Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Side Scripts/Izumo

From Golden Sun Universe

These pages compile almost all incidental NPC dialogue, both spoken and accessed with Mind Read, that exist separately from the "main cutscenes" in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. This can be used as a reference to more easily look up all optional gossip at each settlement in the game without painstakingly talking to each NPC and casting the Mind Read Psynergy on them. Some technically optional dialogue the player is very likely to read is omitted. All text in italics is conveyed through Mind Read.

(Daila) | (Madra) | (Alhafra) | (Garoh) | (Kibombo) | (Izumo)
(Champa) | (Lemuria) | (Shaman Village) | (Contigo) | (Prox)
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Izumo (first visit)

Young man near entrance
We've had a lot of trouble here in Izumo lately.
I don't want to scare you, should leave, and fast. Right now. Seriously. Run.
  The Great Serpent of Mikage has awakened... What does it all mean?
  That dragon is the guardian of the island, so why is it treating us so cruelly?
Man near general store
Lady Uzume doesn't want to sacrifice Kushinada.
But that's the only way to appease the serpent...
  I'm sure that kindhearted Lady Uzume doesn't want to sacrifice anyone.
Woman walking near elevated platform
Susa's going to try to kill the serpent and save his beloved Kushinada. He's so fearless!
  What if losing Kushinada makes Susa return to his wild ways? I hope he fights the serpent...
  If he loses, at least he won't have to bear living without Kushinada.
Young woman near elevated platform (Okuni)
My name's Okuni. I'm a great dancer... Except I don't feel much like dancing these days.
  I'm not going to be sacrificed, but that doesn't mean I'm happy.
  My dear friend Kushinada doesn't deserve this, either...
Boy near small southeast residence
The daughters of the family in that home requested that we use a lottery to choose the victims.
  Kushinada's always had bad luck at games of chance. I'll bet those girls were counting on it.
Southeast old woman
Choosing the next sacrifice by lottery seems such a harsh method.
I am far too old to understand the ideas of these modern times. They seem far too extreme.
  Sacrifices as great as this should not be determined by chance alone...
Girl walking near stone steps
A brave warrior will appear to defeat the serpent by the next full moon...
It's just a legend, though. No one believes that. No one.
  Why won't anybody listen to Lady Uzume?
  They've always trusted her, at least up until now...
Old man right of bridge
As a child, Susa was as wild as could be and brought his elder sibling, Lady Uzume, much strife.
Kushinada is the one who tamed his wild ways. Of course, no one wants to see her sacrificed.
  Lady Uzume loves her brother dearly... I'm sure she'd take Kushinada's place if she could.
Young man near northeast ring of earth pillars
See this ring of giant stones? They've been here for ages. No one knows who put them here.
See how they make this beautiful circle? Except for that one, right?
  [Yes] Susa moved it... He didn't even use his hands. He surely holds the secrets to a great power.
  [No] You're...not terribly observant, are you?
    Why does Lady Uzume have me guarding these ruins? What a waste of time...
Left young man guarding northwest building
Even if Susa tried to rescue Kushinada, she wouldn't just run away with him.
I think she still believes that a hero will appear and defeat the serpent. That must be it.
  Lady Uzume says that a hero would appear, but I don't know... There's no hero coming...
  If Susa came running past me with Kushinada, I wouldn't stop them.
Right young man guarding northwest building
Yeah, Susa came through here on his way to save Kushinada.
The jerk knocked me flat and just kept on going... He was totally wild...
  You know, I can't stand Susa, but I understand how he feels. Kushinada's a really sweet girl.
Of course, I knew the legend of the great serpent... Everyone does! But I didn't believe it!
Sacrificing a young girl to the serpent year after year? It's too cruel to be true!
  Things like this are really going to hurt the inn... We get few enough travelers as it is!
Innkeeper's wife
If I were younger, I might have been the sacrifice... Ahh... It's so horrible!
  What does that serpent plan on doing with those young women?
  Surely, it doesn't intend to marry all of them!
General shopkeeper
Izumo's leaders have always possessed certain special powers. Always.
And let me tell you, the combined power of Susa and Lady Uzume is stunning to see.
  The power that Lady Uzume and Susa possess comes from their ancestors.
  It cannot be learned, and it cannot be imitated.
Man in general store
One day, Kushinada put on a display of power so great that it almost rivaled Susa's!
It's such a shame... I really wanted to see how strong she might have become.
  It was the day those bright rocks fell from the sky... That's when Kushinada gained her powers.
Leftmost old man in southeast building
