservato. Why is he granting them entrance?
  Lord Conservato holds the most power in Lemuria after the king.
  I don't think he'll take kindly to the advice of outworlders like these.
Female on palace balcony
The senate holds King Hydros in poor regard because he favors Lunpa's wisdom over their own.
  I trust the king. If His Majesty is wrong, the fault lies with Lunpa, not with him.
Inspect bookcase in Hydros' bedroom
Felix searched the bookcase...
Here's a book called "The Diary of Hydros."
"Piers is most definitely still alive. I pray for his safe return."
Hydros in palace (after palace meeting)
Do not listen to Conservato. We cannot let the world wither and die.
Go, brave Adepts! By your hands, may the remaining lighthouses burn bright once more!
  My people may not desire change, but I cannot let that stop me.
  I do this not for myself, but for all those yet to be born throughout Weyard.
Lunpa in palace (after palace meeting)
You must sail to the Western Sea. Do not worry about Lemuria. Ignite the elemental beacons.
Conservato lacks the conviction to discuss these matters with the people of Lemuria.
  His Majesty has come to this decision on his own, without the counsel of his advisors.
  This is why I must remain by his side and support his decision.
Soldier at throne room's entrance (after palace meeting)
I think I overheard something I shouldn't have... I'll forget everything.
  The actions of King Hydros are treasonous. They betray the will of his people.
Male at second floor near the two staircases (after palace meeting)
Lord Conservato seemed very angry. Maybe that's why he called for a senate meeting.
  The senate's reports usually tend to influence the popular opinion in Lemuria.
  I'll bet that is a constant annoyance to the king...
Female on palace balcony (after palace meeting)
If you and Lunpa were all to leave Lemuria, I think we'd have peace and quiet here again.
  I know why Lemuria ended all its dealings with the outside world...
  Lemurians want peace. We desire no change.
Female on stairs to palace's second floor (after palace meeting)
Today, His Highness and Lord Conservato were arguing more loudly than ever before!
  What will happen to us? Will Lord Conservato be able to stop the king's plans?
Male in palace's hall on red carpet (after palace meeting)
Maybe once you have left, the king and Conservato will come to an accord.
  Whenever outsiders arrive in Lemuria, it means trouble.
  Piers has done nothing but stir up trouble by bringing them here.
Female in palace's hall near entrance (after palace meeting)
Both Lord Conservato and the king want peace for us, so why must they fight all the time?
  The king's leadership is too progressive... It's as though he invites opposition.
  Of course he doesn't get along with the senate. It's their duty to protect the laws of old!
Male in left library (after palace meeting)
If Hydros plans to unleash Alchemy upon the world again, then I am against it.
  As long as I can live in peace, I am happy. I suppose that is a sign of growing old...
Left guard outside palace (after palace meeting)
I've never seen Lord Conservato so angry before...
  I'm sure the senate has something to say about this. What's going on around here?
Right guard outside palace (after palace meeting)
Lord Conservato has ordered us to prevent you from leaving the island...
But I cannot see why he would do something like that.
  How could Lord Conservato expect someone like me to believe that King Hydros...
  Would order Piers to destroy the world?
Inspect senate building's shut door
The door is locked... It sounds as if there's a raucous caucus going on inside...