
From Golden Sun Universe
Cybele image

Cybele is a Summon sequence of the Venus element. When three Djinn of the Venus Element are on standby, the Cybele Summon sequence can be activated. It resembles a large orange amphibian with a beard and a pair of trees growing from its head drop down and spit out some seeds that grow into a mass of long vines that entangle the enemy and carry it up offscreen for a moment. Then the vines dissipate and the enemies fall back down to earth.

Cybele has a base Venus power of 120 and also does additional damage equivalent to 9% of the enemy’s maximum HP. Cybele is the first truly useful Venus summon sequence. It is twice as powerful as Ramses and uses only 1.5 times the amount of Djinn on standby. It can be very effective in the boss fight against the Killer Ape in Mogall Forest, where the third Venus Djinni necessary to use Cybele can be found right beforehand.

Cultural Allusions

Origin: Phrygia

Cybele was a Phrygian earth mother goddess who was adapted into Greek and Roman mythology. Unlike the Golden Sun games, she is depicted in art as a human woman, not as an animal.

Summon sequences
Venus Starter: VenusRamsesCybeleJudgment
Collectable: ZaganHauresCrystalluxCharon
Mars Starter: MarsKirinTiamatMeteor
Collectable: MegaeraUlyssesDaedalusIris
Jupiter Starter: JupiterAtalantaProcneThor
Collectable: FloraEclipseCatastrophe
Mercury Starter: MercuryNereidNeptuneBoreas
Collectable: MolochCoatlicueAzul