I can't find my dagger... I had it earlier... Where did it—I wonder if Susa...
  According to legend, that's the only thing that can put the serpent back to sleep.
  As for the dagger... I'll bet Susa's planning on using it to save Kushinada.
Second old man from the left
A while back, a volcano erupted on the mainland. We saw brilliant flashes of light to the west.
The great dragon awoke shortly afterward. It caused a terrible panic through the island.
  I wonder if all the recent disasters aroused the dragon from his slumber on the mountain.
Third old man from the left
That Dragonsbane seems to have put the serpent under... but for how long?
  The serpent will drink as much Dragonsbane as it can find, right down to the last drop.
  Nobody knows why they like it so much, considering how much it weakens them...
  It must be like catnip to them.
Rightmost old man in southeast building
What I want to know is, what caused our legendary guardian to awaken?
  The serpent is only supposed to awaken if the island is in grave danger.
  I wonder what calamity is going to befall us...
Left old woman in southeast building
The serpent can't stand sunlight, so it only shows up in the village at night. Just as the legend says.
  There's no way to get sunlight into the serpent's cave on Mt. Mikage. Just no way...
Right old woman in southeast building
I am old, and I've had enough of this world. Why wouldn't I make a good sacrifice for the dragon?
  Our guardian serpent is really just a dragon. Why do dragons always want maiden sacrifices?
Lower woman in southeast small residence
If Lady Uzume's name had been drawn in the lottery, would she have been the next sacrifice?
  Lady Uzume's been able to focus on governing Izumo lately. I think it's because Susa's calmed down.
Center woman in southeast small residence
Okuni, Kushinada, and Lady Uzume all drew in the lottery to choose the next sacrifice with us...
I can't believe we drew Kushinada. Is that chance? Fate? I guess you never know...
  Susa's been so sad all the time, ever since Kushinada was named the next sacrifice.
  I never liked the old, wild Susa, but he's so different now. Maybe I can be his new girlfriend.
Upper woman in southeast small residence
I'm so relieved that I'm not this year's sacrifice, but what happens next year?
  I only suggested this lottery idea because I didn't want to be sacrificed.
  It looks like Kushinada really does have bad luck, like everyone says...
Lower girl in sanctum
When I get older, I might have to be a sacrifice, too... ...What's a sacrifice?
  Nobody wants to be a sacrifice, so a sacrifice must be something pretty scary.
Upper girl in sanctum
*Sniff* How could we sacrifice our beloved Kushinada? It's not fair!
  I don't want the serpent of Mt. Mikage to eat Kushinada. Oh, won't somebody help her?
Great Healer in sanctum
Why would our guardian spirit demand a sacrifice? It's inexcusable!
A true guardian would never require such a cruel tribute.
  If only I possessed the power to prevent this from happening. Please grant me strength...
Left drumming old man in Uzume's house
The serpent ate all our food and vanished into the darkness. It ruined the festival.
  Before the serpent ate all our food, it was a terror to behold...
  But afterwards? He wasn't so bad.
  No doubt about it, that serpent sure knows good food when he eats it.
Right drumming old man in Uzume's house
The serpent lives on Mt. Mikage. In our tongue, its original name meant "the undying mountain."
As long as the serpent lives on its peak, I doubt the serpent will ever die, either.
  Legend has it that Mt. Mikage is enshrouded by a mysterious power.
  I wonder if that's the source of the serpent's eternal life.
Left dancing woman in Uzume's house
There's no point dancing if Okuni's not here...
  Okuni's such a great dancer. It's just so much more fun when she's here to dance with us.
Right dancing woman in Uzume's house
The serpent attacked the town one night during a festival.
It didn't leave until it had eaten all of the food we'd prepared for our feast...
  The serpent would eat up anything we put in front of it! Its hunger knows no bounds.
Uzume in her house
Susa's not here. I believe he went to Mt. Mikage.
He believes he can save Kushinada, and so he has gone to fight the serpent.
He truly believes he can defeat the Great Serpent of Mikage.
It's all for naught, though, as a hero will certainly appear and destroy the great serpent.
If the serpent defeats Susa, I' alone.
  I pray that our guardian's anger is not aroused and that Susa will be protected...
Kushinada (when approached the first time)
Susa, don't come for me...
If I see you, I'll surely lose the courage to sacrifice myself for Izumo.
If I run, Lady Uzume and all of Izumo will suffer greatly... Please... Don't come for me.
Lady Uzume has foretold the coming of a hero, and I believe her...
And so I shall remain here, until the coming of the next full moon...and the hero.
Kushinada (when approached on subsequent occasions)
Susa, please... Don't try to save me.

Gaia Rock

Susa in Serpent's chamber (when first approached)
Who are you? How did you get here?
Only Uzume, Kushinada, and I possess the ability to come here.
Never mind. I don't have time to talk. I have my hands full getting the serpent to drink this.
Once it's groggy, that's when I'll strike...
If you understand, then get out of my way. Stand over there.
Susa (while bringing casks to the Serpent)
If you understand, then get out of my way. Stand over there.
  How many casks does it take to weaken this stupid serpent?
Susa (if obstructed from bringing casks to the Serpent)
Move out of the way there.
Inspect bowl in front of Serpent
Felix checked on the ground...
The cups are overflowing with a river of Dragonsbane.
Upon losing to the Serpent
[Susa] You! You cannot fight the serpent! Not while it's still in full possession of its senses!
Susa in Serpent's chamber (when approached later)
At last... The serpent has finally had its fill. This is the chance I'd hoped for.
I will defeat you before the next full moon and rescue Kushinada myself!
All right, you so-called guardian! Let's see what you've got!
That's weird... It didn't even react...
Feeding the serpent Dragonsbane isn't weakening it enough for me to beat it!
Susa lying near Serpent
I'm done for... That dragon has finished me off...
  Who do they think they are? I'm the only one who can save Kushinada.
Inspect the Serpent's petrified body
The serpent, with its eyes closed, looks almost alive.
Susa lying outside entrance
If you're going to Izumo, tell my sister that I'm still alive.
  I really got worked over, but as long as Kushinada's safe, it was worth it.

Izumo (post-Gaia Rock)

Young man near entrance
Those screams from Mt. Mikage... They must have come from the serpent.
That means Susa must have saved Kushinada!
  I had always thought Susa was nothing but a troublemaker, but he's proven himself a hero now!
Young woman left of general store
We're planning a festival to celebrate the end of the serpent's reign of terror!
Lady Uzume is paying for the whole thing, so bring your dancin' feet!
  This celebration will rival the one that woke the serpent in the first place!
Man in front of general store
Susa has changed so much from the wild youth we once feared. He's saved our village.
  It's odd to think that so many in the village once despised Susa...
Southeast old woman
Susa has grown so much to fight for his beloved Kushinada so gallantly.
  All the girls must be so relieved now that that awful lottery has been ended forever.
Boy outside small southeast residence
Susa has put the serpent back to rest, but not everyone seems happy...
  Everyone's been wondering why the serpent wanted a sacrifice... Was he lonely?
Woman walking right of southeast residence
Kushinada has been spared? I'm thrilled beyond words! She did not deserve such a fate...
  Kushinada is such a sweet girl. She should never have been chosen in the lottery.
Girl walking above southeast residence
Lady Uzume predicted that a great hero would appear to save Kushinada.
Nobody thought that hero would be Susa!
  So...Susa really was as much of a hero as Lady Uzume claimed... How disappointing.
Lower-left dancing woman
Dancing like this is pure bliss.
  A dragon, a hero, a damsel in distress... That's got all the makings for a fairy tale...
Lower-right dancing old man
The serpent taught us one thing: Celebrate while you can, but keep your eyes open!
  That Susa used my dagger to defeat the serpent.
  He would never have won if not for my dagger! And he gets all the credit!
Right dancing woman
Everyone says that Susa is the one to thank for returning peace to our small village.
  Susa said the serpent wasn't all that tough... He makes quite a dashing hero!
Upper-right dancing old woman
Lady Uzume and the others aren't really blood relatives. Does that surprise you?
  [Yes] Well, they do possess a power no one else has... Maybe that means they are siblings after all.
  [No] I'm just glad that Lady Uzume used her powers for the good of us all.
    As long as we have Lady Uzume, Kushinada, and Susa here, Izumo will be safe.
Upper-left dancing woman
I wonder if there's someone out there who would sacrifice his life for me. Will I ever find him?
  All anyone talks about is how Susa risked his life to save Kushinada. I'm so jealous...
Left dancing old man
Our island is safe at last! It's time for us to celebrate and enjoy ourselves again!
  Dancing is good for the soul!
  Oooog... But too much dizzy.
Drumming old man on platform
We may never know what was responsible for waking the serpent from its slumber...
  We need to figure out what woke the serpent... After the festival, maybe...
Old man right of bridge
I've heard people saying that Susa had the help of other heroes... Are you they?
  What would make anyone want to race up Mt. Mikage and into the serpent's lair?
Young man near northeast ring of earth pillars
See this ring of giant stones? They've been here for ages. No one knows who put them here.
See how they make this beautiful circle? Except for that one, right?
  [Yes] Susa moved it... He didn't even use his hands. He surely holds the secrets to a great power.
  [No] You're...not terribly observant, are you?
    Why does Lady Uzume have me guarding these ruins? What a waste of time...
Left young man guarding northwest building
Did you hear how Susa defeated the serpent and rescued Kushinada?
How come she doesn't seem any happier now that she's free?
  Kushinada must be upset that Susa defied his sister and risked his life for her.
  She worries about him so much.
Right young man guarding northwest building
If you're looking for Kushinada, Lady Uzume escorted her to the mansion.
Now that Susa has defeated the serpent, Kushinada is no longer being held as a sacrifice.
  Lady Uzume and Kushinada are as close as sisters. It must be nice...
Briggs, from Champa, hasn't been by selling much fish lately, so our menu's suffered.
  If Briggs's ship doesn't come soon, we won't be able to get any seafood.
  Until then, all we'll have to eat is freshwater fish.
Innkeeper's wife
As Lady Uzume foretold, the serpent was defeated without returning to our village.
  I understand now! I had no idea why we were preparing all those barrels.
  If not for those barrels, the serpent just might have destroyed all of Izumo Village.
General shopkeeper
You must see many wonderful things traveling across the Eastern Sea.
How I'd love to travel like you and see such wonders.
  I'd love to travel the Great Eastern Sea and get things I can't find here on the island.
Man in general store
My goods are among the best on the island.
I'm sure there are things the people on the mainland would love to have.
  This may be a small island, but our craftsmanship is as good as anything on the mainland.
  It may seem impossible now, but one day I'll be trading with the shops in all the big cities.
Lower girl in sanctum
If you're a sacrifice, that means you have to marry the dragon, right?
I'd hate to think what it must be like, cooking for a creature that big.
  That dragon wanted a new wife each and every year! He must really like girls.
Upper girl in sanctum
Now that the serpent's been defeated, we don't have to sacrifice anyone!
  Maybe now, Kushinada can come out and play. What should we do, though?
Great Healer in sanctum
Now that peace has been restored, our island is flourishing once more.
And I am most pleased that we had no need of any sacrifices!
  I thank the powers that be that I was not chosen as a sacrifice.
I'm sure you know the villagers believe I beat the serpent. Don't let me take all the glory!
  I'm no hero, but that shouldn't stop anyone from treating me like one.
Someday, Susa and I will have a son, and we will name him Takeru.
When he goes to sleep at night, I will tell him the story of your great deeds and your quest.
  If Felix's descendants are ever in trouble, our Takeru will rush to their aid.
If you have time, won't you enjoy a little of our celebratory festival?
Uzume (after giving Dancing Idol)
With this dancing doll, I can explore Mt. Mikage on my own. Take care, Felix.
Uzume (when attempted to be Mind Read)
And what were you planning to do, once you'd read my mind, hm?
Felix, you read my mind earlier, too, didn't you?
You can't read my mind, but if there is something you want to know, I shall tell you.
Uzume (when attempted to be Mind Read again)
Trying again, Felix? What a pest.
You can see my mind, but you are incapable of peering into my heart.
Left old man in Uzume's house
Lady Uzume has grown quite fond of this odd creature she found... She's taken it as a pet.
  I heard that Lady Uzume's pet sometimesi disappears into thin air...
  Sound a little bit like that cat I had when I was little.
Right old man in Uzume's house
Lady Uzume's new pet affects her powers in weird ways. It doesn't do anything to us...
  I don't know what it means that Lady Uzume's pet increases her power...
  But these kids have seen a lot of things I've never seen. Maybe they understand...
Left woman in Uzume's house
They've been saying that you went into Mt. Mikage, too... Is that true?
  [Yes] There's a legend about a doll of mysterious power hidden somewhere in the mountain.
  I'm sure Lady Uzume would by very pleased if you were to find it for her.
  [No] Oh... There's an old legend about a dancing doll that has strange powers hidden up there.
  Lady Uzume really wants that doll. Maybe Susa will find it and bring it back for her...
    Why does Lady Uzume want that dancing doll so badly?
Right woman in Uzume's house
Supposedly, the doll has the power to move the statues that block light inside the mountain.
  I wonder what sort of dance the doll does.
  I'd love to see what it looked like someday.